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Kaori Ariane
Jun 4th, 2004, 12:30:54 AM
At age two, Kaori had developed talents for violin, equating the skills that any other person would have to wait for their middle years to attain. Her parents had always admired her talents and when she reached the age, she was sent to one of the most esteemed schools of fine arts the universe had to offer. It was bigger then she had imagined, but maybe it had just seemed that way for a rather small ten year old girl. Surrounded by young men and women, all older then her by at least seven or so years, Kaori soon became the top in her class.

She participated in several concerts a year, each time standing out more so then her classmates. She was chosen almost every time to play one of the particularally hard solo's and accompaniments that were filled in by the other orchestra members. Though they were rarely heard.

Today, though she was nine years older then when she had first joined the school, she remained the top in her class and still managed to practice six hours a day. Any normal person would note that she didn't get out much. The world, as she knew it, was her music. She rarely talked to her classmates, simply because they didn't want to talk to her. But what was she to do...? Apologize for what she had done? For the hours she devoted to her career? No. Instead, she decided she would attempt at acting like one of them.

Departing from the school on the fifth hour of her practice time, Kaori began to roam the streets of Coruscant for means of a distraction. Surely there was something other then music to occupy her mind...?

Brushing a gloved-hand back through her long, dark, cork-screw curls, Kaori plastered on a normal smile and filed through the shifting crowds on the street. Distantly, she heard her name, so she turned, only to smack face first into someone.

"Pardon me. I should have been watching more carefully.." She breathed, her lashes sweeping downward. She had almost forgotten the sound of her voice. It was smooth, almost calming, but had a hint of shyness.

Cyrel Annat
Jun 5th, 2004, 09:23:43 AM
"No need for apologies, young one," came the reply from a man wearing dark brown robes. The smile on the man's face was likely more reassuring than was the passive tone in his voice as he looked down at the young girl. The tails of his robes swirled around his boots a bit before resting atop them, the color of said boots just a shade lighter.

Dark brown eyes watch the young girl closely as he takes a short step back. Not in dismissal, but just to give them each a bit of space. "These streets are far too busy for instances such as this to never occur."

Kaori Ariane
Jun 6th, 2004, 05:05:53 PM
At the sound of his voice, Kaori's lashes swept upward to reveal smoke-colored eyes, specked with glints of silver. Nodding her head in agreement with his observation, she managed a slight smile and then scanned over his attire with vivid precision.

"I never knew the streets could be so busy, they look so wide from my third floor window. I hardly ever go outside, you see. I am beginning to see reason to that fact."

Her assessment of his attire ended at the tips of his boots and then, her gaze flickered upward to lock with his own once more. Maybe.. I should just go back inside...

Cyrel Annat
Jun 6th, 2004, 06:46:55 PM
"But one cannot shut themselves from the outside world forever. There is much that can be experienced and not all of it is bad."

Of course, not all of it was good, either, but there was no reward without a bit of risking in life. His dark brown eyes watch the young girl briefly before glancing around the area again and indeed, it was quite busy. Just the usual crowds for the time of day, just that they were a bit more plentiful at the present.

His own eyes followed her gaze as she gave him the look over, and while not perfectly trained, he could sense a bit of unease. Be it from him or just from the girl's unfamiliarity to her surroundings.

"You have nothing to fear from me, young one, save perhaps that I continually address you as such. I am Cyrel Annat."

Kaori Ariane
Jun 7th, 2004, 08:55:07 PM
Things were not worth experiencing if one had to do so by themselves. When Kaori had been sent away from her family, she had been given nine years to learn that. But after a few months she had decided that she didn't need anyone. How wrong she was. She would have given anything to be normal, just for one day, and perhaps that's what had led her outside today, but it was hardly something to be discussing with a stranger she had only run into.

She considered his name for a few moments, tilting her head to one side and carefully shifting away from the passing people.

"I am Kaori Ariane, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Annat."

