View Full Version : Outstanding Youth.

Trunks Alvein
May 24th, 2004, 02:41:17 PM
Trunks was traveling along a walkway high above the surface of Coruscant. He had never been to the lower reaches of he planet, but as he was walking he could feel all the people down there. He could feel the presence of all the people around him. As years have passed Trunks has managed to control these feelings to toleration through deep concentration. His thoughts were far away at the moment, "The Jedi Temple" He said to himself. He could see himself walking the halls full of knowledge. Imagining the Padawans lightsabers clashing in practice battles.

He was walking about 100 stories up from the dark streets that comprise Coruscant's Crimson Corridor. "Hey freak!" someone called to him. He recognized the Bith voice as a teenager named Gentar. There weren't many gangs in this area due to the Semi-upper class environment, but Gentar seemed to think there should be. "You cost me a lot of credits the last time i saw you freak." The Bith was referring to the fight he tried to get into with Trunks two days before. Gentar's "gang" had Trunks cornered in an alley threatening him, just for fun he thought.

"Are you going to do it or do we just kill you right now." He said with what passed for a grin as far as Bith go. Trunks knew mostly what Gentar, and his flunkies, were thinking. He could tell that they had murderous intents, but had no intention of killing him, he was far to valuable.

Trunks closed his eyes and felt himself be relaxed, it washed over him like a glowing river. He could even see this golden river just as if his eyes were open to it before him. "There is no emotion; There is peace." He thought these words everyday. He had once met a Jedi when he was five and these were the words she spoke to him. Trunks opened hes eyes, "There is no passion; There is serenity." He says out loud this time, in a normal speaking voice. Gentar watched Trunks close his eyes again. He was about to move to hit Trunks with the butt of his blaster. "There is no chaos!!" Trunks screamed and opened his eyes. As he did he threw both arms in front of him in a fan motion. The power pack inside Gentar's blaster exploded, along with his hand, and most of his arm.

Trunks diddent like that Gentar had returned to fight him again, he diddent like hurting people unless he had to. Since he met the Jedi, Darsha Ascant, he had been studying anything he could find about the Jedi. Joining the order was his hopes and dreams. He hoped maybe he might see Darsha again. Trunks looked toward Gentar's arm and to his surprise he found a prosthetic attached. Gentar said raising his arm, "Do you have any idea how many credits this cost me?" Trunks turned to run rather than face Gentar. He diddent want to fight, but he was more worried about not being able to pull the same trick off twice. He can't always tap into what he was sure must be the force, only when he is uniquely in tune with his emotions."There is no emotion; There is peace." He understood these words more than anything else. Only when he could let go thoughts like fear, anger, and aggression could he feel truly peaceful.

As he turned to run he suddenly felt a tremendous mind. Trunks had felt this power a few times before, like when he met Darsha. It made him think of his mother, it made him feel safe. Trunks mother had died when he was six, he was nine now. One day he was out walking, like today, and he fell on the ground and started crying, the deepest feeling of despair overcame him, like a black shroud over his soul. Someone had broken inside his home looking for his father, who had been off planet most his life, and killed his mother.

In front of him Trunks saw the power he was feeling. The Jedi felt his presence more than any other being around him at the moment, far more. The Jedi felt the boy reach out to him with his mind. He suddenly knew all about Gentar, the last confrontation, including the obvious use of force power. and he also knew of Trunks' mother. Trunks continued to run toward the Jedi. When he reached him he turned to look behind. Gentar stopped steps behind Trunks, frozen by the Jedi.

"You have no business here, this boy is not your enemy." The Jedi said in a gentle voice. Gentar repeated these words and walked away. The Jedi looked at Trunks, and asked him his name. "My name is Trunks Alvein. You are a Jedi correct?" He smiled at Trunks. "Your a very special boy aren't you Trunks." It was obvious to Trunks this was not a question. He was telling him that he had indeed read the thoughts sent to him

(Ok, so now a current Jedi comes in and takes over for "the Jedi")

Dasquian Belargic
May 27th, 2004, 11:15:00 AM
Turning from speaking with another would be Padawan, a man in robes easily identifiable as a Jedi Knight approached Trunks. He smiled warmly in greeting. “Can I help you with something?” he asked.

Trunks Alvein
May 27th, 2004, 10:56:17 PM
Trunks stared up at the man who was enveloped in a massive inner power. He was looking deep into his eyes and suddenly his mind was filled with a far away feeling, this feeling he recognized as a vision. He sometimes had these, but never as strong as this. He could see himself much older, dressed in the robes of a Jedi, much like the man standing before him. Then his thoughts began to cloud, and become dark. He could now see another figure, a dark sinister power. This creature he recognized as a Sith, the oldest, and strongest enemy a Jedi could ever face. The figure ignited a deep crimson lightsaber, and in turn Trunks lit his own. Switching on the activator button, his dark purple blade appeared with a distinct hum.

Dasquian spoke again, his words tearing through Trunks' mind and pulling him from the far away place he had been. "Yes sir. You are Dasquian Belargic of the Greater Jedi Order. I was hoping to see you today, in fact I wish to join your order and become a Jedi myself. If that is not too forward of me." Trunks said eagerly. He had been told stories about the Great Jedi Dasquian before, but never thought he might actually meet him. It took some focus to control his excitement, but calm and collected was the way he wished to be around someone who may very well decide his destiny.

Dasquian Belargic
May 29th, 2004, 09:43:27 AM
OOC: Please see this thread:
