View Full Version : Begining of a new life

Yulis Romanov
May 24th, 2004, 10:13:20 PM
Yulis walked upto to stairs of the large recruitment building. The sheer size of the structure was amazing to him. He wondered if he had seen anything like this before. Aside from a few things, he didn't remember much of anything. Yulis remembered nothing from before 2 months ago. All he had was a data card with the Jedi Recruitment center location on it.

He guessed that this was the place he was heading to. Maybe had been sent here, but he didn't know. As he walked up the stairs he wondered if his parents had sent him here. With this thought his heart sank once more. WHo were his parents? Did he have any? Where they searching for him? Did they know what happened? Maybe they did this to him? He wasn't sure about any of thing, but he was sure that he missed them. He wanted to know everything about them.

Yulis was only 14, but he had been through a lot in the past months, even spending time in a bacta tank when a hover truck ran him over. He had searched for his parents, but had only found trouble and hard times. Not remembering anything of the galaxy, he had wondered into many dangerous places and had always made it out alive. Something he was able to do scared him, such as throwing objects without touching them. He could do this sometimes when he wasn't even thinking about it. When he was in trouble, it just happened. He was also able to achieve great aim with a blaster, as he found out when he was chased by some gangsters.

The most amazing trick that he didn't even understand, was surviving a shuttle crash. He was the only one out of 25 to survive. He remembered rolling into a ball and closing his eyes. When he opened them, flames and broken pieces of the ship were all around him, but made a sphere around him, as if he had been covered in a shield. The rescuers were amazed and had told him that maybe had the force.

Yulis had no idea what this ment, but had taken a trip to a library to find out. He read some about it and learned that it was what the Jedi used for their source of power. It binds everything and everyone together. At 14 he was amazed with this concept. He had to make his way to the center and become a jedi, if that was possible. The only way to get a ticket however, was to pay for it and he didn't have the money. A repair show had taken him in and the owner put him to work as a sweeper.

One day some mechanics failed to show up so the owner needed help, in a matter of weeks Yulis was helping fix ships, speeders, computer system, power units, and everything in between. For some unknown reason everything came quickly to this boy. He had an inate talent for it. Finally he worked off the ticket and the own reluctantly let him go.

So here he was, ready to make the big step towards possibly becoming his jedi and using the skills to find his parents. At the top of the stairs, Yulis went through the massive doors and started to wonder around, looking for the secratary or someone to direct him.

Keira Sparrow
May 26th, 2004, 09:44:08 PM
Keira Sparrow looked at the large massive recruiting building, wondering if she was doing the right thing, coming to the Jedi. She wasn't sure what to do, all she had really wanted to do was to speak with them about the history of her mother, whom she knew was a Jedi.

Her mother had been found fatally wounded with Keira as a baby, bundled in a swad of clothing and left on a doorstep of Yarin. He was a Besalisk who owned a little diner in middle levels of Coruscant.

Anyway, he had found the mother Jedi with her baby crying softly and realized by seeing the lightsaber hilt on her belt that she was a Jedi.

He had the mother buried in a small garden behind the diner and raised Keira as if she were his own daughter, (despite the difference in species).

So just weeks ago, Keira had found out about her past after running away from Coruscant police after she had done some hacking into the Coruscant network. She had taken her computer, (kept in a shoulder bag with her at all times), her mother's lightsaber hilt and a jeporsnipit carved necklace around her neck.

She had come here to figure out her past about her mysterious mother if indeed her mother was a Jedi. And if she had any future in training in the ways of the force.

She walked towards the recruitment centre, seeing a young boy, who looked around three or four years younger than herself. "So you're here to be a Jedi? You wouldn't happen to know where you make appointments with a Master or anything would you?"

Kieran Devaneaux
May 26th, 2004, 10:31:04 PM
((OOC: Disregard; Kieran's RP has been moved to the "Taken to Coruscant" RP thread))

Yulis Romanov
May 27th, 2004, 07:18:03 AM
Yulis had been looking around and had been admiring the lovely architecture of the building. It looked so foriegn to him. He had never seen anything like it. Yulis was also wondering when someone would come along to accept him into the order. Having waited two months to get here, he did have a problem with waiting a few more hours or even days.

He didn't notice Keira walking up behind him and when she asked him a question, he got sceared. His reflexes took over and he spun around. However, as he did, he was repelled from the girl that was standing there. It almost seemed like he hovered for a second and shot back a meter instantly. Yulis was as amazed as the girl must have been. Things like that just happened to him. If he was thinking, he probably couldn't have done that.

