View Full Version : New Republic Ship construction

Redic Scott
Jun 3rd, 2004, 04:27:31 PM
At Fondor the order for more protectors came in. As with the first one, frieghters started arriving at the shipyards almost instanly. All at once, 4 rear sections of the Protector Escorts were started. Bulkheads were assembled and premade rear sections started to be assembled.

At Kaut an order also came in. This one was larger than the fondor one. The frame of a Bothan Assault Cruiser started to be layed out. At other skipways, 8 Ranger gunship frames were started as well.

Finally at the coruscant shipyards, two Majestic Heavy Cruiser hulls were started.

Estimated completion time was around 15 days, with the Rangers and Protectors being finished a little earlier.

Redic Scott
Jun 8th, 2004, 11:56:10 AM
The Protectors were right on schedual and were almost complete. All systems had been installed and initial tests indicated that all system were functioning as normal. Crews started to board the ship and consumables were brought on. Whole shuttles full of weapons crates were also taken on board and taken to launchers and ammo storage rooms. Along with the crew and service shuttles 2 full squadrons of escort fighters were brought on. These dispersed into 4 seperata hanger bays and started to get settled.

At this same time, at the Kaut shipyards, 8 Ranger gunships had finished all predeployment testing. Their mooring lines and tractor clamps were disengaged and one by one all of them exited the yard. These would be brand new escorts for new NR fleets and Task Force Groups. All but 2 of the Ranger gunships entered hyperspace to their respective fleet assignments.

The 2 that stayed were allocated to Halo Group. They would hang around, in system, and wait for their groups flagship, the Bothan Assault Cruiser, to be finished. Meanwhile they would take part in training excercises with their fighter groups.

As the gunships left, the yard workers began to prepare for a new batch of ships that was schedualed. 2 new Majestic Cruisers would soon starte to be constructed.

At the shipyards orbiting Coruscant, 2 Majestic Cruisers had started to take shape. Their exterior was almost complete and engines, as well as power generators had been installed. These 700 Meter ships would need a week more until their would be complete.

Redic Scott
Jun 11th, 2004, 09:36:40 AM
The Protectors were all finished and ready to go. They were shimmering in the light given off from the systems sun and from the surrounding stars. They looked beutiful in the eyes of a military man, but they were also very deadly. The four ships accelerated from the docking yard and lept into hyperspace.


At Kaut the Bothan Assault cruiser was finally completed and fully manned with Halo Force personel. It moved away from the yard and waited for the others in its force to join it.

Work started on 2 Majestic Class Heavy Cruisers.

The two Majestics at Coruscant are now complete and become fully manned. work begins on 4 Corona class Frigates and 2 Belarus Class Cruisers.

Redic Scott
Jun 18th, 2004, 01:49:28 PM
At the Mon Cal, an older MC-80b was undergoing massive upgrading. It was being turned into a Restoration class ship, fitting with huge interdiction field disruptors. Most of the systems were online, but it would take another 4 days to fully install the disruptors and the safties. Power also had to be routed and all systems had to undergo testing. The power generators had already been installed and were online.
At Fondor work started on 4 Belarus Light Cruisers.

At Kaut, the Majestics were completed and work began on two more.
At Coruscant the Coronas and Belarus's were finished and work started on 2 more Coronas.