View Full Version : One of those days

Jordana Montegue
Jun 2nd, 2004, 06:43:53 PM
I swear if I didn't need my job, I'd just say the things I really want to say to some of our customers and let them fire me. I'm sorry for this little rant, but I swear if I didn't just laugh at this one customer, I'd say something that would end up with my getting fired.

I work in retail (Hobby Lobby) and some of the customers are rather nice and I don't mind helping them at all. The majority of them suck, however, and it truly takes a lot for me to bite my tongue and put on that smile. I'm not known as one who holds her tongue, so to speak.

Besides being the lead cashier and training the new hires, I'm also the head of two additional departments. Over the next month or so, I'm also being trained to help out two more departments, so needless to say I'm kept extremely busy. Anywho ....

This customer comes in to the store today hauling two shopping carts full of bags; floral items she had purchased a few days prior that she was now returning. All of the items she bought (the total was over $200.00) were on sale at the time of purchase (or her total would have been over $400.00). She throws - yes literally throws - her receipts onto the counter demanding a refund.

Ok, no problem. However, don't demand something you're going to be given anyways. It just makes us not want to service you, to be quite honest.

So, I'm standing by the cashier who's doing this return (I have to stay at the register and sign the return slip and the register journal for the refunds) and this woman gives my cashier one of the most snottiest looks I have ever seen and tries to say that she's suppose to get back over $400.00.

I look at the woman, dry expression on my face (as we do get tired of dealing with idiots daily) and explain to her calmly that she will only get back the amount she originally paid and that her total was only two-hundred and some odd dollars.

She proceeds to state - and I quote - "You're all stupid."

Umm excuse me, but saying things like that only gets you cruddy customer service, sorry but that's the fact.

However, I just burst out laughing to the point that my cheeks were red and my eyes were watering.

"Ma'am. There's no need for comments like that, considering the fact that you are trying to tell me that you're owed twice the amount you paid for your purchase." I say to her, trying to quell my laughter.

This customer continued to insist that she didn't pay half price for these items she was returning when it shows clearly on her receipt that she did. Once I was able to stop laughing, I explained to her again in the most simplist of words that when you buy something at a sale price of fifty-percent off and return it, you are only going to get back what you paid and not the original full price of the item.

The cashier had to step in with the explanation for a moment as I was laughing too hard to speak, to explain to the woman that she did not buy just one single flower stem at half price - if one stem is on sale, all stems are on sale. This angered the woman further because she wanted the full $2.99 for the stem even though she paid $1.49 for it.

Again, she ranted about how stupid everyone who works at Hobby Lobby is, once again setting off my laughing fit. She added to the end of her rant that only stupid people would shop at Hobby Lobby, to which I immediately replied "You shopped here just last week ma'am."

Finally, she shot me a dirty look and shut her trap. I, however, could not stop laughing.

I swear, if I didn't laugh I would have lost my job for the things I would have said to the woman. Sometimes, I honestly think it would be worth it. If I didn't need this job, I probably would do it.

I'm left wondering though where some people get their nerve - or their brains. ...

I'm sure my laughing didn't help anything, but honestly, there was nothing else I could do at the time. I'm half tempted to start writing a book about the blatantly obvious in everyday situations.

Anyways, I had to rant. Anyone else have one of those days today?

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 2nd, 2004, 07:00:16 PM
Not today.

I had today off. :)

imported_Grev Drasen
Jun 2nd, 2004, 07:15:00 PM
Luckily my job doesn't require me to interact with people.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jun 2nd, 2004, 07:16:12 PM
Likewise, praise be. I'm not the most tolerant person around. I'd have been laughing, true, but that might have lasted through the first five syllables of ranting from an idiot like that.

Dan the Man
Jun 2nd, 2004, 07:24:41 PM
I love dealing with people. Idiots don't bother me, and only make my day more funny. In the end, I'm right and they're wrong :)

Jordana Montegue
Jun 2nd, 2004, 07:54:03 PM
When I started working there back in mid November, my patience with people was better than it is now. However, I can honestly say that I don't think I've seen people more rude than they are today. I've worked in retail off and on for the past fifteen years and believe you me, I have come across some of the rudest people I thought I'd ever meet.

It seems lately, as the years go on, that they only become more rude and annoying. I use to wonder why it is that customer service doesn't seem to be what it once was and after working in retail for the past number of years that I have, I think I understand exactly why customer service sucks these days. The customers have sucked the life force out of us retail workers. Seriously.

