View Full Version : Twilight on Kashyyyk
Lilaena De'Ville
May 18th, 2004, 02:54:40 PM
The hyperjump between Kashyyyk and Onderon was a small one. The group leaving the sparsely populated Onderon made it longer by taking a few extra jumps and coming towards the Wookiee homeworld from a different direction.
They also were not traveling in only one ship, choosing to spread out their numbers on two space worthy vessels. Razielle Shadana was on one, her ship carefully purged of any identifying marks. The group was hungry - hungry for blood.
As the sun set behind the planet, the two ships coasted in towards the atmosphere, avoiding radar contact with each other. To anyone watching the skies, they'd appear as a radar blip, until they fired their engines to break amto.
By then, it would be too late.
Jared Mriad
May 21st, 2004, 06:29:21 PM
I hate wookiees.
Jared looked out one of the ship's viewports down upon Kashyyyk. He was dressed in blacks, as the usual for him and gave questions to weither the man had any other variations of clothing, with the addition of a interesting weapon attached to his right arm. The overall design of the device resembled a gauntlet from the Old Worlds, but this variation was reconstructed and fabricated to hold three parallel saber blade with a slight variation so that the width between the bases were exeeded by the width at the extremeties. The articulated finger-plates, saber guard, and gauntlet were acid-etched and then coated in cortosis for a damascus-like finish. In short, if one needed a image to base their imagination with, they could refer to the Predator wristblades.
He turned away from the 'port and crossed over to a seat where the wristsaber device waited patiently in a black canvas bag, he flexed the Force slightly and moved it over enough for him to sit in it's place. He heard the breifing, if you may so call it that, and he understood the objective: Havok.
That was a funny word.
He liked it.
Zachariah Darmok
May 22nd, 2004, 11:08:20 PM
Sitting a few seats down from the notorious Jared was the infamous Zachariah Darmok who, for some reason, people had no words for. They seemed to avoid him like he was some sort of extremely bad smell, of course this did not bother the Mage, he enjoyed the sollitude of his own thoughts.
Darmok much disliked the perpose of this mission, to simply cause as much havok as possible but he went along for the ride because his 'Master', that delightful Vampire, had asked him to participate in the events. Simply killing for no apprent reason was simply to trivial for the likes of the Dark Mage, he saw no point in its worth and yet he was here.
Darmok wished he had brought his text along to read.
A good book always made the journey so much more easier.
May 26th, 2004, 06:34:32 PM
A little ball of fur stirred in the corner and a head popped up. Alf, the newest member to the Kuklos Ataxia, stood up to his full measure of three and a half feet. He wasn't really all the impressive when you looked at him like this, but when he got mad, strange thing happened and that is why he was there. Lilaena De'Ville had taken him in to train him to be a Sith. This way he could kill two bird with one shot. Learn to control the strange stuff and also to get back at all the people who kept him in slavery, but that would come later, right now it was just training and doing what his Master commanded him to do.
A lot of people would look at this is a strange deal, trade one type of slavery for another, but what few didn't understand was the power he would get from this slavery. The little furball walked over to a window and had to jump on the ledge to see out of it. Yeah, the power I'm going to show all those things down there, he thought. Alf hated Wookies, because they were a distant cousin of his, and they looked down on his race. Well he would show them. He hadn't been trained that much, but it was enough. Oh, what a sight this is going to be. He would show them that size didn't matter, not anymore.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2004, 11:56:50 PM
De'Ville fired thrusters as the atmosphere of the forest planet tickled shields. They were already in under the planetary shield, should it be activated. Alf looked up from the corner of the ship, and beside him as unlikely an apprentice seemed to be sleeping. Gash was ... a giant, and Alf was a tiny furball. Razielle's ship, with Darmok and Mriad, followed suit, firing thrusters as they broke atmo.
The two ships flew tandem, toward their target. A large city in the enormous trees, but one without a Sith Order military presence. At least, as far as their intelligence went, there was no garrison located there. De'Ville grinned, and powered up the plasma cannon, strafing the city as they went over, and then took the ship around once more, landing in the middle of the chaos she'd created.
Chaos could serve a purpose. Today it served to remind the Order just how fragile their hold on these far away worlds was. And how easily they could be wounded. "Ready or not, we are here." She hopped out of her seat, kicked Gash to make sure he was awake, and handed Alf his blaster. The apprentice had not earned a lightsaber yet, so he'd have to make do with what he had. Couldn't have him cutting his own limbs off.
De'Ville hit the ramp controls, and the ship opened to a smoke filled arena full of angry and/or wounded Wookiees.
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:03:23 AM
Three massive steps brought the eight-foot-three Anak to the bottom of the ramp. One hand remained under his coat; the other brandished a metre-long durasteel mace.
He'd moved pretty fast - meaning pretty slow for anyone else - and with a single blurring blow had discouraged the forerunners. At least four broken bodies were everywhere.
His Force-senses were tingling at the presence of so many enraged minds. It was, to say the least, annoying.
"Stupid - buzzing!" he yelled. "Get out of my head!"
The other hand came up.
With a repeater, fifty years old but still six feet of military-grade firepower, clutched inside it.
And the Wookiees began to go down.
Razielle Shadana
Jun 2nd, 2004, 07:58:54 AM
Kashyyyk not one of the places Razielle ever thought she'd be going on a pleasure cruise.. She didn't have much experience with the wookiee race, but she would have plenty of opportunity soon enough. She had agreed to come along on this little endeavor for two reasons; one to gain more experience - wookiees were reputed to be quite strong, and two- it would give her a chance to get to meet some other of the Circle she wasn't well acquainted with yet.
One of them sat just a short distance away from her. Jared Mriad He probably knew she was watching him. Her eyes critically assesing what she saw. For a second they alighted on his weapon of choice. Interesting..
