View Full Version : Self-training (open)
Yulis Romanov
Jun 14th, 2004, 01:51:28 PM
Yulis had made up his mind to start training himself. After waking up and having breakfast, he went out into one of the gardens. Yulis figured that since the gardens are full of living things, it would be a good place to start sensing. He picked a spotted in the middle of a grove of trees and sat down on the ground, cross legged.
He remembered what the manuel said and took a deep breath. After controling his breathing, Yulis closed his eyes and just sat there. Reaching out gently Yulis felt a little tingle inside his mind. He concentrated on that sensation and stretched out toward it with his mind. Using it as hands, he reached toward part of the brain and tried to get a grip on it.
Yulis sat there for a few hours trying to reach that tingle, but to him it seemed like only minutes. With sweat on his face and all over his body, he was finally close. Almost instantly, a curtain was lifted, or a closed door was open. The darkness he was searching through was suddenly filled with bright light and Yulis heart skipped a beat. He held his breath as an awesome sensation corsed through his entire body.
As the light dimmed, other doors had opened. Yulis had the sensation of floated and it seemed like he was in the middle of a vast river. However, unlike rivers made from water, this river was made of pure energy. "So this must be the force." Yulis mouthed while still mostly unconsious.
He felt the river hit him and bounce off, as with water, it went around him since he was solid matter. Remembering the teachings in the manuel he opened himself up more and soon his body was no longer solid. The Force entered him at the speed of light and the sensation was too much to handle. Yulis's body lost all senses and he fell back as his mind darkened again.
Yulis Romanov
Jun 15th, 2004, 02:24:15 PM
Yulis awoke half an hour later, on his back and in the grass. At first he didn't know where he was, but it all came to him. He started to remember what had happened and as he remembered he could feel things around him. Every living thing in the garden was talking to him and bombarding him with the force. All this was too much and it was causing Yulis to develope a slight headache that was getting worse.
He closed his eyes and started to concentrate, blocking most of it out, and letting in what he needed. He was learning to control the force and mold it to his needs, as the texts instructed. Yulis smiled as he could sense objects. He formed a sort of bubbled around himself and started to push it out. It started to come naturally to him, as if he knew how to do it. As he pushed out, he could feel the trees and the different animals, one at a time. He would also see them in his mind and recognize them. In the distance he could even feel students and people running around and training.
Opening his eyes once more, Yulis smiled. He had done it, he had actually felt something that he couldn't see. He had tapped into something he never knew existed, and he had reinforced his thoughts that he could do anything he set his mind to.
Rognan Dar
Jun 17th, 2004, 11:33:28 PM
Rognan was out, calmly looking from a datapad to the doors in the Living Quarters. He was searching for a specific one. Yulis Romanov's room was the one he was looking for. Rognan had been asked to take on the new recruit to the Order. Rog was happy to take on a padawan. And since he was searching for one, and this one seemed right for him, what else was there to do but take him. But finding the room for this lad was proving to be difficult. With so many halls and rooms it was quite easy to lose yourself. After a good time of looking he finally found the door he was looking for. Putting the datapad away Rognan knocked on the door and waited for a reply. There was none. He knocked again, still nothing. He closed his eyes and stretched out with the force and found no one in the room.
Rognan turned around and started walking back the way he came. Yulis must be out site seeing. What Rog thought at first was difficult only got worse. There was any number of places to go in this place. It could take him hours to find him. Yet, this did not stop him. So, with this new task at hand, he started to jog to make better time. Then it hit him, he didn't even know what this kid looked like. So with greater haste rog ran to the security office and asked them about any holovid they might have that could help him.
After searching the holovid for twenty minutes he found what he was looking for. He thanked the officers and ran to the garden. There wasn't any cameras out here so he didn't know directly where he lad was. Slighty out of breath, Rognan found the kid he had been looking for sitting calmly on the grass. He walked up to the boy and asked, trying not to sound like he had been running around,
"Would you be Yulis Romanov?"
Yulis Romanov
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:30:20 AM
Yulis had just started to focus on sensing again when he felt Rog walking up to him. At first it was a tingle and then a shadow form materialized. As Yulis concentrated, that shadow turned into a descriptive figure. Yulis looked at the robes of the man and his mind instantly realized that this was a real life jedi.
Yulis's eyes flew open and he turned stood up. He turned slowly, not knowing how to act and what to do. He wanted to be gracious and was honored by the presence of this master of the force. Yulis kept his head lowered and looked at the ground, "Yes, I am him, Master Jedi." He responded to the man's question.
Rognan Dar
Jun 19th, 2004, 09:15:54 PM
Rognan was a little shocked at seeing such honor be given to him. He had not yet seen such an actions be given to himself, since it had only been a short while ago that he was once a padawan.
"Would you care to join me?" he said as he walking over to a bench and sat down, trying to relax after his eventful morning. "I have...surtian things I wish to discuss with you."
Redic Scott
Jun 19th, 2004, 10:13:17 PM
Yulis smiled and nodded, "I would be honored to join you Master Jedi."
He slowly walked over and sat on the bench, his feet barely touching the ground as he sat all the way back. "I am listening." The boy said as he turned to look at Rog.
