View Full Version : Kieran Devaneaux

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 9th, 2004, 05:00:57 PM
Full Name: Kieran Elias Devaneaux
Pronunciation: Kir-an E-LIE-us Dev-a-no
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 145
Hair: White
Eyes: Left eye is blue, right eye is white
Birthworld: Reydovan Prime
Homeworld: Deralia
Family: Father, Artimus, mother unknown, rumored to have a clone brother (Major Demon-Kieran Devaneaux of the Imperial Sovereignty)
Afilliations: Greater Jedi Order, New Republic
Master: Navaria Tarkin
Ranks/Positions: Jedi Padawan, Captain in the New Republic Navy
Skills: Healer, ship mechanic, self-trained tactical genius
Distinguishing Features: Scar down right side of his face
Alignment: Good
Weapons: NR Navy standard issue blaster pistol, lightsaber (blue blade)
Ships: Republic Engineering Corporation Republic M-1-class Star Destroyer Republic, modified CEC YT-2400 light freighter Devaneaux's Fury

Kieran Devaneaux is a man with a shattered past. He has no memory of his life from before the age of 16, though he is of the opinion that something must have happened to him to cause this amnesia. His birthworld of Reydovan Prime, until recently, was unknown to him, though he originally lived for a time on Deralia in the Outer Rim before deciding to wander from ship to ship across the galaxy. He offered his services as a mechanic to various freighter captains, in exchange for transportation to wherever they were stopping. It was on one of these early voyages that he discovered his ability to heal with just a touch, something that puzzled him for several years. By offering his skills in mechanics, Kieran travelled across most of the galaxy, hitching another ride after looking around a bit. This continued for seven years, until one day he landed on the Jedi trading world of Arcan IV...

While in the cantina on Arcan IV, Kieran encountered Malcolm Trippen (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35715), the captain of the freighter Socorro. Once again, Kieran offered his services in exchange for a ride...only this time, he knew exactly where he wanted to go. Kieran requested that Trippen take him to Coruscant. Perhaps asking for Jedi training was the best course of action, in order to answer questions of his past and to help others in the future.

After he arrived on Coruscant, Kieran found that the New Republic Starfleet was in dire need of commanders. Tactical Master Redic Scott gave Kieran a simulated training mission (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36049) to defend a six-freighter convoy, one he completed with minimal losses of manpower and ships. He was commissioned as captain of a Defender Star Destroyer which he named Skyrider. Shortly after his commissioning, Kieran had managed to find a Corellian YT-2400, which was to become the Devaneaux's Fury, in good condition and purchased it for 175,000 credits. He spent another 100,000 on modifications to the weapons and engines, pushing the endlessly-modifiable Corellian design over the factory limit. Kieran had spent every credit he had earned over the course of seven years, as well as the credits gained as a result of..."not-so-ideal business" in the early part of those years, as he has been heard to say, somewhat embarassedly.

Over the next several months, Kieran began receiving periodic flashbacks. The first was on the balcony of the Council building on Coruscant (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36067), revealing the possible cause of his amnesia; the second was during a conversation with a young man, possibly a Darksider (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37255&perpage=20&pagenumber=1) in Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill not far from the Council. Another occurred during meditation at the Academy (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37674), and only intervention from his master, Navaria Tarkin, prevented the vision from consuming him. This disturbing images filter through his mind at random intervals.

Late in his first year, Kieran left Coruscant for the Republic Engineering Corporation's Freedom Shipyards in the Sumitra sector, to oversee the final checkout of the new N.R.V. Republic (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37688), a ship he helped prepare for the battle at Bestine. Several days later, Kieran's two ships were attacked by Artimus along with a fellow Sith Apprentice (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37765) on their way to Mon Calamari. The Skyrider was captured by Artimus, but Kieran managed to escape with the Republic. Upon his return to Coruscant, Kieran found out that the Sith master mentalist Je'gan Olra'en had begun training Artimus in his art of illusion and manipulation, an attempt to strengthen himself for the inevitable upcoming battle with his son. Kieran realized that if Artimus became as powerful a mentalist as Je'gan, his martial skill could not defeat the former Warlord, and he said so to Navaria - who responded by beginning a regimen of mental defense techniques (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38191), in order to allow Kieran to focus on defending himself from Artimus' mind attacks. This could possibly do something about the disturbing visions he received at random intervals as well - though he has not had an episode for three standard months. As he waited for fleet orders, Kieran has decided to focus entirely on Jedi training for the time being.

Kieran Devaneaux is currently at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, awaiting the call to duty.