View Full Version : Some clarity is required, plz...

Figrin D'an
May 20th, 2004, 09:59:31 PM
You know, I liked this (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35671) the first time we did it...

when it was called "Death Sentance."

Would someone explain this to me? This thread makes about as much sense as as a drunken Ozzy Osbourne.

Navaria Tarkin
May 20th, 2004, 10:13:19 PM
Okay.. well it started out normal .. Natia brought before the council for crimes of the past, yadda yadda.

Then Shanaria barges in o_O which is bizarre to me.. and i let her have IC backed by Dasq.. then Natia just leaves without being dismissed.

is it just me or when did the council becomes the padawan doormate :|

Anyway, I do know from talking to Natia and Shanaria, where it made sense at the time ... the combination of Natia's brother taking her to her homeworld and Leten going MIA is suppose to make her step closer to the Dark Side.

but why both things are happening in the same thread is odd to me. what makes me displeased is the lack of council respect @_@

Figrin D'an
May 20th, 2004, 10:20:57 PM
I'm getting rather sick of the "Council needs to post here now" attitude as well. There's nothing wrong with getting a couple of people on the council to agree to do a thread, rather than demanding the presence of every member.

They want the council to post, yet they don't bother to inform people of what precisely is taking place, then confound it with additional plots from other threads, have their characters ignore or argue against everything that is said, then leave without any sense of formality about thread completion or posting decorum.

I'm about ready to lay down some ground rules for Council threads that, if not followed, will result in said person not getting any sort of response from the Council in the future. This "me me me, now now now" philosophy is getting old.

Navaria Tarkin
May 20th, 2004, 10:27:09 PM
I'm about ready to lay down some ground rules for Council threads that, if not followed, will result in said person not getting any sort of response from the Council in the future. This "me me me, now now now" philosophy is getting old.

:: kisses the ground you walk in ::

Yes... I mean, it's not easy being on the council and always having to post. But, those that agreed to be on the Council do it.. cuz we have to. Tis the job and it isn't easy, which goes over some peoples heads.

have their characters ignore or argue against everything that is said, then leave without any sense of formality about thread completion or posting decorum.

this drives me nuts. Some believe they can come in and out of the Council like a drive-thru at Taco Bell wtf??? I havent posted to Natia yet because I would be more harsh since ooc i am ticked off. She shouldn't have left the council just like that especially after the council just scolded shanaria (boggle boggle)

Figrin D'an
May 20th, 2004, 11:33:28 PM
My draft of the Council Request Ground Rules:

Requests for Council participation in threads have become more frequent as of late. Unfortunately, these threads have also become increasingly more confounded in purpose and, to be perfectly honest, have not been very courteous to participating Council members. Lack of clarity in posts, lack of OOC communication to the Council on thread intent and a general ignorance toward good RP posting decorum have degraded the quality of these threads. As such, it has become necessary to set some specific rules regarding Council threads.

1) All requests for Council participation will be made in writing, and posted in Avalon OOC. This will be done before posting the relevent RP thread in Avalon or elsewhere on the GJO board. In the request thread, details of RP intent must be given, as well as the number of Council members needed. The Council will attempt to accomodate this number, but each RPer must be prepared to work with less than the requested number. Not everyone can participate in everything. Council members who can participate will post as such in the request thread. Only when these details are completed can the RP begin. Any and all story changes to the RP in question will be posted to the request thread before they take place in the RP.

2) Once the Council-related RP has begun, posting order will be respected at all times. Rapid posting or posting out of the established posting order will result in the thread being closed until necessary changes/corrections have been made. More than one such instance of this behavior in any given thread will result in permanent closure of the thread, and that Council RP will be forfeit. No further attempt to restart it in a new thread will be allowed. If a Council member is unable to continue in a thread, they will indicate as such in the appropriate request thread. Another Council member will take their place, if it is deemed appropriate to do so.