Her gaze slid like a carress from Jared to Zachariah. His thoughts were closed to her, but from body posture and expression alone she could sense he wasn't thrilled about what he viewed as a mundane exploit. She opted to comment on it.. "Look on it this way, you can explain to me the workings on your particular branch of the Force and demonstrate the techniques on the wookiees?"
They should be arriving soon. Then she would get to see how well she fared against a hulking mass of hair. Joy...
Aranor Xometh
Jun 2nd, 2004, 02:11:47 PM
"What the frell?" There was more that he could have said but that's all that came out following the sound of cannon fire from up above. As if the lower levels weren't exciting enough for him, now there was booming from above that would likely work to rattle the denizens just a bit more. Sure, it was a long way down, but it was loud enough to disrupt the delicate balance of nature down here.
Armed with a blaster and a small vibroblade, the man seemed to crave a death wish. But after a few of the dealings with the less cordial wookies topside, he figured to take his chances for just a short while longer.
Aranor was not native to Kashyyyk, as was evidenced by a distinct lack of fur covering his entire body, the fact that he spoke Basic, and that he was just under six foot in height. He had been brought to the planet by his mentor just a year or so ago, where he was to be taught privately in the ways of the Force. Not aligned to any faction, his mentor felt it better to remain in seclusion, despite the immediate dangers of the lower levels of the Wookiee planet. They would help to bolster his abilities, he had been told.
Yeah, a lot of good that did. His mentor had been killed about a month ago during one such 'bolstering,' leaving Aranor to fend for himself. Now, it would have been just as easy for the man to leave the planet, save for one thing. His mentor's lightsaber. Not that Aranor could really use it all that well, or that he would likely be able to find it again, but it was something that he wanted. Perhaps it was as something to remember his mentor by, perhaps it was simply because he wanted it. After all, it seemed a might more capable than the vibroblade he had.
As far as his training went, he'd managed a decent enough amount of control to suggest that the Wookiees just leave him alone when he needed it, save for a couple that still aided him. He didn't understand a word they said, but when he brought something up from the underworld, they gave him food. Fair enough trade and it had kept him alive so far. But with the sounds up above, he wondered if perhaps it wasn't time he just give up the quest and move on. He had a fair amount of certainty that the natives would be extremely restless topside.
He didn't need the Force to come to that conclusion.
Jun 2nd, 2004, 06:58:15 PM
Alf followed his master out and looked around. He could see the wookies and had to say he was impressed. He had seem them before and they were a distant cousin of his species, but they had never shown any mercy towards them, and just that thought alone filled him with anger. He held up his blaster and took careful aim and let loose a volley of shots. Three total and three hit. Unfortunately only one took a wookie down and the other two only made them extremely mad.
Jared Mriad
Jun 3rd, 2004, 10:56:11 PM
Jared had felt her gaze indeed and had to refrain from glancing over to her, settling for rolling the armored fingers with the soft sound of metal upon metal as the ship decended. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, then exhaled that very same breath with a barely visible smile crossing his lips. The prospect of a future massacre tipsed lightly on his mind, he didn't mind the slaying of brutes - it was the feriocity now that he craved, not the strength of the opponent.
The ship landed on a very malleble cushion of Wookee flesh of those who crowded around the first vessle. As soon as the landing gear settled, Jared stood up and covered the distance between the seat and rear hatch. He paused at the control and turned torward the other occupants.
"Don't be so glum, comrades. There's only a couple hundred beasts sitting outside - this'll be grand..." He spoke, grinning. He punched the ramp controls and watched as the ramp lowered, the fingers on the gauntleted arm curling together into a fist - a snap of his arm was all that was left before he could really start to have some fun.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 4th, 2004, 01:31:09 AM
De'Ville sliced a Wookiee's bowcaster in two before the male could get off a shot, and swiftly decapitated him. Spinning around, the Dark Jedi danced between two huge opponents, ducking a punch that would have taken her own head off, and slicing the offending arm in two pieces. The Wookiee howled in fury and pain as the limb flopped wetly to the tightly woven ground, and rushed her again, trying to pin her up against the second creature.
"Yaaargh!" De'Ville stabbed backwards with her blade, leaving a smoking hole in the stomach of the second Wookiee. She caught the fist of the charging Wookiee in her bare hand, his claws bringing the first of her blood to the outside air. Then he was gone, the pressure wave she'd initiated in the Force blowing everything down around her in a complete circle.
Zachariah Darmok
Jun 4th, 2004, 03:24:25 AM
Darmok departed a moment or two after Mriad and as the ramp dropped, saw the destruction of the first ships member's dealings. Wookie's flesh, body and bones littered the gloomey, rain sodden ground. As Mriad made his way out with his most interesting weapon, Darmok stepped out calmly and looked around with his lips curly at one side.
' Perhaps this will proove to be entertaining after all...'
Raising his right hand to chin level, palm upwards, fingers bending slightly inwards, Darmok created a small, glowing white sphere which spun extreemely quickly, crackles of small bolts of lightning flicked and sparked before it raised from Zachariah's palm and flew off away from the Dark Mage with the noise of a squeeling pig.
The ball suddenly stopped about ten or so feet away from Darmok as if it was deciding which way it should go and then suddenly bolted off in the direction of a wookie who was starting to turn his attention on the newly landed group, the ball hit him at a tremendious speed and inbedded itself in the wookies' chest. The wookie roared in pain, but it was to late.
The ball exploded ina hail of electical bolts and sparks and the wookies body seemingly went with it, sending the body in a million diffrent directions, showering the dark siders in blood rain and flesh.
' Not bad...' Darmok commented in himself.
