View Full Version : A Father's Son (1 or 2 Darksiders and the Lost)

River Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 08:53:35 PM
The boy had been growing and River Kincaid had been watching. They were of the Lost Jedi, his son every bit a part of it as he. But, as of late, Ry-Obi Kincaid was pushing his father's patience, far too often.

The boy was well aware of this and had spent a good part of the day before sitting on a stool in his father's room with a bar of soap in his mouth.

Ry-Obi was impatient and angry for some strange reason and it was becoming more and more obvious as time passed by.

River was doing his best to be patient with him, letting the boy have some space, but he was only nine and a half, so that space was not as open as Ry-Obi would've liked.

This particular evening, Hunter was playing quietly in the corner of the kitchen while Quay'Na finished bringing in the dinner dishes. She smiled at River and left without a sound.

It was River and Ry-Obi's night to wash. Without a word, the boy had begun scrubbing away.

River watched him for a few minutes, things were changing within his son, but Ry-Obi wasn't about to talk.

"You hardly ate dinner tonight, Ry." River began mildly as he took a clean plate from the rinse water and began drying. Perhaps, tonight he would get some answers.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:00:51 PM
Talking to his father was the last thing, Ry-Obi wanted. What he wanted was out, he wanted to be free to come and go as he pleased.

"I wasn't hungry." He said flatly and kept his eyes on the dishes he was washing. Tonight, he was getting out after the dishes were done, he was simply going to walk out the door.

River Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:09:57 PM
River never remembered having an attitude such as this with his own father, but times had changed. Kids were more mouthy nowadays and seemed to always have the right answer, whether it be right or wrong.

It was merely a phase Ry-Obi was struggling through and maybe River had been a bit harsh over the past few weeks. But, there was a breaking point and yesterday had been it. But, today was a new day and usually things had cooled off by then, but not this time.

Ry-Obi was not himself and River could tell something just wasn't quite right here.

"Ry, if there is something on your mind you might as well tell me. I promise, I won't get mad."

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:12:49 PM
Ry-Obi stopped what he was doing and stared at the sudsy water. "I want to go out, by myself."

River Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:17:10 PM
River thought about this for a few moments before answering. He put the plate he had been dryng into the cabinet. "Oh, really..." he sighed. "And just where are you planning on going...in the rain?" He asked as he glanced out of the rain-streaked window of the Lost's secret headquarters.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:21:53 PM
"I need some air." He said abruptly, almost too abruptly as he began scrubbing another dish.

If his dad wouldn't let him go, he'd go anyway. Where there was a will, there was a way.

He didn't look at his father.

River Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:44:45 PM
Maybe it was time to let him go about on his own, but River didn't even want to fathom that, he was only nine.

River thought about his own life when he was this age, hungry for fun and adventure. Heck, he was going on hunting trips alone.

He sighed. "Perhaps, I have sheltered you a bit mroe than I need." He paused.

"Okay, two hours that's it. If you aren't back by then, I'm coming after you and you really don't want that."

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:58:00 PM
It's about time! The young boy thought sacastically as he nodded and didn't say another word. Ry-Obi quickly finished up the dishes, wiped off his hands and headed for the door.

River Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:05:35 PM
River leaned against the countertop and frowned. "If you catch a cold out in that wet weather, don't say I didn't warn you, young man."

The boy merely smirked at him, rather rudely River thought as he walked out the secret back entrance and slammed the door a bit more than needed.

Hunter looked up after the door was slammed and gave her dad an innocent look.

River shook his head with a grin. "Oh no, don't you dare get any ideas, young lady. I think, a good book on a night like this will do us both some good. Come on." He took his daughter into his arms and upstairs. Checking his chrono as he did so...two hours.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:11:11 PM
Yes! Ry-Obi laughed as he ran out into the rain. He was drenched by the time he reached the street in front of Dexter's, but he didn't care. He was free to go about on his own!

The street was busy as normal with people going here and there, it was just turning nightfall and he was ready for some adventure.

He passed many bars and saw a few drunks entering and thought about going in, but just kept walking. He would walk for an hour, turn around and walk back and see what there was to see while on the way.

Dan the Man
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:16:09 PM
As the boy walked through the rainy streets, he heard a faint strumming over the cacophony of raindrops hitting the muddy walkways. A few paces closer, and a melody worked itself out through the din.

Somebody was playing a guitar.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:24:25 PM
The melody caught his attention as he drew closer. "Nice music..." He said as he listened and took a couple more steps closer.

Dan the Man
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:30:03 PM
The man didn't immediately acknowledge the boy's praise. He began to sing along to the guitar, a deep and weathered voice to fit the tune he played.

