View Full Version : Lost little Leten (closed).

Leten Snat
May 27th, 2004, 11:51:27 AM
He could feal the familiar, cold, damp, stale air of the deep lower levels. He could not tell where he was, but that was no suprise, since he had not yet opened his eyes, or even atempted to move yet.

He could feal the pain he was in. He could feal that he was bandaged, and his arms were in slings and one of his legs were splinted. He could also feal that his body was stiff, as if it was not in use for some time.

He reaches out with the force, looking for his friends, most of all Natia, but he can't find them, he is in too much pain, and the force is not responding the way he would like it to because of the pain.

Leten opens his eyes, only to find himself in the old broken building on floor 2 that he grew up in after his father died. Once again the fire bucket was active, with the old lady's broken cooking pot over top of it. It was like he had gone back in time, back to his childhood. He lets his eyes shift around the room and sees the old woman in the corner. I doesn't look like she has changed at all over these years.

Leten had not been down on this floor for a few years now. His salvaging kept him in the higher parts of the lower levels. Up in the area wher he met Natia... Natia...

"Natia... I have to get back to her..." Leten says as he trys to sit up, but falls back to the floor due to the pain.

Random Person
May 27th, 2004, 12:07:01 PM
The old woman looks up as she hears Leten speek.

"You will not be going anywhere any time soon. You need to get you strength back. Plus it will be difficult for you to get off this floor. At lease in the shape you are in. You can't even sit up on your own."

The woman walks over to Leten and helps him sit up ageinst the wall.

"So you will just have to sit here and let me take care of my little snat. My darling little snat."

The woman sits next to Leten, picking up his lightsaber.

"And just as I saw, The little snat has grown some big sharp teath."

Leten Snat
May 28th, 2004, 12:12:24 PM
Leten winces in pain as his muscles start to move.

"I've got to get back to my friends! they will be worried about me!"

Leten pauses for a moment, then questions...

"How long Have I been here? and an even better question, How come I'm still alive?"

Random Person
May 28th, 2004, 12:35:54 PM
The woman puts the lightsaber down on Leten's lap..

"You have been here for 3 days, plus the 2 days it took to safely get you here. So you have been recovering for 5 days so far. It is currently almost midnight of the 5th day, though not like it matters down here. Day or night, it's just as dark around here. As for how you lived the fall, I'm not sure of the details, but I do know that it was fated to happen.

You have been sent back to us to bring us out from under the thumb of The Dark One. He has other names that people call him, such as The Master, The Silent Killer, The Shadow of Death, and sometimes he is just called HIM, or HE.

HE is inslaving us, forcing us to do his work. Some of us he trains in the dark arts of the Sith, the rest become ether Thugs, work crews, or plesure slaves. He takes us because we are the ones that nobody cares about, we are the ones that have no voice, We are the ones that have no protection from him.

But now we have a protector, Now we have you. You are one of us, one of the deep lower levels, and will always be one of us. You know what we must do to live down here. Please once you have recovered, please help us throw this man out of our deep dank hole and back into witchever one he crawled out of."

Leten Snat
Jun 2nd, 2004, 02:51:09 PM
"But... But How am I supose to stop him? I'm just a little boy! I don't even know where to start!"

Leten thinks for a moment.

"haven't you been trained as a jedi? I've noticed that what you have taught me is a lot like what the Jedi Teach. Why can't you fight him?"

Random Person
Jun 10th, 2004, 10:19:06 AM
"You will learn, my little snat, you will learn. You are a Jedi, and yes I was one in my past. But I am old, and do not hoave the strength to fight him. My strength lies in the power of foresight, healing, and history, not in combat. Also desteny calls YOU to do this, not me. But for now there is nothing ether of us can do. You must rest, and when you wake again, I will feed you. This is all we must worry about, sunce nothing will come to pass if you do not have the strength to bring it to us. Now rest my youngling. I will keep you safe."

Leten Snat
Jun 17th, 2004, 12:05:31 PM
Leten still doesn't like the sounds of this, but he doesn't have much of a choice in his actions right so he just lies down and falls back to sleep, likely assisted by the force.

Random Person
Jun 17th, 2004, 12:24:17 PM
The old woman tuck in her injured little boy, and with the force, goes to start assisting his body to heal as she watches him slumber.