View Full Version : Dog eat dog (Navaria)

May 16th, 2004, 04:22:14 PM
It was sunny up here. That was something Alex wasn't used to. Warmth and sunshine rarely made it down into the deep warrens of Coruscant's lower levels.

It was nice here, too. Down below, everyone he knew always wore a permenant scowl. But up here, everyone looked...normal. He sighed. I don't belong here.

He wandered across the bridge that linked two of the towering buildings together, glancing over the edge into the darkness that was his home. It was a long way down...and a long way that he didn't really want to travel. For nearly 11 years, he'd been on his own. Ever since he was six, he'd fended for himself, fighting for his life against people bigger and tougher than him. He'd been adopted by several petty crime syndicates. Thats what he was doing now. The crime syndicate he worked for needed money. He was out to get it.

"Oh, sorry," he said softly, as he crashed into a Twi'lek woman walking the other way. Startled, she landed on the floor with a thud. Panic filled his eyes. He held out a hand. "Here, let me help..."

His eyes widened. Her purse lay empty beside her, money ripe for the taking. Years of unofficial training took hold. He grabbed, and he ran.

"Hey! That kid stole my purse!" the Twi'lek yelled.

* * *

Alex still ran, dodging through crowds of people, Coruscant security hot on his heels. "Frell," he breathed, his feet hammering against the floor as the crowd parted before him. He was running out of places to go.

Before him was a barrier. Below that was a three-story drop. Behind him was security, arrest, and probably prison. Drop, or cop. Hmm. Tough choice.

He jumped, hurdling the barrier, his leading leg springing off it, shooting him upwards. He fell, like a feather. A feather tied to a rock. The ground shot towards him. He hit. He landed. With a thud. On his feet.

Crouched, suddenly stopped, he looked around. "What the frell?" he murmured, looking around him. He looked up, eyes widening in disbelief. "I just..." He let out a low whistle. Then he heard a yell. More security. "Run!" he hissed.

He set off at a sprint. He ran as fast as he could. Then he ran faster. His legs burned, but they ran faster still. Faster and faster...faster than he'd ever run before. The world blurred around him. He looked behind, at the security officers, staring after him. He laughed.


"Ouch..." he groaned, suddenly feeling the floor beneath his back. Something had happened, to shift him from vertical to horizontal. He'd hit something. His blurred vision cleared as he shook his head. He looked up. He saw the robed legs. He saw the cloak. He saw the belt. He saw the lightsaber. His eyes moved further up, and he gulped. He saw the Jedi. "Frell..."

Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2004, 10:38:10 AM
Navaria was out window shopping, trying to decide on a gift for Sanis. They had recently worked things out together, but there was still a lot of things that needed to be ironed out between them. Which was why the Jedi was taking so long to decide what to get him. Sanis wouldn't care what it was, just as long as it was a gift from her. She just wanted it to be special.

A jewerly store caught her attention next, but she didn't go inside. She didn't want to be jumped by clerks trying to make a comission. From what Navaria saw in the window displays, they had a fine selection that had been imported from many different parts of the galaxy. There was an abundance of gems that originated from Ryloth that were embedded into rings, necklaces and wrist chronometers.

It was all beautiful but nothing really jumped out at Navaria. Maybe she was just being too picky...

Something caused her to look up at nothing in particular, the sense of the Force being manipulated caught her attention. It was sloppy, almost random as if the being using it didn't know what they were drawing upon.

There was a commotion in the distance, the sounds of garbled echoed yelling could be heard throughout the plaza. Whatever the problem was, it was heading her way.

The Jedi ran through the crowd, towards the direction she had felt the most activity of the Force. She definetely was going the right way. A young man was racing through people to get away from the baffled law officals that were scratching their heads in wonder.

Has to be the boy...

She got a good look at something tucked underneath his arm as he came closer towards her. He was too focused on the cops to even notice that Navaria was right in the middle of this path.

And a thief too.

Navaria sighed. With a little concentration, the young man felt something hit his chest that knocked the wind out of him. It didn't hurt by any means, but it caused him to fall to the floor.