There are some customers who sit right in front of the door 1 - 1 1/2 hours before we even open on the day when our shipment arrives! Ok, I know we get some great sales and some of our things are pretty cool, but good Lord! Can't you wait until we get it off the truck, unpacked, out to the floor and put on the shelf before you storm in like a ticked off hornet and hunting us down to ask if a certain item came in the shipment? !

In all honesty, most of the time we don't even know what's come in. Some weeks we don't get half of the merchandise we ordered due to it being temporarily out of stock or on back order. So the warehouse just sends out whatever they have on hand.

One of my favorite annoyances is when someone approaches while you're balancing precariously on a ladder attempting to stick pieces of heavy furniture on the very top shelf, shouting "EXCUSE ME! I need help over here now."

Yeah well you know what?? http://groupies.sharnyl.net/forums/uploads/smil40ae08acbbfe2.gif
Though, I do have to say this much. We do have a few customers who come in weekly, if not daily, who are some of the nicest people we meet. Just the other day, while I was outside enjoying a smoke on my break, I had an older gentleman wish me a Happy Memorial day and told me to keep the pretty smile on my face because it sure made his day.

That felt pretty good to hear :)

As an aside, I think it should be mandatory that everyone works in retail for a minimum of six months. Seriously. Maybe people would learn something from it. I know I am!

Oy vay! :cry

Dan the Man
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:00:06 PM
Having worked in retail plenty, I can safely say that its about 6000% worse in the banking industry :)

You don't see people at their battiest until you deal in raw terms of dollars and cents.

Jordana Montegue
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:08:53 PM
Ugh. If that's what you do, I feel much sympathy for you and you have my condolences :lol . Money makes people crazy, that's for sure. With all the things they teach you (or try to teach you) in school, you'd think real lessons in simple civility would be included :) Go back to the days when Ms. Manners was teaching the politics of politeness.

Since I've been in retail off and on for so long, I can honestly say that when I'm a customer, I'm not like the ones I have to deal with day in and day out. Like the lazy schmucks who can't put the item back where they got it from but have this need to stick it on the shelf directly below it. Yeah, that whole extra foot you'd have to reach in order to return it from whence it came is just going to kill you :\

I suppose it's a good thing if I can laugh and joke about this. I imagine if it's hit the point of not being to do either of those, it's time to quit.

PS: I envy those who don't have to deal with the public in their jobs. I need one of those >.<

Dan the Man
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:13:16 PM
Back in the bull market days of 2000, I was working at a bank that was somewhat "leading edge" in terms of providing high rates on depository accounts. (#1 on bankrate.com at the time) Anyways, a guy called in, irate because he wasn't getting the rate he wanted on his money market (It was 6.9% APR at that time. If that's not good enough for you on a DDA, then you probably need to try the stock market instead, and stop bitching).

The reason he wasn't getting his desired rate? Not computer error. Not incompetence on behalf of the account specialist (myself). No, its much more serious and plausible.

The reason was due to a Zionist conspiracy, formulated by the Jews, to "jew" his money away from him.

It was all I could do to transfer him to my supervisor, and then spend the next 20 minutes on the floor of my cubicle, laughing until I gasped. I almost said "Shalom" instead of "Goodbye"

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:14:35 PM
I had an old/er man ask me how I felt about being pretty the other day. That was pretty funny, and cute. :)

Jordana Montegue
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:30:14 PM
:rollin :lol Oh the things that could have been said to that guy, Dan the Man! Of course, I'd get fired so ... :\

Oh hey! Atleast you were asked about how you feel about being pretty! I got fired for being "too pretty!" from my previous job - and yes, those were the bosses exact words and reason for firing me.

I didn't know if I should feel angry or complimented!? In the end, I was madder than a nest of bees fighting off Winnie the Pooh for the honey.