Jun 4th, 2004, 09:07:03 AM
Alf jumped between two more wookies and turned in mid air, firing two shots, dropping them both. Maybe he wasn't as strong as the others, or as big, but he was small and fast. He ducked and ran between another's legs and turned and pushed the creature into another, knocking them both down. As he turned around, a wookie climbing claw came a dug into his back and threw him into a group of Wookie's.
Aranor Xometh
Jun 4th, 2004, 12:39:50 PM
The natives were restless. The two wookiees that were guarding the lift that he usually used howled in rage, quickly pulling the gate shut and moving to ascend.
"Hey! Hold up a minute!'
Of course, they weren't listening to him. No, they were more concerned with getting upwards to their city proper to figure out what was going on, or to help others escape to the lower levels for a time. Aranor wasn't sure which was the case, save that he was getting left behind. Not something he cared for at the moment with all that actually *lived* down below.
Short jaunts were fine, especially when the lift was there to take him up or the guards to help kill whatever was coming. Not that it was a planned pairing, just that they didn't feel like dying anymore than Aranor did. Or so he assumed.
Still a good twenty yards from the lift, Aranor quickly bolted towards it, hoping to get there in time before it was out of his reach. He closed his eyes briefly as he ran, trying to focus on what he had learned, albeit an incomplete learning process. He could hear the pulleys squeaking as a little more force was used to get the lift upwards and in a basic last-ditch effort, he concentrated on the power that was within him, buried or not. Leaping at the last minute, his hands caught the floor of the lift, almost slipping away once but finally holding.
He contemplated climbing into the lift with the two wookiees, but decided against it. He was strong enough that he didn't worry about not being able to hang on, and with the unknown wreaking havoc up above, he valued a bit of anonymity. About halfway up the journey, Aranor began thinking about how to get from beneath the lift once it arrived at the top, and what he would do when he succeeded.
Jun 4th, 2004, 02:52:45 PM
Wookies to the left: spray left. Wookiees to the right: spray right. It was really quite simple, and really quite effective. The other Darksiders' assaults were majestic to behold - the envy Gash felt at some of those tricks was beyond compare, especially that messy lightning thing - but he was racking up easily the highest bodycount.
He brought up his mace hand to wipe the biomatter from his eyes and mouth, then strode further away from the ramp, making his own little hollow of destruction with the repeater and dealing with survivors via the huge club. With a certain adroitness, he finally slid the gun on its strap around into the small of his back under the coat, and taking a two-handed grip on the mace hilt, he waded in.
A low, chuckling growl escaped him as he spotted a fun foe; a chocolate Wookiee who matched him for height and possibly mass as well. The Ryyk artist - the way he held those huge blades confirmed his skill - was heading towards De'Ville and Darmok and the rest, although he hadn't yet gotten within fifty yards.
Gash intercepted him.
For a moment they just stared at each other, exchanged a set of grunts that transcended language barriers, and looked mean.
For a moment they clashed.
For a long, long time, Gash watched the big Wookiee fall with a crushed skull. He felt nothing but joy that he'd done so well.
And then the massacre went on.
Jun 5th, 2004, 01:18:03 PM
Alf scrambled between everyone's legs as he tried to escape the angry Wookie, but his injured back wasn't really making it any easier. In fact it was making it worse, as his blood started to make it slippery.
Razielle Shadana
Jun 5th, 2004, 03:26:59 PM
The last to exit the ship, Razielle simply sauntered down the ramp. The majority of the wookiees had been drawn off fighting. They neither sensed nor smelled the undead menace about to come down upon them. Even though many had fallen, many more of the smelly beasts were arriving to roar about their fallen. For someone with heightened senses this place was loud and smelly, to be quite blunt.
Rolling her eye's, Razielle snapped her arms out to the side, her nails extending into curved vampyric claws. With a befanged grin she leaped the remining distance onto the side of a tree and began her attack. The first wookiee tried to climb after her. Plunging her taloned hand into its chest she ripped its still beating heart out and laughed as its body crashed to the forest floor.
Sinking her teeth into the heart she took her first tentative sip of wookiee blood. It was potent, that at least could be said. It filled her with a primal instinct to rend flesh, not that she didn't already possess such tendancies. Other than that it clearly lack the flavor of say... a Jedi Padawan, ripe with intellect and ideals. Tossing the offending organ away she sprung from the tree to the ground to meet the next foe.
This one aimed its crossbow into her face. Before it had a chance to go off, she slammed the heel of her hand into its arm, resulting in the wookiee shooting its own foot. With another throaty laugh, Razielle slashed her fingers through its gut, spilling out intestines and viscera.
Oh, this is fun...
Jared Mriad
Jun 6th, 2004, 02:13:43 PM
Jared waded through the front lines with mere effort, the trio of blades attached to his arm singing a song of hums, screams, and bloodshed. His first oppressive encounter was with a burly beast several heads taller, then again most of the Wookee's were several heads taller than himself. Jared's first strike was caught and pulled in by the Giant Fuzzball. 'GF' as we'll dub him drew back his free fist to clobber Jared's skull in, but hadn't factored in that the Sith apprentice was much more than he let on.
In an instant, Jared's free-hand held a curved shiv which whipped up and cleanly separated flesh on the Wookee's wrist that held his weapon. Suddenly free of restraint, Jared drove the three saber blades into the Wookee's gut and threw his arm out. The beast dropped quickly, clutching at the charred and uncharred vitals that started to seep out. Jared's next kill was a simple decapatation followed by cutting the legs out from another. A sweeping whirlwind of red and humming.
Jun 13th, 2004, 01:25:51 PM
Alf tried to jumped out of the way as the decapitated Wookie's body feel towards him, but his left foot got caught under th body. Great. Now I'm loosing blood and I'm stuck, the little fuzz thought. Well might as well make the most of it. He pressed his body close to the Wookie's and slowly picked out a target and squeezed the trigger of his blaster. He missed, but atleast the oversized rug couldn't tell where the shootig was coming from.
