View Full Version : Never enough [open]

Claudia Avallone
May 31st, 2004, 11:27:51 PM
Takes place before "Creatures of the Underworld"
The Underworld-East, Private Lounge

The club was bustling with activity, and as usual she had to fight her way to the elevators and wait for several minutes before she could fit into one of them. The small space made her rather dizzy as the box-like cabin moved up to the fifth floor. She all but dove from it and into the mob of her fellow gang members when the doors final opened. Oh yeah. She wasn't usually like this, she was usually more crazy and reckless then bubbly and jumpy. But it was surprising what a bit of heavy drinking could do to a person.

She stumbled over to the main table where her all powerful leader sat, the main attraction for all the scummy little women that occupied the room. Usual she was ahead of them all, but tonight, the co-leader of the eastern sector looked upon the handsome man with disdain and spite. She really would rather be smacking that smug look off of his face than cuddling up to him. Her eyes narrowed considerable and slowly she leaned forward.

Ah! Claudia, my love. Where have you been all evening? Sorry I couldn't help out last night. He offered, tugging his harem closer. I have been a bit busy.

"Hey, no problem, lover. I'm used to it, yeah? Can we talk..?"

Hey, babe. Can't you see I am easily distracted as of now? Maybe later, eh?

He always was like that, so Claudia considered not killing him for a moment. What good was he? It was she who was always doing the dirty work for the gang. The rest of them sat around here, like moping dren, smoking and drinking, leaving her to go out and collect the debt they themselves had not yet thought about. Claudia's hand twitched as the weight of her blaster sank into her palm.

Shots rang out in the interior of the East sector lounge and when the slaughter had finished, all the women surrounding the leader, as well as the gang members present, lay dying in a heap before their leader.

"Still distracted, Charlie? Hope not. Listen up, baby.. my words are the last thing you'll ever hear. It's been good, lover. You certainly showed me some interested things, but it's over for you. Take a good, last look at the Eastern leader..."

I knew it! You've been planning this all along! With that stupid-

He flung himself from the couch and tackled her: A single shot rang out, then the room fell silent...

May 31st, 2004, 11:51:02 PM
"Sweetheart, you better go somewhere now, got business to attend to." Grinning slightly at the lady that escorted him to the elevator, slapping her on the bottom as she walked away Kyle entered the elevator and began to ascend to the boss's room..and then he heard screams..but yet they only lasted a second..Securing his blaster he awaited for the elevator to stop.

With the ding of the elevator sounding its stop and as the doors opened, Kyle's firey eyes laid upon the death of all his fellow gangsters..with a slight smirk and a little chuckle he walked out of the room and began to make his way through the dead bodies, taking in the stench of the corpses, his boots walking in the blood and making bloody footsteps behind him..

"There he is.." Stopping suddenly infront of what looked to be his boss and a woman underneath him, he smirked and looked at him, "Yo, boss, you alive.." Laughing slightly at what he saw, he kicked his boss off the woman only to see who it was..

"Well, well..Claudia..love, darling..I see this was your work..what a psycho you are..only could wonder what could have made you do this.." Chuckling slightly, he pointed his blaster down at her, holding it there for a second, then hearing his boss's rasping dying voice.."Please...Kyle..kill her.. " he turns his blaster onto him..

"I see he still lives.." He then fires it into his head, finishing the job Claudia started but the whole time keeping his eyes upon her..

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 12:05:24 AM
"Frelling dren...." She began, her rotten language continuing on as she managed to sit up, only when she was straightened completely did her cursing stop and even then her look amounted to the same. The leader, now dead, had managed to claw the heck out of her beautiful face. Her left eyebrow hosted many nail inflicted scrapes, her cheek- a long group of lines made by his nails, and her bottom lip was beginning to bruise. She pouted and slammed her hands onto the floor, not bothering to pick up her blaster that had escaped her grasp during the fray.

"Kyle, my sweet prince, did you see what the villain did to me! Why, he could have killed the baby!" She rambled, knowing full well that there was no baby, nor any prince to be seen. She wailed and flung her arms around his legs, clinging for dear life. Tears spilled down her cheeks, her nails dug into the backs of his thighs, then, she smiled. Sinking her teeth into his knee-cap, she giggled and canted her head back so she could look at him. "I've been a naughty little girl, haven't I, lover boy?"

