View Full Version : Learning new things: The Beginning(open)

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 2nd, 2004, 09:39:32 AM
*Natia was unhappy about many things today. Awhile ago, she was called to the Council chamber where her brother requested permission to take her to her homeworld to be put on trial for things she did when she was younger. The first of which is the murder of her Father which she did when she was only 4 years old. Then there's the fact that Leten's disappeared and all the searching she's done has come up with nothing. Short of taking a fall down the abyss as well, she can't do much right now.

She's dressed in a black leather bodysuit, with black leather gloves, and black leather boots. At her side is her lightsaber, and two daggers. She's also wearing a black hooded cloak, with the cloak pulled up over her face, hiding her identity.

On her left shoulder is Poledra, but she's using the Force to pull the shadows around Poledra, hiding her from view because Pol is one sure way to identify her.

As she steps through the door to a bar at one of the spaceports on Coruscant, she looks around briefly before spying a spot up at the bar where she can sit down. Today for sure, she's going to be leaving planet for Tyntia. And from there, to another location*

Jun 2nd, 2004, 01:26:51 PM
Among the others gathered in the bar was a young man, perhaps sixteen or seventeen, seated at the far end of the bar. He watched as the woman entered and seated herself, and if she was here preparing to depart the city, he was here for an entirely different reason. Few, if any save one, knew the youngster's real name, and even the one that did know it, generally used an affectionate derivative of his street nickname. Birddog.

He was rather heavily involved in the unofficial underground, but lately, he'd tried to stay as far away from it as possible. Besides, there were occasions when he could find something in the busier places that helped to survive. Be it credits, or just something discarded that could either be sold in the underground or be used by himself. Despite all of that, his clothing said nothing of his underground doings, as he could pass off as almost upstanding. Almost.

The other reason was a strange sensation of late that had been growing, and the tingling in his gut that arrived with the woman. It wasn't something he could explain, anymore than he could explain the odd vibe he got from the woman. She looked just the same as anyone else, outside of the black outfit. Not that he minded that. He often wore black himself.

But there was a fear that he felt after a couple nights of the sensation growing at times, a vision here or there. There had even been a couple of times that he'd managed to perform feats that he knew beyond a doubt that were well past his ability to achieve. There was not much that caused him fear, save for something happening to Smidget. Worse, that he might be responsible for it. As a result, he'd spent a lot of time away from the underground, in a way searching for answers that he just hadn't found yet. Perhaps today would be different. Perhaps.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 4th, 2004, 12:32:50 AM
Swizzling the ice around in a half-filled-half-empty glass of rye, which depended upon the optimism or pessimism of a person, I was seated at a stool in a semi-busy bar connected to one of Coruscants many spaceports, numbing my confusion with one of life's many sensory distorting beverages. Alcohol. A local rye to be specific.

Now, I'm not much of a drinker...or am I? You see, that would be one of about a billion or two billion or so things I'm confused about. All having to do with myself. I've heard it said that no one can know you better than thine own self, and right now i'm a full unbeliever.

Who is Rachel, anyways? What am I? And where did ...

I was rubbing my left eye, and feeling nothing when I did so. The simple fact being....

....where did I get the cybernetic eye?

Ouch, can't be thinking about that. From my experience of what I can remember over the past several months only brings flashes and visions of pain...dark and damp, slithering voices as my eye was gouged out, and ogled.

Sick, sick. Did that really happen, was the question.

What am..who am I? I know nothing really, of myself but a name and what I can do. I'm a damn good pilot, that's for sure.

All I can say is i've become even more undone since a sort of run in with a white owl and some Jedi. Not to mention that I'd been seeing that owl...

Yes, Poledra was her name, was it not?

...in visions, along with a girl.

Odd, isn't it? Someone i've never met, and yet i'm dreaming about her...Well, not dreaming, but take it as it is, her and Poledra have got to be the calmest thing i've seen in my disoriented and diseased?...No, not diseased...brain.

Another deep gulp, and a deep-black cloaked...

...girl? Yes...the proportions are about right...

...girl plopped herself down in a stool a few down from me. At that point, I just felt even weirder. Just when I was thinking, 'Gee, It can't possibly get any stranger than this...'.

But it did. And it will. And after staring for a few moments, then realising I was staring, and out of my well trained - where does this training come from, anyhow? -mannerisms, I looked away.

I hear it's impolite to stare.

So what am I doing in a spaceport bar, anyways? And drinking, to top that? The latter, is somewhat explained already, and the former? Well, my ship is sitting there, no passengers, and I've been planet-hopping to waste time. This is just a short break.

Yes, yes.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 4th, 2004, 08:12:47 AM
*Natia looks up at the bartender when he comes over, asking what she wants to drink. She orders an ale. The bartender looks at her for a moment before going to get the ale.

Poledra hoots softly in her ear, causing her to look in the indicated direction at Mordecai and whispers softly at Pol which is wrapped in shadows so she can't be seen.

The bartender returns with her ale and hands it over and demands payment for the drink which she willingly hands over.

Ale. What's she doing drinking ale again?? Simple answer, she's stressed, and when she's stressed, she has an ale or two.

She grabs the bartenders arm and speaks*

Who do you know that has a ship for hire??