3) The IC Council Chambers environment is one of dignity and formality. It is where those chosen to lead the Jedi Order conduct business and make decisions that can have far-reaching effects. As such, those persons entering the chambers for an audience with the Council are expected to follow the IC formality appropriate to the occasion. Courteousness and respect are the etiquette for all. The Council respects all those who seek their advice and wisdom. In return, those who stand before the Council will afford it's members the same respect. Those who argue before the Council, rejects it's recommendations, ignore it's decisions or treat it with disrespect in any manner must be prepared to accept the IC consequences of their actions, which may or may not include punishment for misbehaving characters. All IC actions have reprecussions. The Council does not operate in a vacuum. Actions taken and words spoken in the Council Chambers can, and will, affect your character's future within the Jedi Order.

4) Ignorance of these rules, demands for immediate participation by all Council members, or general impatience with the process will result in a given RPer being ignored in the future when making requests for Council participation. If a person's right to request Council activity is revoked, it can only be restored by a 100% consensus vote of the sitting Council, and only after a period of 6 months since the initial infraction. Multiple infractions will result in permanent revocation of this right.

A personal aside:

Those elected to the Council agree to function as mentors and guides, and understand that Council RPs are a part of this role. They are, however, active RPers just like everyone else, and they do have other activities that require their attention. Their purpose is to add depth and consistency to RP, not to cater to the whims of everyone who places demands upon them. Treat the Council and it's members with disrespect, and you will recieve none in return.

If your character choses to be belligerent and ignore the IC rules of an audience with the Council, your character can expect to be slapped with any number of punishments, such as suspension of training, confinment to quarters or seizure of your character's lightsabre. All of these will severely hinder your character's options in RP. To be frank, you reep what you sew. If your character is intent upon being an arrogant ass, then that character isn't going to get very far as a Jedi. Some of you might do well to consider this before doing things with your character that may get him or her into trouble, or perhaps even expelled.

Dasquian Belargic
May 21st, 2004, 04:32:32 AM
:thumbup:thumbup That is just great.

Navaria Tarkin
May 21st, 2004, 10:37:17 AM
I like this alot Fig. Wish this was in place when Xazor was running amuck. Everything I read that you listed reminded me of her.

I don't want others making the same mistake so I give it the thumb's up too

Ryla Relvinian
May 21st, 2004, 03:35:38 PM
Good God, I thought it was just me who noticed this... :D

Courteousness and respect are the etiquette for all.

True, though I do wish we didn't have to spell it out. *sigh*

Figrin D'an
May 21st, 2004, 06:17:00 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
True, though I do wish we didn't have to spell it out. *sigh*

Me too, but I see no alternative. I'm not willing to let the Council be walked on like it has lately.

Morgan Evanar
May 21st, 2004, 06:47:58 PM
Hurrah. What I could never put into words put into words.

Figrin D'an
May 21st, 2004, 07:00:31 PM

Rules have been posted in Avalon OOC. Let me know if you spot any mistakes.

Estelle Russard
May 23rd, 2004, 03:45:30 PM
Sorry Im late to this, but this is a good idea.

Some of the "newer" rpers dont have much of a sense of what the Council is, or the Order for that matter.

btw, "reep" is spelt "reap" ;)

Figrin D'an
May 23rd, 2004, 04:52:37 PM
Originally posted by Estelle Russard
btw, "reep" is spelt "reap" ;)

That's what I get for not running it through a spell check first. :mneh

May 25th, 2004, 06:04:34 PM
Good rules, Fig. Now, lets see if they actually READ and FOLLOW them.

(*Is reminded of when one of the newbie idiots had actually read that TSO wasn't accepting new recruits and still went ahead and posted.* |I )

Figrin D'an
May 25th, 2004, 06:57:51 PM
Oh, these rules will be followed. If it requires someone learning the hard way and serving as an example, then so be it. They will be followed, I assure you.

May 26th, 2004, 03:35:33 PM

Have you been in LV's closet again? Sounds to me like you found her WHIP! :lol