View Full Version : Quest For Power

Master Wondo
May 24th, 2004, 06:11:12 AM
**I Enter the Giant building that laid at the end of my journey. I was a stranger, to the parts and didn't know if i was in the right area.Before entering. What I believed to be the Sith Palace. I looked all around me then entered.**

**I started talking to myself I normally do when I'm nervous and i was i couldnt stop shaking I gathered the courage to shout**

"Hello I wish to be a Sith"

**After a few seconds**

"Is There anyone here"

**To keep myself warm while i wait i walked around

Je'gan Olra'en
May 24th, 2004, 06:42:05 AM

Try looking at this before posting again.


You know...the one labeled 'Must Read'.

Master Wondo
May 24th, 2004, 10:12:50 AM
OOC-I knew of this fact before hand

IC-"Well it appers I am not wanted here, very well. I shall go never to return to this place again. But Remenber this my Sith Friends we will meet again"

Dasquian Belargic
May 25th, 2004, 07:33:01 AM
OOC-I knew of this fact before hand

:| Then you are even more of an idiot.