*Natia questions, but he just shrugs and she releases her grip on his arm. It would be so much easier going through the more proper channels, but she doesn't know if the Jedi have put a note or something up about her. She still will abide by the Council's decision, but it will be when she's ready for it, not before*

Jun 4th, 2004, 08:39:58 AM
From across the road, a black cat leaped softly up onto a platform, before disappearing into the shadows once again, almost like it was a mirage. Usually, the cat had an attitude of indifference, seemingly. This time.... this time he was stalking with a purpose. There was no wasted movement and no nonsense.

Jun 4th, 2004, 12:26:15 PM
The job that he currently held paid just enough to survive, which was what still kept him to the streets at times. Of course, it was a simple job that he possessed, working as a dockhand at the spaceport nearby, which also generally brought him to this bar as well. A few extra credits and service in the establishment talked him into helping the owner's deliveries arrive from the spaceport to the bar. He was still there now, despite that his actual shift ended a couple hours before.

Most likely Smidget would be worried if he didn't get home before too much longer, though she knew where he would be if she ever needed him. Which she did. The same way that he needed her. They were good for each other, each helping the other to try and straighten out their lives. Oddly enough, that same feeling of need between them was why he was staying away just a bit longer.

With all the people that came through the spaceport on a daily basis, he hoped to find someone that might seem capable of answering the questions he had. Perhaps knowing without him explaining. Of yet, he'd come up short.

Though with the amount of people in here at the moment, he hoped it would change. No way to be certain until time itself slowly passed away, but it was possible that like with the past few weeks, time would pass with no luck.

His eyes continue to roam around, spotting Mordecai and then moving back to Natia. New faces, at least for him. Eyes then shift back to the glass of water sitting in front of him, which he lifts to drain completely. He never did own to alcohol as many others did, something else that likely made him stand out in a bar. And while he was still fairly young, it was only in his face.

"One more for the day, Derold. Then I best get home."

Mordecai Lória
Jun 5th, 2004, 02:47:03 AM
Who do you know that has a ship for hire??

...Why me, of course.

I was just in for R&R - Refuel and Relax- And quite frankly I'm not used to sticking to one planet for too long right now. I've found that if I keep my mind distracted, it fends off the most painful of the visions...

...at least for a time.

Another gulp, and again I was swizzling the ice about in my glass. It was nearly gone - the ice, I mean - just like the rye. And right now i'm dressed to the nines like a pilot who's all greased up from doing some intense work on his baby.

Which isn't too far from the truth.

"Barkeep.. Another, please." I requested, trying my best not to eye him with the cybernetic equipment that showed so well on my young face, with its ethereal red glow. So, while that was being taken care of, I made my attempt to get the lady's attention by....getting up off my keister and moving down a few seats and sitting beside her.

"Pardon me, ma'am, I couldn't help but overhear you're looking for a ship for hire. I beleive I could be of assistance." Plus, the sooner I get outta here, the sooner I can change into something more appropriate.

I hope this doesn't bother her... Female...mid-teens...Trustworthiness...Difficult to ensure. Spatial distortion detected. There it goes. I can't control it. The thing just collects information by examining everything it crosses. But what I'm really wondering is how it assesses trustworthiness. Bah, I don't think I want to fry my brain about it at the moment...

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 5th, 2004, 08:06:51 AM
*Natia looks at Mordecai as he sits down next to her. There's something about him that she just can't pin about him. It's almost as if she knows him, but she never seen him before.

Pol at this time does a louder hoot, causing a couple ppl to look in her direction. With another quick softer whisper to her seemingly empty shoulder, she looks back at Mordecai*

If you've got a ship and can keep secrets, then yeah, you probably could help me.

*Natia says as she's letting her hidden gaze remain on Mordecai. Poledra knows this guy and she wants me to meet him. She also knows that she's bound to get into trouble by someone for what she's doing right now, and what she will be doing in the near future*

Jun 5th, 2004, 09:07:40 AM
The young man's eyes stared at the glass for a few moments after it was delivered, shifting in what one might call an uneasy manner as he sat at the end of the bar. While his hearing wasn't perfect, he had picked up the word 'ship.' There's a surprise. Of course, that was beyond him. Yeah, he could probably pilot one if need be, he'd done it before, but he didn't own one. If he had enough wealth to afford a ship, he wouldn't exactly be doing the grunt work that he was now, would he?

Perhaps he would. The more difficult labor had always been something that he enjoyed. At the end of the day, when one's muscles ached from the hard work, there was a sense of accomplishment. As if the pain itself was the proof of such an accomplishment.

Now, if there was cargo that needed to be loaded onto said ship, he could aid. And who knows, it wasn't entirely unlikely that he wouldn't be ordered to do it as per his job. He briefly contemplated speaking to the two, but for now, he was content to sit idly by and watch, pick up a tidbit or two if the voices carried just enough.

In many cases, they did.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 5th, 2004, 11:33:11 PM
I eyed her with my one clearwater eye, a strange unsure look.

I feel a connection. What is this?

"I most certainly do. I'm just in for a refuel after a complete tear-apart and rebuild of the engine. The ship is new...well, to me. But I had it redone and programmed to my specs."

The barkeep came with my drink, and I told him to put it on my tab. Yes, I have a tab. I'm bleedin' well here enough.

"Sorry. I do that sometimes." Taking a sip of the fresh glass of rye, then holding it in front of my mouth, I said mumbled something that was more thought than word... Like thinking out loud.

"I can keep secrets if you can."

I hate trusting people. For some reason, I feel it's done me no good in my life. It's just a feeling though, because...what do I know? I'm a freak with tangled circuits.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 6th, 2004, 08:59:53 AM
*Natia smiles and nods her head slightly. For several moments, she sits there in silence, sipping her ale while looking at Mordecai. When she does speak, she does so in a quiet voice*

Ok, I need transit off planet, and a pilot who's willing to take me to a couple of destinations. What's more, I don't want ppl knowing where I'm going, or that I'm even going someplace.

*Natia at this point, raises her hand to her left shoulder as if to grab something, but nothing is seen there. After a moment, she lowers her hand to her ale glass again before taking another sip*

Jun 6th, 2004, 05:06:19 PM
A hand that should look very familiar to Daerlayne eases in from behind him, setting the drink he ordered down on the counter. Before he could turn his head to get what might turn out to be the shock of his life, Smidget leans in close to his ear and presses a light kiss against the lobe.

She'd lost her job at the power plant a little over two months ago when the reactor core mysteriously exploded. Cassie knows the real story behind that and has not told a soul, save for Daerlayne, about what really happened the night the lights went out on Coruscant. In fact, more than just the lights went out. The destruction for a huge radius around the plant was like nothing she's ever seen before. If it weren't for the thing known to her as Galavander, she wouldn't be alive today.

Then again. If it weren't for Galavander, she'd still be employed at the plant instead of this spaceport bar.

Clearly, she hates working as a waitress. She's not all that good at it and has spilled drinks on the customers often. In fact, just last night she got chewed out by her boss for pouring a drink over a customer's head. 'Hey, he shouldn't have grabbed me!', she explained heatedly to the boss. Obviously, he still wasn't too happy.

"Ok, I need transit off planet, and a pilot who's willing to take me to a couple of destinations. What's more, I don't want people knowing where I'm going, or that I'm even going someplace."

Cassie overhears the most important part of this conversation as she sidled up behind the two women, about to interrupt them to inquire as to what they'd like to order.

"I could suggest someone who fits that bill, lady.", she states as-matter-of-factly. "Can I get either of you another drink?"

Cassie asks them this as if it's completely normal to hear that someone is looking for transport off the planet and for a veil of secrecy to be maintained. Well ... it is, kind of. It's something that is normal for Cassie and Daerlayne, at least. Their background has made it that way. Their background has also made it so that they know what to look for, what to listen for and just whom to go to when trouble arises or is a potential.

Jun 8th, 2004, 11:22:18 AM
And there was a bit of surprise, still, as the young girl appeared. He had no idea that she was working here, though it wasn't too surprising. Made it easier to keep an eye on him, no doubt, and it made it easier for both of them if they ever needed to leave in a hurry. They would both be right by the spaceport.

To date, he has said nothing of the strange sensations, odd tinglings, and general worry about these new happenings. He does not want to worry her, which he would if she knew he himself wasn't entirely comfortable with the situation.

He watches Cassandra as she meanders over to the two, more importantly the one that had caused a bit of a reaction earlier. Something about the woman that he still could not place, and would not until he knew the truth about what was going on. Thus far, the truth wasn't entirely forthcoming.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 9th, 2004, 11:38:19 AM
I'll pass on the drink. I've got my ale here. But I'm willing to keep my options open.

*Natia says as she turns slightly to look at the newcomer. Truthfully, it's not hard to keep a secret that she's wanting transit off the planet because no one knows who she is here since she's keeping herself cloaked completely.

Only after she's safely off the planet and in hyperspace will anyone find out who she is, and by that time, it'll be to late for anyone to stop her.

She lets her gaze go between Mordecai and Cassie*

Jun 10th, 2004, 06:04:20 AM
A cloaked man entered the bar, his red gaze sweeping over the crowd. He relaxed, and reached out with the force, gaining a feel for the vitality of the establishment. Almost immediately he felt another force user nearby, and quickly withdrew inside himself.

Nobody will like it if you bring the Jedi Council down on their heads, he chided himself.

He walked to the bar and ordered a Correllian Ale. The drink itself was a folly, designed to get any watchers to look away, bored. It would be going down the drain as soon as he could find a refresher.

He walked slowly around the bar, taking in everything before dumping his drink on a nearby table full of half-empty liquor containers.

Having successfully dumped his drink, he returned to the bar where he sized up his fellow drinkers.

Jun 10th, 2004, 12:32:33 PM
Another faint tingling struck the young dockhand as the newest patron entered the bar, causing Daerlayne to glance over for a brief moment before looking back to his glass.

I will not be asking *him* any questions about it, he thought idly, raising the glass for another drink. His gaze soon returned to Cassandra as, per usual, she was trying to get knee-deep into whatever was going on. And she wondered why she always got into trouble. No clue. None at all.

And before he was found staring at her, and the two that she was serving at the moment, his eyes went to the back of the bar. It was starting to grow late, and with Cassandra here, he was likely going to wait until she was off her shift before going home. He had no idea how long that might be, but it was possible to pick up a few extra hours down at the loading docks. Possibly, but he would wait this out for a short while longer.

Jun 10th, 2004, 06:32:31 PM
Once he was settled in, Jyorn looked along the bar to where he thought the other force user was sitting. All he noticed was several indistinguishable people of different races as well as two or three humans.