<center>Johnny Cash's Don't Take Your Guns to Town
<font size=-3>
A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm
A boy filled with wonderlust who really meant no harm
He changed his clothes and shined his boots
And combed his dark hair down
And his mother cried as he walked out

Don't take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Don't take your guns to town

He laughed and kissed his mom
And said your Billy Joe's a man
I can shoot as quick and straight as anybody can
But I wouldn't shoot without a cause
I'd gun nobody down
But she cried again as he rode away

Don't take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Don't take your guns to town

He sang a song as on he rode
His guns hung at his hips
He rode into a cattle town
A smile upon his lips
He stopped and walked into a bar
And laid his money down
But his mother's words echoed again

Don't take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Don't take your guns to town

He drank his first strong liquor then to calm his shaking hand
And tried to tell himself he had become a man
A dusty cowpoke at his side began to laugh him down
And he heard again his mothers words

Don't take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Don't take your guns to town

Filled with rage then
Billy Joe reached for his gun to draw
But the stranger drew his gun and fired
Before he even saw
As Billy Joe fell to the floor
The crowd all gathered 'round
And wondered at his final words

Don't take your guns to town son
Leave your guns at home Bill
Don't take your guns to town</font></center>

At the last dying chord of the guitar, the man looked up, rain pouring down the front of his wide-brimmed hat.

"Thank you."

A smile showed faintly on the old man's aged face.

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:34:27 PM
"Where'd you learn to play and sing like that, Sir?" Ry-Obi asked, his young eyes full of wonder.

Dan the Man
Jun 9th, 2004, 04:13:16 PM
"An old blind Bothan named Dur'ska used to teach me a thing or two, whenever it was raining out; much like it is today. Eventually, it stuck."

Dan stowed away his guitar, tipping the brim of his hat back with a finger as he looked at Ry-Obi.

"It's a little dangerous for fellas your age to be out on the street, you think?"

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 9th, 2004, 06:50:17 PM
"Nah, I'm not going far, Sir." Ry-Obi answered with a shrug. "Do ya...do ya think you teach me some of that, Sir? I'm a quick learner."

Dan the Man
Jun 9th, 2004, 08:23:30 PM

Dan picked up his guitar case, tilting it about as if scrutinizing it.

"...I don't fancy myself much of a teacher. When I was your age, I was a fairly rotten student, so it must be karma catching up with me."

He glanced up at the raining night sky. A streak of blue split the late twilight clouds, which glowed an ember red. Rolling thunder growled softly across the mountains, chasing the last vestiges of sunlight underground.

"Tell you what, though."

Dan reached into a pocket, and pulled out a silver coin, flipping it to the boy.

"Consider that a rain check. I'll see what happens on a brighter day. "

Dan winked at him, and smiled quickly.

"Now, I dunno about you, but I've got better things to do than to catch my death of cold. I mean to head inside, wet my whistle, and dry the rest of me. What about you? Thirsty?"

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 10th, 2004, 06:56:17 AM
"Yes, Sir." The young boy nodded enthusiatically as he placed the coin into his pants pocket and followed the man inside.

This was his first real adventure alone and Ry-Obi wasn't about to let it slip past him.

Dan the Man
Jun 11th, 2004, 05:15:01 PM
As Dan & the boy entered the bar, the shootist could feel the nervous anticipation rolling off Ry-Obi's emotions. It sparked curiosity in the Sith, as the pair took two adjacent stools at the bar. A balding bartender approached Dan, and he ordered.


He looked sidelong to the blonde boy, and spoke in a conspiratorial fashion.

"What about you, partner? More of the same?"

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 12th, 2004, 07:41:25 PM
"No thank you, Sir." The young boy said as he sat beside the older man. "Ummm, I'll take a fizz pop."

Ry-Obi felt a tinge of nervousness being in here alone, but let it pass. It was time for him to grow into new experiences.

Dan the Man
Jun 20th, 2004, 09:25:57 PM
"Fizz pop, eh?"

Dan's weathered face looked down at the boy, and froze in contemplation. He turned to the barkeep.

"Make that two fizz pops instead."

He paid the man his credits, and off he went.


Dan began, as he allowed himself to relax at the bar.

"...what brings a hay-haired young fellow like you to this one-dewback town? Catch some cabin fever back at the homestead?"

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 22nd, 2004, 07:45:06 PM
Ry-Obi leaned against the bar. "I needed to get out and get some fresh air without my dad looking over my shoulder." He said. "My dad was out on hunting trips at this age, he used to tell me all about them and I couldnt' wait, but now we're here and Falycin is far away." He sighed.

Dan the Man
Jun 24th, 2004, 01:28:24 PM
"Well, there's other fun to be had besides hunting, I'd imagine."

The bartender returned with the two fizz pops.

"If you look for it, you can find more than enough adventure in a place like this."

imported_Ry-Obi Kincaid
Jun 26th, 2004, 09:13:21 PM
"That's what I want, adventure and excitement is what I crave, Sir." The boy said as he took a drink of his fizz pop.