Aranor Xometh
Jun 18th, 2004, 11:12:24 PM
The moment of truth had arrived after a rather lengthy trip upwards, one that he did not want to take in reverse as it would not be nearly as lengthy and most definitely would be painful. Just before the floor of the lift might threaten to pinch off his fingers, the dark-clothed man reached for one of the ropes in the pulley system, waiting until the lift stopped and the wookiees left before climbing up the last distance.
He peered over the edge of the floor to gauge what was going on, and after that, he still had little to no idea. Someone was killing wookiees, a lot of them. Just a few people and one smaller furry-looking thing. An ewok? No, not nearly skittish enough though it was close. Regardless, the wookiees would not be concerned with him, and he just might be able to make it to his ship to get the frell out of here.
He finally climbed up the last little bit to end up on the floor of the lift, remaining in a crouch while he continued to survey the situation. Glancing down, he decided that the vibroblade and blaster were little to no defense if this group decided to come after him. Not sure why they would, but why were they going after wookiees? For the time being, the man remained just where he was, out of sight and out of the line of fire. There, he would figure out how to get past the attack and to his ship.
Jared Mriad
Jun 21st, 2004, 06:45:14 PM
Jared ducked under a swipe, countered with a gut-shot and finished with a saber-swipe, only to enage another beast. Several bodies lay in various states of dismemberment and death throws around him already, and as far as Jared was concerned - he wasn't through yet. A force blast cleared out a few standing corpses, and he started back to work.
One wookee assaulted Jared with the but of his bowcaster, knocking away the deadly saber-cuff and brining in the butt to crush Jared's nose. Jared countered by catching the rifle's trigger with his free hand and pulling it - a green blaster bolt arced out into the sky - and wrestled with the stronger beast. It wasn't too much after that he caught the rifle with his weapon arm and shoved it under the beast's chin. He pulled the trigger and let the weapon loose as the headless beast collasped to the side.
Razielle Shadana
Jun 22nd, 2004, 09:47:47 AM
They were falling quite fast now. For such strong beasts of burden, they weren't exceedingly smart. Razielle looked about the fallen wookiees and again at her fellow members of the Circle, as if she were searching for someone or something. Clearly not locating whatever it was she was looking for, she returned to the slaying.
Just ahead of her a rather large wookiee was lining up a shot with his crossbow at someone Razielle couldn't see. It didn't really matter, the only people here were her allies and the wookiee picked a bad time to not pay attention when there were other predators around.
Running straight at the great furry beast, Razielle's intent was to tople it backward and remove its head before it got that shot off. The only flaw in her plan was that this wookiee wasn't quite as dumb as she had originally thought. At the very last second before she slammed into it, the beast threw his crossbow to the ground and grabbed her about her throat lifting her up off the ground.
Clawing at its arms, ripping its flesh, she tried to free herself. Razielle found herself lifted higher and had the pleasant experience of having a rather large and irate wookiee roar in her face. Kicking at it did her no good either, she was going to have to find alternative means of getting away from this one..
Salem Ave
Jun 22nd, 2004, 10:01:18 AM
The Wookie which held Razielle aloft had no way of knowing it had moments left to live. Quantium-hard claws buried into its flesh, wrenching it backwards. The Sith Knight fell from its grasp, as it stumbled backwards – its balance completely thrown by the parasite now attached to its back. At some point, Salem Ave had emerged out of the ship that Lilaena had arrived on. Then, like some great gangly arachnid, had vaulted through the air to collide with the enraged Wookie.
As the beast fell to the ground, Salem swung around onto its chest. It was howling, clawing at him, but the towering Sith soon silenced its cries, beating it into a state of unconsciousness in a matter of moments. They may have been large, strong beasts, but when you are nearly seven foot tall, a Wookie does not seem quite so intimidating. Rising up from the motionless body, the vampire remained slightly stooped as he looked towards his sire. He looked practically apathetic.
“Ssstupid beast-sss.”
Jun 22nd, 2004, 01:01:56 PM
Alf was still under the wookie trying to get out when anothr fell mere inches from his head. Whoa that was close, the alien though as he finall got his leg out from under the wookie. He reach for his blaster only to find it shattered.
What am I supposed to do? And why doesn't that guy over there do anything?" He stopped and glanced at the man on the ship again. He didn't remember him on the way here. Oh well, he thought as a wookie foot cam crashing down next to him, catching his foot. He could hear bones smashing, but all he could think about was the pain and getting even with him.
Alf reared his head back and his mouth snapped forward, latching onto the huge rugs leg, not letting go.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 23rd, 2004, 12:32:32 AM
Alf was getting beat up, and De'Ville slid her lightsaber through the legs of the Wookiee the little alien was biting. Her apprentice found himself gnawing on an amputated leg, and released it as she reached down and pulled him to his feet.
"Here." Lilaena handed Alf her blaster, and pointed to the shuttle they'd flown in on. "Get back to the shuttle. Keep those Wookiees from getting into it." Her head turned to look at him, but she looked up sharply, at a human figure on the far side of their battlefield. Who is that? It was no Sith she'd met before, but the way the Force interacted with the figure... Perhaps a new one in the Order, keeping an eye on the Wookiee homeworld.
She snarled, and forgot about Alf, making her way towards the man who was not trying to get into the thick of things.
Aranor Xometh
Jun 23rd, 2004, 12:30:18 PM
And just when it seemed that he might be able to avoid any of the altercation, he sensed a bit of attention shot in his direction. Crystal blue eyes, a stark contrast to the entirety of black that he was wearing, looked over to the approaching woman who did not seem entirely pleased. Whether it was his presence or the presence of the Wookiees that caused it, he wasn't certain. One thing he did know was that he didn't care to get stuck in the middle of it all.
