View Full Version : new recruitment policy?
Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2004, 11:30:01 AM
okay, obviously everyone is getting tired of the n00b idiots, but how do we deal with them? I wrote this for TSO a little while back, for the new type of recruitment we're going to employ there... thought maybe it's something we thought consider doing here also. obviously, this would have to be tweaked, and I imagine someone else could re-written, tweaked, etc...
So You Want To Join The Sith Order
Thank you for taking an interest in the Sith Order. Before you begin role-playing here, there are some important things you should read. The first of these is the boardwide FAQ ( This should answer the majority of questions you may have about roleplaying at SWFans. Once you have read the FAQ, and the information below, please take a short while to ‘lurk’ around the boards. This means that you do not do any posting, but simply read other threads. This will give you a good idea of how roleplaying at SWFans works, and help you avoid any unnecessary stress should you accidentally do something wrong. If you have any queries that aren’t covered either in the boardwide FAQ, or the information below, please post them in our OOC forum (
How To Join
Joining The Sith Order is a simple process. To join, copy and paste the application form below. Fill in the details needed, then post it in this forum. Each of the questions is fairly self explanatory. If you are struggling to think of something to write for the questions, perhaps you should rethink your character. When you are joining, you should already have a good idea about the workings of your character, so completing the form shouldn’t be too hard. The Skills area is one which we understand may be somewhat confusing – some examples of what could be given here are electronics skills (slicing/hacking), mechanical skills (repair/construction), combat skills (basic training in a martial art or weapon proficiency) and so on - as always, try to be creative. One other important part of the form to draw your attention to is the very last question, which asks whether or not you have read the rules. Answer ‘Of course not’ to this question, to show that you have in fact read the rules.
Once you have posted your application, it will either be accepted or rejected. If you are accepted, you may begin posting at the Sith Order. If you are rejected, the reason for your rejection will be explained. You will have the chance to, if applicable, make changes to your application and re-submit it. This, however, still does not guarantee you will be admitted. It will be made explicitly clear if would be possible for you to reapply or whether you simply aren’t the right person the group is looking for.
Please be patient when applying. Do not contact a member of the group asking if and when you will be accepted. Patience is an important part of roleplaying as a whole, so showing some when you are just joining is important. We look forward to reading your application.
Character name: Your characters name or alias which they go by.
Character Profile: Your characters personality, general demeanor and attitude.
Character History: A history of your character. It can be as long as you like, but please make it at least a paragraph long. Having a good background for your character is important, because a persons past affects their present and future a lot. If you know where your character has come from, it is much easier to imagine where they’re going and how they would realistically react to certain situations.
Character Motivations: Why your character wants to become a Sith. Try to be creative and think outside of the norm – there can only be so many people in the galaxy who want vengeance for the death of their father/brother/dog who was killed by Jedi.
Character Skills: Current skills that your character possesses. There are some examples of these types of skills in the rules.
Why should we accept you: Tell us why you think your character would be a good addition to the Sith Order. Everyone who joins must be loyal to their Master and the Order, so this is not a viable reason.
Roleplaying example: This can be a thread with the character you intend to play at the Sith Order, or another you have at SWfans. Which thread you submit if your choice entirely. The thread will be used to see if you can meet an acceptable level of grammar/spelling and are able write something conducive to the story.
Do you understand that your application can be rejected: Simple question.
Have you read the rules: If you have read them, you’ll know what to write here.
Morgan Evanar
May 31st, 2004, 11:31:47 AM
Go go go.
Figrin D'an
May 31st, 2004, 11:57:48 AM
Unfortunately, our current rules about joining aren't very strict, hence the mass of n00bs without a clue. If we can take parts of this, and combine it with the existing admittance rules, we can probabaly get something that will accomplish what we want.
We need to axe the Class Sign-up thread too. I'm gonna do that right now.
Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2004, 12:15:36 PM
what are our current admittance rules? We have some? I thought it was just post in recruitment and try :)
granted it is the trying part we are having problems with... -_-
Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2004, 12:17:08 PM
AFAIK, we don't have any rules at the moment. Basically, they post, I ask them some questions, they answer satisfactorily, and they get let in.
