View Full Version : Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Kyp Jargon
Jun 1st, 2004, 05:09:06 AM
This is an RPG that is going to be starting at the beginning of Return of the Jedi. I have chosen this time period because many things happen in that movie, and it had huge effect of the future in the Star Wars Universe. Currently I am not going to do anything with regular prices on what is sold and how much credits you have, but if I find people who our going to be just saying that there guy buys thousands of things and yet has no job. Also no godmoding is allowed.

Here is the basic information needed for if you make a character and you may add extra information if you want,

Here is basic information needed for if you want to create or own a faction and you may add extra information if you want,

Army Size(Amount of starships, vehicles, soldiers, etc, etc)
Planets(Planets under its control)

You may use any faction from the movie or EU, or if you like make up your own faction. Try to keep stats realistic.


The Chiss Imperium (Kyp Jargon)
Planetary Defense Phalanx
20 Destructor Class
20 Búqueda Class
20 Cazador Class
40 Huelga Class
10 Squadrons of Clawcraft
Xempta Defense
3x Phalanxes
Lyilas Defense
2x Phalanxes
1 Asesino Class
Csilla Defense
10 Asesino Class
20 Ladrón Class
10 Estupendo Class
30 Búqueda Class
20 Cazador Class
30 Intromisión-Class
CEDF (ten groups of these patrolling the borders of the Chiss realm)
10 Destructor-Class
10 Cazador-Class
Inner defense battle groups (six) placed strategically to be able to reach any part of the unknown regions quickly
10 Amoladora-Class
10 Destructor-Class
10 Búqueda-Class
10 Cazador-Class
160 Destructor Class
160 Cazador Class
60 Amoladora Class
60 Búqueda Class
1 Asesino Class

4 Chiss Defense platforms in each quadrant for refuelling
2 Chiss defense platforms servig as a permanant guard for Csilla
Caia, Caiasso, Casillas, Hierrho, Robinho, Salgda, Carlho, Mortias, Paraha, Nikrho, Ofasshas, Assanco, Barja, Biassa, Lourgo, Ryllas, Kumo, Kokia, Carlas, Tyllas, Doona, Ponaha, Xempta, Jahama, Xandrita, Chuno, Vriylas, Lyilas, Berno, Csilla, Nirauan, Klasse Ephemora, Rattatak
Leader: Jargon'Kyp'Nurudo
Advisory Council:
Pears'nat'inrokini (industry, science, communication)
Kobin'will'csala (colonial affairs)
Trana'jace'nuruodo (military, foreign affairs)
Ree'tiara'sabosen (justice, health, education)
Diablos (sith bodyguard)
Commander Lantern (ex-imperial)


Name: Jargon'kyp'nuruodo
Species: Chiss
Job: Governer of the Chiss
Faction: The Chiss
Bio: Kyp was born to wealthy Syndics of the Nuruodo family. AS a boy he excelled at strategy and rose quickly through the ranks of the Chiss military. He was elected governor of the Chiss unanimously.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 1st, 2004, 09:10:14 AM
ooc: This type of roleplay belongs in the Storytelling section, as it does not occur in our Star Wars universe, but in another of your own invention. Our timeline here is 50+ years out from Endor. Thread moved. :) /ic: