View Full Version : Dinner For Two (open to 1 and invites)

Master Wondo
May 25th, 2004, 06:25:26 AM
**As I take my seat in a nice resturant. On the planet Naboo. As usual im sitting by myself. I have no friends, I normally keep my self to my self. But lately im sick of being a loner I reserved two seats tonight hopeing someone would sit with me**

"Waiter Please me fecth me the strongest drink you have"

Baracc Olra'en
May 25th, 2004, 06:35:59 AM
"The same."

Never mind that I wasn't technically of legal age. I was on a business trip for Alghieri, and I was fulfilling one of my brother's requests, so I need a little fortification.

"Hey. This seat taken?"

I presented a harmless enough picture: rough grey cloak over tunic and trousers, leaning on a wooden staff with steel endcaps. But this guy had the Force; it remained to be seen if he saw me as another Forcer, a Darksider...a threat.

Master Wondo
May 25th, 2004, 11:12:45 AM
"No this seat isnt, taken sit sit"

**I was wonering, why this man stood before me whould want to talk to me.But I was to happy to think about this fact any longer.I put my book on the table and smiled at the man before me**

"Whats your name?"

"Who are you?"

"Where You come From?"

"Oh sorry im talking rather fast. Im not used to sitting with someone ,why it must of been 25years since the last time I had a proper conversation."

"So Stranger whats your name?"

Baracc Olra'en
May 25th, 2004, 06:00:17 PM
Hmm. No sign of excessive arrogance so far. Of course, Je'gan was occasionally wrong.

"Baracc Olra'en." I skidded my chair a bit to the side, accepting the mug the server gave me with a nod and a small tip. "That's my name. Who I am, though...leave it at 'Darksider' and you're fairly safe."

Master Wondo
May 26th, 2004, 03:20:32 AM
**Smileing at the man infront of me**

"My name Is Micheal Wondo. Im pleased to meet you.I guess you could call me a miltary man. Im trying to be the brains behind the imperials im up for recurit at the moment"

**Nibbling at a bread stick. I ask Spitting food everywhere**

"Whats it like being a darksider?"

Baracc Olra'en
May 26th, 2004, 06:35:22 AM
I set the mug aside. Looked like Jeeg had been right. The hit would have to go down.

"Well, I wasn't the one with the temerity to approach the Sith Order on Corellia...so why don't you tell me what being a Darksider is like?"

Master Wondo
May 26th, 2004, 02:09:09 PM
** I frown upon this man as he seems to take much time before replying to the most simplest of questions. I raise my eyebrow and continue chewing upon my breadstick decreasing in size every few seconds.**

"Well it has always been on my mind to join the sith order but I was refused due to them not accepting new recruitee's I am rather disapointed but never the less I still want to join them at a further date, even if I have to join elsewhere to increase my knowledge before the sith. I know I can do alot for them as I have seen no sith of major intelligence."

**I sit up rather impressed at myself, with the speech I came out with. I look at the young Ol'aren and smile, a small smile but still distinguishable.**

"So, you do not tell me what made you want to become a 'dark sider' I wish to learn more about you."

Baracc Olra'en
May 26th, 2004, 04:07:18 PM
My eyes settled on Wondo's.

"I'm a Darksider because I can wield the Force and I don't wish to constrain myself to the role of a Jedi. Nothing simpler.

"As for having seen 'no Sith of intelligence'..." I smiled grimly. "My brother is a Knight of that Order."

That was the last chance I was going to give this obnoxious, arrogant old man. The very last.

Master Wondo
May 27th, 2004, 04:56:08 AM
**Smileing in the face Olra'en**

"My Dear friend, I said I havent seen a sith with major intelligance.You think you might be able to get me a chance to prove myself to the sith?"

Baracc Olra'en
May 27th, 2004, 03:51:54 PM
"The difference is elementary," I said, plainly ignoring his question. If all went as planned, Torentin and Merchall were coming through that door soon, and their arrival would trigger me to give Wondo his answer.

And oh, but my apprentices and I could be eloquent.

"Intelligence would assume that 'no new applicants' meant 'no new applicants. Intelligence would do better than to brush off entire Orders when one is a mere acolyte. Is this not so?"