Figrin D'an
May 31st, 2004, 12:22:04 PM
Most of the rules we have cover post-acceptance. We don't have much of anything for actual recruitment threads, other than "Post and RP your entrance into the group."
BTW, I'm doing some pruning of the sticky posts. There are too many of them. We need to consolidate them.
Figrin D'an
May 31st, 2004, 01:40:20 PM
Recruitment is suspended until we sort this out. If you are working with people who are in the process of being admitted, tell them to be patient. As of today, anyone not yet admitted will be subject to our new policies, whatever they may be.
Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2004, 04:22:53 PM
I will make sure to let Alex know then since his thread would be considered a special recruitment thingamajig
:: sigh ::
This totally sucks. damn newbies
Figrin D'an
May 31st, 2004, 05:01:21 PM
My GJO-ized version of the Recruitment policy, spliced together from the TSO version and our own existing rules:
GJO actively accepts requests from new characters seeking to be trained as Jedi. New and existing characters are welcome to petition for admittance. Characters previously aligned to groups known to be in opposition to GJO seeking to become Jedi must first be approved by a majority Council vote before admittance is granted. All requests are documented and processed in the order they are received.
Because of the limited number of teachers available, characters belonging to new board users will be given priority over those characters created by existing users. For example, a person creating an RP character for the first time will be placed higher on the eligibility list than a person whom has another Jedi character, and is seeking to begin another such character. This is done to ensure the maximum number of board users have an opportunity to develop at least one character with GJO.
Priority is assigned as follows:
1) New users creating their first RP character.
2) Roleplayers of other groups (or independents) creating their first Jedi character.
3) Roleplayers with existing Jedi character(s) seeking to create a new Jedi character. (Number of Jedi characters is a factor... ie. a person creating their second Jedi character will have higher priority than a person creating their third, etc.)
Existing characters defecting from another group to GJO are considered "special circumstances," and are handled on a case-by-case basis by the Council.
Users with existing Jedi characters, and wishing to create a new Jedi character, must declare each of their Jedi characters to the board staff before proceeding. Failure to comply with this request will result in the new character being denied admission to the group. Users found attempting to circumvent the rules of the system through masking of identity will be subject to disciplinary measures, which may include but is not limited to, banning of ALL the users accounts on a temporary or permanent basis.
To gain entry into GJO, one must submit an application (see the Application Form). This form is an OOC method by which we can evaluate each character. It requires some basic information about the character, and provides an opportunity for the RPer to demonstrate why he/she would make a good addition to the Jedi Order. This application must be completed, in its entirety, and submitted in the Application Thread to be considered for acceptance.
Please keep in mind the following when filling out the application:
- Have your character planned out before you write your application. Decide upon a personality, general appearance and some basic skills before you fill out the form. Don't make it up on the spot. The best characters are the ones created by people who have put considerable time and thought into them.
- Make sure your skills make sense for the character you wish to create. Jedi can possess a variety of different skills, but no one can do everything. Every character has strengths and weaknesses. Try to be realistic when planning what your character can and cannot do.
- Always remember: your character is an initiate, and has a limited knowledge of the Force. He/she is not going to be able to lift starfighters or match lightsabre skills with even a Jedi Padawan on the first day. Don't give your character a lot of powerful Force abilities, and then expect him/her to be accepted into the Order. It simply won't happen.
- If you are having trouble writing your application or are struggling to find a good wording, ask someone for help. There are lots of people willing to give some friendly suggestions if you are merely willing to ask politely.
Once an application is posted, it will be reviewed by the Jedi Council, and either be accepted or rejected. All those who submit applications will be informed of the Council's decision via the Private Message system. If one is accepted, he/she may begin posting at GJO in the Recruitment forum, and RP their entry into the Order. If one is rejected, the reason for the rejection will be explained. In some cases, rejected applicants will be given the chance to make changes to the application and re-submit it. This, however, still does not guarantee admittance. It will be made explicitly clear if it will be possible for reapplication. If a character is ultimately rejected, do not continue to petition for admittance, or post complaints about the process. This type of behavior is considered unacceptable, and may result in banning from the GJO board.
Please be patient when applying. Do not contact the staff, Council members, or any other member of the group to inquire about if or when your application will be accepted. Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are recieved, and time is required to carefully review and reach a decision on each.
