View Full Version : New Republic - Halo Force

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 12:04:05 PM

I'll try and keep this as brief as I can. Basically though, "Halo Force" is the designation given to the unit that I am part of. You may wonder why "Halo Force". The "Halo" might become apparent later. The Force...well, we don't qualify as a "Wing", as there are only two squadrons. It was the first word that came into my head. ;)

Some of this may seem fairly pointless, but in the posts within this thread, I'll be laying down the information that you will need to understand whats going on with my unit. A few bits and pieces may seem a little trivial and stuff, but I'm gonna write them in here anyway. :mneh

So...yeah. Info on Halo Force, coming up.

#1 - Introduction
#2 - History
#3 - Halo Force - Personnel
#4 - Halo Force - Starships
#5 - Halo Force - Starships (Specs)
#6 - Halo Force - Units
#7 - Halo Force - Fighters (Specs)
#8 - Operations History
#9 - SPARE

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 12:06:49 PM

Several years ago, after a skirmish with the Imperial Remnant, the remains of a wing of A-Wing fighters, assigned to a Mon Cal cruiser, found itself without a home after a Star Destroyer destroyed their base ship. In the general retreat that followed, the New Republic squadron was stranded. It had been of vital importance that the remaining cruisers escaped, and the squadron had eaten into its fuel reserve in order to dogfight for longer. It found itself without enough fuel to make it to the rendezvous point. The most senior officer of the wing, one of the Squadron leaders, ordered his fighters to flee to the fringes of the system, and hide.

27 fighters escaped intact. However, the fuel loss and battle damage on most of the fighters meant that they could piece together 16 working craft. Hooking up with a few escape shuttles, the wing managed to rescue dozens of survivors of the battle, and bring them to their makeshift base.

The wing had a dilemma. The system itself contained two habitable planets, as well as several habitable moons orbiting a large gas giant. One of these moons held the survivors. The other moons and planets held little more than trading outposts, far from the major trade routes. However, the imperials frequently made visits, just to maintain a presence in the system.

16 fighters were capable of returning to New Republic space, as well as a few shuttles. However, it was calculated that it would take two weeks before a New Republic rescue party, capable of taking on the imperial presence in the system could be assembled and dispatched (the New Republic was, at the time, still reeling from several costly space battles). It would then take a further week for the fighters to reach any major New Republic outpost, and relay a message through to command, and several more days for the rescue fleet to make it out this far.

In the end, it was decided that a two fighters would return to NR space, in order to summon help. The remaining squadron (12), plus the limited shuttle support, would defend the survivors, and act as pirates in order to collect the necessary supplies to ensure their survival.

Four weeks later, a New Republic rescue fleet rolled into the fringes of the system. With the help of the new “Archangel” squadron, who had re-painted their fighters in a white-on-black scheme (the paint having been found on board a raided cargo ship), the survivors were rescued, and the fleet escaped in once piece.

Archangel Squadron came to the New Republic as a pre-fabricated A-Wing unit. However, they were more. The pilots selected to fly the fighters on the primary missions had been the most experienced of the wing, although the less skilled pilots had been rotated into the cockpit in order to allow the main squadron some rest, and provide 24-hour fighter cover. After four weeks of regular combat, their experience had increased to such an extent that even the worst members of the squadron could out-fly many New Republic pilots. Twelve new A-Wings were commissioned, taking the “lesser” pilots into an A-Wing unit in their own right. However, Archangel Squadron survived as an elite unit, and has served as part of the New Republic’s Starfighter force ever since.

Recent History:

For the past several years, Archangel has served the New Republic as an elite A-Wing unit. More recently, the splinter squadron, designated "Angel" has been grouped together with it. The two squadrons have served alongside each other, launching from the Bothan Assault Cruiser Asgard.

Archangel Squadron prides itself on its skillful pilots. Angel has always been happier taking the lesser role, backing up its piloting "superiors". However, with age, retirement and the Imperials claiming more and more of their pilots, the numbers of "original" pilots. As a result, Seraph pilots have been bumped up into Archangel, and Angel grabs as many skilled pilots as it can.

When an old face returns to Archangel, it eases their recruitment somewhat. Malcolm Trippen is a former member of Archangel, who retired after several years flying Starfighters for the NR. He was drafted back into Archangel when the more experienced pilots began to become thin on the ground.

