View Full Version : Old friends (Lion)

Marcus Telcontar
May 18th, 2004, 06:13:56 AM
The day was crap. It was raining. Arwen was not happy either. Thence, the man whom was her father was nto happy either. He had a headache.

Just when he was trying to research too. This sucked.

"Stuff this, I'm going for a walk" he said out loud.


Nice. It was also blisteringly cold. He looked up, not happy at the rain and the cold, before pulling his hood up and walking downt he street, in a right mood. He walked to a small park, sat down with a fart, then glowered at the pools of water forming. Rain was nto somethign he liked. Nor was the whole situation with the Lost pleasing him right now - it felt liek things were coming apart at the seams. He sighed, wondering what to do next.

maybe someone would come along and give him direction. He sorely needed it.

Lion El' Jonson
May 18th, 2004, 06:31:28 AM
The day was great.

It was raining. And for once, it seemed as if Lion's Noghri had given up trying to follow their charge. The air was thick and heavy, laced with the telltale humidity that accompanied Coruscant's summer. Up here, the rain beat heavily. Lion loved the water...rain, oceans...it came to him naturally.

Off in the distance, lightning flashed, momentarily reminding Lion of the pain he had suffered at the hands of the darksiders...but he'd gotten them back. Up here, the rain seemed to weigh heavily upon him.

Or perhaps it was his conscience. The fight against the Imperial Remnant had not gone well. Thousands of soldiers had lost their lives at Bestine, in a battle that shouldn't have been fought. With the Fleet regrouping at Mon Calamari for a renewed push, it was certain that many more would die. The worst part of it was...he had led them into that bloodbath...and whatever the Senate may have said, 'praising' him for his command of that fight...his decisions had cost lives, and he had felt no remorse.

Off duty for the moment, he had decided to walk in the rain. He passed an old man sitting on a bench, absently talking to himself. Lion ignored him and walked by. He had thought maybe that would alleviate the tension he was feeling; wash away his resentments and doubts. But so far, all he felt was guilt...

...but in the back of his mind, an alarm bell had gone off. He was sensing something very strange, yet familiar...and as he whirled around to confront that feeling, the presence clicked. As he looked at the man closely...

Impossible...was all that Lion could think.

Marcus Telcontar
May 18th, 2004, 06:43:49 AM
He was surprised to see someone else walking out in this rain. Curiousity took over as he stared, wonderign what troubles bought this person out in this perfectly misreble day.


He recognised whom it was almsot straight away. Not hard when it was one of the few Jedi he ever respected, a Jedi whom he had fought alongside in the days of maserading as a General. Even more startling was the chance here was one of handful who knew the truth of that time. Marcus had lost contact, but he was aware of Admiral Lion. Aware of his leave fo the Jedi.

Aware that Tohmahwkat that time was a Jedi Master!

Certainly, the real Tohamahawk had reappeared, but the Jedi had gone.

"Old man?" the voice from under the hood said. "Hardly. Old friend would be a better description. Or you forgotten who I once was?"

Lion El' Jonson
May 18th, 2004, 06:53:01 AM
"Forget? How could I possibly forget you...Tohmahawk?"

The words came out haltingly, as if his mouth were trying to catch up to what his mind was screaming at him to say. There were few people that could evoke that kind of response from Lion.

And those few people were the ones that commanded his respect. His respect, his obedience...and, most importantly, his curiosity. For all he knew, this was just a look-alike...but no, it had to be the real thing. Nobody had the presence that the unorthodox General had maintained.

"If I remember correctly, sir...Intelligence wants you for questioning." Lion said, smiling; the only thought his mind had managed to formulate so far was from a Wanted List.

Marcus Telcontar
May 18th, 2004, 07:09:34 AM
"Do they now" he said, amusement clear and present on his voice. Stumbling over a friend had cheered him up no end. "Hard to question a man whose rather dead, isn't it? Besides, I dont think Intelligence would liek the answers I would give them. Tghe ways of a Jedi Master are mysterious, even to other Jedi. Take a seat, Admiral. What are you doing out on this fine, wet and cold day?"

Lion El' Jonson
May 18th, 2004, 07:29:57 AM
Lion chuckled inwardly.

"What am I doing? I'm brooding. I have no doubt you heard about the debacle at Bestine. Thousands of lives lost, the majority of the 24th Fleet smashed...and we're down another system."

He sighed, his shoulders drooping. "I got back 48 hours ago...and already Admiral Reshmar and I are assembling the largest New Republic battlegroup since Endor to take the fight against the Remnant. I leave for Mon Calamari in two weeks to assume command of the Ackbar."