Jun 1st, 2004, 12:13:38 AM
Kyle began to run his fingers through her hair and looked down at her beautiful but now scratched face. Smirking slightly, he put his blaster away and just smiled at the pain he felt as it rushed through him from her biting him in the knees..he then pulled her hair, jerking her head backwards and watched her eyes as he knew she enjoyed the pain from her hair being abruptly jerked..

"You think I care about a baby..I doubt there is one, your tongue is like venom my love.." Smirking slightly he let go of her hair and placed his finger underneath her chin, slowly rising her from where she was..slightly moving forwards he kissed her on the cheek and then biting her ear slightly and whispering in it..

"And I doubt I qualify to be a prince love." Smirking slightly, he pointed down to her blaster, "Now, you should go finish off the other members downstairs..or we should leave.."

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 12:30:19 AM
You're my very own prince of lies, lover boy. You just don't know it...

The air was tainted with the scent of blood, with a pinch of betrayal mixed in with it. But in truth, it was she who had been betrayed. For years she had worked with Charlie to increase the gang, he had lost interest once she had shone she was capable of handling the gang on her own. And yet, he refused to surrender the position as leader to her, he had treated her like some dog. That was, until she had met Kyle and Balthasar.

Kyle had always been the psycho lover she had always dreamed of. He was about as twisted as she, even more so at some points, and he had struck fear in the Eastern leader when he had first joined. But Balthasar had been the reason she had met Kyle. Once known as Balthasar most notorious lover, Claudia had found it hard to resist Kyle, once the co-leader of the Western sector.

"Captain, I have informed the crew of the murder. The rest of them agreed with the plan, thus will be spared. What say you we collect the final debt and find a nice hotel for the night? I could give you a nice back rub and maybe dance for you." Sweeping downward, she picked up her blaster then tucked it snugly into Kyle's pants. Then she smacked him.

"How could you believe that? I wouldn't cheat on you! I am a perfectly honest, loving woman. My god, Kyle! Think about the child."

Then she stormed out of the room with all the air of an esteemed princess.

Jun 1st, 2004, 12:40:32 AM
"How could you believe that? I wouldn't cheat on you! I am a perfectly honest, loving woman. My god, Kyle! Think about the child."

Busting out laughing Kyle began to rub his stinging cheek which now held her hand across it, with it burning and now red he just continued laughing..

"She is funny..to funny at that." Smirking slightly he stepped onto the remains of Charlies head, as he went after her, hoping to catch up to her, maybe even see if she would still let him accept his offer.."Claudia, love wait..of course your honest and loving! What ever came into my mind! Please, don't hurt yourself more and endanger the baby." Smirking slightly and hoping she heard and would stop for him, he pursued her..but he also figured she wouldn't believe a word he said..

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 12:47:43 AM
"I think I'll name him Charlie. I do so love that name, don't you, my prince?" She asked, dazed and bubbly as ever. She didn't hear his answer however, she was too bust remembering the padded walls that had once surrounded her. It was unfortunate that the place had to blow up, she would have visited it many times had it still been standing. She still punished herself for that bout of temper. Frowning slightly, she turned around to Kyle, then tackled him, her legs wrapping around his waist.

"I would never let my life be dragged down by some whining, snot-nosed brat, lover boy. Where would you like to go?" She asked, licking the red marks she had inflicted upon his cheek before unwinding herself from him. "My place or yours..?"

Jun 1st, 2004, 12:52:17 AM
He was just standing there..then he was on the ground being licked..."Uh..hey there.." He wasn't expecting that, but then again this was Claudia, and she was like him...always expect the unexpected..smirking slightly, he ran his hand across her face and looked into her eyes..

"Why..neither darling. Why not go to Charlie's place..and what a wonderful name indeed, would suit the child perfectly dear." Laughing a little bit, he slightly shoves her off of him and listening to her hit the ground as he crawls back up to his feet, dusting himself off, "But please, lets not get dirty yet..let us save that for later.."

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 12:59:58 AM
She just laid there for a moment, her eyes open wide and her lips sealed together in a tight line. Charlie's place was rather large and it was located not to far from her. Outside of the club, if she recalled correctly, and in the large building across the street. Her hand lifted and sank into the front of her white corset, removing a small silver key from the inner seams. Ayep, it was a nice room all right. But how were they going to get there without being caught by the guards? Her eyes glazed over again.

"We must go out the back, lover boy. We wouldn't wants no one's to see's us, now would we?" She said blandly, rising to her feet. Tilting her head toward the back where a neon exit sign hung, Claudia grinned and grabbed his hand. "Come on!''

