View Full Version : Foundation for Hate (Dale)

imported_Blade Ice
May 26th, 2004, 10:50:52 PM
He sat on top of Arri's ship it was half sunk in a mud pool that had formed from a short rain. Blade sat smoking a cigarette waiting for a sign of life in the area. He could sense many life forms of ones he knew farther away on the Planet. Only one was approaching him and it was the only one that mattered.

Well he really shouldn't have thought that. Two of them actually mattered both where on his bad list. Three masters he had and none pissed him off as much as his first two and his third was getting close to that point. He had been away for a while his mastered would be less then thrilled to see him. Yet he felt her approach steadying in his direction.

He had some word to pick with her and she would listen. In the end she would have a choice to make. Blade knew the answer and he really didn't like it. He would be gone soon enough though and this one forgotten just like the first. The second had almost faded but it decided to show its face again. Blade would not let that one die until it had everything taken from it that it had taken from him.

Another possible family lost due to the man who had ripped his first from him. Oh well it was Blades lot in life to suffer alone. He would have cried for his latest loss if he knew how. He had forgotten how to cry the day Vega ripped his life away. Death would have been easier but Vega had chosen torture instead. Blade hated to be tortured yet Dale his new master seemed to like to see him that way.

The woman walked up on a sand dune behind Blade and looked at the ship in the mud. Blade didn't even turn to Face her he just sat facing the drowning sun smoking. He knew who it was and that was enough as he thought out his words.

"Hello Dalethria!"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 27th, 2004, 11:17:54 PM
Blade was in too good of a mood. Meant that something was eating at him. By the looks of it, he took out some of his aggressions on Arriana's ship.

"Hello, Blade. So good of you to bring Arriana's ship back." She crossed her arms over her chest and smirked, "Glad I decided to buy her a new one."

She had agreed to meet him here to hear him speak his peace. He left in such a rush that Dalethria was angry at first. Her Apprentice bolted out of Ch'hodos without speaking to her. Perhaps it was guilt at what he did to her, but he was under Sorsha's orders. If that was the case, she had understood why Milivikal and Blade had agreed to help her darling Sister. There were other ways of bringing Dalethria back into the fold that weren't so idioitic ... Still she blamed neither of them and took her aggressions out on the cause of the dispute ... Sorsha.

Either way, Dalethria had been displeased by his actions. She recently saw him fit to be called Lord, had done everything within her power and wealth to make him feel welcomed in her home, yet none of it apparently mattered.

Dalethria could never figure him out, though a part of her was happy he returned ... but she didn't show it.

imported_Blade Ice
May 27th, 2004, 11:37:23 PM
"Yeah I'm sorry about the ship. She probably won't be to happy with but it something I'll have to deal with."

Blade still spoke facing away from his master taking puffs of his cigarette periodically. He couldn't bring himself to face both because what he knew she had done and because of what he had done. He still believed that what he had done with sorsha was the right thing to do and from that guilt built up.

"So he is still alive? How long have you known Dalethria?"

His voice was cold and to the point the name was on the tip of his tongue. Yet he could bring himself to say the name of the man that brought a bile taste to his mouth. The man who should have stayed in his grave. Blade didn't care to what brought him back all he want was to see him put back in his tomb.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 28th, 2004, 08:55:37 PM
So he had found out about Vega. She wasn't sure to be impressed or not. He could have found out when he left Ch'hodos, since it was around the time her old Apprentice had returned.

Blade and Vega's history was a constant headache. Both hated one another for past wrong doings back when the Sith Empire was still around. She had heard both sides of the story which had been similar and different. Thankfully the similarities matched but the differences kept evolving with each new confrontation. Only thing they had in common was they respected her. Still didn't mean that Dalethria had to keep prying them apart.

Now that Blade knew that Vega's death was false, it was probably going to be even more difficult to separate them. Especially if the newly crowned Lord wanted to come home and if Dalethria allowed it.

