View Full Version : S-53 Star System (Sumitra Sector, not open)

Redic Scott
May 24th, 2004, 08:59:50 PM
If the system was in any way inhabited and these inhabitants contained long range scanners, then the sight that happened would have caused them to become speechless with awe. This sight was of the New Republic system occupation fleet. The operation, sponsored and supported by the New Republic, was actually lead by Republic Engineering teams. Although it was termed an occupation, it was not as manicing as it sounded. The system was devoid of life and would become a new massive construction/manufacturing base for the New Republic.

The system contained one large star with 11 Planets orbiting it. Named S-53 by the survey team, the system had proven to yield many resources needed for construction of military equipment and starships. While the first two planets were two close to the sun to be exploited, the third was picked as a perfect site for a planet wide contruction plant. Since it was barren there were no pollution issues.

Planet 4 through 8 tested positive for neccessary materials and ores. Processing planets and mining operations were schedualed to start quickly after system occupation. These would increase in size to support the shipyards and the manufacturing planet. The planets would also house processing and metal shaping factories that would make preassembled sections and parts for construction. This would basically make the system a self sustaining manufacturing area. All systems needed for construction will be made in system, such as computer system, engines, weapons, power generators, and everything else. Some materials such as fuel, blaster gas, focusing crystals will have to be imported into the system.

From planet 9 and onto 11 the planets are worthless and too cold to stay on. Except for the planets, there were a lot of moons. One those, M-3, orbiting Planet 3 can sustain life and will be used as a food source maker for the system. Moon M-6, orbiting what would be the shipyard world, will be covered with hydrophonic domes which will produce food as well.
"Sir, coming up on S-53. Ten seconds till revesion. Eight seconds for Alfa group, and nine for Beta."

The Commodore nodded, "Very good, lets hope everything goes as planed."

At exactly eight seconds two Corona Class Frigates dropped out of hyperspace at the edge of the system. As they did, fighters and shuttles began to launch. These dropped sensor becons all over the entrance route to the system. They started to place down an extensive sensor net that would give early warning to anyone approaching the system.

At nine seconds, Beta group came out of hyperspace lead by an Endurance Class Carrier. Flanking it was an Corona Frigate, a Belarus Class Cruiser, two Warrior Gunships, 1 Ranger Class Gunship, and 2 picket ships. In the middle of this formation was a group of 120 Heavy freighters. Each of the 500 meter freighters contained thousands, upon thousands of metric tons of building equipment and heavy constuction droids. Many of freighter contained preassmbled peices for quick set up of buildings and factories. Shipyard pieces were also placed into the the frieghters as assemblible pieces. These make putting together buildings a lot faster, a matter of days and hours instead of weeks and months.

The ships started to descend on planet 4 and planet 5 and drop their cargo, thousands of personel and droids were disgorged from the massive freighters and assembly of mines and processing plants started to be put together at once. A command center was put together quickly, dropped from the carrier as a garrison. Shields and power generators started to be deployed as well. Digging began for an underground command center and for underground hangers.

The last group, Charlie, came out over planet 3 a second later. It was led by a power Defender Class Star Destroyer, flanked by 2 Majestic Heavy Cruisers, 2 Corona Frigates, 1 Warrior gunship, 2 Ranger Class gunships, 1 MC-45, and 1 picket. As with Beta, frieghters were at the center of this formation. 250 frieghters came out this time. 200 went to land on the planet and 50 on the moon to set up food growing facilities. The 200 would start work on the planetwide factory.

The ships that came into the system formed up into its defense fleet and started making patrols. As soon as everything was underway, orders were sent to bring in more droids and people. Materials were orders as well, and preassembled parts for defense stations and shipyards. It was estimated that within a week three factories should be operational and 2 mines as well as one large processing plant would be up as well.

