View Full Version : The Dark Tutelage of Dan

Dan the Man
Jun 1st, 2004, 06:15:15 PM
The texts were old, and the parchment they were written on had yellowed with time. The language they were written in was since dead and gone, and only the most interested took time to understand the nuances in deciphering them once more.

Dan had been at this arduous task for two years now. He had acquired these decaying tomes for the past five years, through all manners of duplicity. If the blood he'd spilled to get his hands on these books spoke volumes, he could only imagine what the books themselves said.

He'd entombed himself for days on end, deciphering, copying, and reading. He'd taken in parables and stories of a time long ago, with warriors and killers whose time had long since passed.

Pressed between two pages was one that was not bound by the book's spine. Dan removed it painstakingly, and scrutinized the fading ink on the page.

It was a diagram for the construction of a lightsaber.