The Knight regarded him with a stern expression, "Give me back what you stole, and I can try to help you out of this predicament you have gotten yourself into." His only offense, as far as she was able to tell, was minor. This boy was the most likely source of the disturbance in the Force. Now she could get a good look at him. His clothing marked him for a resident of the lower levels. He was probably looking for some easy money today, and the plaza was packed full of shoppers.

May 17th, 2004, 11:37:55 AM
Alex stared, transfixed. The words swam into his mind. His conciousness failed to register what they meant, but fortunately, there were parts of his brain still working to keep him alive. He handed the purse to Navaria slowly, still lying on his back, and still staring up at her.

"Ouch..." he managed to mumble again, unsure if the Jedi had noticed the first time. He spread his arms out beside him, and tried to use his elbows to lever himself up. "That hurt."

Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2004, 12:30:03 PM
She took the purse and sighed, "You should not have been stealing things, then I would not have had to do that."

Navaria looked up and saw two cops running towards them, "Officers. Greetings."

Both of them stopped, a bit surprised at seeing a Jedi. "Ma'am." The Sergeant tipped his cap to her. "Thank you for helping us."

"Was no trouble." She tossed the purse to him. "That should go back to it's rightful owner, and I wish to make a request regarding this young man."

"Well, I dunno." He rubbed at his chin in thought. "Depends on what the request is Master Jedi."

She glanced down at the boy, "I was a minor infraction, yes?"

"Yeah." He agreed.

"Let it slide this one time. I'll take full responsibility."

The cop shook his head, "Are you certain? I mean, he has done this sorta thing before."

"Yes," she glanced at the officer, "I know." Navaria stepped over to him and took him aside as the other one watched over Alex. "He has exhibited strange abilities yes?"

He nodded and sighed. "Yeah. I see where you're going with this now. All right, but I don't wanna see him around her no more. Only trusting you since I happen to know you're a high ranking Jedi, Miss Tarkin."

"And I appreciate it greatly. Thank you." She bowed and the Cop signaled for his man to get out of here. Now she could focus on the problem still sitting down in front of her.

"You have a name?" She reached down and offered a hand to help him up.

May 17th, 2004, 12:48:56 PM
"You should not have been stealing things, then I would not have had to do that," Alex mouthed, mocking the words of the Jedi. If I hadn't been stealing things, I would be dead.

The Jedi was talking to one of the security officer people...Alex didn't bother trying to listen. He knew they were talking about him, but then that happened all the time. People who listened in on conversations uninvited where he came from usually ended up with a few cracked ribs. He'd learned that the hard way.

"You have a name?" she had asked. What do you care? He tried a cold stare at the Jedi, but he lacked the conviction to carry it off. He sighed. "Alex," he replied, ignoring the hand, and pulling himself to his feet on his own. He glared at the cop. "Just Alex. No last name...at least, not that I know of." He shrugged. "Never knew my parents. Not that I care, really. Can't have been much of a family if they dumped me here to die."

Brushing off his jacket, he met Navaria's gaze with calm, determined, youthful eyes. "I guess you wanna know how I just dropped three stories without a scratch, huh? Well sorry..." he pulled a lighter and box of cigarettes from his pocket, and sparked one up. "I don't know how it happened." He brought the cigarette to his lips, and took a drag. "It just did."

Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2004, 01:07:22 PM
Well that didn't take long... She mused to herself. Everything that she assumed about Alex was correct. He lived in the lower levels, hated authority, his own life, had to steal to survive, and was completely clueless as to how he was able to get away.

Until he ran into Navaria. She was not impressed with his tough guy attitude.

"I find it interesting that you told me so much about you, when I only wished to know your name." She bowed slightly in greeting, "I am Jedi Knight Navaria Tarkin. I am a member of the Jedi Order on Coruscant. The reason you were able to do those incredible feats was because you are Force Sensitive."

May 17th, 2004, 02:28:07 PM
Alex caughed, his cigarette falling from his fingers, and tumbling to the floor. "I'm a Force..."

He stopped, and raised an eyebrow. "Ha ha, very funny," he said, looking down, and putting out the cigarette with his foot. "Let me guess...Rhan'saal put you up to this, right?" He growled. "I hate that Twi'lek Sithspawn..." He pounted his fist into his hand. "Gah!"

He breathed heavily, anger flooding his body. "You're not even a real Jedi, are you? I mean, Tarkin? C'mon...come up with an original name. How on Coruscant is a decendant of the Moff gonna end up as a Jedi? Its just not possible." He growled again. "Tell Rhan'saal that his prank fooled me..." He pushed past Navaria. "Outta my way."

Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2004, 02:36:58 PM
Navaria grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled Alex back. Even he had to admit she was much stronger then she looked, "I know nothing of this Twi'lek named Rhan'saal. I was merely shopping in the plaza when I heard the commotion."

She let go of him and was all business in her speech. "As for my name, I'm well aware of the irony, and I've heard much worse taunts about it then what you've managed to come up." Her eyes narrowed as she motioned to her sabre, "And this isn't for show."

Taking a deep breath, Navaria relaxed her in her stance, "I'd like to hear any other ideas on how you didn't break your leg in that fall if it weren't for the Force. Please," she stepped back and gestured for Alex to speak, "I'd want to know what you think."

May 17th, 2004, 02:51:35 PM
Alex' eyes narrowed at Navaria. If he could have, he'd probably have shot laser beams at her. However, through some fault of evolution, he didn't have that talent yet.

"Maybe I hit a thermal," he shrugged.

Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2004, 02:56:50 PM
She succeeded in not laughing, "A thermal? You are much too heavy for that to even work."

Navaria noticed just how light he was though, for a human. He probably couldn't remember his last decent meal. "If you wish, we could debate this over lunch." Alex could have sworn he saw a smirk, "I'd want to hear the rationalization of that one."

May 17th, 2004, 03:02:29 PM
Alex was about to carry on walking away, when a different part of his brain kicked in...a part that didn't care about him being angry. Fact 1: she's hot. Fact 2: she just offered you food. Fact 3: Saying no means you're an idiot.

"Fiiine," he muttered, not looking at Navaria. She really is cute...and totally off limits. She's probably old enough to be your mom. He sighed.

Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2004, 03:05:57 PM
Half of her was glad Alex was staying, the other was not to thrilled at the emotions running through him. The wonders of a teenage boy. "What would you like? Whatever you want, there is a restaurant for it."

May 17th, 2004, 03:11:09 PM
Choice. That was what he had...he had a choice. A basic choice, true, but a choice all the same. He was used to coping with what he had. He seldom had enough of anything to need to choose...and if he did, someone else would probably steal the extra item anyway, thus negating the problem.

"I...I don't know," he said, a little sheepishly. "I've never had real food before...just old rashion packs, and the occasional roasted Hawk-bat." He blushed, ever so slightly. "You choose."

Navaria Tarkin
May 17th, 2004, 04:20:12 PM
She had thought her question might do this. It had forced Alex to think for a minute and do something he wanted. The prospect took him by surprise.

"Well, that's fair enough." Navaria began to walk pass Alex to their most likely prospect. "How about something simple ... like Bantha burgers. I can't remember the last time I had a simple burger."

May 18th, 2004, 12:55:48 AM
Alex frowned, and cocked his head to one side. "What's a Bantha?"

He turned and followed, transfixed by Navaria swaying in front of him as she walked. Those robes really don't do you justice...

He almost hit himself in the head. Gah...off-limits. I remember.

Navaria Tarkin
May 18th, 2004, 10:40:21 AM
She sighed inwardly but at least Alex's infatuation kept him with the Jedi ... Not to mention the promise of free food.

"Well, there are many different species of bantha. The one well known is the bantha on Tatooine. It is used as a beast of burden and for food." Navaria stepped into a lift and pressed a button so it would take them two stories up.

May 18th, 2004, 11:14:29 AM
"Oh, ok," Alex replied, nodding as he stepped into the lift, and making sure he wasn't looking at Navaria. Banthas. Tatooine. OK.

He rocked slowly on his heels, blowing air between his lips. He stopped, and turned to Navaria, frowning. "Tatooine?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 18th, 2004, 04:46:28 PM
"It is a desert planet located far out in the rim. Quite desolate, save for a few big cities." The lift opened and Navaria stepped through, leading Alex. "Alot of criminals can be found there."

May 18th, 2004, 04:53:57 PM
"A lot of criminals...sounds like home," Alex muttered under his breath, following. He passed a few of the people he'd ran past earlier, and recieved a number of threatening stares. One of the police even made it obvious that he had a blaster within easy reach. Alex gulped, and quickened his pace so he was closer to Navaria.

"Do you really think I used the Force?" he asked, trying to keep his voice as quiet as possible. "When I jumped, I mean. Did I use the Force?" His eyes sparkled. "And does that mean I'm gonna be a Jedi?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 18th, 2004, 07:50:58 PM
She placed a hand on Alex's shoulder, "It depends. On you. Using the Force does not mean you will necessarily become a Jedi." Navaria released her hand, "The Jedi ways are not easy. It takes a lot of hard worth and dedication in order to even scratch the surface of what we can do. But it is very rewarding. Helping those that cannot help themselves and serving something better then yourself."

May 19th, 2004, 03:27:54 AM
Alex nodded slowly, and looked away, his eyes staring at the floor. "Everything is better than myself." His voice was weak, strained, and quiet.

Gently, he rested his hand on top of where hers had just been. No one does that...no one touches me without trying to hurt me. He looked up into Navaria's eyes, his own shimmering with tears. "I don't wanna be a bad person anymore." One of the tears broke free, and surged down his cheek. He sniffled. "Will you help me?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 19th, 2004, 09:44:23 AM
She figured Alex would come around in time but not so soon. Navaria wondered what she said to have him change his attitude so suddenly. It was only a passing curiousity, it was more important that she had gotten to him.

Navaria turned to look at him squarely in the eye. "You are not a bad person, Alex. You were just caught in a bad situation. There's a difference. Sshe wiped away the tear, "I can help you, but I meant what I said before. It won't be easy."

May 19th, 2004, 10:13:52 AM
"It won't be easy." The story of my life. He looked up, into Navaria's eyes. He looked into them, and saw something. Or rather, he saw a lack of something. Every person who's eyes he'd looked into had looked back with hate. With disgust. But as hard as he looked, he couldn't find it. Maybe she was good at lying. Maybe she was hiding it. Or maybe, it just wasn't there. Her words echoed in his mind. "I can help you..."

Alex felt something stirring inside him. His lip shook, as he tried to hold back the tears. He blinked. He tried everything he could think of. But the tears still came. He curled his hands to his chest, rested his head on the Jedi's shoulder, and cried.

Navaria Tarkin
May 19th, 2004, 02:43:43 PM
Navaria said nothing. All she did was wrap her arms around Alex and held him tightly while he released his pain. If he really had his heart set on coming with her to be a Jedi, there was going to be a lot of work ahead of them.

Them? The Knight pondered. Had she already made up her mind to train him as a Padawan? It was a perplexing thought.

May 19th, 2004, 02:51:45 PM
Alex felt weird. This had never happened to him before. He cried, yeah. He cried all the time. His nightmares made him cry. Being lonely made him cry. Having to be a criminal, just to stay alive...that made him cry too. But before, he always cried alone. He always cried in the dark. He always cried, but no one noticed. But now someone was noticing. Now he was crying, and he wasn't alone. It felt weird.

He drew away slowly, forcing himself to stop crying, and wiping his eyes. "Sorry," he said sheepishly, looking away, his head trying to hide in the collar of his shirt. "I..." he sighed, and slumped against the wall. He looked up at Navaria, his cheeks streaked with tears. "I'm an idiot. A stupid, immoral, unwanted idiot."