To keep themselves in as strong a position against the Empire, Halo Force was given the latest incarnation of the A-Wing, the A2, in order to make them more effective in combat. Both Archangel and Angel were equipped with these fighters, Seraph taking a slight variant on the design, sacrificing speed and manoeuvrability for combat strength. These fighters were designated the A2/a and the A2/b respectively.

The Halo Force continues to operate as an elite unit, helping the New Republic to battle the Empire in its many new forms.

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 12:22:06 PM
Halo Force - Personnel:

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Bothan Assault Cruiser Asgard:

- Captain Jacen Parami (Commanding Officer) (Human Male from Alderaan)
- Lt Commander Arla Key'va (Executive Officer) (Bothan Female from Bothwuii)

* * *

Ranger Gunship Ask:

- Commander Kell Farden (Commanding Officer) (Human Male from Dantooine)

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Ranger Gunship Embla:

- Commander Allendra Si'an (Commanding Officer) (Human Female from Nar Shaada)

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Majestic Heavy Cruiser Midgard:

- Captain Yddrasil (Commanding Officer) (Quarren Male from Mon Calamari)

* * *

Sacheen Light Escort Bifrost:

- Commander Annex Vallen (Commanding Officer) (Human Female from Lok)
- Major Kyle Raiden (Executive Officer) (Human Male, origin unknown)

* * *

Archangel Squadron:

- Commander Yurvin Delso (Arc Leader) (Human Male from Coruscant)
- Kira "Kitty" Fondor (Arc Two) (Human Female from Corellia)
- Lieutenant Kolen Lejos (Arc Three) (Shistavanen Male from Uvena III)
- Xeis Vaan (Arc Four) (Rodian Female from Rodia)

- Lieutenant Malcolm Trippen (Arc Five) (Human Male from Corellia)
- Auric Vendaan (Arc Six) (Human Male from Norvall II)
- Lieutenant Aten Thayne (Arc Seven) (Human Male from Thyferra)
- Timo Vash (Arc Eight) (Human Male from Tatooine)

- Lieutenant Ozaan Tzin'kor (Arc Nine) (Bothan Male from Bothwuii)
- Chase Lo'ryan (Arc Ten) (Human Female from Contruum)
- Ellen Daal (Arc Eleven) (Human Female from Chad)
- Larren Kho (Arc Twelve) (Twi'lek Female from Ryloth)

* * *

Angel Squadron:

- Captain Korben Maxis (Angel One) (Human Male from Tanaab)
- Tomo Obideil (Angel Two) (Nikto Male from Kathos)
- Lucia Domani (Angel Three) (Human Female from Tatooine)
- Talon Cordell (Angel Four) (Human Male from Arkanis)

- Lieutenant Za'prii Nymico (Angel Five) (Sullustan Male from Sullust)
- Damon Conrad (Angel Six) (Human Male from Kalaan)
- Zesiro Barak (Angel Seven) (Rodian Male from Rodia)
- Eryn Tao (Angel Eight) (Human Female from Ghorman)

- Munin Vale (Angel Nine) (Twi'lek Male from Ryloth)
- Kara Vienn (Angel Ten) (Human Female from Talus)
- Alex Keitaro (Angel Eleven) (Human Male from Dakshee)
- Atlas Zahava (Angel Twelve) (Human Male from Alderaan)

* * *

Seraph Squadron:

- Captain Armina Renata (Seraph One) (Sullustan Female from Sullust)
- Sabriel Chione (Seraph Two) (Human Female from Meastrinnar)

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Saint Squadron:

- Captain Hiero Nantai (Saint One) (Mon Cal Male from Mon Calamari)
- Devin Xaar (Saint Two) (Human Male from Procopia)

* * *

Dark Angel Squadron:

- Major Kyle Raiden (Dark One) (Human Male, origin unknown)
- Talyn Sun (Dark Two) (Abyssin Male from Byss)
- Lieutenant Orbren Tiaal (Dark Three) (Aqualish Male from Ando)
- Hoshi Myn (Dark Four) (Human Female from Bespin)

- Captain Lara Azriel (Dark Five) (Twi'lek Female from Tatooine)
- Orsen Kinkade (Dark Six) (Human Male from Veridian)
- Cha'ka Kahn (Dark Seven) (Shistavanen Male from Bestine)
- Mona Satchi (Dark Eight) (Human Female from Kessel)

- Lieutenant Kieran Lee (Dark Nine) (Human Male from Tanaab)
- Rhola Yan'kor (Dark Ten) (Bothan Female from Bothwuii)
- Da'go Luxon (Dark Eleven) (Zabrak Male from Yon'vaal)
- Jaden Xandras (Dark Twelve) (Human Male from Eriadu)

* * *

Covenant Platoon (Bifrost):

- Captain Shelly Waye (Covenant One) (Human Female from Rori)
- Lieutenant Chivas Khoon (Covenant Two) (Sullustan Male from Sullust)

- Sergeant Drake Remorai (Alpha One) (Human Male from Balamak)
- Corporal Kieran Lee (Alpha Two) (Human Male from Corellia)
- Private Iyotra Sioux (Alpha Three) (Kel Dor Female from Dorin)
- Private Nathan Alak (Alpha Four) (Human Male from Gamandar)

- Sergeant Myossi Diego (Bravo One) (Human Female from Thyferra)
- Corporal Qobix Darlyn (Bravo Two) (Quarren Male from Mon Calamari)
- Private Xenia Nikolai (Bravo Three) (Human Female from Naboo)
- Private Sebran Yonii (Bravo Four) (Sumrian Male from Lol)

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 01:03:50 PM
Halo Force - Starships:

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The Asgard, a Bothan Assault Cruiser, currently serves as the base ship for Halo Force. The ship was constructed at Kuat and has, thus far, seen very little in the way of combat. Her commander however, Captain Jacen Parami, is a fairly experienced Starship commander, and should be able to ensure that Halo Force's ships have somewhere to come home to.

As the Asgard is a combat vessel, in addition to the two Halo Force ships, two X-Wing squadrons are kept aboard. They are there to defend the ship, should a starfighter attack be launched against her. The two squadrons are also well equipped to back Halo Force up, should they need it.

* * *

Ask and Embla:

To ensure that the Asgard survives through a space battle, two Ranger-class Gunships have been assigned to defend her. These two ships are designated the Ask, and the Embla.

The primary roles of the two Ranger Gunships are to provide additional firepower to Halo Force, and to provide extra targets other than the Asgard for enemy vessels. In a standard formation, the Ask and the Embla hold positions off to the port and starboard flanks of the Asgard, following slightly behind.

* * *


The Majestic-class is a proven Heavy Escort, used time and time again by the New Republic to defend her fleets. To bolster Halo Force's numbers, A Majestic was added to her number.

The Midgard is a heavily-armed ship-to-ship combat craft, capable of dealing a lot of damage in a space battle. The standard fleet formation requires the Midgard to hold at a position aft of the Asgard, ready to move forward and bring its vast arsenal of weapons to bear.

* * *


Added to Halo Force as a transport for Dark Angel Squadron, a combined Starfighter and Commando unit. Capable of functioning on her own, without fleet back-up, the Sacheen-class Light Escort Bifrost was the perfect choice. Her crew is minimal, but for her size, she is a highly capable ship.

When functioning as part of Halo Force, the Bifrost forms up below the Asgard, making her the focal point of any Starfighter launch, able to quickly add her own squadron to the fray.

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 01:32:36 PM
Halo Force - Starships (Specs):

* * *


Specs: Bothan Assualt Cruiser
Length: 850 Meters

- 24 Heavy Double Turbolaser Cannons
- 20 Turbolaser Batteries
- 10 Ion Cannons
- 20 Proton Torpedo Launcher (Weapons Payload = 2,000 Advanced Proton Torpedoes)
- 6 Tractor Beam Projectors

Speed: 20 MGLT

Hull: 3,200 RU (Double Bonded Durasteel Armor)
Shielding: 4,800 SBD (Serridge SEAL A600 Shielding System)

Hyperdrive: X1
Back-up: X12

Crew: 1798
- 88 Officers
- 1240 Crew
- 160 Gunners
- 250 Troopers
- 60 Pilots

Onboard Craft:
- Archangel Squadron (12 A2/a A-Wings)
- Angel Squadron (12 A2/b A-Wings)
- Seraph Squadron (12 XJX X-Wings)
- Saint Squadron (12 XJX X-Wings)
- 6 Shuttles (Lambda-class)