Character name: Your characters name or alias.
Character Profile: Your characters personality, general demeanor, attitude and vital statistics.
Character History: A history of your character. It can be as long as you like, but please make it at least a paragraph long. Having a solid background for your character is important, because it gives insights into the character's personality. It can dictate how he/she might react to certain situations, and can be an indicator of what will happen to him/her in the future.
Character Motivations: Ask yourself "Why does this character wants to become a Jedi?". Be creative and different. An all-too common response is "My character or his/her family was wronged by a Sith or Dark Jedi, and he/she wants justice and to defend others from the same fate." This is a superficial reason at best. Dig deeper, or come up with something unique. A character doesn't have to be a total good guy to become a Jedi, and his/her motivations may not be completely honorable (at least at first). For example, a character can join for selfish reasons, then end up changing as he/she go through training.
Character Skills: Current skills that your character possesses. These can be things like piloting, slicing, repair/engineering, weapons proficiencies, basic martial arts, and so on. Be creative, and try to assemble a set of skills that combine well and makes sense for your character.
Why should we accept you?: Tell us why you think your character would be a good addition to the Jedi Order. Everyone who joins must be loyal to their Master and the Order, and must follow the Jedi Code, so these are not viable reasons.
Roleplaying example: Show us a RP thread involving your character. It can be either at GJO, or at itself, and can be of your choosing. This will be used to judge your writing abilities, so make sure it's a thread which showcases your best grammar, spelling and writing technique.
Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Simply answer "Yes" or "No", and take it to heart that you can be rejected.
Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Answer "Yes" or "No". Don't shortchange yourself by not reading the FAQ. It contains a lot of useful information, and will answer most of your initial questions. If you ask someone a question that is answerable by the FAQ, they're going to tell you to go read it, so you might as well do it right away before you submit your application.
Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2004, 05:09:13 PM
i like it fig... tho I am weeping that this has to be done still.
Do they direct the application to the Mod Staff? I think that was unclear.
Figrin D'an
May 31st, 2004, 05:13:30 PM
My idea was to have an Application Submission thread in the Recuitment forum to which all applications are posted. A council member then has to review each application, and approve or disapprove. I'd rather have the Council make the calls on this than the staff, since this has a great deal of effect on the IC RP atmosphere around here. (The staff, of course, has the right to nullify any acceptance based upon OOC issues.) We should probably just have one or two Council members who are in charge of handling new applicants.
Navaria Tarkin
May 31st, 2004, 05:16:49 PM
and more reason for others to see the Council isn't a joke hopefully. I do think that would be good.
perhaps a tag in the title of the thread for application or something would be needed so they distinguished from the RP threads
Morgan Evanar
May 31st, 2004, 05:53:28 PM
Works for me.
Figrin D'an
May 31st, 2004, 09:01:19 PM
I'll wait for some more opinions, but as long as TSO doesn't mind us borrowing their application format, we should be able to get this implemented yet this week. There are a couple parts of the FAQ that will have to be rewritten, but I've already started on that. It needed to be revamped a bit anyway, since the initiate classes are pretty much dead and gone now.
One of these days, I'll write up that history I was going to, just as a reference for people to use.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2004, 02:47:34 AM
mmm... do we need a thread for them to join once they have submitted this? most of the questions I would normally ask them are already covered in the form, it seems a little superfluous to go over them again.
otherwise, sounds good. I don't mind carrying on with recruitment stuff, reviewing the applications. and I have no prob with you using the format... just need Rie's input now :)
Jun 1st, 2004, 05:04:10 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
I'll wait for some more opinions, but as long as TSO doesn't mind us borrowing their application format, we should be able to get this implemented yet this week. There are a couple parts of the FAQ that will have to be rewritten, but I've already started on that. It needed to be revamped a bit anyway, since the initiate classes are pretty much dead and gone now.
One of these days, I'll write up that history I was going to, just as a reference for people to use.
I know I have no prob with you borrowing what was written for TSO (of course, it's not my full call as Dasq is the one that wrote it out).
But I completely feel that something needs to be done to weed out the newbie issues... seperate the goat from the sheep. And I feel the TSO application (albiet needing editing and such for GJO) would be a helpful start to get this action going.