Probably a bounty hunter or something, he thought, still, there's no harm in checking.

He approached the bounty hunter-ish woman. As he got closer he was struck by a sudden feeling of foreboding that seemed to originate in the force.

He opened himself up to the force again, looking at the her. To his suprise, creature materialised on her shoulder. The bounty hunter turned around at this point and looked at him, her eyes narrowed.

Having commited himself to a confrontation, Jyorn squeezed himself in on her other side.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he offered.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 11th, 2004, 01:10:07 AM
Looking away from the cloaked young lady next to me, I turned my eyes to the service woman, giving her a quick once-over before giving an answer.

Scrutiny, scrutiny... Female...trustworthiness...debatable. Yes, but she has a good look to her.

Hell, I wish I could turn that damned thing off sometimes. But I have no clue about it. All I know is that it's useful, and it makes people uneasy to see one icy cold blue eye and one red hot cybernetic eye..an eye that hardly blinked.

How it measures some of the things it does...I sure don't know, and right now, I couldn't really give a frell...

"Another rye, please. Without the ice this time...thanks."

And then I turned back to the countertop, and folded my arms, setting my elbows down, and cocking my head to the side, looking again at the girl. Something was naggin' at me, deep in my mind...something that happened quite frequently since I first arrived on Coruscant several months back, and I didn't know why.
I knew by now we had spectators, but in ignoring them, I didn't associate with them, and really, I didn't want to have to exert my skills.

So I just studied the teenage girl next to me, hoping to find a few things out without asking questions. Those would be for later.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 13th, 2004, 08:37:49 AM
*Natia looks at the newcomer, a frown on her face. Everybody else has not seen Poledra, a snow owl, who is on her shoulder, though she gets the feeling that this newcomer has seen Pol*

No thank-you sir, I'm still working on my first drink.

*Natia then leans closer to Jyorn, she whispers softly in his ear*

Mind your own business pal, and don't go looking to deep or you may come to regret it.

*Natia then straightens up and looks back at Mordecai*

Jun 14th, 2004, 04:17:47 AM
Jyorn smirked, and sent her a telepathic force image of the owl on her shoulder.

He ordered a water and sat back beside her, relaxing and anticiapating her next move.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 15th, 2004, 12:12:32 AM
More people seemed to have gathered since I sat down, and they all want a piece of this girl, it seems. But I said nothing about it. When she looked right back at me, I just continued to look at her, just the same.

Perhaps in this, I can establish an understanding. To me, she would just be a reason to be out on the spacelanes, maybe a good conversation.

Somehow, however, it seemed that there was more than that attached to this all. The other guy that had occupied the space on the other side of her seemed to have a common bond.


With thoughts of such beings, the Jedi... the Sith.. any force user, came feelings of a need to apprehend. A need( considering my kind and open welcome when I first arrived on Coruscant by a few Jedi) I have controlled and depressed. I don't know where these feelings come from, but they're all connected to Rachel.

Whoever that is. I'll just wait patiently until this girl's ready to get going, and we'll...well, get.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 15th, 2004, 10:02:09 AM
*Natia doesn't react in the slightest as the image of Poledra on her shoulder appears in her mind as if she didn't even recieve it. She then stands up, downing the rest of her glass of Ale and looks at Mordecai*

Perhaps we can conclude our business somewhere away from prying eyes. If we can not come to an agreeable settlement, then I shall look elsewhere.

*Natia continues looking at Mordecai, wanting to move away from those that may recognize her since Jyorn is obviously a Force user. For all she knows, he's been sent to bring her back to the GJO which she can not have. She must get away from this planet as quickly as possible now, to the point where she's willing to pay more then she was willing to earlier.

All these thoughts don't even show in the slightest on her now emotionless face, even if a person could see it*

Mordecai Lória
Jun 15th, 2004, 11:23:15 AM
Suddenly the girl stood up, and spoke something about 'concluding our business elsewhere'. Just the cue I was waiting for.

About time, too. I was starting to feel...

So I rose from my seat also, and nodded to her, sliding my hands into my pockets. I looked at the barkeep, and half-smiled.

"Cancel my last rye, pal. I'll be back eventually."

Then again, looked to the girl. "Shall we?" I said deeply, pulling my right hand out of the pocket, gesturing toward the exit....and keeping tabs on our spectators, just in case anything....unexpected happened.

Jun 16th, 2004, 04:52:07 AM
The girl and her companion were out the door and walking down the street before Jyorn caught up to them.

"Oi ... you with the bird ... will you WAIT!" he called.
"I am too busy to attend to you right now," she said brusquely.
"Look I am sorry about the message. I need information about the GJO!" he said desperately.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 16th, 2004, 09:26:23 AM
*Natia whirls around to face Jyorn*

Look, let's get some things straight here. First, I have no bird. I'm allergic to those feathered pests. Second, I have no information to give about the GJO other then they have a temple here on Coruscant. And truthfully, I think them a greater pest here then the feathered ones so if you wish to speak with someone for more information about the GJO, then I'd advice you to find a member and talk to them about it.

*Natia says to Jyorn before she turns around again to continue walking with Mordecai*

And please, leave me alone because I have business to conduct with this fellow here.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 16th, 2004, 11:25:46 AM
When the man ran up to us, I just turned around, one hand hanging in my pocket, the other flipping a ballcap onto my head, then using both hands to straighten it, making sure to cast a little shadow over the cyernetic eye. This way it was a little less disturbing to others.

