View Full Version : Battlefleet Mediator

Jun 12th, 2004, 12:32:25 PM
This will be the Fleet roster and status update for the Mediator Batllegroup.
All Fleet divisions and standing orders will be posted here.
This is just a list for the Next Battle at bestine. and is for easy of referance for me :)

The List below may Seem like alot of vessel in the Mediator Gruoup but these will be divided into various Patrol Groups as needed. They will not act as one fleet and will not be deployed as one fleet. This is just a referance for me to pull from as we work out the details of upcoming Rps.

Jun 18th, 2004, 01:44:45 AM
9th Fleet
BattleGroup Mediator


200th Command Group
Orders: Stationed at Calamari
Mediator MCBC "Mediator"
MC-90 Calamari Cruiser Mon Orishma
MC-80b Calamari Cruiser Flame OF Rebellion
Restoration Class Interdictor Field Disruptor Cruiser "Mon Tespla"


219th Destroyer Squadron
Orders: Awaiting Orders at Calamari

Rejuvenator Star Destroyer "Rejuvenator"
Rejuvenator Star Destroyer "Dauntless"
Rejuvenator Star Destroyer "Acclamator"


207th Cruiser Squadron
Orders: Awaiting Orders at Calamari

Majestic Heavy Cruiser "Rightious"
Majestic Heavy Cruiser "Enforcer"
Majestic Heavy Cruiser "Bifrost"


223rd Escort Squadron
Orders: Awaiting Orders at Calamari

Nebulon -G Destroyer "Kingston"
Protector Frigate "Saratoga"
Emberlene Corvette "Gestious"
Striker Class Corvette "Montessa"


272nd Escort Squadron
Orders: Awaiting Orders at Calamari

Nebulon-G Destroyer "Connor"
Ranger Class Gunship "Mistery"
DP20 Gunship "Hood"
DP20 Gunship "Rampart"


205th Special Carrier Squadron
Orders: Proceed to Bestine

Endurance Fleet Carrier "Norway"
Endurance Fleet Carrier "Tarmac"


210th Special Escort Group
Current Orders: Escorting 205th Special Carrier Group to Bestine

Bothan Assault Cruiser Asgard
Ranger Gunship Ask
Ranger Gunship Embla


201st Patrol Group
Orders: Patroling area rimward from Calamari

Republic MKII Star Destroyer "Republic"
Nebulon-G Destroyer "Connor"
Protector Frigate "Hanmoore"
Ranger Class Gunship "Tenious"


260th Patrol Group
Orders: Patrol Area Rimward from Calimari

Republic MKII Star Destroyer "Freedoms Cry"
Nebulon-G Destroyer "Winslow"
Protector Frigate "Saratoga"
Emberlene Corvette "Gestious"


Support Group omega
On resurve At Calamari

Victory Star Destroyer Trounce
Victory Star Destroyer "Ravager"
Victory Star Destroyer "Anathema"
Victory Star Destroyer "Corrupter"
Victory Star Destroyer "Deser"
Victory Star Destroyer "Ghuml"
Victory Star Destroyer "Repel"
Victory Star Destroyer "Raze"
Victory Star Destroyer "Celestial"
Victory Star Destroyer "Mutilator"
6 Corellian Missile Destroyers
5 Nebulon-G Destroyers
25 DP20 Corellian Gunships
6 Hajen Class Tenders
4 Modified Nebulon B Medical Frigates
6 Agave Pickets with Interdictor Refits