Lady Mylia
Jun 2nd, 2004, 10:15:37 PM
I've never had anything as bad as that... I work in the restaurant business... I'm a hostess and busser (sometimes) and I deal with angry people who never want to pay for anything, just because they got their side dish wrong... well a most recent trouble was that as a cashier I am supposed to ask for their ID when they request for it when using a credit card... this lady was paying for their meal with her sisters card while her sister went out to have a smoke... I asked for the ID like the back of the card said (C I D) and the sister went to get her sister... the sister came back in all disgruntled... "she's my sister! All I wanted to do was have a smoke!" all the while her sister is standing next to her going "that's good she asked." As I'm trying to explain to the lady that I'm just doing all she asked for me to do. She was so pissed. People and their smoking habits! No offense to anyone. I was just majorly pissed because she started yelling at me and blowing her stinky smokey breath right in my face! It's not my fault! If anything it's yours for putting that request on your card.
Old people are the worst. I swear, I get more crap from the oldest people! And servers, they are the worst at my restaurant... most of the time I can handle customers... but the servers are horrible... (most of them) they want a smoke break every half hour I swear... it gets to be a little uncalled for at times... I know you get stressed out at work, but so do I... I don't get to go jump into a warm shower every 30 mins to de-stress myself! I swear, me and some of the other non smokers were talking about going to buy candy cigerettes so we can go outside for a 5 min break every half hour.... *sighs* my rant about work... and sorry to all the smokers... I know all of you aren't as bad as the servers at my work...

Cyrel Annat
Jun 2nd, 2004, 10:37:01 PM
Wooooo! I could go on and on about this topic til next Christmas but unfortunately, I think my fingers would fall off and then I could no longer scratch my head in shock and awe at some of the real gems that I can be forced to deal with. As with a few others, I work in retail. I manage a photo lab for Kodak that is within a Target store. When they designed the store, they didn't take many things into consideration, least of all public intelligence to figure things out for themselves. While I cannot think of many instances of late (too many to recall correctly, I think), I do have a couple that occur quite often. Mind you, this store has been open for over 6 years now and nothing at all has changed.

With that in mind, at least 3 times a day I'm asked where the Service Desk is. Disregard the bright red neon sign that denotes said Service Desk. That's too big of a clue for people to figure out.

The same is true for the hanging sign that says "Restrooms". This sign hangs right in front of them, which is unfortunately right behind my lab, and thus I am asked where those are on a regular basis as well.

Along the lines of the SD, I'm asked if my lab is where they return items they don't want. The lab itself is just about big enough for the film machine that we have, with about a foot and a half of space on all the other sides, save for the back wall. In no way is there any room for any manner of return, and those people are directed to the bright neon sign.

ATMs and Bridal Registry! Now, being questioned about these two are acceptable for those customers who do not have eyes. The ATM is right next to the door where you walk in, with the big ATM sign hanging above it. As far as the bridal registry...there's a kiosk with a bride and groom standing on the side of it. Also right by the bloody entrance. Why they walk halfway across the front end of the store to my lab to ask, I have no idea. And sadly, I do have to point out rather blatantly where it is.

"You see where that bride and groom are standing over there?"


"That would be it."

At least daily, I'm called and asked if I do 1-hour photo. People in the store looking at the machine ask if we do 1-hour. So many times I just want to tell them that the machine is present for cosmetic purposes only. The grey helps break up the monotony(sp?) of the yellow cabinets and counters.

I've also had the task of having to repair the machine and in one case, the entire upper half of my body was wedged inside the machine trying to fix a belt. Someone actually asked me if we were running (while I was halfway in the machine with parts laying on the ground beside me). I calmly looked at the person, looked at the parts and said "Not at the moment. Trying to fix the machine." Apparently, there needs to be smoke and fire for it to be obvious.

Most times, I just have to laugh to myself at the questions and people that I deal with on a regular basis. For me, most of the questions are so ridiculously stupid that I can barely tolerate legitimate questions. Anyway, that's enough ranting for the day. As stated before, I could go on and on for days on this, but hopefully these little tidbits were in some way amusing.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 3rd, 2004, 12:55:45 AM
We always have people coming into my store asking if we have such and such item that they got here years ago. No, we've never even heard of that item. Our customers are usually so old that they probably don't even remember the store that they got the item at in the first place.

And you gotta love the people who expect you to help them try on their clothes. >_<

Cyrel Annat
Jun 3rd, 2004, 01:53:24 PM
Yes, love them. Love them like you love slamming your hand into the car door sixteen times in a row.

Jordana Montegue
Jun 3rd, 2004, 04:43:50 PM
:lol . One of the many things I love about you my dear - your witty sense of humor. Oh yeah, and some of the stories you tell me after work.

Mylia, I feel your pain. I worked at a very popular Italian restaurant chain for a few months as a hostess and yeah, everything you said. Only add to that a manager who somehow thought he had the right to put his hands on me. So, getting fired/quitting after slugging the creep in the face isn't so bad.

