View Full Version : time

May 28th, 2004, 05:11:35 AM
I walk into the recrutiment center and look around, with the sheer size of the place it shocked me and all the jedi around me. i stand stairing at the roof while i'll get it through my head that ive got to the jedi center. Then i stand with nothing in my hands except a small book, until i think of what to do. I quitely but not too quitely say "how do i join the jedi order" and then wait for a reponse........When nobody answers i speak a bit louder with a quite annoyed voice "hello, how do i join the jedi order" then wait abit more.

Morgan Evanar
May 28th, 2004, 10:21:25 AM
No, you can't join the Jedi because you can't capitlize or use punctuation.

Quite simply, we don't have time to teach you English and how to RP.

If you and/or your incompetent lot continue persist at trying to post with this trash, this board's administration will ban you and your ilk on sight from here.

May 29th, 2004, 05:39:25 AM
OOC- I know how to use capital's and punctuation, its just that i wanted to join the GJO as fast as possable, so i wrote the above as fast as i could, ignoring punctuation and capitlization. I can role-play i've been doing it with may freinds for years and trust me i can role-play.

IC- **Cyran stairs around and then turns at the door and then stops just before he walks outs**

"The jedi are no more than self-indulged, over rated baby's"

**Then exits the recruitment center**

Figrin D'an
May 29th, 2004, 11:31:05 AM
Originally posted by Cyran
OOC- I know how to use capital's and punctuation, its just that i wanted to join the GJO as fast as possable, so i wrote the above as fast as i could, ignoring punctuation and capitlization. I can role-play i've been doing it with may freinds for years and trust me i can role-play.

And this is an excuse? Hardly. Typing your posts quickly and ignoring the conventions of good grammar isn't going to speed up the process, because people don't reply instantaneously, and if you are difficult to understand, you are likely to just be ignored.

Read the FAQ, lurk, and learn how to post effectively. You'll get much better response from other RPers, and then at least have hope of getting accepted into on the major groups. You'll have just as difficult a time joining other groups as you have here if you persist with both your attitude and poor language use.

Morgan Evanar
May 29th, 2004, 02:51:29 PM
If you want things done fast, look elsewhere. Most of the posters on this board RP in what little free time they have. We still manage to adhere to proper grammar and spelling for the most part.