So what was with this guy, anyways? And why was it so important he found the Jedi? ... Something was going on here that I didn't know about. Klaxons are going off in my head, telling me...

They're Jedi! ... Apprehend them!

I shook my head, and slipped both my hands into my pants pockets. I got the same feeling as I was getting here back when I met Shade, Spada and Leten. Lunch was good.

I don't know whether I can trust it. This guy was a small obstacle. I stepped forward. Most people found my build and height something to be wary of. It seems I could use it too, if necessary. But I'm not a violent man....

"I suggest you take the lady's word as it is, and leave us. Neither of us has the information that you seek."

And I don't want to make any trouble for you.

And then I turned and caught up with the girl, walking in silence.

Jun 16th, 2004, 03:57:24 PM
"I am sorry to bother you. But you are a Jedi. I can feel it, and you have nothing to fear from me," said Jyorn as he turned and walked back to the bar.

I can't learn any more from her, thought Jyorn.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 20th, 2004, 08:49:52 AM
*Natia shakes her head sightly. A Jedi. No, not her. She may be of the GJO, but she's no Jedi. At one time she was a proper Jedi, but not anymore. But that's something most ppl won't understand. If they do find out who she is, then they will believe her a Jedi, despite what she truly believes. She then turns her attention to Mordecai as they're walking*

I'm sorry about that. I don't know why that guy believes me to be a Jedi.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 21st, 2004, 12:59:18 AM
I knew now, being that I couldn't shake the feeling, that she was a force user, but I couldn't see any malice in her. She said she wasn't a Jedi... But she couldn't possibly be the other. So what was she then?

Not gonna bake my noodle over it. Have enough of my own problems. "No need to apologize."

I kept my head up, watching for where i'd 'parked' my ship. Almost walked by it.

I should not let myself be distracted.

"This way." And I turned sharply, strode up to a blank, dirty white door, with a number on it. 214

"This is it..." I turned to look at the girl, while the door whooshed open, to reveal a small view of a new-looking craft...It resembled the Sith Infiltrator, was much smoother, streamlined, and about two and a half to three times bigger, and a gorgeous, polished shade of blue. It's my baby. It's fast, and strong.

I stepped fully inside, allowing her to come in with me, and the door whooshed shut behind us. "What do you think?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 21st, 2004, 08:46:24 AM
*Natia looks at Mordecai and frowns slighty to herself. He's suspecting something of her, but probable doesn't know completely what it is.

After she's stepped inside, she nods her head slightly, doing a quick inspection of the ship from where she's standing. If it's working properly, then it'll be a fast ship. And blue. A smile creeps on her face at this time*

I like. Now, how much are you charging for transit to a couple of different worlds.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 21st, 2004, 10:40:46 PM
Now, honestly, I didn't know...Most of my transports had been cargo...real cargo. As in crates containing inanimate objects and such. Legal stuff.

Rubbing my chin, a habit I seem to have when I'm thinking casually, thinking a price...Not that I needed the creds. Hells, do I ever NOT need them. I do this to...well, I don't know why I'm doing this. Maybe hopping around from client to client, planet to planet I might pick up the pieces of myself.

Maybe ease this tornado in my mind.

"It'll depend on the distances and such, and how the trip goes. With multidestinational trips...The overall price isn't set in stone. It remains to be seen at the end of the trip."

Sure it was vague, but I have a funny feeling about her. Ok, maybe not as much funny as nagging. But I had to stick to this. Had to find my pieces. "What's a good price for you?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 22nd, 2004, 09:37:03 AM
Any price which is reasonable is good for me.

*Natia says while keeping herself alert*

If you're willing to decide on a price on route, then I'm willing to go with that.

*Natia says, knowing that if she wasn't in such a hurry to get off, she'd want to know the price right now*

Mordecai Lória
Jun 24th, 2004, 11:30:45 AM
"En Route...Sounds like a plan."

I took off my cap, ran my hand through my sunny blond hair then readjusted the cap, and smiled to her while I retrieved a small device from my jacket pocket, which was a remote to the ship. "Ship's called Rachel. by the way. She was in pretty poor shape before I refit...upgraded...reprogrammed..And the paint job. It was a lot of work...." I was flipping the remote over and over in in my hand. "...So...You've seen the girl from the outside, care to take a look at the inner workings?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 25th, 2004, 08:03:34 AM
Sounds like a plan to me.

*Natia says, thankful that they'll be inside something soon, though she knows Pol doesn't like ships, she's willing to go on them on occasion*

The sooner the better.

Mordecai Lória
Jun 25th, 2004, 11:36:37 AM
Right off the words out of her mouth, a sequence was keyed and whooshing noises started up. The ramp up into Rachel appeared, sliding out and down, until it touched the deck of the bay in which she was held. Then all noise stopped. I took off my cap and held it in my hand, shoving the remote back into the pocket from whence it came, and strode up the ramp, vanishing into the ship.

"Come right on up and press the big light blue button beside the entranceway to your left. That'll close the ...door... behind you." I shouted.

Almost can't tell it's a ship from first glance at the inside. I was already in my living area, removing my jacket, making a quick change of clothes out of the grimy ones I had worn making some minor adjustments so that my baby would run silent as a lifeless world.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 26th, 2004, 08:43:32 AM
*Natia steps into the ship and hits the light blue button, closing the door. She looks around, a smile on her face as she drops the shadows from Poledra who hoots when she smiles at her*

Now you behave yourself or you're gonna get in trouble.