Figrin D'an
Jun 2nd, 2004, 05:09:24 PM
I'm in the process of the updating the FAQ, and tweaking/wordsmithing the Recruitment policy. With any luck, it'll be done tomorrow or Friday.
Figrin D'an
Jun 2nd, 2004, 09:48:15 PM
FAQ is updated and loaded onto the GJO server. If anyone finds any mistakes, let me know.
Figrin D'an
Jun 2nd, 2004, 10:20:57 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
mmm... do we need a thread for them to join once they have submitted this? most of the questions I would normally ask them are already covered in the form, it seems a little superfluous to go over them again.
My only reason for suggesting this is to have an IC manner in which the characters join the Order, so that they can reference it or look back to it for background purposes later on. I guess would rather have an IC story on the how and why they joined GJO, as well as the OOC application. It just seems to give the character a little more validity than to just have them show up, fill out an application, then suddenly they show up in training with someone.
I guess we could make it an optional think to do an IC thread, as the good RPers will probably want to do one anyway.
Figrin D'an
Jun 2nd, 2004, 11:32:37 PM
Here's what I forsee the "Application Thread" looking like:
As of today, recruitment into GJO is reopened. There have, however, been significant changes made to the admissions process. These new rules must be followed by all characters seeking membership into GJO from this moment forward. Failure to comply will result in you being unable to join GJO.
All those seeking to join GJO must fill out an application, which can be found below. This application form consists of questions regarding the applicant, both IC and OOC. This form must be filled out (all areas/questions must be answered), then be submitted to this thread. Each application will be reviewed by the Council, and either accepted or rejected. Each applicant will receive an Private Message, indicating either acceptance or rejection. If accepted, the applicant can begin to roleplay the character as a member of GJO. If rejected, reasons for the rejection will be given. In some cases, an opportunity will be given to rewrite the application and resubmit it (if this is the case, it will be explicitly indicated in the PM. Do not assume that you may do so automatically.)
Decisions on rejection are not up for debate. Any posts made complaining about being rejected or about the recruitment process will be deleted, and those who write such posts may be banned if they persist in such actions.
Once an application has been approved, the applicant character becomes a "Jedi Initiate", can post in the IC forums, and begin to train with other Jedi. That character's name will also be placed on the list for padawans looking for masters. Once a character is choosen for an apprenticeship, he/she becomes a "Jedi Padawan."
(As a note, the Initiate Classes are now defunct, and are no longer required for all new members.)
Remember, the application must be done FIRST, before you being to post RP threads in the Recruitment forum or elsewhere at GJO. Posting before an application is submitted and/or approved will only hinder the process, and is likely to get your application pushed to the bottom of the pile.
If you have questions about the Application or about the application process and how it ties into becoming a Jedi, please see the GJO FAQ (, or contact a member of the board staff.
************************************************** ***
Application Form
Instructions: Copy and paste the questions below to your post, and replace the question descriptions with your information. Fill out all sections and check for mistakes before submitting the post.
Character Name: Your characters name or alias.
Character Profile: Your characters personality, general demeanor, attitude and vital statistics.
Character History: A history of your character. It can be as long as you like, but please make it at least a paragraph long. Having a solid background for your character is important, because it gives insights into the character's personality. It can dictate how he/she might react to certain situations, and can be an indicator of what will happen to him/her in the future.
Character Motivations: Ask yourself "Why does this character wants to become a Jedi?". Be creative and different. An all-too common response is "My character or his/her family was wronged by a Sith or Dark Jedi, and he/she wants justice and to defend others from the same fate." This is a superficial reason at best. Dig deeper, or come up with something unique. A character doesn't have to be a total good guy to become a Jedi, and his/her motivations may not be completely honorable (at least at first). For example, a character can join for selfish reasons, then end up changing as he/she go through training.
Character Skills: Current skills that your character possesses. These can be things like piloting, slicing, repair/engineering, weapons proficiencies, basic martial arts, and so on. Be creative, and try to assemble a set of skills that combine well and makes sense for your character.
Why should we accept you?: Tell us why you think your character would be a good addition to the Jedi Order. Everyone who joins must be loyal to their Master and the Order, and must follow the Jedi Code, so these are not viable reasons.
