View Full Version : Playing GTA could land you in prison...

Dasquian Belargic
May 28th, 2004, 08:54:55 AM
... if you do what this guy did :rolleyes


May 28th, 2004, 09:16:19 AM
Thats kinda funny, really.

Reminds this guy on a train I was on...he thought that he could get off the train faster if he said he had a bomb. So, what did the train company do? Locked the doors, and left us in there with this total nutcase. He reckoned he'd escaped from prison by jumping over the wall. He even said that the banana he had wrapped up in a carrier bag was a gun. *sigh* It was a weird experience.

Travis North
May 28th, 2004, 01:09:51 PM
So I heard right. Thats only in the maritime provinces right. Sorry don't have time to read the article.

May 28th, 2004, 10:25:22 PM
I lol until I read this:

"Unfortunately for Jones, the police are treating his accidental bomb threat as legitimate and are pursuing second-degree felony charges. If convicted, Jones could spend up to 15 years in prison."

And how many years does one get for homicide these days? The legal system is a disgrace and an absolute joke.

Kelt Simoson
May 29th, 2004, 03:22:21 AM
I agree, eight years for murder and 15 years for an accidental convosation down the phone?

Dru's the man.

May 29th, 2004, 05:10:31 AM
I suppose if the "bomb" had gone off, it would have counted as a case of multiple homicide. And, even if it failed, it'd still count as attempted, so the charges would stack. If you added up the years you'd get from attempted homicide, they'd probably be more than that.

But, as there wasn't actually a bomb...its kinda stupid. The charge makes sense, but not in these circumstances. Its just that the western world is so paranoid right now.

Have you noticed how cartoons and stuff have stopped dealing with that sort of thing? A while ago, you used to get toons wandering around with weiners (I have no idea how to spell that...I mean hot dog sausages :\) strapped to them, but now you don't get that. You used to get the cayote from roadrunner doing all sorts of stuff with things going boom, and stuff that "terrorists" do.

The world is just paranoid. It'd be interesting to see the sorts of people that are on the jury...I wonder how many of them will have connections to some of the terrorist stuff that's been going on, or maybe friends/relatives who are/have been out in the Gulf. That's gonna affect the verdict.

Khendon Sevon
May 29th, 2004, 01:37:39 PM
I suppose if the "bomb" had gone off, it would have counted as a case of multiple homicide. And, even if it failed, it'd still count as attempted, so the charges would stack. If you added up the years you'd get from attempted homicide, they'd probably be more than that.

Dude, if it had been a real bomb he wouldn't be getting charged. He didn't say, "I planted a bomb, it's going to blow up" he said that there was a bomb in the building and for everyone to get out.

Back to what I was going to say about the case:

I don't think they'll be able to make it stick. They'd have to show proof that he had intent to cause chaos and disturb the peace, etc. I’m fairly sure a jury would understand the confusion of the incident. As long as he has decent counsel, he’s good.

The world is just paranoid. It'd be interesting to see the sorts of people that are on the jury...I wonder how many of them will have connections to some of the terrorist stuff that's been going on, or maybe friends/relatives who are/have been out in the Gulf. That's gonna affect the verdict.

Any lawyer worth his/her salt will make sure they get as many people with that background off the jury as they can.