View Full Version : More than just Speeders (Black Sun, Sin)

Carl Simons
May 23rd, 2004, 06:10:00 PM
'Its not just about Speeder's Mickey, you cant sell these for four hundred thousand credits man, i mean look at this one, a Yuken 360, i look at the list Mickey and it aint' on the thing.' Giving the fat,bald man who looked like he was sweating madly a clout around the chops with the data pad. Carl turned around, unimpressed, they have delivered the wrong shipment of Speeder's for a second time. It was getting out of hand, it had to be sorted.

Carl detested incompetence.

' Your not that much use to me alive are you Mickey? thats two...' He held two fingers up over his shoulder without turning '...two shipments of Speeder's your guys over on Nar Shadda have frelled up and its just cracking me and the boys here up, its a joke surely?'

Needless to say this was a lie.

"But Mr.Simons we were simply following what your Data-Comm said, the one you sent 3 weeks ago. I-i cant follow anything but-"He stopped talking, Carl had turned around, his face said it all, it was black, expressionless, frelled off.

' Mickey? Do i hear you blaiming The Meat King and his associates for this 42 carat frell up? Could i be hearing this correctly?'

"No, but Mr.Simons, what i meant was- The Meat King-Well"

'Oh Mickey, you were better standing up for yourself rather than sniverling you pieace of Bantha cack, shut the frell up!'

"But Mr.Simons-"


Mickey fell to his knees is so much pain his mouth was open yet no sound came from its gaping hole, The Speeder smuggerler gripped his arm, or what was let of it, like a crying baby. From he elbow down his arm had been severed and was lying on the floor of the transport ship a few feet away.

Infront of him stood Carl, his Katana drawn and its tip touching the adams apple of Mickey's neck.

' The price one pays for failing The Meat King, i trust you wont again? We dont want him displeased do we son? We will take these Speeders off you for a discount price of one hundred and fifty thousand. Do we have an accord, sir?'

Mickey whimpered.

The Meat Kings men laughed and chuckled.

' Good, alright boys, start loading this pile of Dren on the trucks and lets haul them out, pile of crap but sellible. I shall be taking your...remains to The Meat King, to proove i dealt with you. Dont let this happen again Mickey, Capesh?'

Without another word Carls men started to haul the swoops and speeders out of the loading ramp of the ship onto unmarked trucks that would be taken back to The Meat King for his privet inspection, or rather Bishop would do it for him.

Sin Vamel
May 28th, 2004, 02:13:26 PM
The proceedings for today were supposed to be simple; the first order of business was signing for a purchase of swoop bikes and speeders however nothing had thus far gone to plan. After calling the distributer I had discovered, via his secretary, that he had already gone to meet my associates and I somewhere near the west corporate docks. Interestingly enough, no such arrangement had been made and if it had he would have dealt with me in order to do so; my memory isn't that bad.

"Are you guys hot?" I ask my colleagues and turn around, they don't speak but instead show me the blasters beneath their jackets and I give them a nod of approval. We could smell something nasty afoot and I wanted to make sure we were ready for whatever tricks our contact may pull. The last thing I was prepared to accept was the death of an employee under my charge, especially on my fourth day on the job. The driver brought our transport to a stop opposite a group of men loading speeders and swoops into a number of trucks.

"What the frell? Is that--"

On the floor I saw the mutilated body of our business associate, he was writhing painfully in his a pool of own blood watching helplessly his shipment was being stolen. Not that I cared about him but what I did care about was the shipment of speeders and swoops.

"Wait here, boys."

My insides were boiling with anger and I was itching to start breaking faces; those speeders were about to become the property of the Sector Rangers and this band of merry men think they can steal from us? We will take compensation out of their heads and I was ready to get it underway with the man I was approaching, the man who was clearly in charge.

"What are you doing, drenhole?"

Carl Simons
May 28th, 2004, 03:35:58 PM
In that quick instant on Sin approaching Carl, everything stopped. The movement around Carl stopped, the speeders stopped and the swoops stopped. It was deadly silent.

Turning on the ball of his foot, a smoke in his mouth, the long haired Carl Simons met his advasary face to face. What they did not know at this point in time that in the future they would become a nemisis to eachother, they would be the worst of foes. But that was the future, this was now.

It had to be said Carl was unimpressed with the mans atire, he was not exsactly dressed to be verbaly challenging a member of Lemmens' Inner Circle, dress sence was a big thing to Carl, he was wearing some 600 credit suits, now unfortunetly blood stained.

Was this kid stupid or something? of course they had never see eathother before and so Carl would give the boy a break, benifit of the doubt so to speak, a rareity for Carls book but it was there somewhere under chapter nine in his head, small print.

' I beg your pardon, boy?' he said taking the smoke from his mouth, his face turning a ridgid red. ' I dont think we've had the pleasure?' As he said this, a few of The Meat Kings cronies flanked Carl. A menacing smile crept across the Left Hand of Lemmens.

Sin Vamel
May 28th, 2004, 05:27:14 PM
Is this snake in a suit looking down his nose at me? He is and what a mistake, pal. What a mistake, I thought, staring at guy now backed by his cronies; they didn't scare me. And he called me 'Boy', recalling the insult my jaw clenched so tight that it hurt but I wouldn't make a move yet; not one punch or one blaster fired. Biding my time for now but in doing so I come to realise that judging by his men, his clothes and his attitude, it's pretty clear, I'd say, that this slimey serpent was a professional. He'd had long experience in whatever his work entailed and that was a cause for concern, me being a freshman and all. Not that I was about to lose face here today.

"I don't think we've had the pleasure?"

"And we wont." Came my reply, curt and effective, my gaze didn't wane for a second. Then I remembered the insult and involunatrily, the corner of my mouth ticked with silent fury.

"And call me 'Boy' again; I'll have your tongue."

Just by looking at my casual clothes you could tell I was far from a businessman, my common Coruscant accent weighed me down as a respectable agent and that was alright; he may not like it but he wont like my foot stomping his brains into the dirt either. I could feel the red burning in my cheeks and my knuckles white with anticipation.

"Put the speeders and swoops back and-- and I'll let you walk away."

Carl Simons
May 28th, 2004, 08:39:54 PM
"And call me 'Boy' again; I'll have your tongue."

At that very sentance, chapter nine just happned to fly out the window, along with the small print. The lad buffing out his chest like a Bantha in the mating season was starting to limit options from thr list and Carl was starting to get a little pissed off. The boy was clearly a newbie at whatever game he had choosen to play and with the over confidence that came it might have been tidderly-winks for all Carl cared.

Crossing his arms across the front of his chest and tilting his head with asmile of amusement, he let the boy continue, he, Carl, had been at the end of every threat you could possibly imagine. Being at the end of a threat spouted by a young man that frankly knew dren about whos feathers he was rufferling was no new one for Carl.

"Put the speeders and swoops back and-- and I'll let you walk away."

At this a murmer waved through Carls removal crew, the men taking the swoops and speeds from the transport ship, a little light chattering at the threat. Carl looked around, held up a hand and looked back at the man infront of him, the crew fell silent.

' Im sorry, lad, your gonna' have to say that again...' Tilting his head in a fake interested look he took a drag from his smoke and then tossed it away idly without taking his eyes off Sin.