Master Wondo
May 28th, 2004, 04:27:07 AM
**Smeiling at the man in front of me**

"Im aware that the Sith were not taking anyone on. I suppose I was clinging to false hope, that I might get trained as a special case.It appearsthat wont happen."

**Calling over the waiter**

"Ill have two specials and a glass of water thank you"

Baracc Olra'en
May 28th, 2004, 12:09:39 PM
Merchall came through first, a six-foot-three, snag-toothed pirate with extremely greasy hair. Like I, he was leaning on a staff and wore a rough robe.

A few seconds later, ostensibly apart from him, Torentin entered the restaurant. He was considerably less obtrusive at five-eleevn, with a thin build and a goatee. He wore normal street clothes, and carried no staff.

I noted them both peripherally, keeping my attention centred on Wondo.

"And why would you consider yourself a special case?"

Master Wondo
May 28th, 2004, 01:01:53 PM
**Looking worryed at these three men infront of me**

"Hey guys I dont want no trouble.I feel im a special case because,like I said before I have seen no Sith whos a major in intelligance. I myself think brain is stronger over body"

Baracc Olra'en
May 29th, 2004, 07:29:36 AM
As my Apprentices formed up on either side of me, I pushed back my chair and stood. A slow smirk grew across my face as I lifted my staff. Merchall did the same - Merchall who'd been taught harsh lessons at Sith hands, and who had a healthy respect for them. Staffless Torentin pulled a wooden wand from his left sleeve and leveled it at Wondo.

"Excuse me, sir, but you'll have to-GHKK!"

This was a reasonably high-class restaurant. The maitre d' was not happy with our actions. Fortunately, Merchall was something of a specialist with the Force choke.

I turned back towards Wondo from my critique of the suffocating attendant.

"On three, boys."

Meaning, on three we'd blast him through his chair, the table behind him, and the restaurant's panoramic window in quick succession.




Master Wondo
May 30th, 2004, 02:48:48 AM
**I stand up I have just finished my book rare plants of Naboo. I throw the book at them, roll from my chair under the bar and say.**

"Somebody help me!."

Baracc Olra'en
May 31st, 2004, 06:49:06 AM
Merchall's staff batted the book out of the air, and the three of us drew on the Dark Side, levitating the old man out from under his table and up, to wobble on top of that fine piece of furniture.

"Say g'bye."

That was, surprisingly, not me.

We acted as one, gripping Wondo through the Force and blasting him backward against the window. The glass spiderwebbed with the first impact - this is a classy place; they don't use transparisteel. The second impact put a man-shaped indentation in the pane, and the third drove him right through and blasted him across the street.

And we followed.

Master Wondo
Jun 1st, 2004, 03:23:59 AM
**Trying to stand up with no luck I shout for help.**

"Help me! somebody help me.!"

Baracc Olra'en
Jun 1st, 2004, 06:51:23 AM
I felt pity; in fact, I'm sure we all did to one extent or another. An arrogant fool he might be, with the mind of a young teenager, but physically he was about seventy. A well-preserved seventy, but...

We filed through the front door, fanning out to surround Wondo. A bystander responded to the cry for help and Merchall bopped him a good one with his staff.

Wondo rose spiralling into the air, twisting and turning viciously.

"Tell me, Master Wondo," I shouted. "What is it about large organizations that you love so much, regardless of affiliation? Do you have no convictions of your own?"

Master Wondo
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:35:22 AM
**Opening eye.**

"I dont know what you mean."

Baracc Olra'en
Jun 2nd, 2004, 12:30:01 PM
"The Order isn't blind," I responded, hitting him with a blast to the gut as my Apprentices kept him twirling in midair. "You tried to join the Jedi within mere days of your entrance of the Sith Palace on Corellia."

Master Wondo
Jun 3rd, 2004, 03:58:37 AM
"Yes ok. I did but please, stop hitting me. Yes I went to the Jedi but I backed out, I only wanted to join the Jedi because the Sith wouldnt take me. But I decided to wait. Joining the Jedi would of been a mistake and ive had enough of them to last a life time. But now I fear the Sith wont want me."

Baracc Olra'en
Jun 3rd, 2004, 06:44:33 AM

I barked a laugh, slugging him again with telekinesis. Merchall and Torentin were holding up well under the stress of keeping him aloft.

