View Full Version : Haha I've got a grenade!!
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:25:49 PM
Imagine my suprise when my dad told me he'd picked up something from our mutual buddy in the marines. When he got back from the auto shop, he tossed it to me.
Of all things, an M69 fragmentation grenade :D
So now its sitting on my desk and awesome and stuff.
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:38:21 PM
Charley + Grenade = Good idea?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:44:39 PM
Strangely enough, I have no problem with that being in the house.
Sarr Koon
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:44:40 PM
Damn. Are those legal for civilians to own or even possess?
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:48:43 PM
I have a couple, sans core, laying around. I think that, if they were functional, the temptation to try one out would be too great. ;)
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:57:45 PM
Originally posted by Sarr Koon
Damn. Are those legal for civilians to own or even possess?
Nope. Good thing they're USMC trainer grenades, and use blasting caps instead of a core full of tri-nitro toluene ;)
Still, I'm pretty sure if I yanked the pin out of these and flipped the spoon, it would be enough of a bang to get the police called on me for public disturbance, so I'll pass :lol
Anyway, here are some pics:
<img src=>
<img src=>
<img src=>
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:00:27 PM
:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol OMFG I basicly fell out my chair!! :lol That's the funniest picture I've seen in a while. Great expression.
That's really pretty cool actually. I'd like to have one. But it'd just be more stuff to sit on my desk and I've got enough of that.
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:04:27 PM
Shawn's right. Its really too much temptation. Its like the ring of power, except the ring of power wasn't begging you to create a cool explosion.
I'd loooove to flip the spoon on this bad boy and chuck it in my yard, but I don't want to get thrown in the pokey tonight :)
Jared Mriad
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:45:46 PM
When you do end up chunking, gotta get us a video feed. Yeah? :D
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:49:54 PM
Originally posted by Jared Mriad
When you do end up chunking, gotta get us a video feed. Yeah? :D
I'm not gonna activate it. I'm officially borrowing it from my friend :)
Jared Mriad
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:57:18 PM
Ah. Still cool. :)
Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 1st, 2004, 10:01:42 PM
Charley: Your facial expression in that third picture reminded me of a younger George Carlin.....I wonder why?
And I wonder what would happen if anyone found out you had an explosive - even a Marine training grenade - in your house...needless to say, I wouldn't want to know how long you'd be in the loony bin. :D
Jun 1st, 2004, 10:06:25 PM
Originally posted by Kieran Devaneaux
Charley: Your facial expression in that third picture reminded me of a younger George Carlin.....I wonder why?
And I wonder what would happen if anyone found out you had an explosive - even a Marine training grenade - in your house...needless to say, I wouldn't want to know how long you'd be in the loony bin. :D
Dummy ordinance is the least potent of all the stuff I own. This thing is a glorified firecracker, with a metal housing dressed around it. Nothing more.
Jun 2nd, 2004, 04:20:11 PM
That third pic is awesome!!!
Classic. :)
Jun 2nd, 2004, 04:21:49 PM
Fortunately, I had a spare grenade pin on my desk :cool
Razielle Shadana
Jun 2nd, 2004, 04:23:13 PM
yikes.. Great pic though. :)
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