View Full Version : Requestamidoodle

Jun 1st, 2004, 06:47:19 PM
Two things...

How does one go about making a rotating sig? I remember someone saying about CGISpy or something like that...but I can't find the thread/post I read it in, so...

Can some people do me some signatures pweez, and/or an avatar? Also, if anyone can add a lightsaber into a picture, that'd be great (saber01.jpg and saber02.jpg in the folder I link to in a mo are the only potential ones I could find)

You should (I hope) find a geocities folder with about 15 (well ok, its bang on 16...) pictures in it, at www.geocities.com/groovysplat101/pictures/alex/

Information-wise, either:


Alex, Jedi-in-Training
Child of Lower Coruscant

or some variation along similar lines.

You'll probably be able to think of some cooler quotes than me...all I can come up with are:

"Clouded this boy's future is"
"Do unto others before they do unto me"
"Nobody said it was easy; no one ever said it would be this hard"
"And all the Twi'leks say I'm pretty fly...for a Jedi"

But you can probably think of better.

Thanxie! peeps!