Roleplaying example: Show us a RP thread involving your character. It can be either at GJO, or at itself, and can be off your choosing. Simply provide a link to the thread for the application reviewer to follow. This will be used to judge your writing abilities, so make sure it's a thread with which you are happy with your grammar, spelling and writing technique.
Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Simply answer "Yes" or "No", and take it to heart that you can be rejected.
Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Answer "Yes" or "No". Don't shortchange yourself by not reading the FAQ. It contains a lot of useful information, and will answer most of your initial questions. If you ask someone a question that is answerable by the FAQ, they're going to tell you to go read it, so you might as well do it right away before you submit your application.
************************************************** ***
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 3rd, 2004, 02:20:54 AM
Looks good.
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
My only reason for suggesting this is to have an IC manner in which the characters join the Order, so that they can reference it or look back to it for background purposes later on. I guess would rather have an IC story on the how and why they joined GJO, as well as the OOC application. It just seems to give the character a little more validity than to just have them show up, fill out an application, then suddenly they show up in training with someone.
I guess we could make it an optional think to do an IC thread, as the good RPers will probably want to do one anyway.
Fair enough :)
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 3rd, 2004, 08:35:49 AM
it looks marvelous figgy.. too bad i was too tired last night to stay up for it :(
Morgan Evanar
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:46:16 AM
This thread is a good idea.
Figrin D'an
Jun 3rd, 2004, 08:24:15 PM
If no one objects, I'll put this up, make a general board annoucement, and reopen recruitment.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 3rd, 2004, 08:29:06 PM
yes .. go do now! GO GO GO
thanks for making it happen too Fig... You're our Admin whore :D
Figrin D'an
Jun 3rd, 2004, 08:59:49 PM
Done and done.
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin
thanks for making it happen too Fig... You're our Admin whore :D
I feel so used. :mneh
Figrin D'an
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:43:28 PM
Christ... I put up the the thread, and in the first hour, I get a question that completely demonstrates that the person didn't read the post, and someone asking how long it will take to be accepted, which means they didn't read the FAQ.
Let me kill something....
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 3rd, 2004, 11:10:07 PM
Lol. Hey, you've got the lightsaber, man. :)
This is a superb idea. I really, really like it and am glad that this is in place.
Jun 4th, 2004, 05:39:12 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
Christ... I put up the the thread, and in the first hour, I get a question that completely demonstrates that the person didn't read the post, and someone asking how long it will take to be accepted, which means they didn't read the FAQ.
Let me kill something....
Just goes to show that well written rules/policies/FAQ mean absolutely nothing when it comes to dealing with inept ppl.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 4th, 2004, 06:08:48 PM
the questions are cluttering up the applications. I have split the thread... frelled up alex's post =\ but posted it myself in the proper thread.
All questions go in one topic that is sticked... make life easier methinks
Figrin D'an
Jun 4th, 2004, 10:01:51 PM
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin
the questions are cluttering up the applications. I have split the thread... frelled up alex's post =\ but posted it myself in the proper thread.
All questions go in one topic that is sticked... make life easier methinks
Which I'm going to close. If they have questions, they can PM a staff member. If it's a dumb question, tell them to read the FAQ and follow the directions in the Application Submission Thread. We're not catering to people who can't follow the simple axiom of RCP.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 5th, 2004, 04:35:12 PM
meh... the questions were still cluttering the orignal thread tho :mneh
but yes... I will bow to the wisdom that is Fig
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 8th, 2004, 09:28:08 PM
so.................... anyone reading the applications and have an opinion yet :p
Figrin D'an
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:20:54 PM
The most recent applicant didn't provide an RP example, but beyond that, everyone else seems alright.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2004, 03:01:10 AM
How are we going about telling people that they're accepted? Sending them a PM?
Figrin D'an
Jun 9th, 2004, 10:33:32 AM
PM is good.
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 9th, 2004, 11:09:21 AM
I'd feel better about this if we could match up prospective padawans with willing knights or masters. Not many are accepting at the moment, which is understandable. I personally am not accepting until finals week is over, because I simply don't have the free time to post at the moment. I think the availability list needs to be updated, and let's see if we can get good padawans to good masters, eh? :)
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 10th, 2004, 02:35:28 AM
Another Q - what do we do with the applications once they've been approved? Do we remove them from the thread?