"You're mad that Vega has returned to me which is why you decided to come back. I wonder, would you have returned to me if that wasn't the case?" She bit her lower lip in thought. He would not be happy that Dalethria had kept the truth from him. "But to answer your question. Yes. I knew. I promised him that I would keep his secret and I keep my promises. If you would have asked the same from me, I would have honored it as well."

imported_Blade Ice
May 28th, 2004, 10:18:11 PM
"Not exactly I probably would have returned but not this soon if it had not been for him. I left for three specific reasons one I believe I planet the idea in sorsha's head for what she did. Two I still believe it was the right thing to do no matter how much danger we all put are lives in. Three I have never really been apart of yours and sorsha little group my part in it all was over so I left.

I caught Vega's ship on the screen as I was leaving and I felt his presences. It pissed me off greatly to say the list it only added to my fuel to want to stay away. I couldn't though the basterd ruined my life and I was happy for once when he was dead but now that has ended. Worst part of it all is he my masters little pet and now I'm thinking I may have to find another master a fourth one that will allow me to destroy that which destroyed me."

Blade held back any emotion that tried to push forward. He didn't want Dalethria to see he was as hurt as he was the day Vega had left TSE. He couldn't let such emotions show or she might exploit them he had to be strong.

"I honestly don't know if you would show me the same respect you show Vega. I would ask you what your going to do to rectify the situation but there is only two choices in this matter. I already know your choice so the question doesn't need to be asked."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 31st, 2004, 01:35:30 PM
"Blade." Dalethria shook her head and smiled. Blade actually regretted how the situation turned out. That was interesting to her, "Dear. Sorsha doesn't do anything because someone told her to do it, or because someone planted an idea in her head. What happened to me occurred because she wanted it. Nothing more. Granted, you did mention it to my Sister, and she brought you in on her little plan, along with Milivikal. Simply put, you were at the right place at the right time. Or perhaps wrong place, wrong time seeing as how things turned out.

As for Vega," she sighed heavily through her nose, "You left before I could tell you he was coming. After we landed, you disappeared when I received his communication and at that point, I was rather livid to care what you thought since you refused to face me. Instead, you stole Arriana's ship and decided to leave."

The red sun had risen high enough to cause the rays of light to glint off the metal, forcing Dalethria to narrow her eyes, "I favored none of my students. I never have. You were the second to reach this far and Miryan is lost to me. But I suppose none of what I say matters since you've already made my decision for me. I presume I am wasting my breath in explanation."

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 1st, 2004, 03:53:14 PM
"Wasting your breath is about right Dalethria. You know I hate Vega it got worse when you put the restriction on me so I couldn't fight him. That alone strained mine and your relationship and once he was dead I started to comeback and trust you again.

Now this he comes back from the dead and you knew the whole dam time. As far as I know it was just a chance for Vega and you to screw with me. Let me gain your trust a again then say haha you stupid basterd we got you. Why wouldn't Vega do a such thing he ruined my life those far whats one more turn of the dagger in my back."

Blade's voice began to rise as he spoke his anger was catching up to him. If he wasn't careful some stuff he held in was going to slip from his lips. Things Vega and Dale could use against him to break him further to there will. He was a ruined man why not take to the next step and make him a puppet.

He wasn't going to let that happen he would kill himself before he fell before Vega. It struck him then an Idea one that would benefit only him. If they wanted blade a broke ruined man he play there stupid game. There was a twist in his emotion then as he turned so one eye was peering at Dalethria.

"What do you want from me Dalethria?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 1st, 2004, 04:06:52 PM
"Restriction on you?" She hissed, "It was on both of you! Vega wanted to kill you as much as you wanted to kill him! And what part can't you get through that dense skull of yours that I would have kept your secrets from him if you would have asked did you miss? I let you into my house, gave you a place to stay, treated you no different then anyone else. Treated you lik..." She cut herself off. What good would it do. Blade could care less about her feelings, concerned only about himself and his hatred for Vega. He was one of the few constants in her life for the last two years. But he wouldn't care knowing that.