Cyrel Annat
Jun 7th, 2004, 09:52:52 PM
"The pleasure is mine, Miss Ariane," the rogue replies with a semi-formal bow. He stands upright again, eyes glancing around them a short while.

"So, what is it today that has brought you out into the public eye? Curiosity?"

Kaori Ariane
Jun 7th, 2004, 10:32:05 PM
"I suppose that's what you call it." She replied, straining to hear him over the loud bustle of the crowd. They weren't going to stand here much longer. Already, people were casting her angry looks. They were, after all, standing in the middle of the walkway.

"Know anywhere.. that is perhaps, more quiet? That's if you'd like to carry on with this conversation...?"

Cyrel Annat
Jun 7th, 2004, 11:08:23 PM
"I believe that there is a diner about a block or two from here. That should be a more suitable place than here, I would imagine."

He would wait for agreement from her before leading the way in that direction. The crowds were still rather large, but the two were given a wide enough berth that they were not bumped by anyone else. The rogue Jedi wasn't sure if it was respect, fear, or just plain fortune that kept them from being jostled around. Something told him that the former wasn't the case.

Kaori Ariane
Jun 7th, 2004, 11:32:01 PM
She was about to ask of the diner's quality before she caught herself, scorning her spoiled ways mentally.

Glancing about once more, catching some of the curious and annoyed looks displayed by the surrounding people, Kaori nodded.

"That would be nice, I think. Lead the way."

Cyrel Annat
Jun 7th, 2004, 11:39:37 PM
Which he does. The crowds did not thin at all, but before terribly long, they arrive in front of the diner. The robed man opens the door for Kaori, allowing her to enter before following in. It was much quieter inside than it was outside, more than a few opens tables and booths to choose from, as well as a counter with barstool seating.

"Anywhere in particular that you would prefer, Miss Ariane?"

Kaori Ariane
Jun 8th, 2004, 12:40:16 AM
She scanned over the diner, inspecting its condition before her gaze settled on a booth in the back. Gesturing toward it, with a nod of affirmation, she approached it. There weren't that many people, only a few seated on the other side of the room than she had chosen.

Tapping the table, she offered another smile and then slipped into booth seat, once again placing herself as far from view as possible.

"This will do nicely."

Cyrel Annat
Jun 8th, 2004, 11:00:57 AM
Her mannerisms were not lost on the rogue, though he did not really need to stare to catch them. Simple, subtle, yet plainly there for the trained eye. In a way, he had not been so different some years ago, though situations dictated that he change.

Settling himself in the seat across the table from her, it takes him a moment or two to fully relax. Or at least appear to be relaxed. And in that time, he slowly surveys the rest of the diner. He had been here a time or two before, and nothing of note had really changed. It was always a bit quiet, not one of the busier places in the area. Probably the reason that he had come here on more than one occasion.

"So, what is it that you do that keeps you inside most of the time?"

Kaori Ariane
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:40:35 PM
Ah yes, her job that drained so much of her time. Of course he would be curious about it. Smiling slightly, she folded her hands in her lap and pondered how she should reply. It was something hard to explain, if one didn't listen to music, and most people didn't have the time to. Perhaps that's why the career had intrigued her so much. She knew it wouldn't be around much longer if people simply cast it aside as they would anything they had grown out of. But they would be sorry to forget such masterpieces.

"Why, I happen to be the top student at the Fine Arts' academy. Top student in music, that is. I play the violin, you see."

Cyrel Annat
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:10:26 PM
"The violin? And top student? Something to be quite proud of, I would think."

And why wouldn't it be? Granted, he was one that did not have the time to relax and enjoy the finer arts as they were oft times described, but he did know the dedication that the performers had to have in order to succeed. It did also explain why she did not get out as much, if she practiced as much as most of them did.

"How did you decide to start playing the violin?"

