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Jame Kaman Dar
May 29th, 2004, 02:45:15 AM

Entering Yog's, she'd smacked her head again. Seemed to be doing it ever since she got back on-planet. Either she'd gotten taller, or clumsier, or she was just plain ol' all-around almost unbearably sore. Tucked under one arm was a thick book, within which were loose sheets of staff paper, and bound sheets of staff paper. Jame donned a tired grin as she claimed a table at the B&G for two reasons: One being that she was tired, and the other was that she'd finally finished the piece that had been in the works since before her arrival at the GJO. That would be what the loose sheets were all about.

Almost immediately a server droid came by, and inquired as to what she'd like, if anything at all.

"Cinnamon Angel Tea...Please."

She looked a mess, tense muscles balled up together.

"Cinnamon..Angel.,...Tea? What is...."

Woman wanting her tea as she did, Jame didn't let the droid finish.

"Just tell the 'tender, will ya? He'll know what it is. Danke..."

The droid left her, and she dropped the book on the tabletop with a sharp thud, momentarily glancing around apologetically, and then opening it, to glance happily over the final result, letting it play in her mind.

It was a happy day for her. Only a few more things could make her life happier...

Zereth Lancer
Jun 3rd, 2004, 12:34:02 AM
A hooded figure watched the woman from where He sat at the bar. He finished his drink before he stood up and walked over to Jame "Do you mind if I join you miss" He said his glowing red eyes shone through the darkness of his hood.

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 3rd, 2004, 12:52:13 AM
She looked up from her papers, having been distracted by the serv-o-droid bringing her tea, as ordered, and to see a man asking if he could join her. Her eyes went directly to the reddish glow permeating from under his hood, then just smiled happily, and nodded, tapping her pencil on the table top with one hand and sipping her tea with the other.

"Sure. G'righta head."

She placed the mug gently back on the table, and her pencil-tapping suddenly stopped. Jame looked him over a moment.

"Yer...Not from 'round 'ere, are ye?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 3rd, 2004, 09:47:53 PM
Zereth sat down and threw his hood back, The intensity of his glowing eyes subsided in the lack of darkness. "I've been here several times but I spend most of my time on Corellia" He said running his hand through his long black hair.

He brought up his other hand "Names Zereth Lancer" He said giving her a smile.

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 3rd, 2004, 11:21:22 PM

Jame filled in a few notes on a blank staff paper, humming to herself, then looked up at Zereth a moment, and smiled sheepishly. "Oh..heh. Sorry. Just finished a piece I've bin workin' on since b'fore I got here, and i'm pretty thrilled that it's finally done."

She put the pencil down carefully and closed the folder. Then the young woman of nearly twenty picked up the ceramic mug of sweet-smelling (and tasting) tea, taking a gulp, then looking over the rising steamlines at Zereth. "I'm Jame Kaman Dar. Y'ken call me Jame, or Kaman...Just not by the last name..Sounds like you're callin' an idiot."

Jame laughed, and put the mug back down on the table. "I've never seen you 'round before. The only people I know here are my bro and a few others I've met from hangin' 'round with him. I'm waiting on approval of a master here to train me, and fortunately I have the patience to not go crazy. Nice smile, by the way."

Zereth Lancer
Jun 4th, 2004, 02:37:17 PM
"Well I tend to sit in the shadows when I'm here" Zereth said sitting back in his chair "Master? Then you must be a jedi. I thought I sensed the force in you."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 5th, 2004, 03:00:40 AM
She scratched her head with the smooth end of her pencil, and half-smiled.

"Well, I'm not really a Jedi. Quite honestly I wouldn't know where to start beyond waiting for acceptance. I know I have the Force and all, but I don't think i've ever used it. All i've ever known is my mental abilities, as far as that goes. I'm a telepath and empath. Not to mention a linguist and musician. And I'm one mean DJ. What do you do anyways?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 6th, 2004, 04:55:49 PM
"Well if you havnt already guessed by my dark robes, I am a sith" Zereth said plainly not trying to sound special or make her afraid "I am a great swords fighter, very good at sneaking around, and I have a few other skills I care not to discuss."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 6th, 2004, 11:58:50 PM
Jame nodded slowly, looking undisturbed..In fact, she was still smiling.

"Well, I can't say you're the first sith I've ran into. Don't worry, it doesn't bother me."

She took another long sip of the tea, and after that, she looked satisfied.

"I've never used a blade...However, when it comes to firearms..."

Jame grinned, then spoke not further of it. "So what brings you to Yog's this afternoon, anyways?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 15th, 2004, 09:41:58 PM
"I like to come in here for a quite drink and some nice company."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 15th, 2004, 10:35:47 PM
"Yeah, it's quiet here for the most part i've found...Truthfully the first quiet-like bar i've ever stepped foot in."

Jame picked up the mug again, and took a small sip. "I'm used to the nightclubs...I used to work at one."

Zereth Lancer
Jun 16th, 2004, 04:47:09 PM
Zereth looked down at the thick book containing her music "How lucky you are to have the power to create music" He said smiling a little "The only things I seem to create is choas and mayhem ."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 19th, 2004, 11:40:55 PM
Jame blushed, placing one hand on her book. "It's hardly a power..well, I suppose in some manner of sense it is..."