Onboard Vehicles:
20 Light Repulsor Vehicles
60 Speeder Bikes

This warship was developed by the Bothan military, for use by the New Republic. At 850 meters in length, the Bothan Assault Cruiser was designed to fill the mission profile of a Victory-class Star Destroyer on the front lines of a space battle Its design incorporated some of the most modern technologies the Assault Cruiser boasted twenty percent more firepower and fifty percent more shielding and armor plating. It was leaner and less angular that the Victory-class ship, and was designed to take a beating while giving one out. The design and construction of these warships was heavily protested by many factions, since the Assault Cruiser was developed after the Imperial Remnant had negotiated a peace with the New Republic and the state of war between the two had been nullified. The ships proved to be excellent for carrying starfighters into battle, with a pair of huge hangars located amidships. The launch apertures from the ship allowed fighters to head up or down, depending on the conditions of battle, and made recovering fighters at the end of an engagement quick and easy.

* * *

Ask and Embla:

Specs: Ranger-class Gunship
Length: 135 Meters

- 8 Turbolaser Cannons
- 8 Laser Cannons
- 8 Concussion Missile Launchers (Weapons Payload = 320 Concussion Missiles)

Speed: 32 MGLT

Hull: 375 RU (Bonded Durasteel Armour)
Shielding: 900 SBD (Serridge SEAL T5 Shielding System)

Hyperdrive: X1
Back-up: X10

Crew: 90
- 12 Officers
- 36 Crew
- 32 Gunners
- 10 Troopers

Onboard Craft: None

Onboard Vehicles: None

Part of the New Republic's new effort against pirates in the Outer Rim, the Ranger Gunship served admirably against the Yuuzhan Vong invaders. With both powerful turbolaser cannons and hi-track quad laser cannons, the Ranger can take on almost any small to mid-sized ship and win.

* * *


Specs: Majestic-class Heavy Escort Cruiser
Length: 700 Meters

- 30 Heavy Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
- 20 Laser Cannons
- 20 Ion Cannons
- 8 Concussion Missile Launchers (Weapons Payload = 600 Concussion Missiles)
- 4 Tractor Beam Projectors

Speed: 14 MGLT

Hull: 2,550 RU (Double Bonded Durasteel Armor)
Shielding: 5,050 SBD (Serridge SEAL Mk1 Shielding System)

Hyperdrive: X1
Back-up: X12

Crew: 4562
- 128 Officers
- 3648 Crew
- 146 Gunners
- 640 Troopers

Onboard Craft: None

Onboard Vehicles: None

The Majestic-class heavy cruiser is armed for ship-to-ship combat, with heavy turbolasers, anti-starfighter weapons, missile launchers, ion cannons and tractor beams. The ship is equipped with thick armour and powerful shields equal to the previous generation of Imperial Star Destroyers. They protect the ship as it approaches engagements and exchanges close-range fire with the enemy. The Majestic-class was blooded in the battle at ICL-905 and at N'Zoth during the Black Fleet Crisis where it performed with honor.

* * *


Specs: Sacheen-class Light Escort
Length: 375 Meters

- 10 Heavy Double Turbolaser Cannons
- 8 Turbolaser Batteries
- 8 Tractor Beam Projectors

Speed: 12 MGLT

Hull: 1,440 RU (Bonded Durasteel Armour)
Shielding: 2,750 SBD (Serridge SEAL As3 Shielding System)

Hyperdrive: X1
Back-up: X12

Crew: 200
- 26 Officers
- 90 Crew
- 62 Gunners
- 20 Troopers
- 14 Pilots

Onboard Craft:
- Dark Angel Squadron (12 XJX X-Wings)
- 1 Shuttle (Lambda-class, Covenant)

Onboard Vehicles: None

The Sacheen-class light escort is the smallest vessels in the New Class program capable of extended independant operations. They have enough heavy turbolasers to threaten a cruiser or destroy most smaller ships, and equipped with ion cannons and anti-starfighter weaponry for ship capture. They are equipped with a hanger bay capable of housing a full squadron though most of the ships have, especially ones assigned to group operations have yet to be assigned their fighter compliment. Sacheens are typically used as screening vessels for the larger Republic ships, or as escort craft for the Hajen fleet tenders. Many can be found operating as patrol vessels backed up with starfighter support.

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 01:41:07 PM
Halo Force - Units

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Archangel and Angel Squadrons:

The initial success of the A2 A-Wing, during its first major outing at the Battle of Bestine attracted the interest of Halo Force. Twenty-four A2 fighters were requisitioned, and left to the tender mercies of their Technical staff. Two variants of the design were produced – the A2/a, and the A2/b.