Redic Scott
May 30th, 2004, 01:37:05 PM
It had been almost two weeks since the start of operations in the S-53 star system. The work force had grown rapidly and the bases were being to expand by leaps and bounds. Credits were flowing into the operation by the millions, trying to get it up and running as soon as possible. This whole operations was no good to Republic Engineering and the New Republic if it couldn't produce anything.

With the incoming war, the New Republic will need this massive building center to be up and running and producing everything that it needs. Everyone was working at breakneck speeds in order to finish as soon as possible. Soon shipments of assembly parts would start coming in and the 5 initial factories would be complete.

On planet 3 the droid numbers had increased to over 250,000 thousand, while the number of people workers and supervisors increased to 40,000. The number was increasing daily as more trained person and droids were shipped in. Barracks were assembled from prefabricated pieces and offered the personel sleeping quarters. To make life easier for the workers, a whole compound was nearing completion. This held enclosed recreation facilities, shops, mess halls, gardens, excercise rooms, and everything else that a resort could offer. Every comfort was offered in order to ensure the maximum morals and work from the person.

While factories started to spread out, covering over 10 square kilometers already, the moon of Planet 3 was completed it's greenhouses and animal raising centers. Food was shipped in and farms were created. Animals were also brought in and placed in their respective domes to be raised. A few food processing planets also took shape at the end of the settlement.

On Planet 4 mines were starting to take shape. Droids, under the command of living supervisors had drilled deeper and deeper into the planet in many different location. At the beginning of the first week, they had struck ore and a massive crystal mine. Testing indicated that the planet containing 6 different critical types of ore and all would be mined and sent to the massive processing plants being made. These plants containined linked shaping factilities that would mold the metal into whatever was needed for different ships.

In space, orbiting the planet, a single shipyard was being completed. Within a few days the yard should be ready to start building. Further off, the skeleton structure of a Golan IV Space Defense station was taking shape. This would offer further protection in case the system was attacked.

The defenses of the system, so far, were minimal, however, with the completion of the system detection network, defenses could be organized prior to enemy intrusion. In addition to the fleet patroling the system, each planet was equiped with shield generators that covered the area of the planet being worked on. The two moons with food production were also defended. The last and second to last planets now housed ungerground hangers with 4 defense squadrons each. Over the comming weeks more and more defenses will be brought into the system.

Redic Scott
Jun 4th, 2004, 12:56:44 PM
The once dead system was now alive with activity. Over half the planets were now populated with different numbers of personel. Factories were now being built, while others were operational and making military Exo-suits for distribution to first the elite military units and then to the others. Weapons are different kinds were being manufacutered and one huge facility was in the process of making a new Savior Class Module and modular attachments.

As soon as the first shipyard was complete, a message was sent out to the NR Navy and within days a Defender Class Star Destroyer jumped into the system. It docked with the yards and all crews were unloaded and sent on leave. This ship would be converted into the first of the Defender M-I Missile Destroyers. Dock crews immediatly went to work on ripping out some of the forward Heavy turbolaser cannon emplacements. In fact most of these weapons were being removed.

As they worked, shipments started to arrive with new weapons systems and shields. New computer modules arrived and started to installed on the bridge of the Large Destroyer. Large Dual, rotating warhead launch systems were unloaded and put into storage. Some of the hanger would be taken up to create a weapons storage room for a massive number of warheads.

The job would take roughly 10 days to complete since the yards were not fully staffed yet. At the RE training centers more people were being trained and new droids were being commisioned to be shipped over.

Redic Scott
Jun 8th, 2004, 06:41:42 PM
If had been almost ten days at the S-53 shipyard and the Defender refit was complete. The floating destroyer was finishing up targeting practice and all systems checks. A few systems had had problems and were now worked out. This usually happened after a massive refit like the one that took place. The crews that went on the ship and took part in the new training loved the new systems. Most of the older computers and weapons controls had been renewed, since down time for ships wasn't something that happened often. The workers had taken the time to do some new upgrades and install new systems.

