View Full Version : 'Everything Evolves' (Dale)

Zachariah Darmok
May 30th, 2004, 01:02:22 AM
I am prepared to meet my enemy. Whether my enemy is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

Somewhere on a insolated area of the red planet sat a YV-666 transport ship. Its shape against the skyline of the silent terrain made its silhouette from affar seem ghostly in the dimmed light, almost a haunted ship that would apparently vanish without trace. But this one did not. It sat motionless, unmoving, unchanging for hours and not a sound or a decibel came from the lonely ship on the desert surface.

Inside however, things were much more gruesome.

In the cockpit of the lonesome transport sat two maimed pilots still in their seats. The captain's body was hardly recognizable, his eyes had been torn from their sockets like grapes and his bottom jaw had been ripped off and placed almost ceremoniously in his right hand which clenched around it tightly blood covered and caked every morsel of the humans chest, it was quite sickening. The captains co-pilot, his lieutenant in the seat next to him was much more worse for wear.

His jaw also had been torn off, flesh still hung where it used to be and like the Captains's, placed in the right hand which held it, unmoving. His eyes were thankfully intact but his chest was exposed and the skin covering his rib cage had been drawn back and the bones exposed for man to see.

Rivers of blood ran out from the cockpit but these deaths had happened some time ago and their blood was starting to run out and cake upon the steel of the ship. Candles lined the ships interior which was now its only illumination and on the floor just outside the cockpit kneeled a hooded figure in the center of a pentagram.

At each point of the pentagram was placed a body part of one of the pilots and in the center of the pentagram sat the co-pilots heart.

' Ohhram-veelee aramvasha' Spoke the figure, chanting slowly and eerily ' Sooram-Aral calam Sooram meme' A small glow seemed to be coming from the heart now and the flesh began to transform, shift its mass into a small thin strip of flesh and meanwhile draining the blood within away onto the floor. In the heart flesh now, midway two smaller strips still attached bubbled out horizontally and now it seemed to be taking shape.

The shape of a dagger.

Its tip started to thin and harden into a razer sharp strip of flesh while the blunt end started to mold into a hilt.and after a long moment of its transfiguration, it finally looked like a flesh colored, hardened section of flesh in the shape of a dagger, razor shape at one end.

Picking up the the flesh-dagger and standing slowly the figure began to blow out the candles along the bulkheads till he made it to the gang way hatch, pressed the button and the yv-666's door started to open. Once it was, the figure stepped out onto the red desert surface and drew back its hood.

It was none-other than Zachariah Darmok.

He had come back to visit Sorsha but of course she was captive, unknowingly today he would be meeting the new leader of the Sisters of Chaos, Dalethria. He started his long walk towards the housing of where he was told the location of their fortress would be, a long walk of quite solitude, he hoped.

He enjoyed his own company.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 31st, 2004, 01:55:55 PM
Darmok's hike through the desolate landscape was indeed uneventful. There were no indigenous creatures to fend off. Only navigating through the random rock formations proved to be the most taxing, but once he went passed them, the frontier opened up and the dark keep was revealed. Black iron bars of the gate barred the walkway that led towards the entrance of the Sister's stronghold.

The Dark Jedi spied the double doors opened for a moment before they shut. The sound of metal against metal reached his ears not too long after. It was then he spied a figured heading in his direction. He knew it wasn't Sorsha. The woman was a brunette and not clad in the familiar armor of the Sith Witch. Instead, she was clad in black and red leathers; a glint of metal suggested a sabre at her hip.

When Darmok could get a really good look at her, he could tell by her grim expression that she was not pleased by his presence, which intensified as she reached the gate. She stopped two feet from it and glared at the Dark Jedi through the iron bars. There was no indication that she was going to attack him yet.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Dalethria's voice was deep, commanding respect.

Zachariah Darmok
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:22:38 AM
' I am Zachariah Darmok, my faction is my own concern and my business here on your rock is with your Patron, Sorsha Kasajian.' He said smoothly through the raw iron gates of the towering fortress.

Taking the woman's aura in mind she was not one to cross so easily. She was also not one he thought he would to admire or like so quickly. Saying that he had never seen her before and even though Zachariah had one of the most unforgiving personalties he would give her the benefit of the doubt,for now.

He had seen Sorsha's abilities, he had seen her Vore armies and he had seen some of the most unrelenting, unforgiving atrocities imaginable and so nothing for the most part of the Sister Of Chaos would turn him back now, and certainly not on a expedition.

' I would like to see her at her earliest convenience...'

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 1st, 2004, 11:22:10 AM
It started as a quiet chuckle. "You want to see Sorsha at her earliest convenience?"

Then Dalethria laughed outright. "Oh, that will be quite sometime before I will allow that." The laughter ceased and now she became quite serious, "What you had to say to her, you will say to me." Sorsha had left quite a lot of work that needed to be completed. The Keep restoration, the Temple on Dathomir, informing Lady Vader of certain plans, retrieving the Hurukan ... She had tried to learn about them all but it didn't surprise her that some plans fell through the cracks. Darmok was probably one of them. If not, he wouldn't leave Ch'hodos alive. She invested too much here to have someone walk away with the knowledge that Vicet's chosen had taken up residence on the planet.