He quickly realized that she wasn't a threat and smiled at her shyly. He looked at her face and then quickly looked down at the floor, "I'm sorry about that. You just snuck up on me and well...I...guess..startled me a little."

Yulis looked back at her, "Umm, yes, I got here a few hours ago. I would like to join to become a jedi, I don't really know where to sign up. I think we have to wait for a jedi to find us. I'm not sure, you see."

He smiled lightly, "I'm Yulis by the way. Are you here to join the jedi as well?"

Dasquian Belargic
May 27th, 2004, 11:17:31 AM
Dasquian arrived into the recruitment center to find three figures talking amongst themselves. Each, he felt, was here for their own reasons. Approaching, he asked in a calm, kind voice, “Greetings, I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic- can I help you with something?”

OOC: Just so you guys know, it’s usually best for you to start your own recruitment thread and not join others.

Keira Sparrow
May 27th, 2004, 01:02:28 PM
Keira was repelled from the boy and flew across the hallway and into the wall. She leaned against the wall, her eyes wide as she breathed quickly. She had felt something rush through her blood and mind as soon as that had occurred. It was the strangest feeling in the galaxy, and yet in her mind it felt almost normal.

"Whoa..." She murmered, as she ran a hand through her short blonde hair.

"What... whoa, I-I, you..." She was a little surprised and was trying to get her thoughts straight. "Y-you did that? That was the force then, I assume?"

She nodded for a moment before shaking her head. "Yes, I-I mean, I'm not sure..."

She sighed. "I just came here to speak to a Jedi mainly. I heard I have force potential, but I'm not sure if I would be fit for the life of a Jedi."

"I'm Keira, nice to meet you." She nodded, walking back into the middle of the hallway, curious as to what really had happened.

She felt something in her mind, and turned to the doorway. She walked over to the Jedi Knight, and remembering her manners, she bowed her head to him slightly. "Um.. yeah. I was just curious, I heard I had force potential, and the one who found me took me in and raised me. I was curious if you had knowledge of a former Jedi Master by the name of Kyla? I'm not sure of her last name, since my last name was actually made up." She shrugged sheepishly.

Yulis Romanov
May 30th, 2004, 12:26:36 PM
Yulis listened to the girl and nodded, "I have read that the jedi life is not for everyone. From what I have read it is a hard, butenlightening path." He paused and looked at her, "I'm sorry again for doing that. I can't control it, just happens, like a defense mechanism. However, about join, you have to make up your own mind and find out where you will be the happiest."

He turned to the Knight and bowed gently, looked at the man in awe. He was finally going to meet a real Jedi Knight. "I'm..uhh...Yulis, Yulis Romanov. I can't here to see if I could join the jedi. I want to help others and also maybe use the new knowledge and power to search for my family."

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2004, 12:30:49 PM
Dasquian first addresses the girl, “No, I have not heard of that Jedi, although there are many Force users outside of the Republic’s boundaries who the Order is not aware of, I’m sure. We do, of course, welcome any applicants to the Order, especially those who have been scouted as having Force potential. Why do you wish to become a Jedi?”

Then looking to the boy, he continued: “I see. This defense mechanism you have… do you feel anything when it happens?”

Yulis Romanov
May 31st, 2004, 01:30:06 PM
Yulis thought a for a little bit and then looked at the Jedi knight. "Yes, I'm pretty sure I do. I have never thought about it, but yes. It is like a tingly feeling all over. I feel something entering my body, being drawin in. Afterwards I always feel stronger and very refreshed, like after a good long sleep. All my senses become...heightened..I would say. As if I am ready for anything. I think I can almost feel the person that triggered it and maybe some other people in that area."

Yulis didn't know what that was all about, but when he went over it, it sounded like what he read about the force. His best guess would be that it was the force, the life giving energy, that went into him and did all of that. He couldn't remeber his past, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed like he had been tought these things long ago. When something happened, they would trigger these defenses automatically. He had probably masted this enough that it was automatic and his subconsious did it without his imput. It was a learned reflex.

Keira Sparrow
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:51:48 PM
Keira looked at the Jedi Knight. "Well... that's why I'm here... I heard I have potential, but it's kinda uncertain right now... What I really came here was if you or your Archives had the name of my mother listed as a former Jedi." She swallowed. "S-she died just after I was born. But I know her name was Kyla."

She sighed. "I just need to know. Then... I'll possibly decide if the path of a Jedi is for me."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 8th, 2004, 05:54:47 AM
OOC: Please see this thread:
