View Full Version : Assassin Once. Assassin Still? (Mara)
Jun 5th, 2004, 11:58:52 PM
Hera waited at the warehouse, ready to take delivery of a small, but much anticipated, shipment of portable missile launchers.
The weapons themselves - a modification of the Merr-Sonn PLX series - were going to be very handy to have at ShadowFaene. Some new toys for her crew, the combination of missile and rocket launcher were designed to do maximum damage while still providing a mobile point of launch. One man armed with such a weapon can lock onto a specific target's repulsorlift signature and track it for up to forty kilometers until the missile ritself runs out of fuel. Perfect for a little pirateering. Cripple, then conquer.
And as much fun as that all sounds, it was the delivery girl that held the more interest for the Faene Mistress.
Watching from the confines of the warehouse, Hera peered through the grime-coated window, eager for her first glimpse of the notorious Mara Jade.
Mara Jade
Jun 6th, 2004, 07:45:15 PM
Mara flew the rented speeder casually through the city. The precious cargo her buyer wanted was safely secured in the back trunk. They were pretty hot items on the black market and Jade was grateful she was only a third party handling them. It was a cake assignment; pick up item and drop it off for some a good amount of easy credits. The hard part was getting the merchandise here, but Jade knew how to get the cargo manifest forged and how to make people look the other way if they had spotted something fishy aboard her ship. A lot of her jobs now-a-days were childs play...Damn that Millard and his false promises...
She passed the front of the warehouse that Drenkast wanted to meet. Parking in front would be stupid and draw attention their way. A block down, Jade turned into the alley. A few moments later she pulled in back by the loading bay doors and waited patiently in the speeder.
Jun 6th, 2004, 11:29:55 PM
"She's here"
Hera turned to look at the ShadowFaene crewman that had been guarding the back entrance. Thomas was a a quiet type. The kind that went about his job with unassuming efficiency. Deadly with a blade and an eye for details, he was one of her best lookouts, never missing a thing.
"Right on time" Hera responded with approval.
"Shall I send her up?"
Hera shook her head, "No, I'll come down. I doubt the redhead will leave the consignment without seeing the color of our credits first."
Thomas thought that most likely true.
As Hera and Thomas approached, Mara was climbing out of her vehicle, flanked on either side by more of SFF crew, their blaster rifles cradled ready, but not threatening, in their arms.
Standing before Mara, Hera was the first to speak.
"Were there any complications?" she opened.
Mara Jade
Jun 7th, 2004, 08:33:39 PM
Jade took a moment to size up Hera. She had heard about her here and there. Was a ruthless business woman. Not someone to cross since she was also a Sith on top of it. Not like Jade was going to stir that pot. Things used to be a lot simpler once upon a time. You could count Force users on one hand. Now you had to be careful about what you said in public company. Snide remarks were often silenced by lightsabers.
She shook her head and leaned against the speeder, "None at all. Your guy on Ryloth did good."
Jun 8th, 2004, 01:14:37 AM
It seemed to be the answer Hera expected, as a curt nod was her response. Then, taking a small fold of leather from inside her coat pocket, Hera handed Mara her payment.
"This is yours. Alright if my boys unload the gear?"
The Faene Mistress waited Mara's assent before giving the go-ahead to her crew.
Hera was very formal, concise about her movements. Mara would not miss that the transaction now taking place, instead of being the conclusion of their business, was just the preliminary.
Hera had something on her mind, and was simply doing first things first.
Mara Jade
Jun 8th, 2004, 04:39:42 PM
Ruthless as Hera was, Mara also knew that she always upheld her end of the deal.
The bag of credits disappeared under the green poncho Jade was wearing, "Of course." She leaned over the side of the speeder and popped the trunk. "It's all yours."
As her boys started unloading the cargo, Jade turned back to the blonde. Her subtle hints didn't go unnoticed. They never did with Jade. "Was there something else?"
Jun 12th, 2004, 02:08:04 AM
"Actually, yes"
Hera gestured with her hand for Mara to walk with her, and led her out of the warehouse and into the evening air.
"You know, I've done my homework on you, Mara. Read what I could of your background. But there is something I am not clear on...Why have you chosen this current line of work -- seems somewhat beneath your rather unique capabilities...?"
Mara Jade
Jun 14th, 2004, 01:26:40 PM
"You know, I've done my homework on you, Mara. "
She didn't like that line. Hera wanted something from Jade. Just like when Millard wanted something from her. Where this conversation was heading, she did not approve and it was evident in her voice. "I was not paid to discuss my personal choices in life."
Aug 5th, 2004, 01:36:52 PM
"Don't be quick to take offence, Ms. Jade. I am not one to make idle chit-chat and though I appreciate a reasonable amount of suspicion should be directed my way - self preservation and all that - I am wanting only to discuss an opportunity you may be interested in."
Mara Jade
Aug 5th, 2004, 01:56:13 PM
"You have me wrong, Ms. Drenkast. I've walked down a similar road such as this not that long ago and was burned. I'm not in the mood to follow down that same path again. I'm quite content right now with the way things are." Which was not entirely true. Jade still craved the days of old, but having her mind buried in the past was no way to live.
Trusting your life with a stranger's was not either. She tried living in this world, placing herself alongside another and watched another Empire crumble with nothing coming of it again. She was just a mere trophy piece and would not become one for Hera.
Aug 5th, 2004, 02:10:38 PM
Hera threw Mara a glance as if it was the first time she was seeing her, and her step halted.
"You are afraid" she said, incredulous. "You have settled for the mediocre"
The horror in Hera's voice was not contrived.
She had not counted on this and her expression said so clearly.
Mara Jade
Aug 5th, 2004, 02:18:14 PM
Jade was outraged by her words and her hand snapped forward to squeeze around Hera's neck, "I am not afraid, Drenkast. I'm merely tired. There's a difference."
She shoved the Sith away and waited for any retaliation, from Hera or her men that weren't too far away. They had possibly not seen what had just occured.
Aug 14th, 2004, 11:51:04 PM
Some of the crew had seen and hands dropped to blaster hilts automatically. Yet none drew. They would dare not act unless the boss said so.
Hera struck back at Mara Jade with a force that, even to the seasoned assassin, must have been a shock. Even more so being the fact that the Sith did not physically put a hand on her.
As if a sweeping iron bar hammered against both calves at once, Mara's legs were taken out from under her by a force both unforgiving and angry. Her body landed hard against the ground.
Hera, recovering from the shoving, stalked forward. The dangerous flash in her eyes showed the battle of self control she was having not to draw her lightsaber and take Jade's head home for a trophy.
She stood over the flame-haired assassin.
"Being in a hurry to die foolishly and not being afraid of death are two different things also Mara Jade."
Her voice was choked with the fury Mara's affrontry had accorded.
"I can find the first in any rathole in the galaxy. The second, is why I sought you out"
Mara Jade
Aug 28th, 2004, 04:24:29 PM
Her anger had made her foolish. Jade realized that now as Hera's form stalked over her. Perhaps she had grown soft. It was bound to occur away from the Emperor's watchful eye and away from Thrawn's Empire. She had a reason to fight and had a reason to care back then. Now...
She leaned forward, drapping her arms over her knees, mulling things over. Hera was an interesting Sith. The fight should not have ended there with the two of them staring at each other. It should have gone on until one of them was dead. It meant that perhaps Hera did have something brewing in the back of her head that might provide Jade with some purpose.
There was still too much speculation for her liking though, and her distrust was still heard in her voice. "I suppose it begs the question of the true reason why you sought me out. Besides that qualification."
Aug 29th, 2004, 02:47:49 PM
Mara's change in tack threw Hera a little off balance. Here Hera was, standing threateningly over her, and Mara appeared more relaxed than she had seen her since first arriving.
The Assassin was unreadable. Unpredictable.
Hera liked this alot.
A ghost of a smile returned to the Sith's eyes.
"I sought you out because you are the best. And I need only the best."
Mara Jade
Aug 31st, 2004, 05:27:16 PM
Mara thought about it and waved a hand between them, "And what do you need? I'm curious now."
Sep 7th, 2004, 02:08:32 PM
"Im putting together an Assassin core. Select, elite killers who have the same singlemindedness as myself. In fact, they are to be an extension of myself."
Hera clasped Mara's hand mid-air and hauled the redhead to her feet. They stood toe to toe.
Hera jumped topic.
"You are a force user, aren't you Mara? Yet you are still at a childs level with your skill. You have so much potential. I can help you with that.."
Hera jumped topic again, speaking as if on two different subjects, but the connection was clear. Mara had a great deal to gain by giving Hera her alleigance.
"I have, over the years, become a little too well known among the ruling authorities in the galaxy. Twice I have been apprehended by the NR. Twice also by the Jedi - speficically one Jedi Master named Akrabbim - you heard of him? The guy's a fanatic." It was Hera's turn to wave her hand airily now, pushing the troublesome jedi from thought and speech. "Anyway. I have even spent time confined by the Imperials at the dubious hospitality of Commander Jarek Tchort. I am well known by the Cizerack Pride, and by default through my association with the felinoid Sasseeri Reeouurra, the Sector Rangers. Even some of the Coruscant Watch know me by sight" Vymes and Arcanna in particular, Hera thought sourly.
"It is a hinderence to my mobility, to say the least.
Powerful people are surrounded by those I have just named. My getting to them, though not impossible, is very difficult indeed. Very difficult. I need a longer arm.
My Assassin Core will be such an arm.
And I want you to be a part of that."
Mara Jade
Sep 12th, 2004, 03:28:55 PM
She hated to admit that Hera's offer was extremely tempting. It would be close to her role before with the Emperor. Getting to individuals out of his reach and taking care of them depending on the situation. Not to mention Jade would be pupil to Hera, yet that was the big difference. Palpatine made certain that her abilities skirted around the Dark Side of the Force, never allowing her to commit to either side. That was how she moved around with ease.
Thinking on it more, it was also a way to keep Vader away from her. Jade wasn't a threat to his visibal role and more importantly, she wasn't a threat to the Emperor himself. Keeping her just trained was a way to keep her under Palpatine's implicit control.
So very tempting but there must be a price. Jade was going to have to give something up if she agreed to this. "What do you require from me if I wish to persue this arrangement with you?" She was hard to read. Jade made certain that her voice held no hint of what she was thinking so Hera could not use that against her.
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