Archangel is the principal squadron in Halo Force. It is home to the more skilled pilots. These pilots, in the A2/a variant of the A2 A-Wing, take point in most operations, providing the fast strike damage dealt by the Force. They are skilled dogfighters, and can deal a lot of damage once they get into battle.

Angel Squadron is Archangel's lesser half. Its pilots are still skilled, and are trained to ensure they are capable of keeping up with Dark Angel. They are equipped with the A2/b, a version of the A2 that sacrifices speed in order to boost its arsenal. Angel Squadron follows behind Archangel, providing ranged support when Dark Angel hits initially, and then diving into the fight to help pick off the scattered fighters.

* * *

Seraph and Saint Squadrons:

Both Seraph and Saint Squadrons exist mainly to provide a fighter escort for the Asgard. However, their X-Wings are highly versatile, renowned for decades as the dogfighters of the Alliance, and the New Republic. Though not the most skilled pilots in Halo Force, these two Squadrons are well trained and well equipped to fulfill, when required, roles that go beyond their escort duties.

Seraph Squadron is Halo Force's designated Reconnaisance Squadron. They are often dispatched in advance of the main fighter force, to scout out potentially dangerous systems, and survive long enough to return to the Force, or call for reinforcements. They recieve training beyond what is usually given to an X-Wing Squadron to strengthen their abilities in this regard.

Saint Squadron is trained to protect Halo Force's line of retreat, and combat larger craft such as Starships, in order to ensure that the capitol ships of Halo Force survive an escape. They are trained beyond NR standards, learning how to make the best use of the design flaws in turret design, flying below the arc of fire, how to utilise their smaller size to avoid Starship fire, and how to cause maximum damage with the missiles they carry, to name but a few examples.

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 02:06:33 PM
Halo Force - Fighters (Specs):

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A2/a A-Wing (Archangel Squadron):

Specs: A2/a "Archangel" A-wing Strike Fighter
Length: 10 Meters

- 2 Laser Cannons
- 2 Light Ion Cannons

- Standard Republic Issue Countermeasure package
- Advanced Target Jamming system

Hull: 20 RU
Shielding: 50 SBD

Speed: 185 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed: 1,450 Kph
Hyperdrive: X .75

Crew: 1 Pilot

The A2/a, designated a Strike Fighter, took the original A2 design, and did everything it could to increase the speed and manoeuvrability of the fighter. The fighter’s internal systems were optimised for dogfighting, incorporating a number of tweaks and modifications that Archangel Squadron had carried on it’s A-Wings for years. The result was a fighter able to quickly respond to most tactical situations, combining speed, manoeuvrability and pilot skill into a deadly combination.

* * *

A2/b A-Wing (Angel Squadron):

Specs: A2/b "Angel" A-wing Assault Fighter
Length: 10 Meters

- 2 Laser Cannons
- 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (Weapons Payload = 6 Proton Torpedoes)

- Standard Republic Issue Countermeasure package
- Advanced Target Jamming system

Hull: 25 RU
Shielding: 60 SBD

Speed: 177 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed: 1,300 Kph
Hyperdrive: X .75

Crew: 1 Pilot

The major concern voiced by Halo Force in response to the A2 was its lack of projectile weaponry. It was decided that Angel Squadron, which typically formed the second wave in Halo Force’s Starfighter combat, would have their Ion Cannons sacrificed, in favour of more powerful projectile weapons. After much deliberation, Proton Torpedoes were selected as the payload. This was not so much for tactical reasons, but more because the remaining two squadrons in Halo Force flew X-Wings, fitted with Proton Torpedo Launchers as standard. The resulting Starfighter, though less manoeuvrable than both the A2 and the A2/a, was still much faster than most opposing fighters, and carried with it the same weapons payload as the NRSF X-Wing. When combined with the rest of Halo Force, it became a great tactical asset.

* * *

XJX X-Wing (Seraph/Saint/Dark Angel Squadron):

Specs: XJX X-wing Space Superiority Fighter
Length: 11 Meters

- 4 Laser Cannons
- 2 Photon Torpedo Launchers (Weapons Payload = 6 Proton Torpedoes)

- Standard Republic Issue Countermeasure package
- Advanced Target Jamming system

Speed: 153 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed: 1,200 Kph
Hyperdrive: X .75

Hull: 25 RU
Shielding: 60 SBD

Crew: 1 Pilot

The need for a reliable multi-role fighter has always been Incoms main objective. Though the E-wing has taken its place in the Republic fleet as such a craft the mass number of X-wing type craft caused Incom to rethink the design. Completelly reworked and redesigned the XJX is the most modern fighter avalible to the NRSF. Though not as fast or as manuverable as some of the new designs the proven T-65 design more then matches them by providing a cheep alternative to the costly designs.