Though, I'm not sure how it is for you, but where I was, they had the hostesses responsible for cleaning the bathrooms. GROSS! And let me tell you ... women are the worst! They are disgusting pigs and I cringe at the thought of having to use a public restroom simply from my experiences of working as a hostess.

Yes, folks you heard right - a woman stating that women are pigs. But, it's true. Even where I work now, the women's bathroom is ten times worse than the men's. I pity the stockman who has to clean up in there.

Sanis Prent
Jun 3rd, 2004, 05:45:07 PM
Its true. I've been demeaning women for years, for good reason.

Jordana Montegue
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:42:19 PM
:lol :mischief Me too. I admit that I don't get along with most women. Never have and never will. Eh, don't ask me why, it'd be too long to explain. I think after children, women are the most vicious creatures on the face of the earth. Also the most disgusting. And all of this coming from a woman!

In short, if you have nothing nice to say ... come sit next to me :D

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:48:11 PM
Children - especially those under the age of five - are little mongrels. Even worse than the pre-kindergarteners are Cub Scouts and their bigger cousins, the Boy Scouts. Oy. And to think I wore the frickin' uniforms for six years....

Figrin D'an
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:51:39 PM
Originally posted by Kieran Devaneaux
Even worse than the pre-kindergarteners are Cub Scouts and their bigger cousins, the Boy Scouts. Oy. And to think I wore the frickin' uniforms for six years....


Lady Mylia
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:58:49 PM
I've heard of few restroom problems... bit I've never had to deal with it... thank goodness! Hostesses don't have to clean bathroom's but busers do... I bus once a week... thankfully nothing has happened... *knock on wood* but it's the women's that has had the problem...
I know what you mean about women though, I have few good friends that are chicks, but mostly I'm friends with all guys... they don't go behind each other's backs and are really foward and not worried about hurting your feelings... which is what I like, even if it does hurt... :cry
I was really surprised and rather happy but like in the first couple days of me working at Perkins... one of the kewler services came up to me and said "I like you, you don't gossip and cause trouble like the others" I was really happy I got that compliment :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 4th, 2004, 01:17:20 AM
Mod Announcement:

Lady Mylia, you have used up your elipses quota for the year. If you use the "..." one more time, we'll have to take action.


oh, and ;)

Jordana Montegue
Jun 4th, 2004, 08:16:23 AM
Ditto on all of that, Mylia.

Poor Kieran. But tell me, did you learn anything while wearing those uniforms for six years ? o_O

Ok, it's now friday and I'm scheduled to close at work. Closing sucks >_< . I wish I could post signs all around the store for the customers that read something like:


I could have killed this one woman yesterday at work. Due to the holiday this past Monday, our shipment didn't come in until Wednesday. I have to put away and price all of the freight that comes in for three departments. (Well, 2. It becomes 3 when the cashiers don't get it done up front). I had just finished putting everything in it's place in the cards & party section and this woman comes by, checking out the party tablewear. She takes one tablecloth off the peghook, looks at it, and tosses it down on top of the napkins directly below the spot she just picked it up from.

That ticked me off. Heaven forbid should she reach up that extra few inches to hang the package back on the hook she just took it off from. Mind you, she didn't do this just one - she did it five times! (Using different colored tablecloths to do it).

I couldn't bite my tongue any longer and I said to her:

"You know, Ma'am. I've worked my butt off all day to get this department looking as good as it does. I'd appreciate it if you'd return the items you pick up exactly where you got them from."

She humphed and walked away with her nose in the air!

I just wanted to grab the entire shelf right off the wall and whack her upside the back of the head with it!

I wonder what her house looks like?

Probably an odd thing to wonder, but my thinking goes like this:

If these people were in their own home and someone came over and started putting things where they didn't belong, would these people get upset? Would they allow this to happen in their own house?

It's annoying that the basics of manners we are taught as young children seem to just go out the door when we grow up.

PS: :lol Lil.

Wait, what kind of action could be taken? o_O

Rasha Vill
Jun 4th, 2004, 12:23:50 PM
I stock shelves at Zellers (a department store owned by the Hudson's Bay Company), and It really get's on my nerves when people don't put things back where they are supose to go. It also makes my job more difficult when you have to spend 5 min to cleen the shelves just in order to get one box of stock on the shelves.

Another thing that bugs me is when I'm up to my neck in boxes, there is a service rep standing right there doing nothing, and the customers approch ME asking if I can help them. And I can't say no, without getting in trouble! So here I am doing my work AND the work of the lazy Service Rep! When you are burried in boxes, things are falling all over the place, and a customer approches and asks "Are you busy?" it is so tempting to say "No I'm not! I just Like everything around me being in a state of chaos!"

