View Full Version : In his condition (Open)

May 17th, 2004, 01:39:20 AM
OOC: Looking for characters (not too many) to jump Tybalt. Also looking for a few to help him. Hoping to try and even it out, or close to.

In the condition he was in Tybalt of the West Sector wasn't sure if he was going to leave the bar. He had a horrible feeling about going home tonight. His father has just beat him up with the help of 2 men. He had the girl in the bar, but didn't feel like taking her home tonignt. So he left the bar alone. That was a mistake. He should have learned when he went to his father's earlier. The good thing was for him was that he had given Balthasar his own money to cover his father's debt.

Tybalt was walking down the alley to get back to his living quarters, so he couldl finally get a good night's sleep. He was looking forward to it.

Then out of no where they came out of nowhere, there they came. They didn't look happy tonight either.

Linn O'Conner
May 18th, 2004, 06:20:34 PM
Linn O'Conner walked briskly towards the man, her sword drawn. She had many reason to jump him. First and foremost being that she desperately needed cash, and he looked a likely candidate to own some.

She flashed her sword in the moonlight and continued to approach him, her face in shadows.

May 18th, 2004, 07:02:47 PM
He wasn't paying attention until she got too close for comfort. He had just enough time to pull both of his blasters. But she had the sword close to him already.

"What do you want? I've had a hard enough day as it is. Just look as me!"

Tybalt had already gotten beaten up by his father and a couple of guys, now he had a woman attacking him. How much worse can this day get? Maybe he shouldn't think that. She probably has some friends waiting with her too, if he gives her too much of a problem. He was ready for her though.

Linn O'Conner
May 18th, 2004, 07:06:58 PM
Linn saw the blasters almost before he brandished them. She heard him yell something at her, but she just wanted him to put down the blasters so this would be a smooth ride.

She put the sword near his chin.
"Look, just drop the blasters, give me what you have, and I won't rough you up," she said, knowing she probably sounded cocky and that he may take it as a challenge.

May 18th, 2004, 11:06:50 PM
With the sword at his chin he could tell that she was serious, but she was robbing him? Oh, come on now! This was rich. A girl robbing a guy. He loved it. With the blasters, Tybalt figured that he'd have a better chance at getting a shot off before she could get the sword through his throat. But was she willing to take that chance too? Where were all his friends tonight? Deserting him like always.

"Come on, sweetheart. You and I both know that I've got a better chance at getting a shot off before you can get that blade any closer. So why not just give it up now and come back to the cantina with me. I can introduce to some formidable people. I'm in tight with the boss, trust me."

Trying to sweet talk the women as usual. Score another one for Tybalt. He had this one in the bag. He could feel it.

Linn O'Conner
May 19th, 2004, 10:47:58 AM
Linn could feel his cocky attitude, and holier-than-thou tone to his voice. She stepped closer, wrapping her hand around one of his that clutched a blaster.

"That's okay," she said, pushing the sword harder against his skin, pricking it a little. "I know plenty of men. You're not bad looking yourself, but charm doesn't work on me."

May 22nd, 2004, 03:34:39 AM
Feeling the blade enter his skin, he realized that the babe was serious. She wanted money that he didn't have. He had just given everything he had left to Balthasar. He still had one blaster free to try and get off a shot. But she was too good looking to kill. He wanted to take her back to the cantina. He could get her some money there. Trying to back away a bit, he began to try and reason with her.

"Listen, baby, I know that you're serious but I don't have anything for you to steal from me. My old man already took care of that. Beat me first. But I will be glad to take ya into the cantina and get ya some. I promise. I won't lie to you on this one."

Linn O'Conner
May 22nd, 2004, 02:04:31 PM
Linn stepped forward to keep the blade against his skin. She was acutely aware of his ability to get a shot off if he wanted. but something was keeping him from it.

She didn't believe him.

"I don't trust you. Give me the blasters."

May 23rd, 2004, 05:41:33 PM
She asked for the blasters. Giving up everything today? She coud sell those for a good buck. He couldn't do that. Something about her though. He really liked. She took what she wanted. He liked her for that. Tybalt couldn't walk around the Undercity unarmed.

Why hadn't he shot her yet? If she were anyone else, she would have been dead already. He let her cut him and keep the blade there at that. What was it about her? He couldn't figure it out. He looked into her eyes.

"Listen, I wll give you the one you have in your hand. I can't walk around the Undercity unarmed. Having you come up on me like you did proves that."

Tybalt let go of the blaster in the hand she had grasped when she put the blade to his neck. He freely gave it to her.

"On the stipulation that you come back with me. I'll get you some money. Perhaps introduce you to some people. You'd make a good buck at what I do."

"So, how 'bout it?"

Linn O'Conner
May 23rd, 2004, 06:44:47 PM
Linn took the blaster, sheathing her sword and now putting the blaster to the man's chest. As backup, she pulled out a dagger. Linn chewed on what the man said, and thanked whoever was watching that he hadn't shot her.

"Put the other blaster away, stay in front of me, and keep your hands in plain view. Now, walk."

May 24th, 2004, 01:11:14 AM
Once the sword was out of his throat, he felt a lot better. Tybalt had been practically holding his breath. Afraid it would slice his throat. He put the blaster away. His own blaster and a dagger were now pointed at him. Great.

"You know, babe, if you held my hand you know where my hands are at all times."

Trying to laugh it off lightly. Well, trying to hit on her too. She was good looking. He would give her that much.

"Once we get back to the club, I'll get you the money. I swear. How much do ya need? Just let me buy you one drink tonight. At least give me that much. I've had a bad day and this hasn't made it much better. Just one, please?"

Linn O'Conner
May 25th, 2004, 06:15:37 AM
Linn lifted an eybrow at the 'hold my hand' comment, but let it slide; she couldn't say she was actually disappointed a guy this cute was trying to hit on her.

"Fine," she said, smirking a bit. "One drink."

May 25th, 2004, 06:37:43 PM
She agreed to a drink. That was a start. Maybe he could get a date with her. Who knows.

"Thanks for agreeing to one drink. Now let's go see my boss. I'll get that money for ya. You just can't have the blaster on me when we walk in. Would not be a good idea."

OOC: Linn, go to Creatures of the Underworld. I will post us going into the bar there.