View Full Version : Pirates Bad Luck

Redic Scott
May 19th, 2004, 07:54:32 PM
Alarms and red warning lights went off all over the bridge. The Protector Escort had barely spent two hours in hyperspace, with six left to go, when the alarms blared. At first Captain Trolog thought something was wrong with the ship, but a glace at the display screen told him all systems were green.

"Sir, mass shadow warnin..." The officer didn't get a chance to finish when the 350 meter ship was ripped out of hyperspace by gravity and safty perameters that shut off the hyperdrive.

In front of the ship drifted a dark mass, "Asteroid, sir. It pulled us out." Said the sensor officer.

"Asteroid?? Here? in the middle of a hyperspace lane?" The captain knew something was wrong. This had to be a trap. He had seen pirates use this tactic before.

"Shields up, weapons ready. Give me a full system scan." Trolog commanded.

"Shields up sir, weapons online."

"Picking up contacts moving from the asteroids direction. Looks like 12 Uglies, 3 Freighters, and 1 Marauder Corvette. They are coming in hard and fast." Replied sensors.

The Captain thought for a moment. His ship was ready to fight, but it only had a skeleton crew. "Alright, good, this will be our test site then. Weapons, pick your targets and fire. Lets get a Torpedo solution for that Marauder."

"Weapons on-line sir and tracking." Replyed the weapons officer.

Outside, on the ships hull laser cannons rotated and took aim at the incoming fighters. Droid brains tracked the fighters and opened fire when they were in range. Bolts shot out and slamed into 3 of the fighters, exploded them at once. 2 others were hit and started to leave the battlezone.

"How many Defender missiles do we have?"

"One load of 20. Only one of the batteries was loaded."

"Target all retreating fighters and launch missiles."

On the portside of the ship, 4 small doors opened up and 4 small missiles were fired out with magnets. They came out so fast that they closed the distance to the fighters in seconds. With shields down, the first missile slamed into the rear of the ugly, penetrating into its power generator and exploded. The fighter was ripped appart instantly.

As the missile exploded, it set off its other warhead, an ion one. A wave of ions swept through space and over the fighter next to it. That Ugly's shields buckled and as the second missile accelerated toward it, exploded under it, shrapnel pierced the shields and disabled the engine on the bottom of the ship. The ship kept moving, but with no purpose, the pilot had also died when superheated metal entered his cockpit and torn him to shreds.

"Both fighters down sir, I think that's a success."

The Captain smiled, "I would say so."

"Sir, the Vet is has come into range." Said the sensor tech, "I thought they would have fled by now."

"I think they have something up their sleeves."

"Incoming fire." Announced a bridge member as turbolaser blasts and laser cannon fire slammed into the ship's shields. "Shields holding at 95%."

"Torp launch, repeat, Torp launch. 12 incoming, fighter class torpedos. Anti-missile lasers tracking automatically, 5 seconds till they are within range."

10 new small lasers rotated towards the incoming missiles and locked on. When they were within range, the lasers opened fire, sending hundreds of light powered blasts at the incoming torpedos. Explosions filled the space to the port of the Protector as warheads prematurally detonated. Only 2 slipped past and hit the port side of the escort. The only thing they did was make the shields light up. Their power was not enough to do any damage.

"Freighters are firing! 12 more incoming. Heavy Capital Torps sir."

"That's what they were waiting for. Target and destroy. Use some of the missiles."

10 other lasers, this time on the starboard side, rotated and opened fire. The larger missiles were easy to hit and 6 disappeared at once, followed by 4 more seconds later. The explosions lit up the black space in brilliant colors. The last 2 remaining torpedos were slammed into by two defender missiles. They had proven their worth in this fight.

By now only 1 fighter was remaining and it was trailing smoke. The Protector closed on the vet and freighters, opening fire on them with quad lasers. The freighters started to die when the fire became too intense. The Quad lasers began to eat away at their shields and get to their hulls. They weren't combat ships and soon they had more than they could handle and all three disintagrated under the intense bombardment.

The Protector was getting assaulted by the vet, but the ships limited weapons didn't have much of an effect on the ships heavy shielding. While the protector didn't really have any heavy laser batteries that could do damage to the vet, it did have heavy launch tubes. These were now facing the Marauder.

"Here's the plan, " said captain Trolog. "We'll fire our defender missiles and have them ionically explode. They will create a hole for our one load of torps. Concentrate on the midship."

As the ships exchanged fire, 16 remaining missiles magnetically fired and exploded around the Vets midsection. Their point blank range and timed explosions caused large holes in the shields to form. Some sections of sheilds even went down as the ions hit circuit boards and power relays. The 16 loaded Heavy Capital Torpedoes fired right after the missiles and closed the distance at tramendous speeds. 15 of them passed through the Marauders shields and then through the armor plating. All 15 hit the narrow mid-sections and exploded. The force of the blast, coming from inside the ship itself, disintagrated that portion of the ships hull. The ship broke in two piecee, the forward and rear sections were no longer connected.

The dieing ship floated in space as the Protector finished off the lone remaining fighter. The Protector then used its tractors to move the asteroid and used its lasers to destroy large areas of it. Soon it was no longer a threat and was pushed out of the way. It than turned, "Helm, set course for Fondor and send a message to fleet command. 'Protector test flight was a complete success.'"

"Yes, sir." Replied the smiling man.

As Trolog sat back in the command seat, the Protector entered hyperspace once again.