**Poledra hoots in response to what Natia said**

Mordecai Lória
Jul 1st, 2004, 04:54:55 PM
Ahh...nice clean clothes, a 'fresher. Mmhmm.

So i'd gotten changed and peeked out of my LQ, to see...Poledra sitting on the girl's shoulder. I blinked, scratching my head, then laughed.

"Huh. That must've been what the spatial disturbance was about." I said, glancing from the owl to the girl, then back. "Good to see you, Poledra."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2004, 08:13:42 AM
*Natia smiles as Mordecai laughs*

Pol's happy to see you as well Mordecai. Anytime you're ready to take off is fine by me.

Mordecai Lória
Jul 2nd, 2004, 10:54:24 AM
My hand remained at the back of my head as I gestured with the other to a door about 10 feet away.

"Ummm..." I'm grinning rather sheepishly....Who is this girl that Poledra accompanies her? "...that there is your quarters. This ship is built to live on, so I own no planetary properties. I like to move around alot."

There are reasons for that.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 3rd, 2004, 10:50:09 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly when the door's pointed out. She goes and secures her bag in that room, hoping to be in hyperspace as soon as possible*

Mordecai Lória
Jul 4th, 2004, 01:40:04 AM
I'm smiling to myself. This job has a good feeling.

"Ok... So, you just get yourself settled there, and i'll go prepare for takeoff. "

I made my way to the 'cockpit' area...My control center.

"Hmm....The on switch... Bang! There we go." The sweetest sound of mechanical mastery came into existance. She's started up, and purring like a mute kitten. Smooth running, not a sound.

"Systems optimal. Excellent."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 4th, 2004, 10:02:38 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly as Mordecai goes to start up the ship. She then turns to face Pol*

Pol, you also have to promise not to tell anyone where we are going. If you do tell, I'm going to get into alot of trouble and probably be seperated from you for the rest of our lives. You mustn't tell anyone where we are going, or what I am doing.

*Natia pauses for a moment as Pol hoots for a moment*

I don't care. You must not tell anyone. I'm serious here. You can't tell anyone this.

Mordecai Lória
Jul 5th, 2004, 01:38:51 PM

So I peeked out of the control area and hung aroung the corner, looked around, then stepped off, walking over to the area in which the young lady was situated.

"All set. Are you ready to depart, miss? I figure we'll go up into orbit, take lower lightspeed...no particular direction... and then we go from there. Does this sound good to you?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2004, 08:16:30 AM
I'm ready to depart whenever you are and your plan sounds good to me.

*Natia says as she's getting herself comfortable on a seat*

Mordecai Lória
Jul 7th, 2004, 11:45:28 AM
One icy blue eye, one vibrant red cybernetic eye. That is what is seen on my face. And right now they were both looking to a common space as I took my seat in the control chair, strapped in and linked up to the ship via my implants. Rachel purred, and the bay door opened.

"Here we go..."

And with one thought, we lifted, and passed into space.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 8th, 2004, 10:35:38 AM
*Natia remains silent, the hood still drawn up so as to hide her face as she waits for the familiar transition from normal space to hyperspace. Then and only then shall she reveal herself to Mordecai*

Mordecai Lória
Jul 8th, 2004, 02:23:29 PM
"Orbit of Coruscant attained and holding." The soft, feminine voice of Rachel moved like a breeze. Just the way I had programmed it. For some reason, this voice worked for me, and reached into the deeper regions of my mind.

"Thank you, Rachel. Set time for eight minutes to hyperspace, Silence coordinates, with the usual one minute inform, on my mark." I relaxed. This is where I felt most comforted, out in the black. "Preparations are set, and waiting for your mark."

"Mark." ... "Countdown commencing. Eight minutes and counting."

I unlinked myself, leaving only a remote link...Just in case. "Time to go get myself comfortable and check on my guest." So I did, making my way to the young lady. I smiled, and explained to her what was to happen. "I've set the time to eight minutes from now, with Silence coordinates. That means we have no particular destination, and it is in fact also a highly effective evasive technique. The destination is not particular, and random. We can choose where we wish to exit. Eight minutes, miss. Any questions?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 9th, 2004, 08:11:54 AM
*Natia nods, a smile on her face which would be hidden by her hood though*

Then let us hope that the eight minutes pass quickly so we can be off into hyperspace and then you can find out the first destination.

Mordecai Lória
Jul 9th, 2004, 04:01:22 PM
A nod, a smile, and I disappeared of to my private quarters.

This was the first trip i'd ever done where the transport wasn't cargo, but a passenger. I still wasn't sure if I was a sociable type..a "people person"...But the company is nice as far as I can tell. So I spent those eight minutes in my quarters, just calming my mind.

Until Rachel interrupted with the one minute warning.

"One minute to hyperspace. Leaving Coruscant Orbit." ..."Alright, alright! Let's go..."

Quickly, I bolted out of my room, down the corridor and through the common area, nodding quickly to the young lady, heading to the control area, and once again taking my seat, reassuming the uplink to Rachel.

"Five...Four...Three...Two...One...Engaging hyperspace, Silence coordinates, Pattern One."