Jun 1st, 2004, 01:09:41 AM
Ah. Claudia, you take the fun out of it..going out the front, getting caught..killing more..who could ask for a better night. He thought to himself, but shrugging his shoulders he decided not to voice this to her..killing was fun..it was one of his favorite things to do..but he wasn't in a hurry right now to go get killed..

Smirking slightly, he just followed her, letting her lead the way and letting his mind run with what could happen later on...he followed her to the green neon exit sign and out the door..

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 06:42:45 PM
It was raining, of all things to happen. Literally pouring. But it was no matter, Claudia enjoyed rain, even more so when she was wearing white, which she was. Smiling like a clever cat, she glanced back at her companion and all but purred as she stepped out into the downpour. Turning around to face him, she tipped her head back and allowed a wave of silvery laughter to escape her throat, before she span around and continued on her way.

"I do so love the rain, don't you, lover boy?" She asked, reaching back to snag his hand in her own.

Jun 1st, 2004, 07:10:16 PM
Rain, great it was raining. Kyle liked the rain but not that much, but he knew what she ment when she asked him that question..

"Its just rain to me, nothing special if I want to get wet I'll go take a shower..but then again, when its getting you wet, I do so enjoy it." Smirking a little bit he looked at her wet white shirt, because of the rain he was now able to see through it..

Tilting his head backwards slightly, letting the rain fall on his face, "But its not like I haven't seen those before love..Shall we continue?" Opening his mouth slightly, letting the rain pass through his lips and down his throat as he spoke, "Whenever your ready.."

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:28:58 PM
"Oh! You're no fun!" But that was indeed a lie. Shaking her head slightly, she trotted across the vacant street and into a nearby building. There, she awaited her companion to catch up before she slipped through the sliding glass door and across the eloborately decorated lobby. Stopping at the elevator, she smiled at him and pressed the 'up' button.

"Getting a slow start tonight, babe?"

Jun 1st, 2004, 08:38:53 PM
Slipping his hands into his pants pocket he just follows behind her, watching her movements all the way up the elevator, never keeping her out of his sight also not caring for the decorated lobby..he never really cared for fancy things, well, only fancy things that were on his woman..coming up behind her as she as the elevator opens, he follows her inside and watches the door close them in, as he waits for the ride to stop at their destination he finally replys to her question..

"I just haven't had my fair share of liqour yet..maybe things will be moving..faster once we get up there." Grinning slightly, he awaits..

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:50:18 PM
"Hopefully." She yawned, rolling her violet eyes. Hopefully Charlie hadn't changed the locks on the doors or they'd be out of luck. Security was use to seeing her, but she doubted they would like it if she and Kyle broke in. She wasn't well liked by them in the first place, not that she could blame them. She was a very bad girl...

Upon reaching the correct floor, Claudia stepped out and up to the first door on the left. Slipping the key into the lock, she smiled as the knob turned. Stepping inside, she flicked on the light switch and then moved into the large living room.

Jun 4th, 2004, 02:34:22 PM
"Ah hah! I've always wondered what his room looked like." Coming up behind Claudia, he looked around the vicinity wondering if the guards would try to stop them or if they had gotten any word yet about the boss's death..it didn't matter though, they would die if they tried anything..smirking slightly he stepped up into the dark room behind Claudia as she opened the door and stepped in..

"Well..this is were the fun happens huh.." Grinning slightly at the corner of his mouth he closes the door behind them and looks at Claudia..

Claudia Avallone
Jun 12th, 2004, 06:06:12 PM
"Didn't you want some more to drink, love? I'm sure Charlie keeps a large amount of drinks in his place, anything you want in particular?" She asked, turning about to face him.

"Or maybe you'd just like to sit 'n chat a while...?"

Jun 14th, 2004, 11:31:10 AM
"If you wouldn't mind getting me something to drink, I'll have whatever you're having. If you're having nothing, then I suppose I'll also have nothing, no matter." Seating himself at one of Charlies chairs, which to some may have been magnificant to see, but to Kyle it wasn't nothing great..upon sitting down he produces cards from his coat pocket, taking them out of the box he begins to play with them as he awaits for Claudia..

"And what is it you would like to talk about dear? And, when does the fun start?" Smirking slightly, he looks up from his hands which are fiddling around with the deck and looks at her, awaiting for his drink also..