Something, though, kept him from running away or climbing down the ropes to the lower level. The latter of which was ceased by the fact that he really didn't feel like climbing all the way down, only to have to climb back up later. Call him lazy to an extent, it was just too much bloody work for him right now.
The bad news for him was that his ship was on the other side of the current bloodbath between Wookiee and these newcomers, with the newcomers spilling more Wookiee blood than vice versa. What he didn't want was for himself to add more to that blood with some of his own.
Basically, he was pretty much stuck at the moment, even though the woman was still far enough away that he might be able to get a good break on making his escape. But what was he running from? Certainly, they would not be here for him, would they? As far as he knew, no one else was aware of the fact that he was here. Could his former mentor gone and torked off the wrong group of people and now they were here, looking for them both and just taking out Wookiees for the sheer joy of it? Suddenly, that didn't seem so unbelievable.
While his eyes remain locked on the woman approaching, something else caught his attention just a distance beyond her. It took only a fraction of a moment for his blaster to be withdrawn, and from the angle, it might look as if he was aiming directly at her. A pair of blaster bolts fired from his pistol, striking the Wookiee that was lowering a bowcaster for a shot at the woman. The blaster was holstered again and he waited for the woman to finish her approach.
Jared Mriad
Jun 28th, 2004, 05:55:50 PM
Jared's arm was caught in the vice-grip from behind and he felt the dip and wrench as the wookie slung the warrior into the air. He flew through the air for a good distance before correcting his pattern and landing in a loose crouch. At the moment, he had enough time to think before leaping heartily back into the fray.
Up above, about a hundred-so feet or more, was a hanging platform held by ropes and braces. Jared slipped a spare saber out from the innards of his jacket and tossed it up, catching it with the Force and directing it torwards the beams. It would make short work quickly and bring the platform down.
Add a little bang to the ruck.
Razielle Shadana
Jun 29th, 2004, 08:23:04 AM
Razielle smirked up at Salem. "Thanks.." It was one thing to be in a bad spot, it was enirely another to be rescued by one's own fledgling. It was a bit humbling and she wasn't sure she liked it at all. However, even though Razielle had been made before Salem, he had been a Sith Knight longer than her and his strength was greater than her own, so she would just have to console herself with those facts for now. Jumping up she brushed herself off and prepared to head back into the chaos of fur and blood.
Stepping a few feet away she finally slid her own weapon free, but did not engage its red glow. Razielle turned back to Salem to comment about the strength of their prey tonight, but she was distracted. A sliver of light rent the air above them, quickly catching the primative platform afire. It didn't take long before it was unsecured altogether and crashing down.
Right above Salem.
Fire and vampyres didn't mesh well usually. Not wanting to see the effects for herself, Razielle ran the short distance to Salem and dove into him as hard as she could. Having nearly two feet over her in height didn't help her at all in her effort to topple him, but that was what the Force was for. With a grunt, they went down and rolled through pine needles, gore and body parts. But... at least they were out of the way.
Having stopped rolling with Salem ontop of her, Razielle looked over at the splintered and smoldering remains of the platform. It had taken out quite a few of its own architects as well. Charred wookiee smelled....awful.
Jun 29th, 2004, 09:54:50 AM
The giant blinked as a platform seemingly appeared out of nowhere on his toes. He dropped the Wookiee he had been pummeling and reached down to lift the huge metal slab, keeping a careful eye on what went on around him.
Something flickered in his mind and he turned as far as he could, catching a large ryyk in the palm of his left hand and flattening its wielder with his right. He stared down at the comatose alien in indignation; the walking carpet had tried to stab him in the back!
He turned back and lifted the platform off his toes, shuffling backwards until he had enough clearance to drop it with a heavy boom. A deep cut appeared on his arm courtesy of yet another sword, and he swung out his repeater. The long muzzle knocked a second strike off course; point-blank, he pumped six bolts into the Wookiee's face and took the heavy ryyk in his left hand. There were still some natives around.
Jun 29th, 2004, 06:29:47 PM
Alf watched his Master leave. He wanted to argue, but knew better than to do that. He limped towards the shuttle trying not to get crushed or flattened as he moved in and out of furry legs. Finally he was to the shuttle ramp. He crawled behind it and took aim at one ginger furred wookie. HE slowly released his breath and squeezed the trigger to his new blaster.
The wookie roared as the blast hit him in the shoulder and began looking around for the shooter to tear apart.
Jared Mriad
Jun 29th, 2004, 08:37:38 PM
"Frelling hell!" Jared cackled. He hadn't expected such a firey impact, and it was a great show indeed. Still-living wookies that had strayed too close to the fire had ignited and now flailed around roaring in pain. Some beasts tried to put out the flaming ones. Jared's roaring laughter died down to a mild chuckle as he went back to having fun, slicing through the stunned wookies as he entered the fray.
A Wook came at him with a large pole-axe, swinging it with dismembering power and great accuratcy. Jared deflected the first strike off with his gauntlet, the resulting impact denting the upper mechanisms and causing two of the sabers to deactivate with a shower of plasma. It was a few seconds before that blow registered, before then Jared was in motion with a flying roundhouse kick. As the beast stumbled back, Jared dove forward coming out of the kick and sliced into the beast's midsection, with the remaining blade. As he recovered from the swift battle, Jared deactivated the last saber and drew out his spairs again.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 3rd, 2004, 12:10:54 PM
De'Ville shook her hair out of her eyes as she faced a large female Wookiee, making short work out of the beast's bowcaster. Lightsabers might deflect all energy bolts, but a bowcaster's metal bolt would just get messy. A few moments later the female lay at her feet, still grasping weakly for the Dark Jedi's heel, trying to get those wicked claws in to hamstring it's killer. De'Ville slammed the tip of the blade through the Wookiee's eye, and the beast stilled.