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 10th, 2004, 10:21:55 AM
Ahhh just kidding.
I vote we mail each application that has been approved to a willing knight or master.
Figrin D'an
Jun 10th, 2004, 10:33:02 AM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
I vote we mail each application that has been approved to a willing knight or master.
Sounds fine by me.
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 10th, 2004, 12:07:46 PM
And, as an aside, I'd be fine with overseeing that portion. Y'all already got lots on your hands.
Figrin D'an
Jun 11th, 2004, 07:25:08 PM
Have PMs been sent to the first bunch of applicants? It's been about a week, and we probably shouldn't wait them wait much longer.
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 11th, 2004, 09:41:33 PM
I've sent them off to the first three, telling them that they are accepted as Initiates. They all seem to have their heads together, and I don't really see any problems with their characters.
Alex... well... I'm having a hard time with his application, simply because I know who it is. The one below him hasn't been looked over yet, but I will get to it.
Figrin D'an
Jun 11th, 2004, 09:51:14 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
I've sent them off to the first three, telling them that they are accepted as Initiates. They all seem to have their heads together, and I don't really see any problems with their characters.
Alex... well... I'm having a hard time with his application, simply because I know who it is. The one below him hasn't been looked over yet, but I will get to it.
lol... whoops. I decided to take the initiative and send off acceptances myself. Oh well... the first three will just end up with two messages. :p
Alex... I sent an acceptance to him. I know it's questionable, but Nav is willing to help him out and "handle" him, so we'll give it a shot. If he starts being a whiney jackass, we'll just have to slap him.
The others I haven't looks at yet either.
So, new acceptances are:
Kieran Devaneaux
Yulis Romanov
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 14th, 2004, 09:31:49 AM
lex... I sent an acceptance to him. I know it's questionable, but Nav is willing to help him out and "handle" him, so we'll give it a shot. If he starts being a whiney jackass, we'll just have to slap him.
yep... I have no problem with his beat down if he becomes stupid but so far he is keeping things simple. That is good
Kieran has asked if I could be his master and he seems all right. I havent decided yet because I like doing RP stuff before accepting anyone as a Padawan
other two no clue :lol
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 14th, 2004, 09:45:07 AM
Andúril wrote on Today 08:21 AM:
Hi Desquian,
I noticed you were on the council, andit said in the recruitment thread I was to send my details to the council so here they are. If your not the person to send this to, please forward it for me. Thanks,
Figrin D'an
Jun 14th, 2004, 03:28:39 PM
uh... yeah.
Looks like we have another case of not reading/comprehending directions.
This person already has their application in the thread, so it just needs to be reviewed. Just PM him/her back and inform them of this.
Ryla Relvinian
Jun 15th, 2004, 01:56:21 AM
FYI- Rognan is now training Yulis, and Kelt has taken Dayerlane or whatever his name is. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 16th, 2004, 11:15:46 AM
Dekk = DarKnight, Jandor Tarvin, etc etc.
From his recent thread in the OOC forum, it's clear he hasn't picked up a clue during his break from the boards (shadow jedi :rolleyes).
Figrin D'an
Jun 28th, 2004, 08:21:48 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
Dekk = DarKnight, Jandor Tarvin, etc etc.
From his recent thread in the OOC forum, it's clear he hasn't picked up a clue during his break from the boards (shadow jedi :rolleyes).
Baduna Ciodaru is in that same vein (IP matching with Wondo, Homer, forrest, etc).
Latest Acceptances:
Trunks Alvein
Rhea Kaylen
Recorded, but not yet reviewed:
Baduna Ciodaru
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 17th, 2004, 12:58:44 PM
Just FYI, I'm taking 'Lain Esuna' (the application was made by Slayn Cloak) as Dasquian's apprentice.
Figrin D'an
Aug 18th, 2004, 10:14:56 PM
New Acceptances:
Keira Sparrow
Quay'Na Rakai (re-admitted)
Estelle Russard
Aug 28th, 2004, 12:27:25 PM
wow, that last name's a doozie
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