View Full Version : Bombardment Defense

Telan Desaria
May 25th, 2004, 05:38:42 PM

Flugenabwehrkanone 20

" Flak 20"

The Mirror system as it has come to be called, officially designated the M-19 weapons platform, is mounted aboard an Sd kfz 181 drive chassis. This vehicle is the workhorse of the Imperial surface forces and has proven itself in a variety of climates. Unlike other support units, the 181 is not a repulsor-driven vehicle. While this limits its speed and, to a minor extent, its terrain deployability, it has cancelled out the detriment to hover-craft on varying grav-worlds.

The 181 line has a flat-bed where the Mirror is mounted. The gun itself is a quad-mount with four barrels firing in pairs. Each gun is fed by a five-round magazine that must be changed during fire-operations.

The quad-mount is 20mm in diameter (per barrel). The barrels are water cooled, allowing their continual useage without replacement.

A standard Flak 20/181 is seen attached as deployed in a cool-climate function.

The Mirror System Itself

The Mirror system is a variation of tried and true Imperial technology, put into devastating affect during the Battle of Yaga Minor. The system operates on a simple principle - dissipation of energy weapons fire.

The system itself is simple - designated guns fire projectiles approximately five kilometers into the atmosphere where the timed-fuse ordance explodes. This explosion sends hundreds (per shell) of small relfective fragments into the air which linger like a swarm of gnats. Any energy weapon fired through this deployed "chaff" storm is dissipated and reflected. Due to the loss of cohesion in the energy stream, the deflected portions of the beam/blast exist for only a short time before disolving completely.

This system is not totally effective - no weapons system is. It does, on average, deflect eighty percent of a salvo. The twenty percent remaining can be devastating, but not nearly as much as the full-brunt would have been.

On the average, these units are attached to any formation of battalion strength as a support company. Individual infantry squads are issued one smaller version that is more intended for a psychological buffer to the troops than is realistically effective.

Sean Piett
May 25th, 2004, 09:31:59 PM
i think its been decided that Star Wars lasers are actually more of a plasma than a light beam. Could be wrong there, though.

Redic Scott
May 25th, 2004, 10:50:10 PM
I seem to agree with this. I've had a mirror idea sometime ago, but it will not work with turbolasers. I could be wrong though.

Telan Desaria
Jun 1st, 2004, 04:08:05 PM
In addition to standard mirror fragments, the above projects fragments will be made of an elemagnetronic alloy that dissipates plasma in the same manner.

Thank you.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 2nd, 2004, 12:52:00 PM
Unless the plasma is charged in accordance with the charge of your alloy, there won't be any result. Furthermore, unless the field is extremely powerful, the plasma will melt the alloy before it can be repelled sufficiently.

Telan Desaria
Jun 3rd, 2004, 02:39:22 PM
Plasma reflective particles will be randomly charged.

Khendon Sevon
Jan 11th, 2005, 09:25:41 PM
I should hang around your R&D forums more often.

If they were randomly charged you would have portions of the plasma continuing through the field. Furthermore, the projected electromagnetic field would have to be projected a significant distance from the origin point. If this were not done, the sheer heat of the volley would melt the reflective technology—unless it’s some sort of hardened carbon or ceramic, interesting idea, eh? Of course, you’d have to do some sort of molecular editing so it could posses and not inhibit an electrical current, thusly allowing it to be a viable electromagnet.