Kaori Ariane
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:15:43 PM
Decide? It was funny. She hadn't really asked herself that question, even when she had first started playing. One day, she had picked up a violin and began playing around with it, then next, her mother and father hired the most esteemed teachers from the planet to tutor her. She hadn't really been asked if it was what she had wanted to do, she had just done what her parents wanted.

"Well.. my mother and father thought it would be nice if I dedicated myself to something and when I began to ponder the violin, they did all they could to make sure I succeeded in my lessons. Though at the times I probably would have rather done something else. But, I suppose, I am happy with what I do now."

Cyrel Annat
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:54:09 PM
The rogue Jedi nodded, eyes glancing around briefly before settling again on the young lady before him. She had at least had the support of family in her pursuit, even if they may have had a bit more say in what she did. In all, though, she did seem to enjoy what she was doing, which was the most important part.

"How long have you been playing then?"

Kaori Ariane
Jun 9th, 2004, 05:19:38 PM
Just like that. She couldn't hear him, couldn't hear anything but the violin concerto one, in D. She couldn't even recall who was the master of the piece, only that it was one of the most beautiful pieces she had ever heard. So expressive. Her eyes closed in mute serenity and then opened again. It was so easy to forget the world was there.

"Mm...? Oh.. 16 17 years..?" She murmured, frowning inwardly when the music disappeared. "Not that long, I guess. I started when I was around two."

Cyrel Annat
Jun 9th, 2004, 06:27:37 PM
"All your life, essentially. What do you hope to do once your schooling is finished?"

Most likely, he knew the answer but things were never entirely certain. It was most commendable, the dedication that she spent on it. The rogue knew many people who could barely spend 16 or 17 days in certain areas before giving up, let alone that many years. Even he had only been training as a Jedi for half his life, though he had been piloting since he was a boy. Still, that was more by necessity than choice.

Kaori Ariane
Jun 9th, 2004, 09:36:10 PM
"Oh I don't know exactly. Join a professional orchestra, I suppose." She sighed, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. During her childhood she had also developed an ability that was most strange to her. Of course she had heard about Jedi and Sith, but she had always been too confused to mention anything. One particular evening, she had manipulated an object without touching it and though it had frightened her, she found it overly fascinating. She hadn't tried to use her abilities until she had heard about the Jedi, and then only once to make certain she wasn't imagining things.

Seeking out the Jedi was another event that might shift into her future some time soon. "What do you do, exactly..? What's your career?"

Cyrel Annat
Jun 9th, 2004, 09:46:49 PM
"That is a very good question."

Is it coincidence that she had already found a Jedi? Possibly, though it's said that the Force controls all. If she had questions at all, they would likely come up within the next few minutes.

"I am a Jedi. As far as a career, continuing my training, helping those when they need it and I am able to. It does not pay well, I assure you, but I have never done anything simply for credits and wealth."

Kaori Ariane
Jun 9th, 2004, 10:05:34 PM
What a very helpful coincedence. Her smoke colored eyes flashed interestedly and she unknowingly leaned forward, as to devour all he said without missing a word. He was a Jedi, one whom helped protect the galaxy from the evil that threatened it.

"Ah.. must be really nice. Getting out and meeting different people, after saving them and all." She didn't know much about the Jedi, despite how much she tried to learn. She could only dream about what it might be like. In the end, she was probably very wrong.

Cyrel Annat
Jun 9th, 2004, 10:29:32 PM
"True, I have been to many places and met many people, but like with all things, there are good and bad aspects to it. Do not get me wrong, I do not regret this path, though there are many others who have faced many hardships because of it. There are sacrifices, as well, but when put into perspective, those sacrifices are minor when one looks at the bigger picture."

And he did catch that little glint in her eye and the way that she did seem to nearly hang on every word. He did not downplay the positive aspects of having become a Jedi, nor did his tone leave any indication that one should stay away from it. He simply did not want to leave the impression that it was all glory. There were sacrifices, hardships, as with anything else. Thankfully, she was not one of those that despised the Jedi from a lack of understanding.