The destroyer was now a much more deadly weapons platform. The targeting systems and new missiles could hit the same spot on a ship everytime. This constant barrage at the same shield point could overload even the most powerful shields and with them, the heavy torpedos could turn great warships into floating debris fields.

Finally the mooring lines detached and the ship moved out into open space. Within moments it was gone.

Redic Scott
Jun 11th, 2004, 09:23:32 AM
As Factories, mines, and processing plants start to expand and grow, the systems starts to make more and more of its own resources. Along with the increased output, the factory planet starts to send off frieghters full of newly made war material.

The shipyard goes to work on a new Defender Class Star Destroyer.

Redic Scott
Jun 29th, 2004, 11:49:38 AM
The S-53 system is now the complete opposite of what it used to be before the Republic Engineering teams descended onto it. It was alive with activity and growing on a daily basis. Construction of everything was in full swing and the systems factories were pumping out military supplies everyday and the freighter convoys were arriving and leaving in full force and under escort.

The Factory Planet of P-3, was now one of the largest processing systems in the New Republic. The factories covered almost a full quarter of the planets surface and were still growing. Materials from the processing plants on Planet 4 and 5 were arriving everyday and were being turned into different equipment for the military.

Orbiting Planet 4 were now larger shipyards and docking stations, capable of producing any ship required and able to make 3 at one time. A little out in space, to the port and star board of the shipyards were two Golan V Tacticle Defense Stations. One had just been completed and was now fully on line. It's twin Station had a few weeks more to completion, but the two heavily gunned stations would defend the shipyard from most attacks. Plus the yards had a sizable defense force to boot.

The system was one of the most secure in the New Republic and only the most trusted people knew it existed at all. The system was a Black project and would stay that way for a while. All vectors into the system and out of it were mined and lined with automated ion, laser, and missile platforms. Sensor nets sprawled out for lightyears and all directions.

The system, however, was not just a major building center, it was also a major training ground for military forces. New Equipment and systems were brought here to be tested in secret and in many different environments. One such training excercise was underway now, on Moon-5.

The sensor data came back clear as day and showed the modified freighter skimming over the moon's atmosphere. It was closing on its launch point and within minutes, the two points intercected on the holo display. As the freighter kept moving away, tiny dots appeared. Six small dots appeared in the center of 8 larger ones, which formed a circle around them.

Suddenly the image changed into a real one. The view of the descending pods came from an orbiting constellation of telescopes and sensor satellites. The image showed the burning pods screaming through the atmosphere and then falling toward the ground with smoke around them. Trusters on the bottom of the pods fired out slowing their descent before all of them smashed into the ground. The impact picked up a lot of dirt and debris and covered the picture.

The commander in charge looked at the sight and couldn't help but feel the knot in his stomach. Even though he had seen any of these planetary landings, it sit filled his mind with bad thoughts because he knew what would happen if the descent failed.

He looked over at another display, this one showing flashing becons from the locators on each of the dropped units. The commander let out his breathe and smiled a little in relief. They were all on and in moments they started moving. The small pods had landed in the middle and the larger ones around them in a wide perimeter. As the dots began to move, the circle expended.

"Sir, we have imaging back."

The man looked over at the holo and saw the dirt blowing away, relieving 4 huge tracked vehicles advanced in all directions toward their assigned positions. They were on the north, south, east, and west sides. At each corner of the box they made, were small hover vehicles advancing out as well. From the center came the view of those smaller dots. Each was a commando wearing a new X-2 Exoskeleton. From the outside they looked like machines, because in principle they were. Machines surrounding humans to enchance their every sense, strength, and ability.

The Troopers moved out with skill and reached their positions with rifles leveled and ready.

"This is Infiltration Force Alpha Bravo. Landing Zone secure, all system within the green."

The Commander nodded and smiled as the other officers replied and gave out instructions. The forces were ready and they would soon prove how well they have mastered their skills. The new Army of the New Republic was in every way better that before it. This new force, designated 3rd Corp, would prove that point.