He wiped away the last of his tears, and tried to restore his composure. He shoved his hands in his pockets, and managed a smile. "And I'm hungry. Where do we get this fried beast of burden from?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 20th, 2004, 09:38:00 AM
"I think you're none of those things. Well," a bright smiled crossed her face, "except the hungry part. Come on, let's get that lunch. We can talk then."

Navaria finished leading the way to Malgrot's. It was a small chain on Coruscant that emphasized the fast, in fast food. But what was really impressive is that the food was also quite good for what it was. She ordered for them both. A drink of his choice, water for her, three bantha burgers, and two sides of fried mushrooms. She led Alex to a booth and handed out their meals from the tray.

May 20th, 2004, 10:00:17 AM
Alex eyed up the mushrooms suspiciously. "These better not be poisonous," he muttered, picking up one and biting into it. After a few seconds, his face lit up. "Mmmm!" He pushed more of the mushroom into his mouth, grabbing a Bantha burger with his other hand, and holding it ready. He bit into it, and drank through the straw. Bite after bite, he filled his face with the first decent meal he'd had since...well, ever.

"Vish is dewishus," the said through a mouthful of Bantha, waving his hands around in emphasis. He looked up at Navaria, stopped, and swallowed. He blushed a little. "Sorry..." he murmured, realising his lack of manners.

Navaria Tarkin
May 20th, 2004, 11:53:10 AM
Navaria finished swallowing what the mushroom she was eating, "No need to apologize, Alex. You've done enough of that today."

She took a sip of her water and eyed the young man. He was happy and she disliked having to upset that now, but there was a lot they needed to talk about. "So, Alex. What happened that caused you to live in the lower levels?"

May 20th, 2004, 12:04:25 PM
"Because no one wanted me." Alex carried on eating, but his eyes fell away from Navaria. "I was abandoned, as a baby, in some back alley, and left to die." His eyes rose again, now filled with anger, pain, and sadness. "My mother, whoever she was, didn't want me. My father didn't want me. No one did. No one ever has."

His voice faltered. "I have dreams. Memories, I guess. I remember being abandoned. I remember being found. But thats it. As hard as I try to forget them, I still want to know what the rest of the memory shows." He sighed, and his whole body slumped. "Thats why I wake up screaming every night."

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2004, 05:08:42 PM
"Someone did find you, right?" Navaria didn't want to say she was sorry for what happened to him. Of course she was but empty apologies were not going to help Alex right now. A sympathetic ear would. "Was it always so bad?"

May 22nd, 2004, 05:48:53 PM
Alex shook his head. "No. It was worse."

He sighed, and slumped in his chair. "I was found, yeah. But not by people I wanted to be found by. A bunch of criminals. While I was a baby, I was used to lure people to places where they mugged. When I became a toddler, I'd go and tell the security people that I was lost. They'd wander away from whatever they were protecting, and my 'family' would go and break in."

"When I was six, I took part in my first major raid. I was small enough to fit through the vent shafts on a warehouse somewhere. I had to go in, and disable the security. Turned out the place was full of spice." He shuddered. "I tried it out that night...I was forced to. Drove me crazy. I nearly jumped off a skybridge." He let out an empty laugh. "I thought I could fly."

He sat there for a moment, staring into the nothingness before his eyes, trying ro focus on a single molecule of air, as if somehow, it would be able to tell him everything he wanted to know. Someone walked past, and the molecule drifted away. He sighed, and raised his teary eyes to look at Navaria.

"I've been a criminal my whole life. I've always had to steal to survive." He snorted. "That was my justification. Thats how I slept at night. At the end of the day, I needed things more than those people did. Therefore, I should get it."

Fresh tears escaped down his cheeks, and he looked away. "I even got a man killed," he said softly, his voice trembling. "A cop. He found me. I was supposed to kill him, but I couldn't do it. I had the blaster, and...and...I just made him run. He ran alright..." Alex squeezed his eyes tightly closed. "He ran right into the path of a speeder. That didn't kill him. The speeder drove off...he was still alive. I went over to him, and he was still alive. I could have helped...but I didn't. I couldn't. I was too scared."