As she faced the man who'd caught her attention, she flinched as he shot right at her. Busy as she'd been, she had no time to block the bolts that were already sizzling... by her. De'Ville turned her head, and saw another Wookiee go down behind her.
And then Jared's saber went whistling through the air, and the upper platform started to come down. It was behind her, and she was not in danger, although he'd weakened the rest of the upper platform and if they didn't hurry, it would all come down and crush the shuttles. The impact indangered many of their number, but a momentary smile creased her features. It was beautiful.
Wookiees also came tumbling down, some younger cubs fell into the fire, and other adult beasts fell the distance in the newly opened hole. De'Ville returned her attention to the man who'd now saved her life, and was forced to adjust what she'd thought about him. He couldn't be Sith Order, unless he thought she was Sith Order as well, otherwise he'd be trying to defend the Order's planet. She stalked towards him, and ducked a Wookiee's bear hug, taking out the beast's legs with a swipe of her blade.
She resumed her pace towards the man, and scanned him for a lightsaber. There wasn't one that she could see, but that meant nothing. "Who are you?" She had to shout over the screams and the roar of the flames.
Aranor Xometh
Jul 8th, 2004, 12:13:40 AM
Ah, now for the more difficult part of things. Her question was a good one, and the wrong answer at this point would get him no better than that of the wookiees. His plan of escape was bungled, but with luck, his shot that felled a wookiee that would have tried the same to her could just get him another way out of here. Or at the least clear the way for him to get to his ship.
He glanced around slowly at all the death, keeping his blaster at the ready and another hand within quick reach of his vibroblade. Just in case. Granted, it would be no match for a lightsaber, or rather the one wielding the lightsaber, but it was better than nothing at all.
"I could ask you the same thing, no?"
Likely not the smartest move in the world, but he wasn't about to show any manner of fear. Whether he was afraid or not. If worse came to worse, he could scale down the ropes to the lower levels and take his chances down there. These people would likely get bored with the killing before too long.
His gaze was even, eyes never wavering from hers once they met. A stand-off of sorts, if you wanted to call it that. He knew that she wasn't going to budge, and while he doubted that the bluff could hold for long, he needed to give the same impression of himself. They had to land between him and his ship. Just had to.
Salem Ave
Jul 10th, 2004, 09:06:47 AM
The commotion had attracted another pair of Wookiees who, at the sight of their fallen comrades, had entered some kind of feral rage and were now charging upon the pair of vampires. As Salem rose up to his feet, he grabbed a piece of the platform that had almost collapsed on them from above. It was still burning at the tip. With a well-aimed hurl, Salem struck one of the Wookiees in the chest with the ember, watching as the flames danced across the creature’s thick fur. It’s companion mrrrrowled in sadness and anger, as its counterpart fell to the ground, writhing in agony, trying to smother out the flames.
As Razielle moved to deal with the second beast, Salem was struck in the back by a shot from a bow caster. With a pained hiss, he turned to look skyward. A group of Wookiees was standing on one of the intact platforms, trying to pick off Sith from above. Without a word, Salem launched himself onto the trunk of one of the trees – his claws driving deep into the bark. He scaled the surface with incredible ease, moving into the Wookiees blindside as he swung up onto a thick branch. Extending one hand, he motioned towards one of the creatures, sending it stumbling forwards with the Force, before springing out of his hiding place to deal with the others.
Razielle Shadana
Jul 10th, 2004, 09:42:34 AM
Apparently the speices wasn't so primative that they didn't feel the pain of loss over their fallen. That was where Razielle came into the picture, she would deliver this second beast from its grief and send it following after its mate. Walking towards the growling mass of fur, she bent to pick up a jagged beam of wood.
Silent as death she approached. Her prey was busy trying to save its mate from the burning shard Salem had buried in its flesh. It was useless, the male wookiee died before her eyes. A split seond later the other one felt a rush, pain and release. It looked down to see the jagged and gored end of the beam exit its own chest and rip through to impale the dead creature as well. They could rot together for all time.
Turning away from her handy work, Razielle surveyed they area quickly. Death was still coming fast to the wookiee race, the Circle members were scattered but still highly effective. De'Ville was marching herself deeper into the fray, her target...? Razielle narrowed her eyes to spot a man she had never seen before. Unless he had very noble intentions, De'Ville would make sure she never saw him again either.
Jul 10th, 2004, 03:03:45 PM
In almost any other fight of his experience, Gash mused, he'd been the one to avoid. Here, in company with the Kuklos, he had abruptly become someone to seek. How odd.
Ah well. He could live with that.
The ryyk in his left hand weighed about half of what the mace he now had in his right did, but the edge gave it, well, an edge. Now, instead of just bashing in skulls and rib cages, he could sever them! Fun!
He stomped into a group of better-armed and overall more competant Wookiees and began fighting for all he was worth. His Force-senses told him when he had someone behind him, and thus was able to pull off some improbable and flashy but nonetheless effective maneuvers behind his back. Fur and blood were flying, and Gash was absolutely loving it.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 11th, 2004, 11:25:53 PM
His cocky answer either meant he was, or that he was pretending to be. "I would tell you why we are here..." Lilaena initiated another Force pressure wave, knocking down the human, and all the wook's around her.
The Dark Jedi leapt to him, her saber still ignited. "..but then I would have to kill you."
Aranor Xometh
Jul 11th, 2004, 11:55:53 PM
The Force wave took him quite off-guard, and being that he was for all intents and purposes a fledgling Force user, he had no real way to prevent it and thus he did fall back a couple feet onto the ground. More than a few crude thoughts came into his mind as a result, though as she leapt into the air at him, he had time only to react.