And then there are those People that open almost every package of toilet paper, or maxi pads, feal the stuf the opened, put it back on the shelf, then take the one that they didn't open! That makes me want to go over to sporting goods, grab a baseball bat and POUND THEM SENCELESS!

on that note, Retail would be so much cleaner if the customers were responsable for the mess they make.

Lady Mylia
Jun 4th, 2004, 05:38:53 PM
If you think that is bad, try reading my emails :D
I'm sorry. I do that a lot when I'm rambling online, I do not do it in my RP posts though. I make sure of that...
and Jordana, I'm proud for speaking that nicely. Anyone else would not have been so pleasant. I would have thrown it at her. :D

Jun 4th, 2004, 05:47:01 PM
Wow...I'm not the only one who rambles. Do you have an allergy to not typing? I have an allergy to not typing. And, when I can't think of anything to type, I type anything. Like now. I mean, I could have stopped typing ages ago. But I haven't. And I probably should stop typing. But I'm not ready to yet. Ok, maybe I am. In fact, yes. I am. I'm going to stop typing...now.

Lady Mylia
Jun 4th, 2004, 05:51:08 PM
LoL~ you're funny. Yes, I like to type. I can express myself better in type. I think... yeah, that's what I mean. :D

Jun 4th, 2004, 05:53:31 PM
I know all about that. When you're talking to people online and stuff, its easier to express yourself. In fact, so much easier, that I had to e-mail my sister to tell her about my girlfriend, and how much I loved her, and stuff...I was too embarassed to do it face to face. *blush*


LoL~ you're funny.

:| Wow...I like you. You think I'm funny. :D No one else does...:uhoh

Jordana Montegue
Jun 4th, 2004, 09:05:40 PM
Originally posted by Alex
:D No one else does...:uhoh

You're right.


I think I'm pretty proud of myself for stating that relatively nicely. There's been quite a few times when I've said things I shouldn't have said - and I've said them with my manager and assistant manager standing right there. They just chuckled and walked away, so I didn't get in any trouble.

In fact, I'm pretty surprised at the things I get away with at work. Aside from the fact that both the manager and assistant manager trust me explicitly, like my work and know that I work my butt off day in and day out, they also know I don't take any crap from anyone. My job description does not include taking abuse from the customers. I handle myself pretty well and its not all that often that I smart off to a customer (Shh, its probably more than I'm admitting to, my fiance will attest to that), but there are those customers who honestly deserve to get back exactly what they are dishing out.

One thing that does tick me off almost more than anything else mentioned thus far is when a customer emails our corporate offices and files a false allegation about incidences which never occured just so they can get a $20 gift card out of them. As an employee, I have no recourse if a customer outright lies about me or one of my employees under my supervision.

I've had a few customers email or tell my managers face to face good things about me, but you know what? It'd be real nice if more people wrote in to the managers and the corporate offices with praise instead of complaints.

Too bad people get rewarded for complaining. Maybe if people were rewarded (with the gift cards or a discount coupon off their next purchase of $20 or more) for complimenting, things might change - not just at my place of employment, but all over.

Then again, that could be taken advantage of also.

Lady Mylia
Jun 5th, 2004, 10:34:53 AM
I know, so true. People will take advantage of anything. It ers me when someone has cold eggs so then my manager gives them the whole meal free. Suddenly all the people have cold food in that party. It's crazy. Just give them more eggs. It sucks, the ones who bitch the loudest get the most. It's so true. Why does it have to be like that? People annoy me.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2004, 10:39:46 AM
Originally posted by Arya Ravenwing
We always have people coming into my store asking if we have such and such item that they got here years ago. No, we've never even heard of that item. Our customers are usually so old that they probably don't even remember the store that they got the item at in the first place.

And you gotta love the people who expect you to help them try on their clothes. >_<

I don't have a job, but I heard a funny story a couple of days ago about someone who does and worked (until recently, when she quit) in a clothing store. This woman wanted some help trying on a shirt, getting it fastened. The only problem was, the shirt was about 2/3 sizes too small for her. So my friend is trying desperately to get this shirt on, and finally gives up, telling her that she is going to have to buy a larger size.

And the woman goes off it, claiming that it must be a fault with the shirt and that other shirts of that size fit her. Then storms out.