Rognan Dar
Jun 19th, 2004, 10:23:34 PM
Well, here it is. This is the time were you step up to the plate and hit the ball off into Knightnood.
"Tell me, Yulis, why is it that you have come to the Jedi Order? Your young and have so much to look forward to, yet you have come here. What is it that you want here?"
Yulis Romanov
Jun 19th, 2004, 10:33:46 PM
Yulis listened and looked down. "I came here to learn the skills I would need in order to find my parents. I was also hoping to regain my lost memories. Most of all though, I wish to use my gifts for the good of the galaxy. I have read about the jedi order and about all the good deeds you do for the galaxy. I admire what you stand for and I want to be a part of that brotherhood. I have never really had a family, but I feel inside that I really belong here, among the jedi."
Yulis looked up into the sky and sighed, "I know that I have a gift and I can't let it go to waste. This is my calling, I know it. I want to go good in this galaxy. Over the mouths of living on my own, I have seen so much pain and hate. There are people hurting people all over and I wish to stop that from happening. I just want to do my part for the galaxy."
He looked back at the jedi, "May I ask why you joined the jedi, Master Jedi."
Rognan Dar
Jun 19th, 2004, 10:43:48 PM
"You may indeed. I came here, looking for very much same thing you are. It was not so much coming here, though, as leaving my homeworld. I could have very well stayed where I was and I would never have came here. But because I was different then many kids back then, I felt so alone, so different that I didn't even know if I was the same race as them. Yet, being so young I ran from home looking for some place that would except me for my...special abilities. It was because of that that I came here."
Rognan looked off into the trees, seeing a shadow sitting in one of them watching them. He did not comment on it because he knew who it was but the time was not right for it.
"It is not common in younger people to want to help in the ways you say. At your age, they are going through some stages in their life that they can hardly get their minds of themselves.
I'm sorry to hear that you dont know where your family is. Do you know anything about them?"
Yulis Romanov
Jun 20th, 2004, 09:59:53 AM
Yulis listened to the story and couldn't help but feel sorry for the Jedi. It would be horrible going through all that. Maybe he, himself, ran away from something like that, Yulis thought. One day he would find out.
The boy turned toward Rog and smiled, "I guess being alone makes you grow up quickly. I think I have seen more than most people see in their lifetimes. The places I have been in don't take kindly to kids, so they forced me to grow up in a hurry."
Yulis paused to think about his family, but nothing came to mind, except for one thing. Yulis reached up and touched a small cylinder hanging from his neck. "All I have is this." He pointed to it. As he touched it and held it up, a small holo inside it started to appear and turn. The holo was of two people, one woman and one man, both were smiling. On the back of the cylinder was an inscription.."With love from Mom and Dad, We'll always be proud of you."
Rognan Dar
Jun 21st, 2004, 10:45:23 PM
Rognan inspected the trinket before sitting back with a sigh.
"It is unfortunate that you have lost them. You have gone through some hard times. And ones that you say you have grown from. Growth is good in a person. But having to grow up with such troubles can be unsettling. It could even cause problems later in life."
Yulis Romanov
Jun 23rd, 2004, 12:40:57 PM
Yulis looked down at his feet and thought for a moment. He then shrugged and said, "I guess we'll have to deal with that when we get there, wont we?"
Rognan Dar
Jun 24th, 2004, 09:49:47 PM
"Yes. Its just that I want you to keep this in mind when you are in training. You may be able to push back memories of trouble...but when you fill yourself with the force and meditate, random thoughts can resurface and cause you to stray down a dark path."
Rognan paused for a moment, reflecting on his own advice. He then continued in a more cherful attitude.
"The main reason I called you here is to talk to you about your training. So far you are without a teacher, correct? Well, that has changed. The council has instructed and honored me with being your teacher of the force and the ways of the Jedi."
Yulis Romanov
Jun 25th, 2004, 01:17:32 PM
Yulis smiled at the last part of the statement and looked at Rog, "You mean I now have a master to train me and we can start? Thank you so much, I have waited for this moment. When can we get started?"
Yulis was really excited and he was ready to start learning.
Rognan Dar
Jun 25th, 2004, 10:23:33 PM
"Well, we could start at anytime I guess. Heh, but I'm not ready to start teaching. I've not yet decided on what to do first. I felt it would be best to just meet first and then we go from there. What is it that you want to learn. I see that you have been doing quite a bit of reading," he said pointing to the datapad. "Surely you must have read something that you want to learn?"
Yulis Romanov
Jun 27th, 2004, 09:45:59 AM
Yulis nodded and thought for a moment, "Yes, I have been reading a lot and I think I should start working on my jumping and running, with the force assisting me. I also wish to work on enchancing my senses."
Rognan Dar
Jun 27th, 2004, 07:40:47 PM
"Alright. That gives me a good starting point to work on. Now, with that done, I must go. I'll contact you about when we are going to start your training. But for now I have other matters to attend to."
Yulis Romanov
Jun 29th, 2004, 09:16:14 PM
Yulis got up and bowed. "| will wait for you master."
With that jedi gone, Yulis went to get some food and from there to his room.
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