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 02:08:21 PM
Info - Operations History:

The old system was too complicated. Here's a much easier to understand one - its just a list of all roleplays that "Halo Force" has featured in, in IC chronological order.

First Flight (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36352)
Bestine - In War's Wake (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36500)
<a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36861">Stratagem</a>
Battlefleet Mediator (New Beginning) (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36045)

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 3rd, 2004, 02:22:32 PM

Telan Desaria
Jun 7th, 2004, 03:51:31 PM
I've just finished reading this and it looks like you have put in a lot of work - -good show. I look forward to smashing you. (Imperial humor...)

Anyway - just wanted to quick point something out. An 850-man vessel would have approximately 5-10,000 in the way of crew.

Redic Scott
Jun 7th, 2004, 10:37:14 PM
Actually those numbers are straight from the NJO sourcebook, so they should be correct and we'll stick with them.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 8th, 2004, 05:31:42 AM
Yes. The Bothans automated approximately 80% of the ship's functions, and included redundant computer systems to manage the vessel. There's also a significantly larger-than-usual contingent of droids on board.

Teleran Balades
Jun 8th, 2004, 11:56:50 AM
I hate Bothan Assault Cruisers, I've done some minor fleet RPing with the d20 SWRPG and those things are a pain.

Nice work, a story behind the battlegroup always makes things more interesting.

Telan Desaria
Jun 8th, 2004, 07:02:20 PM
Sorry to insert it, then. I don't have the sourcebook. I know nothing of them - I was going off of my own knowledge. Sorry!!!

Redic Scott
Jun 8th, 2004, 07:46:11 PM
lol, you should be sorry, how dare you question us lol, jk man.

For this you will suffer the wrath of the entire New Republic Naval might. We shall throw all our Neb-bs at you and our Corellian Vets. Take that.

Travis North
Jun 8th, 2004, 08:07:49 PM
Smite them, smite them. He's a cookin' up a somethin'.

Jun 9th, 2004, 12:04:29 AM
I hate bothans, furry buggers!, but the can build a good ship. Ever since I first saw the stats for that thing I have hated the fact that it was a good ship.

Malcolm Trippen
Jun 9th, 2004, 02:47:12 AM
You all spoiled my nice organised information thread...:cry

Travis North
Jun 9th, 2004, 05:18:10 AM
You finished all your info post. Well not finished but have posted them. It's logical comments could be added unless you thought you could slip through without being noticed.

Anyway, it looks alright to me. I wonder Lion would these boys be suitable for Conquest. I figure he could send one of his squadrons on patrol the spot the convoy and do a little damage before having to withdraw. This'll give you some experience with fleeting since either of your fleet characters haven't seen much space combat.

Jun 9th, 2004, 10:52:45 AM
I apoligize I didnt mean to mess up your info thread. I didnt even think about it when I posted. Sorry

Jun 9th, 2004, 12:01:47 PM
Just kiddin, guys! All of the stuff I need to add will go in the posts already there...I'll just stick the "active threads" in the first post, and voila.

Seriously, though, thanks for the compliments. I 'preciate it...but in all honesty, it is the culmination of 4 years-worth of Fan Fiction, Roleplaying, and Lego, so the concept isn't new...had to write the history from scratch, though. If I can dig up any of my old Fan Fics, I'll post them up here somewhere, or in Storytelling or something, if thats ok. They tell the history of the unit. I never got round to writing the "first" one...which I guess I'd better do, really!


Malcolm Trippen
Jul 10th, 2004, 06:00:38 AM
I've re-jigged some of the pages in the Info thread. They're in a slightly different order. I think its more logical. I might have to re-think it if the structure of the unit changes at all, but for now it should be ok. I've updated the specs for the Starships, added in a very complicated way of listing all of the missions (both RP'd and not) that Halo Force gets involved in, and shifted a few things about.

Happy re-reading!

Edit: 27th Aug '04

I did it again. :) It all makes more sense now...