View Full Version : A Chance Needing to Prove Oneself (Council, Alex)

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 14th, 2004, 12:38:30 PM
Navaria waited outside the Council Chambers for Alex to arrive. It had been a few days since she had brought the young man to the Order. In that time he had acclimated himself with a new room and have met some of the other Padawans. As far as the Knight knew, he was acclimating rather well. Coming from down below the lower levels of Coruscant, to a room that was his own had to be an easy adjustment.

It was if he could cut it as a Jedi that worried Navaria. He was brash and easily angered because of his past. That could be controlled but it would take a lot of effort and patience on both of their parts to accomplish this. Alex had agreed to do what was necessary. He truly wanted to make something better of himself. Now all she needed was the rest of Council's approval.

She hoped they would agree with her assessment of Alex.

Jun 25th, 2004, 03:33:11 AM
Alex was nervous. Really nervous. He was about to meet with people powerful enough to decide the course of his future. Either he would begin to train as a Jedi, or he would be denied. If he was denied...I don't want to go back. Not to the lower levels. I don't want to go back. I don't want to go...

He looked up. Navaria was there, waiting. It was now or never. He took a deep breath, and walked over as calmly as he could. "Master Tarkin," he said softly, as politely as his mouth would allow him to. Master Tarkin? Is that the right thing to say? I probably sound like an idiot...

He half froze, not knowing what to do, or what to say. Manners and politeness were all new to him. Jedi life seemed filled with traditions and rules that he didn't understand. "I...um...hi." He smiled weakly.

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 25th, 2004, 08:49:49 PM
Wei could hear a small commotion outside the Council chamber as he reviewed the long list of business items the Council was to go over that day.

"No rest for the weary," he muttered to himself.

The most recent order of business was to be brought up by the man's very own teacher, Navaria Tarkin. Wei raised an eyebrow as he read the small synopsis of what was to be discussed.

"So, she's found a Jedi hopeful. He must be some kind of a special case for him to come to the Council as opposed to the normal registration methods."

The Jedi Knight paused a moment and laid back in his seat, slouching and tilting his head so his chin rested on his chest. He spent that small moment basking in the peace afforded him by the Force before opening his eyes.

"Let's get 'er done," he said.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 30th, 2004, 03:45:23 PM
She placed a hand upon his shoulder, "Relax Alex. I know this may seem overwhelming, but you have nothing to fear. Just be yourself and be honest if the Council asks any questions, no matter what."

It was important for Navaria to be certain that Alex was on the correct path. His path was clouded by the Dark Side, his anger and sadness controlling his fate. The Knight needed to be certain that she was right in bringing him here to the Temple to train as a Jedi.

"Do you have anything to ask of me before we go inside?"

Jul 1st, 2004, 01:34:07 PM
Alex looked down at the floor, willing his nerves to go on a coffee-break. But they just wouldn't go. He shook his head slowly. "N-no...lets just end the waiting."

He straightened up, hoping that an external appearence of confidence would rub off on his insides. He looked up at Navaria, with a slight smile, and a determined nod. "I am ready."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 5th, 2004, 03:50:41 PM
She nodded and removed her hand to open the Council Room doors, "Then follow me."

The Knight led Alex inside and walked to the council members present for this discussion. Navaria bowed in respect to her peers before speaking, "Greetings and thank you for seeing me today. I know this is rather out of the ordinary but I wanted to make sure that I was correct in taking Alex as my new Padawan."

Navaria motioned to Alex who was standing behind her, "I found him while I was in one of the various shopping districts. He had stolen someone's purse and I had stopped him, realizing that he had used the Force to get away from the authorities. Upon speaking further with him, I came to know that his life has been nothing but one theft after another. His mind is filled with much anger and resentment from his old life but does wish to pursue a life of a Jedi. To find a purpose that fills him with a life of dedicated to helping others instead of taking from them.

But, his path is clouded. I've come before you to see if you will come to the same conclusion as I that his path belongs with us."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 9th, 2004, 10:06:28 PM
Wei paused a moment. He had never known Nav's judgement to be wrong. Having been taught by Navaria, Wei knew she would be a good influence on the boy.

"Alex, why do you steal?" Wei asked. The man's voice held a curious tone, entirely without harshness.

Jul 10th, 2004, 06:42:55 AM
"I steal...I mean I..." his voice trailed off. He took a deep breath. The temple was huge, and the Jedi Masters watched him. Don't be afraid, he thought to himself.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he sought for the right words. "I used to steal. I stole to survive. It was everything I knew. My family abandoned me. Left me to die in the streets. Thieves found me...raised me." His eyes fell, uncontrollable shame welling up inside him. "I stole, because no one told me it was wrong."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 10th, 2004, 07:45:16 PM
Wei shrugged. "Well you can't very well be punished for something you didn't know was wrong. But it is evident now that I've seen you that you know better and regret what you have done. That's better than you serving any sentence."

