View Full Version : Fresh Start (Kelt and open)

Jun 13th, 2004, 11:40:35 AM
The news had been good for the one-time street tough, and that was the acceptance of his application to the Jedi Order. His hopes of getting the answers to the questions that had plagued him recently were kindled a bit more, though this was just the first step in a long journey. But that fact was not the least bit daunting to him, as nothing had ever really come easily to him. Most likely, that would work to his advantage as it would allow for less discouragement when the journey became more difficult.

The few things that he had taken from his apartment were here, though most of it he had left for Cassandra. All he really needed were enough clothes to get by for a time, and that was one thing that he had plenty of. Even if they were less than top of the line.

It still didn't have that feel of home yet, though with time, perhaps that would change. One thing that hadn't really changed was the general and constant tingling sensation that he felt everywhere around this place. Not at all surprising if his own thoughts about why he got that sensation were true. He would find out soon enough, and then learn how to control it.

The backpack that he had brought his things in was tossed to his bed, and the young man walked over towards the window to glance out. One hand reached to rifle through his sandy blond hair, a soft exhalation of air escaping his lips.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 13th, 2004, 12:21:20 PM
It was not long after that that a knock at the door came to Daerlayne's apartment door. Outside stood Jedi Knight Kelt Simoson

The new Padawan had moved in just across the hell from Kelt and the green knight being as nice as he always was, he made his way over to say hello to the young man, not knowing however that these two would have a slightly more closer friendship than just neighbours as a result.

Jun 13th, 2004, 12:30:18 PM
The knock at the door accompanied broke the young man's thoughts, and with a last glance out the window, he turned and walked across the room to said door. One hand reaches to the knob, turning it and then the door comes open. Blue eyes look up expectantly at the one that knocked, wondering briefly at who the person was.

"Hello. You the welcoming committee?" he asks with the slightest smirk on his face. Generally, he was rather lippy when on the streets, but this was meant as a joke since he really wasn't sure what else he could say. Being new and all, and still feeling a bit out of his element.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 13th, 2004, 06:42:22 PM
' Heh, you could say that ' He began with a smile. ' Im from across the hall actually, just came to see if all was well?'

He gestured behind him to show his own apartment, a simple door with a plaque beside it. Taking a look at the boy the chap seemed to be a little out of his element, and perhaps a little nervous, no bliam concidering Kelt felt exsactly the same, perhaps worse at the time of his admitance.

'I know it can be a little daunting at first...'

Jun 13th, 2004, 09:31:48 PM
"Daunting. Now that's an understatement if I've heard one. Beyond that, everything is as well as it can be. Name's Daerlayne, but most call me Birdie."

Apparently, he was going to need to work on his poker face if he was gonna make it. Then again, perhaps it was the same for most since this was entirely different living than the lower level of Coruscant, or even the small apartment that he had with Cassandra.

With a friendly, though still awkward smile, the young man extends one hand outwards to Kelt.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 23rd, 2004, 12:05:09 AM
Kelt took the hand and shook it lightly.

' Would you like to come over for tea?' He said simply to the young man.

Jun 23rd, 2004, 11:26:51 AM
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Might, uh, help me get used to this place a bit. Granted, it may not look like much, but it's a might bit better than having a pile of garbage outside the front door. This could take some getting used to."

Glancing back into his room a minute, which was pretty much barren save for a couple articles of clothes and a few other little trinkets that he had brought, he turns and steps out, shutting the door behind him and waiting for Kelt to lead the way.