Lion shifted in his seat, the momentary sadness leaving his face in an instant. "But I must say, you are the last person I ever expected to see, sir. Where have you been?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 18th, 2004, 08:33:04 AM
"No, I had not heard this.... you might say that I am out of the loop on such things. I'm not sure I even care anymore. The squabbles of one pack of warlords and another dont really interest me. If the Galaxy is ruled by one set of corrupt figureheads or another set, what's that to me anymore? This eternal dance of war and death, why do we tolerate it's perpetual cycle? Tell me, is fighting with armies and navies realyl goign to solve the struggle?"

He could tell Lion was a bit surprised by this. Tohmahawk was such a inflammitory kick butter, a bitter mouthed tyrant.

"Where I've been... is a journey. I thought big weapons and force could bring what I wanted, but I realised it brings only what I hate. I've been looking for another way, a way so I can live in peace, free of war and concern that some maniac will hold the future to hostage. I firstly went back to the Jedi, but they sit and do nothing. I struck out on my own, but what can one man do? Tell me, my firend, ever wonder just what type of Jedi I was, why I hid my true identity behind a General whom is dead? You ever wondered who I really was and what I was doing? Probably not, but maybe you are now. I'll tell you the truth, your one of the few that knows of me. Scorpion knew more."

"Got any guesses yet, what I am? Or would you like more clues?"

Lion El' Jonson
May 18th, 2004, 05:01:05 PM
Lion kept his face impassive as he ran through the possibilities in his mind. You could practically see his mind running like a datapad program, systematically running through the possibilities. He had his suspicions...but not everything he needed to complete the puzzle.

"Maybe my mind doesn't run as fast as yours does...sir. Toiletducks kill braincells by the truckload." Lion added, chuckling. "I'd prefer a couple more clues."

Marcus Telcontar
May 19th, 2004, 06:06:20 AM
"Ah, the Toilet Duck. I remember that... I invented it, years ago. When I was a Jedi Knight in fact. Yes, I was Turbogeek, or I should say I pretended to be. My name in fact is Marcus Telcontar. I am the Jedi Warlord, I founded the Jedi Order with others, I was it's leader until I was injured in a war, I've run under many aliases and even faces, I've always been a loyal servant of the Chief of State. It's a bit of a long story, but to cut it short, You knew me as Marcus Q'dunn, in fact that name still exists int he honour rolls of the Council.

But in the end, my path diverged from the Jedi and I left. Quietly and erased myself from existance. I've been Tohamahwk, Turbogeek, Q'Dunn and even Elessar - Xazor was family. I say was, she is not any more. Senator Evenstar is in fact my wife. Yes, the baby of her's is my first real child. It's changed the way I look at the Galaxy. A child is a wonder beyond anything I could have realised.

160 years I've lived and Arwen is the most precious thing I have. Do you have family, Admiral?"

Lion El' Jonson
May 19th, 2004, 07:05:15 AM
It finally clicked in Lion's head. Everything made sense. He pulled his mind out of the clouds to answer Tohmahawk's question.

"Indeed I do, sir." he answered, his throat clenching for a second as his mind conjured up memories of a lost home. "Fifty years ago, my home planet was decimated by Grand Admiral Thrawn during his offensive throughout the New Republic. The people of Caliban escaped and set up a colony on a distant world, far within the Kathol Rift."

Lion sighed for a second.

"My parents are the owners of a massive mining corporation on New Caliban, where the survivors settled. It's been 10 years since I last saw them. New Caliban is not known to anybody...not the New Republic nor the Imperial Remnant. Aside from Talon Karrde's Organization, and Jorj Car'das, nobody ventures into the Kathol Rift...and there's a very good reason for that."

Lion's mood brightened.

"My people are under the protection of the Aing-Tii Monks. It is under the Aing-Tii that I learned strategy. Under their tutelage, I became aware of the Force presence within myself. And through their teachings, I learned patience. Have you ever met the Aing-Tii, Master Jedi? If you have, you will understand why I do not fear for my family. They are in the safest hands I can think of. Have you ever felt something like that, Tohmahawk?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 19th, 2004, 07:11:59 AM
"Please... Tohmahawk is long gone for me. My name is Marcus, my real name. I am aware of the Aing-Tii and of their powers. "

"I dont know what it's like to have family safe, because fo r me and Helenias, there's no such place, not yet. I do know the fear that occurs when you know you can lose what's most precious. I dont want that fear again. I dont want to fear for my daughter's safety. That is why I am out here today - wondering what to do. The Jedi are no longer what they should be and my plans are wasted elsewhere"

Lion El' Jonson
May 19th, 2004, 07:26:15 AM
Lion nodded. In some ways, he agreed with what Tohma-...damn!...Marcus was saying. Lion supported the Order. He would die to preserve it. However, in his eyes, it had grown complacent. Unseen threats lurked just out of sight.