"The Order wants people of strength and conviction. What makes you think you qualify?"

Master Wondo
Jun 3rd, 2004, 08:00:04 AM
" Strength I am 72 years old god dammit. I am weak in body yet strong in mind, if im given the chance youll find this out for yourself."

Dark Daylight
Jun 3rd, 2004, 08:13:56 AM
**Daylight hearing the disruption inside, steps in through the doors trying to avoid ragin customers. Seeing a large hole in the wall I step through to see the destruction.**

"What is the meaning of this Baracc, or so your name should be from what I have heard. What is the meaning of this? Did your brother send you?"

**Of the little force I know I send a force blast sending Wandoo further along the floor, but out of the reach of the force making in twirl.**

"Stop this now! The man is 72 for christ sake, there is no reason for this? Surely it is only a good thing that he realised he wrong doing at the jedi and came to us! This shall not be tolerated!"

Baracc Olra'en
Jun 3rd, 2004, 03:42:30 PM
"If you were strong in mind you'd have tought yourself something of the Force by now. I did, from scratch." I was barking impatiently, gesturing to my Apprentices to cease their manipulation of Wondo's body - which they hadn't done when Daylight had interfered. I'd trained them well, if I did say so myself.

"Look, Mister Daylight-" I was somewhat nonplussed that he knew my name - Je'gan didn't talk too much - but I was chief Forcer of a rather extensive criminal organization, and Alghieri had a special place in his heart for my brother. Thus, I probably knew more about the Sith than this guy did about me.

"-I don't particularly care how old he is. He's obviously not senile, and if he was in typical shape for his age he'd be a bag of splintered bones by now. He's disrespected the Order and what it stands for, and while I'm not a member of TSO, my brother, Darth Shule, is. And he wants Master Micheal Wondo either dead or very, very chastized. Comprenez-vous, petit gar?"

Dark Daylight
Jun 4th, 2004, 04:33:52 AM
" Micheal Wondo, will not be found dead or chazitized. Now leave him there is no reason for you to do this just go. Go back and tell your 'Master' You either couldnt find him or that you couldn't finish him off."

**Daylight walks over to Wondo, takes his hands and pulls him up from the floor. Releases his hand, And begins to walk away with Wondo.**

Baracc Olra'en
Jun 4th, 2004, 02:36:17 PM
"I'm my own Master, Daylight." I was sneering, even though the fellow had a couple inches on me, was maybe a year older, and had benefit of better training. Some part of me dismissed it as bravado. Another part couldn't care less what this arrogant snot might try to do to me.

"I'm not following orders here. I'm fulfilling a request. A personal-"





One last step towards their retreating backs, and I flung my staff like a javelin for Wondo's heart, speeding its flight and guiding it through the Force. A split second later, I'd pulled my wand from my sleeve and leveled it at Daylight.

"I'm working at the behest of one who outranks you by a substantial amount. Leave the old fool to his fate, or I'll teach you a little lesson."

Master Wondo
Jul 1st, 2004, 04:56:12 AM
**I drop to the floor.**

"Stop this madness."

Baracc Olra'en
Jul 3rd, 2004, 04:01:16 PM
I called the staff back to my hand and leaned on it, surveying the old man on the ground. A measure of pity crept through to me.

Once more, I decided. If he didn't try to strike back, then I'd leave him.

I raised my wand and shot him three metres into the air before dropping him.

OOC/ Is Daylight still around?

Master Wondo
Jul 6th, 2004, 10:05:13 AM
**I am now in more pain than I have ever been in before. Normally I keep myself to myself, never bothered anyone, but that has seemed to of changed by my foolish actions. Gathering all energy left inside me I manage to speak.**

"Please have mercy, I beg of you."

OOC-I dont think daylight is around. I observe the Sith order, every now and again and as far as I know, he hasnt posted there.

Baracc Olra'en
Jul 9th, 2004, 10:12:52 AM
OOC/ I'm reluctant to do much more with this thread, then. We can't just write him out or take control of his character.

Ah well. My character's purpose is complete.

IC/ I put the wand away, leaning heavily on my staff.

"Let's move out, boys."

Merchall and Torentin formed up on me, and...we left. No further hostilities.