Pain surged through Alex' mind, and he struggled to his feet, the energy totally gone from body. His heart raced. The air fled from his lungs. He could feel the tears welling up inside him again...but not the same as before. They weren't the tears he got when he felt angry at himself...the tears when his mind filled with pure hatred. He hated himself so much that, had he been anyone else, he'd kill them.

"I...should...go..." he murmered. I should go. Go. Go jump off a skybridge. Or fall onto a vibroblade. Or stand on top of the highest building around, and wait for the lightning. Or dress in an imperial uniform, and wander into the nearest NR base. Or something. He turned. "I should go," he repeated.

Navaria Tarkin
May 23rd, 2004, 07:01:29 PM
"No. Wait!" She said with urgency. Alex's emotions were bleeding into the room. It was hard for Navaria to completely block all of them out. The Knight had hoped talking about his past would get him to trust her, instead she poured lemon juice into open wounds.

She stopped Alex by the arm just outside the door, it was the only Navaria could make him stand still to listen. "You're not a bad person. You were young and impressionable, having little choice in your life. As you grew older, it was the only way to live as far as you were concerned."

Navaria turned him around so they could look at one another, though Alex kept trying to avoid eye contact, "But then things change, as they all do. Something happened to you that found your way to me." She clasped his shoulder, gently letting go of his arm, "There is no such things as coincidences Alex. The Force doesn't work that way. Everything has meaning and purpose... You've been giving a chance to make up for your past, to make something better out of yourself...

Maybe offering a little bit of her own past would help Alex understand what she was trying to say. "It was a choice I myself made a very long time ago. You are right. Tarkin isn't an easy name to live by. Everyday I remember what my name meant and what it still means to many people. I use to let it deter my path as a Jedi, question my motives for serving in the Jedi Order. I was once a very weak and timid and impressionable youth, until a Jedi of Leia Solo came into my life and taught me the ways of the Force. I came to realize that I could never, ever, make up for what my family caused while they served in the Empire, but with each life I am able to save or give comfort too, I help to find some peace within my soul."

May 23rd, 2004, 07:30:03 PM
Soul. That was something that Alex had often doubted he had. All of the years when he'd been too weak to resist...it was if he was suffering the penance from selling his soul, yet he didn't know what the price had been. "How can I find peace in something that isn't there?"

Alex hadn't meant to, but he said the words aloud. "My soul," he added for clarity. "I don't think I have a soul. And if I do..." He sighed. "I know I don't deserve it."

His eyes stared downwards as thoughts flowed through his mind: thoughts of self pity; of self hate. What Navaria said sounded inticing. He longed to be at peace with himself. But he also longed for himself to be no more. 17 years of crime and darkness. Wasn't it too late to make amends?

He glanced up, his eyes avoiding Navaria's gaze. "You say that helping people brings you closer to being at peace?" Alex didn't look, but he knew she nodded. Inside his mind, a battle raged. Alex the Criminal screamed at him to run away. But Alex the Child begged him to become the man he longed to be.

He straightened himself up, and looked at Navaria, his eyes fixing on hers. They sparkled, as he managed a smile. "If it helps out a pretty lady, then I can't really refuse, can I?"

Navaria Tarkin
May 23rd, 2004, 08:59:04 PM
She sensed and watched the debate within Alex. It wasn't easy for him to come to terms with what Navaria had said but there was hope.

"Alex..." The Jedi chuckled lightly at his joke, "You should not do this for me at all. It is because you want to do this for yourself. Otherwise, the peace you want will never be found."

May 23rd, 2004, 09:12:38 PM
Alex nodded slightly. "Then I'll do it for me, and helping you can be a fortunate side effect."

He smiled a little more, and stood there, looking at the Jedi. Well, not so much looking. More staring. But it wasn't for the same reason that he'd been staring before. When he looked at her, he felt something. But it was different. She was beautiful, yes, but that wasn't what he was staring at.