Zachariah Darmok
Jun 1st, 2004, 12:31:53 PM
The silence was almost unbearible when she had denied him what he was looking to have. It was a certain rare situation when a person had the nerve to stop dead the plans of a Warlock and Darmok had not come by it all to often. But there would be a way around it.

And Zachariah would find it.

' It will be quite some time before you 'allow' that?' Darmok repeated his voice a hoarse whisper but oddly enough Dalethria could hear it. His voice projected loud enough for the winds to carry it to her ears.

' What has happned to her?' He asked flatly.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 1st, 2004, 01:56:03 PM
Her eyes narrowed. She didn't like being talk to in this manner. The Mistress stepped forward closer to the gate, sliding each arm through the bars, "I will only answer that question if you answer one of my own. How do you know Sorsha? "

She would not even hint at her identity until she was certain of this man's intent.

Zachariah Darmok
Jun 2nd, 2004, 12:25:03 PM
Darmok was about to play the childs game and say 'i asked you first' but Zachariah was above that. The Mage was old enough to be this womans grandfather twice over and he was not about to play a simple, trivial game with her.

I've known of Sorsha for a long time, there were discussions of me joining her under her banner but i declined at the end of our discussion, respectivly of course.' He bowed in light of his declining.

Taking a step forward but keeping well out of arm's reach Darmok could feel every essence of the woman behind the strong gates. He could feel her movement, feel her breath within his mind. He could quite easily draw her towards the gate and press her so hard against the steel her arm's would crack under the pressure but he decided against this mode.

He would go around her instead of through her.

'And now for my answer?'

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 2nd, 2004, 09:19:21 PM
So, Sorsha knew Darmok and he almost joined in Vicet's vision. Dalethria found that interesting and wondered what banner he followed, if any at all.

She didn't have to wonder what he was thinking. Fool thought her a simpleton. Someone that he could break easily and was perhaps some fledgling servant of Sorsha's. He was just amusing her for the time being but Darmok's patience was growing thin.

"Yes. You did answer my question." Dalethria smiled in greeting, "I would be Dalethria Mal Pannis, Sith Master and Leader of Vicet's Chosen." The surprise and disappointment in his eyes was so sweet. "Sorsha now works under me." Inwardly the brunette sighed blissfully when she said that. That sentence tickled her happy. "She's not here. I sent her on an errand." Which was a white lie. Dalethria had banished her to Meras, not trusting of her Sister. Sorsha knew Ch'hodos too well for her liking. Until some inkling of trust returned between the two of them, Sorsha was staying at the mansion until the project on Dathomir was complete.

She slid her hands up the bars and pressed herself fully into the gate, "And again we start at the beginning and I repeat, What you had to say to her, you will say to me."

Zachariah Darmok
Jun 5th, 2004, 05:13:47 AM
' She has something of mine i wish to take back into my possession Mistress Mal Pannis' Darmok lied and took another step forward, but still far from reach, he was not going to let her gain any verbal or physical advantage if he could so help it. Not today.

'I must say Lady Mal Pannis, it is a breath of fresh air to hear she has been cast down from her high horse for you to take her place, she was a troublesome woman' Again he lied, but he lied effectively.

He was not a Sorsha supporter, in fact far from it but he had got to know her rather well and he regarded her as a aqquantence. Now he must start from the beginning with this Sith Mistress in order to gain some prestige with the small sect of sisters. An alliance of sorts.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 5th, 2004, 10:49:06 PM
She was loosing patience with this idiot. If Darmok wanted to be in Dalethria's good graces, he was doing a horrible job. "What exactly did she have of yours? I confiscated a great many things from her. You're going to have to be more specific." Again a white lie. Two could play this silly game.

Zachariah Darmok
Jun 7th, 2004, 02:36:13 PM
' The trinkit means nothing anymore, thank you for your time Lady Mal Pannis, i shall take my leave'

Turning on his heal and without another word he began his journey towards the landing site of his ship, Flesh-Dagger still sheathed.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 8th, 2004, 04:02:41 PM
"No. You may not leave yet." She walked through the gate, her weapons still sheathed. "Not until I know you're no threat to my Sisters. Be thankful I am giving you this opportunity since you know Sorsha."

Zachariah Darmok
Jun 10th, 2004, 07:31:08 PM
' I once had a small allience with your people, i would not hurt your sisters as my oath still stands firm, my Lady Mal Pannis, it is against my will or mind to break my oath '

Turning on the ball of his foot, cloak wipping in the late evening air, his eyes set to hers. ' I apologise for my former arrogance towards you Mistress Mal Pannis, it was not my intention to undermine you in any sence, i hope you forgive me''

Taking a step towards the gate once again he inclined his head in respect. ' I was actually hoping that allience was still quite real, with the change of leadership it seems that was one of the things she might of forgot'

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 14th, 2004, 12:28:18 PM
"Perhaps it can be." Her stance wasn't as rigid as before, though it was quite apparent that Dalethria did not trust Darmok still. "You are correct. Sorsha did not mention you as I have said before. I do not know the terms of the agreement you had with her. Does it entail more then just we do not harm you and you do not harm us?"