"I see what you are saying, Marcus. Perhaps our work with the New Republic has shaped our view of things. In the past three years, I have experienced more combat than most Jedi could even dream of. The Tholian Civil Wars...the Ithvaan Crisis...The Remnant...These are things that we should have seen. Things that could have been prevented before they cost the lives of millions."

Lion sighed.

"Truly, the one Jedi Knight that seems to respect my beliefs is Master Dasquian. While he may not always like my ideas, he is still willing to listen to them. I do not question the power of my masters. The Jedi Council is powerful and wise, and I have great respect for them. However, we do not always see eye-to-eye. I believe that my position in the New Republic has always seemed something of an antithesis to them. How can a Jedi believe in peace when he's sending thousands to their deaths in battle?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 19th, 2004, 07:45:32 AM
"If you truly love peace, then you would lead those whom you command wisely not needlessly wasting them and valuing them. That's the difference between the Republic and the Imperials - they dont care. "

Marcus glanced up at the rain falling donw.

"But..... what are we really fighting for? Who are we really fighting? What stops peace? What can we really do to stop this war? The Jedi wont do it, you knw as well as I do they sit int he Temple and do nothing. They have lost the ability to be guardians of truth and Justice. The Republic wont do it, the politicians and the Senate are corrupt and I suspect there are insurgents from the sith and the Imperials inside it.

No.... let me tell you something. There's been a gang war in the lower levels. Leaders of each gang seem to turn up dead with regularity. But, becuase it's the leaders, the gangs eventually begin to dissolve. The fights cease. the soldiers int he battles dont want to die, they want to live in peace and comfort. The leaders dont fight, they have their minins... but you know, they tend not to start trouble if they know they are the ones in the firing line"

There was a distinct hint of dark humour on the Jedi's voice now.

"do you really think there woudl be a war if the politicians and the leaders of both sides were the ones doing the fighting? Oh no, they would be negotiating peacefully! You see, politicians are keen for a fight as long as it's not them. do you really think the Remant will keep fighting if say their leadership was next to die? You have to understand Lion, we are Warriors. We will lead our troops into a battle, but we are not the rulers. The rulers send us to do their dirty work. What if th rulers were the ones forced to fight and die? Would not peace suddenly arrive faster?"

Lion El' Jonson
May 19th, 2004, 08:34:30 AM
Lion nodded, guardedly.

"I suppose that would be true...though it's open to interpretation whether the fighting would truly stop. Who's to say that we would not become the same as those politicians...indeed, much the Remnant's military are their politicians. It's all a matter of opinion...those ours does not differ by much."

Lion looked over his shoulder, startled, and made shooing motions with his hands before turning back to face Marcus.

"My apologies. Apparently, even rain on Coruscant can't keep my Noghri from locating me. Don't worry...even if they could recognize you, they can keep a secret." He eased back into the bench, looking up at the sky and trying not to blink as water splashed off his face. "If I may ask...what have you been doing since you parted from the Order?"

Marcus Telcontar
May 19th, 2004, 06:16:05 PM
"Stopping gang wars in the lower levels of Coruscant" Marcus replied, the dark humour now distinctly wicked. "The reports you probably have of rich criminals and suspected corrupt politicians keeping ending up dead with arrows or sudden falls of tall buildings all say it's a mysterious vigilante that no one sees or can catch. Nothing mysterious - just a group of Jedi."

He paused. How much should he tell Lion?

"Admiral, your question is valid, how do we not become like the scum in power? The true warrior my friend does not fight for power, or glory, or prestige. We fight because we believe in what we fight for. And, if there's no real reason to fight, then we go home to what we truly love. I have a home on Ukio now. I always had this dream of beign a nerf herder. It's a beautiful place and I want to live there with my family in peace, just me and hundreds of measurements of farmland. I want Ukio to remain free, so it can happen - so now you know why I fight and why one day I know I will have to take the fight to the Imperials and the Sith - Warriors cant stand by while what they love is threatened, can they? And that my friend is what seperates us from the politicians. Once our day is over, we'll much rather go home and be ordinanry men once again"

Lion El' Jonson
May 22nd, 2004, 01:40:43 AM
Lion nodded, almost unconsciously. He's right....

"I agree, sir. I've never favored speaking in front of the Senate. I've always felt most at home on the ground, in my room...or on the bridge of a starship."

Lion then shook his head, musing over the Jedi's previous statement. Just a group of Jedi...A group of Jedi?!?! Lion thought processes ground to a halt.

"Marcus, did you just say that you and a bunch of Jedi are responsible for those hits? I've been getting earfuls about that from Intelligence about that for at least a month! Everyone I know thinks that the Krayt Syndicate are behind those. Rumor has it they got their hands on a Human Replica Droid...but it was actually you all along?" Lion nodded. "Impressive."