Her face had now become linked with a collection of thoughts in his brain. Those thoughts described something that Alex had never experienced before. They described a person. They described a person who was going to help him...who wanted to help him, completely for his benefit. After 17 years in the Coruscant underworld, it was something he'd never experienced.

Navaria Tarkin
May 25th, 2004, 11:50:30 AM
The way he smiled and looked at her, Navaria could finally be comfortable with his answer. Alex truly wanted to change but now he meant it. It would be a difficult road. The Dark Side had already affected him, his anger was strong and powerful. He would need much training to conquer his fears and control his emotions.

Navaria had the patience to see it through. Her Master had done so likewise and with each Padawan that she took under her wing, they too will learn their value and place in life. "There is a lot that still needs to be done before your training begins. I must bring you before the Jedi Council. Inform them that you wish to learn our ways and I will be your Master." Navaria narrowed her eyes. "I did not presume did I? You did wish for me to be your Master, yes?"

May 25th, 2004, 12:25:24 PM
"Yeah. I mean, yes. I mean..." he took a deep breath, and let the smile slip off his face. He seemed older, yet still young. But at least, for once, he looked calm. "It would be an honour, Master Tarkin."

He held the expression for a few seconds, before a grin exploded onto his lips. He laughed, then realised it was inappropriate. He blushed. "Sorry..." he tried to stifle his grin. "That just sounded really lame."

Suddenly, the realisation of what was going to happen sank in. In the lower levels...in the 'basement' of Coruscant, going before the Jedi Council was akin to going before a firing squad. The metaphor was used to describe inescapable doom.

But he wasn't a criminal anymore. He was nearly a Jedi...well, a potential Padawan, at least. For once in his life, he could describe himself in a way that didn't fill him full of disgust. And whats more, he wasn't alone anymore. Navaria was offering to be his mentor. His teacher. His guide. She was offering to look after him. He forced himself to smile a little, though the seriousness. It was going to be the closest thing to a family he'd ever had.

Navaria Tarkin
May 26th, 2004, 12:32:25 PM
She pouted jokingly, "Master Tarkin sounds lame? My feelings are hurt." Then Navaria smiled, "Was there anything else you needed before we go to the Temple? I will signal ahead so they are aware that I am bringing you before them.

More importantly, it will be your new home once accepted. I know you don't have alot, Alex, but I don't want you to forget anything before we leave." Alot of times, the answer was no. Usually the clothes on their back was everything, but there might be something important waiting for Alex down in the lower levels that Navaria wasn't aware about.

May 26th, 2004, 02:16:16 PM
"There is one thing," he said distantly, with a slow nod. "Something I have to do." He rose slowly to his feet. "I won't be long."

* * *

The wind brushed past him as he stood on the balcony, the reflexted light of Coruscant's sun casting a golden warmth across him. He leant against the barrier before him, staring out across the city, eyes fixed on the Jedi Temple in the distance. "It will be your new home," he whispered, his eyes falling to stare down into the depths below him. Darkness stared back.

He stood, hanging over his past, a glance away from his present, and his future. Behind him, and open door lead back to the mall, and Navaria. That was the path he had chosen. The darkness was behind him. He'd come out of the shadows. Now was his time to stand in the sun.

His hand reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small, round coin. It was old, scratched, and the markings on it had begun to wear away. But Alex knew what it was. It was the first thing he'd ever stolen. At the age of four, he'd stolen it, because it was shiny. It rested in his palm, and he sighed. "Its your fault," he whispered to the coin. "You started it all." He closed his hand, squeezing the coin up to rest against his fingers. He flicked, and it flew, vanishing over the guard-rail, and tumbling down into the depths of his past. His eyes followed, until the shadows consumed it.

He glanced out towards the horizon once more. The Jedi Temple was waiting. He smiled, and turned back to the mall. Navaria stood, just inside the door. He nodded to her. "I'm ready."