Wei leaned forward and pressed his palms together. "So, Alex, looking back on your life, if you could do one thing differently, what would it be?"

Jul 11th, 2004, 04:39:01 AM
Alex thought. There were so many things in his past he longed to change. There were so many things that he regretted, and longed to forget, but they still stayed with him.

He thought back. What was the reason? What was the cause? What one thing that, if it had been different, would have changed the course of his life? Simple. His abandonment.

He thought again. If he hadn't been abandoned, he would not be here. Every second of his past had led him, step by step, to this place. To the Jedi. Regardless of regrets, bad choices, wrong decisions, every action had led him here. If he changed anything...who knows how different it could be.

He looked up, and met Wei's eyes, a slight smile forming on his lips. "I would have chosen a slightly softer place to land when Master Tarkin stopped me in the mall."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 11th, 2004, 06:36:22 PM
Navaria had taken a step back as Wei talked with Alex. It was easy to hide the amused expression on her face, but Wei could clearly see it. She had sensed the acceptance of his past, hopefully her former student could feel that too.

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 15th, 2004, 06:58:51 PM
"Is that right?" he asked incredulously. "Well, I'm glad to see you have such a sense of humor."

A smile had found its way onto Wei's face. The Knight ran a hand over his face and the smile was smaller.

"So, knowing that, how can you help others to--as you put it--find a softer place to land?"

The term became much broader now. It meant more than merely choosing a spot on the ground that was not as hard as the others. Wei was curious to see Alex's response.

Jul 16th, 2004, 03:31:21 AM
Alex' expression sunk into one of deep contemplation. Were Jedi always this cryptic? If they were, he wished very hard that he didn't need to ask one for directions to the bathroom in an emergency.

Pushing all other thoughts aside, he focused on the question at hand. It was tough...confusing. For him, a loner for 17 years, thinking about doing anything that didn't directly benifit number one...it was an alien concept to him. One he was learning to get used to, but still an alien one.

He looked at Wei, his face still riddled with confusion. "I...I don't know." His eyes dropped, and he rested his elbow in the palm of the other hand, biting his index finger between his teeth, and flicking his tongue across the first fold as he thought. "I guess," he said, letting the hand fall away, "I can just be there. To look out for people. Watch their backs. Support them. Care for them...regardless of who they are." He looked back towards Wei. "Keeping with the analogy...I could break their fall."

Wei Wu Wei
Jul 16th, 2004, 02:02:54 PM
Wei smiled. "I'm glad you're being honest with me. You'll soon find plenty of ways to care for people as you do it more and more."

Wei glanced at Nav and smiled. "I think Master Tarkin has found a good person to take as a Padawan. You'll find, Alex, that she is a good teacher."

Wei chuckled. "This I know from experience. She was my teacher once. Good luck, Alex. Feel free to come to your teacher or any Knight or Master when you have questions. "

Jul 16th, 2004, 02:36:48 PM
Alex blinked, a little surprised. That was it? All those nerves, all the aprehension...he needn't have worried. He smiled back a little. "Thank you. I..."

Then it dawned on him. This was it. He was accepted. He was a Padawan. A Jedi Padawan. He'd found a home. A family. Friends. He smiled a little more. "Thank you."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2004, 08:58:07 PM
She placed a hand upon his shoulder, motioning him to turn around to look at her, "I told you. All you needed was to be calm and speak the truth."

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 17th, 2004, 07:20:01 AM
From his seat, Dasquian smiled. It had taken a little while, but the Padawan had finally realized what needed to be said and done. “Welcome to the Jedi Order, Alex. Good luck in your training – you are in the best of hands.”

Jul 18th, 2004, 07:05:51 AM
Alex smiled. "Thank you, Master Belargic," he said with a slight bow.

He turned back to Navaria, still grinning. "Um...Master Tarkin?" He looked down at the clothes he was wearing. "Are there any Padawan robes or something I can get? Only, its been so long, I don't actually remember the last time I changed." He blushed slightly, but his grin didn't falter. "This orange jacket isn't exactly at the height of Jedi fashion."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 18th, 2004, 08:33:25 PM
"Of course," she turned towards her collegues and bowed. "Thank you for your time. I'll make sure Alex is taken care of. Come no," Navaria placed a hand on the small of her Padawan's back and led him out of the Council Chambers, "Let's see about those robes."