Using her own Force wave to his advantage, he managed to continue in a backwards roll, the momentum of his fall keeping his body moving. He came up in a crouch, vibroblade withdrawn and held crosswise over his body, in a position to block any slashing attack, should one come. With her still a step or two away, it gave him just enough time to quickstep back a few paces, giving him a bit more breathing room.
"Well, I don't suppose you're one of those goody-goodies from the city-planet are you. Certainly not."
The only thing he had was the shadow of a bluff, keeping his voice and demeanor calm enough to present himself as much more formidable than he actually was. In truth, she likely could kill him in little more than a thought, unless it did come to actual combat. After all, when one spends the majority of their time in the lower levels of Kyshyyyk, combat comes into play quite regularly.
"And I could have just as easily let that Wookiee shoot you in the back. Not even your Force ability could have reacted fast enough, nor any of your friends."
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 2nd, 2004, 08:23:21 PM
She smiled grimly. "All true, which shows you have a bit more in your head than the usual suspects. You do know you are on a Sith Order held planet, do you not?"
Behind her the fire Mriad had started was beginning to rage out of control. De'Ville kept her eyes on the blond man, and spoke into her commlink. "Alf, get the shuttle started up. And everyone else, begin to fall back. We are almost done here."
Jared Mriad
Aug 2nd, 2004, 09:10:05 PM
Jared hat cut down another Wook when his com chimed with the retreat, he pinged back on general band, adding a little whine to his voice. “Aw. But Mom, I'm having a blast out here!” He replied, then added a laugh to the end as he broke the channel, taking a moment to sever another beast in half from waist to shoulder, having to push a little on his wrist to get the saber to cut through properly. It needed a tuneup, badly.
He gave the circle of dead a wide examination for any threats before he obeyed the command, hopping the ring and fighting his way through the survivors toward the ships. Alternating his slashes into thrusts and parries, finding the blade slid in easier than sliced through.
Aug 2nd, 2004, 11:10:16 PM
Alf heard his Master's command, but didn't have a chance to respond as a huge wookie fot came crashing down next to him. He rolled to the side, but his comlink lay smashed as the furry leg went back into the air, trying to come back down on him. Alf raised his blaster and fired blindly. Luckily one shot went through the beast's foot.
He rolled over and jumped up. He made his way back towards the wookie's legs, twisting and turning just so he didn't become squashed. Finally he made it to the ship, but he wasn't tall enough to reach the ramp release controls. Finally he calmed down and used what Force techniques he knew and 'pushed' the button with his mind. He smiled slightly as he ramp came down until he was knocked against the ship's hull where he slumped for a moment before making his way up the ramp, stumbling slightly from the blow.
Razielle Shadana
Aug 3rd, 2004, 06:20:22 PM
All was going rather well, almost too well. De'Ville seemed to have the evenings other interloper in check. Whoever he was, he had either stumbled blindy out of hiding at a poor moment, or a benevolent one. Not unlike the way Razielle herself had done with the Mistress of the Circle, previously.
Razielle watched Salem with a rather macabre sense of affection as he moved about. There was a strange sort of grace in his arachnid leaps and bounds. Death came fast and with no cerimony when brought by him.
A few last wookiees were brought down by the Vampyres before the call to return to the ships. Backing towards the transportation, through the smoldering remains of the suspensiom platform, Razielle grinned at the destruction. Definately mission accomplished.
Aug 3rd, 2004, 06:42:22 PM
As his comm pinged, Gash contemplated taking the 'long way' back to the ship. But no; De'Ville had ordered it, and what De'Ville ordered, De'Ville got.
He headed for the ramp in a more or less straight line, plowing through surviving Wookiees with little resistance.
Aranor Xometh
Aug 8th, 2004, 12:14:43 PM
The blond-haired man watched her closely for a few moments as she kept him in her sights. There was no point in looking around at the wreckage since he was not in harm's way. Briefly, he pondered his chances of dropping back over the edge and scaling down the rope to the lower levels but that would mean almost certain death. Even if he managed to get away before the woman attacked him, his chance of surviving below on his own was never that great. Especially now with most of the Wookiees staying topside to clean things up. No, his only way to survive was to try and convince the woman to simply let him leave. He could board his own ship and be gone from the planet, never looking back.
"It is a planet full of walking carpets that thankfully leave me alone for the most part. I came here with an associate of mine that has since passed on. There simply has been no real reason for me to leave just yet, though I imagine this little episode will likely sour their attitudes towards me."
It almost amused him that they were leaving already, though he didn't voice much. Perhaps it was just a little joy trip to cause a bunch of problems, he had little problem with such a notion.
"And now it sounds as if your business here is at an end. I would hate to keep you any longer than you intended. If you'll excuse me, I imagine that I should get to my own ship before they decide to turn on me as well."
Jared Mriad
Aug 10th, 2004, 02:05:29 PM
Jared could've merrily paced his way back to the ships, but he just couldn't leave without saying a pretty good farewell. Jared's straight path became one of a serpentine's coil as he stalked down the closests Wookies, slashing his way torward the ships. At one point, a wookie caught a grip of Jared's tied back hair, giving it a rude yank before he found his crotch sizzling away from a lightsaber's blade. Jared pushed the saber up through the beasts' lower section and finally broke free of it's body; the two halves falling apart within mere seconds from when the wookies paw caught the tresses.
Jared wordlessly spat on the corpse before taking a pan of the burning killing feild; there was De'ville confronting some - he squinted to get a clearer image - Blond... was that? Ah, nevermind; wookie! Jared rushed the short distance and carved the target apart quickly, casting a look over his shoulder before he started torward the ships in a stotic line.