Cyrel Annat
Jun 6th, 2004, 04:23:36 PM
Rule #1: Leashes were made for a reason. If you lack the ability to control your child through actual discipline, may I suggest purchasing one. Oh, and screaming children need muzzles. They work. Trust me.

Not to upset anyone that does a good job with their children. I applaud you. You are in the minority. It's hard being outnumbered by all those twits that cannot properly discipline or teach their child how to behave in public. To help in this, I'm setting up a few rules, the first of which opened this post, and a few others that are all related to the retail environment. The rest are as follows.

Rule #2: If you have a child that tends to wander and is of the age that the child does not know any better, may I suggest one of three things:

1- See Rule #1
2- Take your child by the hand and keep an eye on said child. (They do have those nifty little coiled bracelets that link two people together so that the child cannot wander far away. Might be worth the investment.)
3- Put your child in the seat in the cart. If they're too old and too big to fit in there, they should know not to wander away. Elsewise, put the kid in the bigger part of the cart with the rest of the crap you'll be purchasing today.

Rule #3: Repeating your child's name eighteen times is *not* disciplining. If he isn't listening after the eighteenth time, guess what, he isn't going to. And frankly, if my mother had called out to me in the store "Now, Johnathan Taylor Thomas Jones-McGee, you stop that right now", you're frelling right I ain't listening. I'm hiding in the clothing racks kicking my own rear for having that as a name. :headbash

Rule #4: *I* am not a babysitter, nor is it in my job description. Kindly take your kids into the bathroom with you rather than leaving them to wreak havoc in my lab.

Rule #5: I will accept payment of $5 a minute to watch said child. Price doubles for each successive hellspawn that you leave behind. :angel

Rule #6: Carts are not toys. When your child can barely walk, it's not a good idea to let them push the cart, unless you plan to have said child run you over with it. In which case, go nuts. :D

Rule #7: Store displays are not toys, especially electronic displays. I'm sure that you think it's really cute when your child copies a picture of his finger on the KPM machine, but I don't. If fingers really amuse you, I have one you can see. ;)

Rule #8: Actually, I have two fingers you can see. Double your pleasure! :mischief

Rule #9: Discard your own frelling trash! Were you raised in a barn? >_<

Rule #10: Guys? Stop missing the urinal. If it's too hard, use the toilet. Have a seat and take the pressure off of yourself.

Rule #11: Ladies? Quit being so picky about the women's restroom. I know for a fact that few bathrooms are ever pristine in appearance so coming over and griping about a paper towel being on the floor is really pointless. A - because it's not my job to clean, B - because I could give a rat's patoot how the restroom looks, and C - you shouldn't have dropped the paper towel on the floor to begin with, D- pick it up yourself and wash your hands. It does not contain the Black Plague and if it does, you're already screwed for having gone to the bathroom there in the first place.

Rule #12: Close-up pictures of your face does not make for a good picture. An entire roll of them can be deemed inhumane and cruel.

Rule #13: If you're over 300 pounds, you might want to keep the clothes on. All of them. You may be perfectly comfortable with your body. I'm not. Nor am I mentally prepared for it after the entire roll of close-up shots of your face. :cry

Now, if any of this actually offended anyone, I do apologize, and I hope that no one really took this seriously. Just a few more of my gripes about work as I countdown the years to retirement. Oh, and in closing.

Rule #14: Panty-hose are made for women. Specifically for their legs. Men were *not* meant to wear panty-hose, especially not *only* panty-hose. If you feel you must breach this delicate rule of etiquette, I ask that you take your pictures to Wal-Mart. O_o

Jordana Montegue
Jun 6th, 2004, 04:43:20 PM
Rule #13: If you're over 300 pounds, you might want to keep the clothes on. All of them. You may be perfectly comfortable with your body. I'm not. Nor am I mentally prepared for it after the entire roll of close-up shots of your face. :cry

Add to this: It's quite obvious if you're normally a size 16 that you are not going to fit into a size 2, so quit friggen trying. Certain types of clothing are tailor made for those who actually have the true figure to wear them without giving the rest of the public nightmares or the need for psychiatric therapy after seeing rolls upon rolls of fat hanging out.

Rule #14: Panty-hose are made for women. Specifically for their legs. Men were *not* meant to wear panty-hose, especially not *only* panty-hose. If you feel you must breach this delicate rule of etiquette, I ask that you take your pictures to Wal-Mart. O_o

Aww honey! Does that mean I can't get you to play dress-up with me? O_o

*Runs off to hide under the clothing rack*