Within the blink of an eye, stars streaked and my baby shifted out of normal space. I hit the shipwide comm. "Hyperspace has been attained, Miss. Feel free to join me in the control center."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 10th, 2004, 08:55:18 AM
*Natia visibly relaxes when they go into hyperspace. It's not likely now that she's caught. She lowers the hood of her cloak as she stands up and makes her way to the control center*

How long is it until we revert to change our course to our first destination??

*Natia questions as she enters the control tower and settles herself in one of the seats in there, behind Mordecai who has his back to her when she enters*

Mordecai Lória
Jul 10th, 2004, 05:14:18 PM
She even knew to take the guest seat. A smart one.

I shifted a little in my seat, leaning forward to look over the readings...We're Safe. Good.

"Exit is at your discretion. That is to say, that you have the reins for this venture." I turned the seat to look at her.

For the time that I could recall, I got the shock of my life at that moment, paling a little. I gaped. I froze. My face, which had a handsome tan, began to rival the lightness of my hair and one normal eye.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 11th, 2004, 09:04:57 AM
Yes Mordecai, I know you recognize me from the dreams. I've got no idea why you've been dreaming about me, but Pol here's told me that you recognized her.

Now, in about five minutes I want to come out of hyperspace, we'll be far enough away that they won't catch up with us. Now, how much do you want in payment for this??

Mordecai Lória
Jul 13th, 2004, 03:08:16 PM
I blinked, stared a moment longer, then came to my senses. A peal of roaring laughter unleashed itself from my mouth.

"I'm sorry..Just.. shocked. I honestly have no clue about it myself..."

The woman healer...The strange one. She told me to follow that dream. Being so confused...placeless...I followed her directions. Why? What is going on here?

There was a gleam of sweat formed on my brow. Had to do something about that. "Rachel, please reduce room temperature by three degrees."

"Room Temperature reduced, and now holding at standard room temperature." ..."That's better, thank you." Blink, blink. "Payment? Like I said before...it can only be determined properly after travel, considering your destination plans are highly secretive and you wish for them to remain so, correct? After all, you just met me, and you don't know if I am to be trusted, Miss....Well, that's the shame. I don't have a name to put to your pretty face..."

I don't even know if i'm to be trusted. Myself, as I am now...is trustworthy. But what about my past? I shook my head, not wanting to worry about such things right now. Not with other matters at hand.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 14th, 2004, 08:39:10 AM
It's not a problem Mordecai. And as for your trustworthiness, it is not judged solely on a persons past. If it were, then I would be extremely untrustworthy due to things in my past.

Natia's my name.

*Natia pulls out a datapad and types out a set of co-ordinates which she then hands to Mordecai*

I need to go to these co-ordinates.

I will know if you tell others, so don't risk it. I can be a nice person, but if you get on my wrong side, then you are in trouble. I may be a Jedi, but I'm not a full Jedi and I still let my emotions through and if you get on my wrong side, you shall see how deadly a Jedi with emotion's can be.

*Natia looks Mordecai in the eyes, not phazed what-so-ever by his cybernetic eye. This first stretch is the least dangerous of the trip. She just wants to see the ruins of the first Academy that she was at, to see what Thalius did there. She's just been so busy on Coruscant, she hasn't had the time to do other things like search for Thalius, or get her secret training*

Mordecai Lória
Jul 16th, 2004, 08:07:43 PM
I took the datapad, and turned the seat back around. Placing the datapad in a port, I thought about a few things.

Like how my concious and unconcious thoughts were read. I was learning to just deal with it.

"Rachel, map these coordinates and lay in the most efficient course."

It took mere second for the task to be completed. I have to say that when it came to machines I was good. Construction, programming...everything.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 18th, 2004, 10:47:03 AM
*Natia watches Mordecai silently, her mind wandering to this interesting feeling that she has right now, like she's met the man before. But where?? And when?? She's got a pretty good memory for these sort of things and unless it was back on her homeworld, long before she killed her Father... That's it. The blonde hair, the ice blue eye. No, it could all just be a coincidence that he's got blonde hair, and an ice blue eye*

Mordecai, quick, what colour is your eye which got removed??

*Natia questions without even a hint of urgency in her voice, only in her wording*

Mordecai Lória
Jul 19th, 2004, 10:51:05 AM
Ouch, that seemed to hit a nerve. That was the worst of my nightmares. Grimy fingers groping, digging, at the 'jewels' in my skull. I feel the same searing pain each time it appears in my unconcious thoughts at slumber. And then blackness, and I wake, dripping.

"Same as the one that wasn't removed obviously...."

That, and I was just absorbed in the newly added section to my starmaps. This addition meant only that I had one of the most updated and advanced maps. The course was set, and awaiting the word of Natia to drop hyperspace and change course to our first destination.

"Thank you, Rachel."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 20th, 2004, 10:14:50 AM
Anytime now, if you're ready, we can do the course change.

*Natia nods her head slightly as she slips into her own thoughts. After several moments, she starts to speak again*

I'm sorry if I hit a sensitive spot on you, it's just that with your hair colour, your eye colour and the sense of familiarity I'm getting with you makes me just wonder if you may be family.

You see, my Father, my real Father wasn't a nice person and he sold or gave almost all of my siblings away to slavery. The one trademark of my family is the blonde hair and ice blue eyes. We're all born our hair and eye's that colour, and most of us keep our hair and eye's that colour.