She looked at Zereth, slightly concerned, slightly curious. "No time for any pleasures...Do you enjoy what you do? Is that pleasurable enough for you?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 20th, 2004, 10:54:52 PM
"There was once a time when all I cared about was killing, winning, slaying those who opposed me but..." He trailed off "I've gone through several hardships and through them I learned that there is so much more to life"

He let out a short sigh "I used to believe that I was the strongest, that no one was my equal, and that I didn't need anyone to accomplish my goals. but I've learned that I'm not all powerful, that there where others much stronger then me, and that in fact I needed many people to help me."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 21st, 2004, 10:55:11 PM
"At least you can admit to it."

It was her turn to sigh. Jame had lost several friends because of their blindness...their arrogance. And her habit of somehow always being right about it.. always seeing through the lies and deceit.

"So how does it affect your work?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 21st, 2004, 11:03:46 PM
"The sith are not all about killing people, true we do kill but its not like we stalk the streets and kill everyone who enteres a dark alley" Zereth said a little harshly

"I appologize for how harsh I spoke, its just that its angers me how most people think the Sith do nothing but kill...."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 22nd, 2004, 02:30:58 AM
Jame shook her head. "No, it's alright, really." She took up her mug again, and had a satisfying gulp.

"I caught that you were a bit sensitive to that before you said anything. I knew I must have stepped on something that I shouldn't have. An advantage to empathy, I suppose."

She smiled. "I can't judge you anyways. I only just met you and I'd have no basis for it. Even your being a sith shouldn't be an automatic factor for the bad. "

Zereth Lancer
Jun 22nd, 2004, 10:15:12 PM
Zereth returned her smile "For someone who is not yet a had training, your empathy seems quite good already."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 23rd, 2004, 12:34:45 AM
Jame looked down at her composition book, smiling to herself.

This is really nice. He's decent...For a sith, is what everyone else would say. Not me. He's just ...decent, nice.. As a person.

"I was born with it. I'm a natural empath, regardless of any potential for the Forcce I might have. It's the reason I worked in counselling and it influences the way I write music too."

Zereth Lancer
Jun 23rd, 2004, 10:17:58 PM
Zereth nodded his head "It is is a wonderful ability to have. My ability with the force is rather bad becuase of my lack of training" He said brushing a strand of his long black hair out of his face.

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 24th, 2004, 12:21:32 AM
Jame nodded quietly, sipping her tea. She looked over the mug at Zereth.

"What? Don't you have a master?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 24th, 2004, 09:37:21 PM
Zereth sighed "I had a master for a few weeks before he turned tratorous and left the sith order. now i've been without a master two months or so."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 24th, 2004, 09:41:50 PM
Jame smiled. "I've been studying random things on my own since I don't have a master. What have you been doing to cope with it?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 24th, 2004, 11:03:05 PM
"I spend most of my time practicing what my master did teach me before he left, aswell as inproving my other skills, such as my sword play."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 25th, 2004, 11:57:33 AM
"That's good, I guess."

Jame found Zereth simple....Not in the means of his intelligence...just that he wasn't a complicated person.

"So the question that inevitably comes up in any conversation with a non-hostile stranger.." And she said this with a small grin "...what do you do for fun?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 25th, 2004, 02:36:36 PM
"Fun is not something I have often" Zereth said sadly "I don't have very much free time, and I actually came here to corascant in hopes of having a little fun."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 27th, 2004, 05:03:57 PM
Jame wiped a drop of tea off the composition book, frowning at it, then looking up again, smiling to Zereth.

"I couldn't imagine a life without fun. I think I might be able to help you figure out some fun things to do. How would you like that?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 27th, 2004, 06:40:22 PM
Zereth brightened up a little "That would be nice."

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 27th, 2004, 08:56:18 PM
Jame nodded, then her smile widened to a grin. "Great..."

She took the last gulp of her tea, and put the mug down, leaning forward over the table. "What say you we blow this popsicle stand and hunt up some fun?"

Zereth Lancer
Jun 28th, 2004, 02:07:03 PM
Zereth stood up and streched "Lets go" He said with a little chuckle.

Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 29th, 2004, 05:27:36 PM
Jame slipped off her seat too, standing up, and smiling again to Zereth while she gathered her things. "Ok!..."

And slowly she made her way to the door, stopping to give the officer at the weapons desk a courteous nod, then looking back to see if Zereth was following.

Zereth Lancer
Jun 29th, 2004, 07:59:52 PM
Zereth fallowed behind her, he stoped infront of the gaurd to reteave his weapons. THe gaurd handed over his katana and dagger which where the only he had with him at the time

"So where are we going from here?"

Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 1st, 2004, 05:10:42 PM
"Out...That's where."

Jame exited Yog's, breaking into a stride.

Zereth Lancer
Jul 1st, 2004, 07:07:54 PM
Zereth took off after her, He was soon was walking next to her.

Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:19:21 PM
"Well...to answer your question... I can't tell you. It's a lot more fun with all the mystery..." Jame looked back at Zereth one last time before zooming off, grinning secretively. "Try and keep up!"

Zereth Lancer
Jul 5th, 2004, 10:34:27 PM
Zereth increased his speed as he followed her, His robes flaped behind him as he followed her.