Salem Ave
Aug 16th, 2004, 04:16:15 AM
The call to withdraw had been given. It seemed some of the natives, too, were beginning a retreat. Though their rage was a strong driving force, the sight of their comrades falling left right and center at the hands of mere humanoids was enough to instill a fear into their feral hearts. Salem, still in the tree tops, was dashing the already battered skull of one hairball against a thick trunk when he heard the summons to end the attack. He drew the limp body upwards and cast a brief glance at the mangled face, bruised and bloodied, before hurling the body into the green.
Once more, he drove a claw into the side of the tree and made a quick descent, landing not twenty feet short of the transport that had brought the ragtag band of darksiders to the Wookiees world in the first place. He moved in martial stalk towards Razielle, smearing away the dripping remains of something on hunched hair-covered corpse that lay in his path. He paused at the ramp, and it seemed for a moment that he might smirk. “Rrr-elaxing,” he said, before stepping into the ship.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 16th, 2004, 01:35:00 PM
De'Ville felt her companions obeying the call to return to the ships. That left her the furthest out, but she was only surrounded by corpses. And one blond humanoid.
"Ah, but where will you go? If you had a place to return to, you already would have. Kashyyyk is not a vacation spot." Intuitively, she could feel that this one could become great in the Force. He left familiar ripples in the Force, and appeared as one who had some control over the Dark Side.
"If your master has died," a simple guess, but valid as his eyes widened a bit, "you require further training. Left as you are, you could destroy yourself." A half-lie, it was not really dangerous to be half trained, unless someone who was fully trained found you, and did not like you.
"We can offer you a place." Her eyes kept his locked, and she reached for her blaster - that she'd given to her apprentice. Bloody ashes.
De'Ville pivoted away, slicing the end off an impressive looking bladed weapon that a grey haired wookiee had thrown at her. A push with the Force, and the shaft was off target and clattering to the ground behind her. The Dark Jedi master twirled her saber a bit, and walked sideways towards the ship, keeping the old wookiee in sight. He roared a challenge, but she would not be goaded to meet him.
She looked over her shoulder to the blond. "Think about it! But hurry."
Frell not being goaded. De'Ville ran towards the large wookiee, as her associates were filtering towards the shuttles.
Aug 16th, 2004, 06:24:42 PM
Alf made his way towards the cockpit of the spacecraft, still feeling the effects of being thrown against its hull. When he finally made it there, he was able to see through the cockpit that De'Ville was rushing some old wookie and had left the blonde human by himself.
He climbed up into the chair to be able to properly access the ship's controls. He ran through the pre-flight checklist and started the engines up. He didn't want to have whoever piloted this thing start from a cold start. He heard the machines as they came on-line and automatically took over the controls. He walked back to the ramp to see if everyone else was making it aboard, when he reached up to wipe some sweat and blood from his eyes.
Aranor Xometh
Aug 24th, 2004, 11:26:55 PM
Of course, as she turned and headed back to the ship, that left him pretty much on his own and as far as the Wookiees were concerned, all the hairless humanoids looked the same, regardless of guilt or innocence. He didn't really need to see the look on a pair of Wookiees faces as they roared and started towards him. He knew they were mad, and that the guilt by association left him as the odd man out.
"I would dearly love to stay and chat fellas but you don't seem to be in the best of moods," he offered with just a hint of arrogant sarcasm, already stepping towards the ships. Silently, he offered a thought of thanks to all the destruction as one of the beams was still intact enough to serve him. Another thought and careful concentration brought said beam at the two advancing Wookiees, colliding with their legs. And while they were strong, it was still enough to knock them off-balance long enough for the Dark Jedi to speed past them and towards his own ship.
He didn't know if she would assume he was accepting her offer, or if she would blast him out of the sky once his ship was skyward. At this point, the odds of him surviving either were even and he knew he was a better pilot than he was able to take on a pack of angry carpets. A simple gesture is given to Lilaena, nothing crude, as he hurries down another bridge towards the landing pad that his ship currently rested on.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 1st, 2004, 07:40:16 PM
She caught the gesture out of the corner of her eye as she halted just within bowcaster range of the old wookiee. He roared again, and brought his weapon up to bear.
De'Ville smiled as she held her left hand up, lightsaber still held firmly in her right. A roiling ball of something appeared above her hand, dark energy classified only as Destruction. As the old wookiee aimed, she let the ball grow, and as he loosed a shot at her the Dark Jedi sent the Destruction flying towards him. It was as big as a watermelon from Chandrila, and the wookiee didn't react in time to the unknown threat.
De'Ville brought her right hand around, her saber burning the crossbow bolt from the air, the shards left over deflected away with a push. The Destruction hit the still defiant wookiee in the chest, exploding on impact. Oily fire burned behind where the wookiee had stood - the wookiee himself fell to the ground in two pieces, the Destruction blowing a hole through him twice as large as the ball of dark energy had been.
De'Ville turned and jogged back to the shuttles.
Aranor Xometh
Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:20:17 PM
Once past the wookiees, Aranor managed to get to his ship and climb aboard it. Thankfully, with all the commotion still caused by the others, the residents of the wooded planet had all but forgotten about the fledgling darksiders starfighter. There had been two originally, though once his master was killed, Aranor had bartered the ship off to help supply himself with food and a few other items of necessity. Now, the remaining ship that would carry him away from the planet was all that he had from his former master. Perhaps someday he would return to continue the search for the lightsaber, though most likely, he would be able to construct his own far sooner than he would succeed in the previous quest.
For now, though, all thoughts were on getting off this planet in one piece and with the last couple of systems coming online, the ship slowly lifted off of the ground. He would not flee from the woman's craft, allowing himself to be easily tracked until further communication could be made. He simply did not see the prudence in testing his chances against the furry wrath. At least not when he wasn't the cause of it.
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