Mordecai Lória
Jul 27th, 2004, 01:57:32 PM
I just nodded silently, and kept my eyes on the controls as we dropped from hyperspace, changed course, and reentered hyperspace in a matter of short minutes. I kept quiet.

As far as I was concerned, I had no family. There were no memories to that effect, and I already had enough to deal with.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 28th, 2004, 10:03:35 AM
*Natia shakes her head slightly knowing that she's got no proof of what she was saying, but deep down, her gut's telling her that she's right*

**Poledra hoots softly before flying over to Mordecai and landing on his shoulder where she rubs her head against his cheek**

I think Poledra likes you Mordecai.

Mordecai Lória
Jul 29th, 2004, 12:26:33 PM
It brought a small smile to my face when the owl flitted to my shoulder and nuzzled my cheek.

"It would appear so."

Satisfied with how Rachel was working, I swivled around again to face Natia. I was still feeling a small shock, but it was nothing I couldn't keep under control.

"Are you hungry? I just picked up fresh groceries this morning, and it's going to be quite a while until we reach our first destination. Whatever this planet is, it's on the far edge of the galaxy, and according to most republic stellar maps...."

A pause.

"...it doen't exist."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jul 31st, 2004, 09:13:00 AM
I'm not overly hungry, but a slight snack would be nice.

*Natia says. She usually only eats with healthy snacks unless she's having a meal with a friend*

It's not a very well known planet, but a place which I used to call home. A ship I was on stopped there and kicked me off the ship. Then I came across my adopted Father and he took me to the academy there where I stayed for awhile. But since I couldn't keep up with the kids due to my condition, I was sent to the GJO where I've gotten a family which loves me and cares about me.

The only way the planet won't be there is I've accidently given you the wrong co-ordinates.

Mordecai Lória
Jul 31st, 2004, 05:03:04 PM
"Oh, I was just saying it doesn't exist on any of the known starmaps used by any organization, as far as I know.. But it exists on mine now."

Along with some coordinates I couldn't shake from my brain that I had already added to my maps. Those weren't too far off from the ones that Natia had given me. I stood up from my seat, and made my way to the doorway.

"What would you like to drink and eat? I'm just going to get myself some cheese, crackers and milk."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 1st, 2004, 07:28:50 AM
*Natia stands up as well*

I'll have the same as you.

Mordecai Lória
Aug 3rd, 2004, 03:13:00 PM
"Oh, well...I might as well show you to the kitchen and tell you where everything is."

So I left the doorway, and headed straight ... past the ship's entrance and the main living quarters which myself and Natia currently occupied, and took a left, passing a couple passageways that shot off of this new one, and a few rooms. A right, and there we were, in the kitchen.

"This, among many things, is a new addition. The cheese and milk, (along with other things that belong there), obviously, is in the refridgeration unit, and I keep the crackers in the bread cupboard next to the cooking unit, which you can see is across from the....ah, fridge."

As I mentioned each food item, I retrieved it, and placed it on the counter next to the cooking unit. Last, I retrieved the cheese knife, and a cutting board, pointing out where I kept them as I did so. The larger knives were kept on a magnetic rack on the bulkhead. I began to slice the cheese, and...

"Oh, could you please grab a couple plates? ..They're in the cupboard to the right of the sinks. "

The sinks sat midway between the refridgeration and cooking units, to their side against another wall.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 4th, 2004, 11:04:43 AM
*Natia grabs the plates like she was asked to and placed them on the counter*

If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me a bit about yourself??

Mordecai Lória
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:36:07 AM
At the end of several slices of cheese, I suddenly stopped.

"That is one question, unfortunately, that I cannot answer." There was a tinge of sadness in my voice, and deeper, the underlying confusion centred in all my thoughts. The following silence was awkward, and after a moment I went back to preparing the snack in said silence.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:39:09 AM
*Natia shrugs slightly*

Alright, so, how long have you had Rachel??

Mordecai Lória
Aug 19th, 2004, 07:49:38 PM
I arranged the cheese and crackers on the plates, poured two glasses of milk, then put everything away...

"I've had her about three months. My business partner knew I had my eye out for a ship for my own personal ownership and to help with his business....So some work was done in his garages and the rest I did myself. It took about two months before I got her to do the major structural work, and the brainwork was done with a month. I've been doing business for two months."

There was some truth lacking in that. I knew Ferret Loskin was more than a business partner. He was a stranger who came into my life and helped get it somewhat back on track.

I handed Natia a plate, and a glass, then picked up mine, heading through to an adjoining room which held one main table, and some smaller ones. Picking a small two-seat table off to the side, I sat and gestured for her to join me.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Aug 23rd, 2004, 08:45:45 AM
*Natia carries her plate of cheese and crackers with her glass of milk to the table that Mordecai had sat at. She picks up a cracker and breaks it in half before handing half to Poledra who's still on Mordecai's shoulder. She sits down, prepared for a bit of a trip, knowing that Pol and Mordecai will be her only companions for awhile*

I take it you aren't used to having passengers.

Mordecai Lória
Aug 27th, 2004, 12:22:30 PM
I'm used to being a passenger...

"Yes...It's usually just me, Rachel, and inanimate objects.."

I took a bite of a cheese and cracker sandwich, and tried to keep my mind from wandering into unwanted things.