View Full Version : Simulated Naval Engagement (Kieran)

Redic Scott
Jun 10th, 2004, 01:49:47 PM
You are in command of a Defender Class Star Destroyer, on a patrol mission in NR space. While on patrol you recieve an emergency communication from a nearby Frieghter convoy. They are under attack by a supperior Pirate force and request assistance. The force you will be facing is made up of one old Victory Class Star Destroyer, lets say only about half of it's weapons are active, but still a threat, a Marauder Corvette, 2 Frieghters (lightly armed) and 2 squadron of Uglies. Protect the convoy at all costs and defeat the raiders fleet.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 10th, 2004, 07:01:39 PM
"Captain, we are receiving an emergency transmission from the lead freighter of a convoy out of the Rim."

"Put it on audio." Kieran Devaneaux strained to hear with the static and the background noise in the transmission. He could hear the captain trying to identify himself and his ship, but barely. Then, a single sentence came out clear:

"We are under attack by pirates. Requesting *STATIC*...diate assistance."

"Sensor Officer, how far away is this convoy?"

"In the next system, sir."

Devaneaux looked out the viewport and could see the ships, and the faint signs of a firefight. "Very well...set the course into the computer, and prepare for hyperspace."

"Aye aye, Captain."

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 16th, 2004, 08:09:21 PM
"Entering the system, Captain."

"Take us out of hyperspace...anything on sensors?"

"Only reading the convoy and an old Victory Star Destroyer....everything else is either too small or too far away at this range.

"Old Victory, you said? As in, probably jacked or found in the junkyard?"

"Yes, sir."

"Pirates," Devaneaux said, cursing under his breath. "Battlestations. Weapons officer, we can take the Victory, yes?"

"Yes, Captain. Half the ship's weapons are inoperable, but they still pose a threat, albeit small...to us, anyway."

"But enough to take out the convoy."

"Yes, sir."

"Send out two squadrons of fighters to distract the smaller craft...we'll take the Victory. All engines, full ahead."

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:12:26 PM
"Entering range, Captain."

"Has the Victory spotted us? Are her sensors still active?"

Just then, several turbolaser blasts splashed against the forward shields.

"Well, that answers that question....return fire. All forward turbolaser batteries."

The Defender's forward cannons opened fire. The Victory's shields withstood the first volley, as the Defender's batteries recycled and continued pummelling the smaller craft. The Victory's shields weakened with each salvo, and finally the ship's shields dropped, and the firepower lanced across the lighter armored ship.

"Sir, the Victory is breaking off."

"As expected. Lock all ion cannons on her engines...let's make sure they come back intact, though...rattled."

"Aye aye, sir."

Bolts of red energy shot from the Defender's cannons, smashing into the engines of the Victory and creating an ionization effect across her entire hull.

"The Victory is down...the two fighter squadrons are continuing to chase off the enemy fighters, but need backup against the larger craft."

"Launch the other three squadrons, have them focus on the Marauder. The freighters, we can take. Intact, seeing as they might be 'jacked, and the cargo still waiting for delivery. Ion cannons ready?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, then. Ready starboard missile tubes. Lock onto their engines and fire at will. If they're still moving, shoot them with the ions. Once they are disabled, ready 600 troops, and split them between the two ships. The remaining thousand will take over the Victory."

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 21st, 2004, 10:33:33 PM
The three fighter squadrons - two X-wing squadrons and one A-wing squadron - flew around the bridge of their carrier in salute before accelerating at attack speed for the Marauder Corvette. The two X-wing squadrons went down each side of the craft and headed for the engines, while the A-wing squadron went head on, guns blazing. The X-wings let their proton torpedoes fly into the engines of the Corvette, causing the entire aft section of the vessel to explode. The A-wing squadron zipped away quickly before the rest of it went up, and the two X-wing squadrons followed a moment later.

Devaneaux nodded in satisfaction. "Report from the boarding parties," the communications officer chimed in. "The freighters are under our control. The Victory took a little bit more effort, though it is now under our control as well."


"Minimal on the freighters. The Victory was a bit worse, but not by much."

"And the convoy?"

"We lost two ships. The other four are badly damaged, but the captains report that they can still go on."

"Leave the X-wing squadrons as escorts. Send a coded transmission to Fleet Command: 'Defender Star Destroyer Skyrider investigated pirate attack on civlian freighter convoy. One Victory Star Destroyer and two hijacked freighters crippled, one Marauder Corvette and two squadrons of enemy fighters destroyed. Only two ships in convoy lost; two squadrons of X-wing fighters left as escort. Requesting further orders.' Send it now."

"Aye aye, sir, coding your message."