"Your jealousy blinds you to the truth. I don't know what I want from you anymore." She sighed softly, her anger dissolving, "I wish I knew what you want from me."

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 1st, 2004, 04:24:48 PM
"Jealousy is what you call it. I say it more of wanting to see the man who made me lose everything lose everything of his. He broke the rules he destroyed everything I made for myself but in the end didn't kill me.

Once when I was a different man then I am now I controled a group of mercenaries. We where good starting wars and finishing them. I was the leader until th eday my second in command killed me. I came back in the body of a dead soldier on the other side of the war. I rose fast through there ranks in end I got to kill my second. He played fair he killed me to gain power and destroyed his enemy me. So when I came back my only reason for killing him was because he was on the other side of the war.

Vega left me broke with out a care he is what got me banned from my home. He is what ripped my love from me and caused me to beg to be trained by you. Yet he left me living with nothing it would have been better if he would have stabbed me in the heart."

Blade turned gully to Dalethria no smile no anger in his voice more of a emptiness then anything else. He was stuck on himself but that was all he had anymore was himself. No cared if he lived or died or disappeared. the only one who would watch out for him was himself.

"What I want from you is to see the broke man who came to you with hopes of killing the man who broke him. In retruen he was willing to give you his loyalty. Yet you never gave him what he wanted there for he didn't follow through with his part of the deal. So now a knew deal has to be writen and I'm giving you that oppertunity. So what do you want from me?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 1st, 2004, 04:47:23 PM
"You know what I wanted, though I never said it out loud." She looked up at Blade, who had now turned to face her. "Fine. All I ever wanted was one, one, frelling Apprentice to stay by my side. One! I had mistakenly thought that when you came begging at my doorstep that I had finally found that someone in you. Surprisingly at the time, you set aside your hatred for Vega and continued to train under me. More indication that I was right about you."

She pointed an accusing finger at Blade, "But no. You leave and everything that I worked on with you is spat on as if it were nothing. I tire of this struggle between you and Vega. If you want to try and kill him, be my guess. I know he feels likewise. Perhaps when the dusts settles and if either of you survive, maybe then you'll both understand me."

Dalethria turned on her heel. She wanted to be gone from here, sick of having to console Blade. "Just make sure to keep your struggles outside my home if you don't mind."

imported_Blade Ice
Jun 9th, 2004, 09:07:07 PM
Blade spit in the direction of Dalethria. She gave him permission to fight his former master. He didn't need any such permission from her but he let her have her word. He spat at her last statement of keeping it out of her home. Had he ever brought his battle with Vega to her doorstep yet she had the gull to suggest that he would.

"Don't worry Dalethria your happy little family will have no part in my war with Vega. Your home will safe from the carnage and Just so you have my word on that I will move out right away."

Blade stood up from where he sat and walked din the direction that Dalethria was moving in. He was going to follow her back to the encampment. He could probably find it on his own but this planet seemed to like to play tricks on the mind.

"You wanted one apprentice to stick by your side interesting Idea but it would never have worked Dalethria."

He spoke as he thought back on that statement of hers now that he was following behind her on their way back to the palace. He kicked at the red sand and watched the dust blow in the slight breeze.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 14th, 2004, 12:13:29 PM
Dalethria stopped abruptly and turned around, sighing. Blade had misunderstood and taken offense. "I did not mean on Meras. I meant here. Inside the Keep. I've done a lot to get this place up and running. I'd rather it not be broken or destroyed by ... accident. I know both of you know better then to start something inside the mansion." She then scowled, "And for the record, my family is far from happy. You already know that. Sarcasm can be kept to yourself."

She continued on, knowing Blade was following her before he even spoke. His words stung, but the Mistress knew them to be true. The Dark Side was too selfish to allow such a fantasy to come true. Even Dalethria had finally broken away from Sorsha because of her Sister's jealousy and fear.

"I know. You're right." Doesn't mean she had to like it. Her life was one of constant change. Always evolving since the thought that birthed her to the designs against her. If it were not for her daughter, she probably have long since killed herself.