View Full Version : Morphia: Ten Miles High

Soraya Taveres
May 22nd, 2004, 03:45:49 PM
dying felt so goddamn good today
if I was ever alive well it's hard to say
it was kissing my eyelids and burning my face away
dying felt so goddamn good today
we dance the electric pagan love song
we hunt with the children paling in the catacombs
eating dead flowers bleeding in a strange daze
I was cutting throats and eating tears
smiling in a ruined age
douse my love everything with gasoline
grave flower blooms at your red light death scene
we dance the electric pagan love song
we hunt with the children paling in the catacombs
trippin' on real blood in strange sunshine
have you felt such weight upon your eyes
sister I been trippin' in your sky
I woke up adrift in a technicolor bliss
ten million miles high
I'm a christian zombie by daylight
satan, he come trippin' 'round midnight
circle jerkin' redneck truckers' dream
you scream, I scream
everybody screams for morphine
I won't love you, mama, I just fiend your morphine
your morphine
we send, the love, to the skull
I am the mother, the father, the killer
forever and ever all right
I am the shapeless, the deathless, remorseless
forever and ever tonight
I'm feelin' hollow again
I am the mother, the father, the killer of light
I'm gonna cut you ------------, god's ----------
all right


On the corner of some nameless street in downtown Coruscant, there stood a little one-storey building which had, at one point, been a candy store -- as the rusty sign above the door so boldly declared. The door was loose on its hinges and the windows had been boarded up... even the small patches of dirt between the paving stones up front were overgrown with weeds.

And even though this Candy Store seemed abandoned, if one were to venture inside... deep, deep inside, down the rickety old wooden steps in the farthest corner of the back room and further underground into what was once the shop's storage space, and if this one could overcome the many safety measures employed there, one would perhaps stumble into a room with walls that shone blood-red.

Everything was bathed in this same deep crimson light, the basement rooms where Severe's main operations were based in having been revamped since Sway's departure. Gone were the ripped leather settees and coffee tables of old, to be replaced with a far more... professional look, composed almost entirely of glass and metal. Even the atmosphere of stale cigarette smoke had dissipated over time, but the musty impression of neglect still lingered.

Soraya reached for the bottle of whiskey lying on the computer panel in front of her, scrunching up her nose and grimacing as the liquid burned down her throat. Several small monitors flickered with images from the countless security cameras installed within and around the building on this panel, a magnified version of which was reflected on a much larger screen above.

Physically, she also appeared vastly different from the way she had been all those months ago, when Severe was still a thriving business, and when the ever-changing world of the fashion industry hadn't demanded that she lose her long blonde tresses in favour of a much darker shade, to accommodate for the latest 'alternative' trends (as paradoxical as that might sound). But, more important than her career as a revolutionary model was the reason why she had taken such a gamble by reinstating what was left of Severe.

Sway's disappearance had come at a stage when the company was at the height of success and with little prospect of going downhill anytime soon. Maybe the group's former leader had run off with some mysterious stranger, or maybe -- and this was more than likely -- she'd grown bored of what had originally started off as a hobby for the rebellious young daughter of one of Coruscant City's greatest entrepreneurs, and so had decided to undergo a name change yet again. It was impossible to tell, really.

What mattered most, however, was that the company had dwindled into little more than nothing in the several months that followed. Now, due to some random stroke of inspiration, Soraya had undertaken the arduous task of beginning to restore the group to its former glory (and quite happily assuming all the power it involved).


Had her face the ability to register emotion as easily as someone whose skin hadn't been encased beneath half a dozen stiff layers of foundation (the whole porcelain dead-dolly look was such a rage these days), the expression on it now as her eyes widened could only be described as shock. Her comm, which had become detached from her side at some point during her 'meditation'-of-sorts, beeped incessantly from where it had fallen into the great trash-filled yonder that was the (now indistinguishable) floor.

"How did you do it, Sway ?" Soraya muttered under her breath, fumbling with the various empty takeaway cartons deposited by her feet in search of the missing comm-link. She passed her tongue absently over her recently acquired lip piercing, wincing slightly as the metal pressed against the inside of her mouth; as much as she loved her newfound power and all the extras it entailed, she was still finding it rather difficult to adjust to the role of leader.

Granted, she had always been second-in-command (so to speak) when Sway was around and in charge of things, but this whole management shindig would take some getting used to -- just when was the last time she had balanced accounts (illegal or not), anyway ?

Not that she'd ever allow her subordinates to figure out her insecurities, though... after all, how hard could it be, exactly ? Wrapping her fingers around the device, Soraya played around with a few of the buttons and waited for the Candy Store's front doorman (and hired gunman) to confirm the arrival of the company's newest permanent recruit. Almost immediately the display on the largest, centermost screen behind her honed in to focus on only the cameras above the front entrance.

"Show him in, Randyl," she instructed the guard, eyes narrowed in scrutiny. Once this too was avowed, Soraya swivelled around on her chair and propped her elbows up on the large desk, legs crossed. If only it were possible to ignore her rather... colourful... appearance, she appeared quite the figure of authority.

Soraya cleared her throat. "Come in."

Turcyn Rorke
May 23rd, 2004, 07:00:28 PM
“This is it…”

He murmured from behind the slender stim hanging lazily from his mouth, staring at the haggard, abandoned candy shop which was soon to be his new base of operations. He couldn’t help but to glance down at the crumpled address in his hand, but no matter how many times he checked, this was the right place. He cackled and flicked the burning stim to the curb.

It wasn’t like he could pass this up though. The only work he had going for him at the moment was with the Meat King, and where more money was to be made he wouldn’t give up the chance to be there. It seemed like drugs had been in his repertoire his entire life, or at least since his teenage years. From peddling to abusing them, he knew the in and outs of both sides.

He was clean now, and now his only addiction was money; which was probably the worst addiction.

He’d heard what little he knew about Severe through a contact, and honestly he couldn’t help but be a little uneasy about working with a group. Then again, money was money, he couldn’t complain.

Prying open the rust-coated entrance, Turcyn entered the dimly lit building, a blaster secured covertly at his waist band. He might’ve been bold, but he wasn’t stupid.

“This way.”

He was led towards the back by the gunman, stepping into the seedy office which housed an array of monitors and equipment; but more importantly his impending, yet attractive, boss.

“You must be Taveres?”