View Full Version : My name's Alex. Just Alex

Jun 1st, 2004, 02:06:07 PM
Name: Alex
Age: 17


Alex is a youthful-looking Human male. Standing at about 6 feet tall, Alex is slim, toned, and in peak physical condition. He wears his dark brown hair cut short, and often sports the beginnings of a beard on his chin. His eyes are deep and dark, filled with the pain and anguish that his usually calm and cool exterior belies.


When Alex was little more than a few months old, he was abandoned by his parents in the darkest depths of Coruscant. Alex should have died. However, he was found by one of the many creatures of the night, and adopted into a life of crime.

Alex was kept alive for a simple set of reasons. He was a baby. Babies grew into children. Children were small. Children were full of energy. Children could go places that adults could not. Children instilled sympathy. And, most of all, he was a blank slate. His new family could turn him into whatever man they wanted him to be. For them, Alex was a gift...the underworld's dream come true.

To say that Alex was unloved would be like saying that falling onto an ignited lightsaber would be painful. Alex was used his whole life. He was kept alive, but only barely. Every day of his life, he was involved in crime after crime after crime. As a baby, he would be used as a lure, his cries attracting innocent passers by into dark alleys, where muggers lay in wait. As a young child, he would pretend to be lost, and draw security forces away while his "family" comitted the crime of the day. As he grew, his wirey frame was used to go where the others could not, squeezing through vent shafts to unlock doors. The sad thing was, Alex new no better.

As he became a teenager, Alex was allowed up to the "surface". On the first day he stepped into the sunlight, he realised what he was. He had been raised as a bad person. He could see how inferior he was to each and every person that passed him by. He realised that he hadn't been abandoned because he had to be. It was because he wasn't wanted. There was something wrong with him. Something that no one could ever love.

In that one excursion, Alex changed. Instead of being a criminal because that was all he knew, he became a criminal because that was all he was good for. And because of what he was, he needed crime to go on living his worthless life: he stole to survive.

One day, that all changed. It was a normal day, at its outset no different from any other. However, it was the one that would end his life of shadows. While fleeing from Coruscant security, Alex did something that most would find impossible. He leapt from the highest floor of a shopping mall, and landed at the bottom, totally unharmed. He ran faster than any normal humanoid could have. Were it not for the interference of a Jedi, he would have escaped. However, one did interfere. Navaria Tarkin had watched the whole scene, and apprehended the fleeing Alex. However, she didn't turn him over to the police. Instead, she offered him answers, and a better life; a life with the Jedi. All it involved was a choice.

It wasn't exactly a hard choice. Within an hour, Alex's path had changed. He began down the road towards becoming a Jedi, not because he had to, but because he chose to.

Notable threads:

Dog Eat Dog (Navaria) (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35722)
Sweet dreams aren't made of this (open to anyone who hears me screaming) (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35951)

**Keep you're eyes open for updates!**