View Full Version : Trepidations

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 15th, 2004, 05:46:56 PM
Just outside the gate, there were several rock formations of various sizes and shapes. They probably were part of a man made constructed wall from long ago. What little pattern that was found, seemed to suggest that.

Dalethria had climbed onto one of the more flatter of the formations and sat down. She was clad in her usual attire, black leather pants and boots, a loose fitting shirt and her red leather jacket. Two sabre hilts hung off her weapon belt.

This place ... is boring as hell and looks like it too. No wonder Sorsha liked it so much.

She hadn't been here long to know all there was to know about the planet itself. The keep was surrounded by a canyon and before that, larger more intricate, rock formations graced the landscape. Ch'hodos had no interesting physical features otherwise. It was just red. Red and dusty. The color was not really caused by the ground, but actually because of the red sun that cast it's rays upon it. As a result, the entire sky was painted crimson.

Besides that, there was nothing. No life, hardly anything resembling a plant could be found. There was just rocks, the Keep, and those that resided here ... Vicet's chosen.

Which brought her to Milivikal. The Siren recently agreed to Dalethria taking the place of Sorsha as leader of the Sister's, with Milivikal serving as second in command. She was the perfect and logical choice, just that her fear of lightsabres was going to prove detrimental if she didn't overcome it. There was ample space within the Keep to work on her fear, and normally Dalethria would do such training indoors for ease. Training in the use of a sabre was difficult enough, but add to that the erratic gravitation shifts ... it would be almost impossible to get anything worthwhile out of the lessons. That would be something to think about for future training..

Milivikal k'Vik
May 15th, 2004, 06:34:38 PM
Dalethria had used a Vore to deliver her request that Milivikal meet her outside the gate with a lightsaber. She had constructed one from parts given to her by Sorsha, but had seldom used it, instead sticking to her daggers. k'Vik pulled on a comfortable white blouse with red trim, brown slacks, and her black boots. She looked at the white top, and thought about it for a second. It would likely have blood on it, and switched to her red and black glyph top. If the blood stained it someone would be hard pressed to tell.

Her lightsaber thumped rythmically against her leg while she traversed the Keep's corridors. The place had a habbit of making a route look longer than it really was, one of Ch'hodos' many illusions. Absentmindedly, Milivikal rubbed her lower back, where the scars were. She gritted her teeth and continued out through the worn and rusty gate.

Dalethria sat on a weather stripped rock, one of the few that didn't look wholly uncomfortable.

The reason she had chosen this place instead of a room in the Keep was obvious. Mili gritted her teeth, pulling the saber off of it's belt clip.

"I am here." Her voice was cold and mildly detached.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 15th, 2004, 06:47:58 PM
Dalethria acknowledged Milivikal, "Yes. I see that." She dismissed the sabre with a wave of her hand, "You won't be needing that, though I'd like to know why you fear it so much."

Milivikal k'Vik
May 15th, 2004, 07:26:56 PM
Milivikal pulled off her shirt until it only hung from one sleeve and dropped her saber to the ground absentmindedly in the proccess. Slowly, she turned around for Dalethria.

A line of blackend flesh crawled across her lower back, cauterized. It stung sometimes, especially after dream memories of her friend and first lover.

"Sabers were more uncertain in my time, and whilst I accept that modern ones are consistent weapons..." she said, over her shoulder to Dalethria, "...the ones of my time did not cauterize properly. Lack of power regulation." Mili explained, running a finger an inch from the black, poorly knitted flesh.

"A milimeter deeper and I would not walk."

"And then there is the matter of Ria. Her saber failed in a gruesome manner. She was the closest friend." Mili glanced at the metal cylinder on the ground. It began to float off of the oxidized dust, and hovered just a hair from her out stretched fingertips.

"If I think about the scar it stings horridly, but as time passed I grew used to the pain. Some days I even forget."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 15th, 2004, 08:43:35 PM
Dalethria inclined her head towards Milivikal to look at the wound closer. No wonder k'Vik was afraid of lightsabres. She hadn't seen a wicked looking scar like that since her days in the Sith Empire.

She unfolded her legs and hopped down the rock, continuing to listen as Milivikal explained further. It slipped her mind every now and then that she was from another time. A fact that was easily forgotten since Dalethria never made any attempt in getting to know the Siren till now.

Now that she was on the ground and could view the blackened scar closer, Dalethria grimaced and shook her head. "I find it puzzling as to why the lightsabre was being widely used if the technology wasn't perfected. Especially if they knew this were to happen ..." From the way it sounded, Ria was killed in her accident and Dalethria wondered if the wound stung Milivikal more from the memories then the lingering pain.

"You haven't gotten over her death," she asked, looking at Milivikal now, "Have you?" There was a touch of compassion within her voice as she posed the question. Sorsha's stupidity didn't cause her to be completely uncaring.

Milivikal k'Vik
May 16th, 2004, 03:30:22 PM
"She is gone, her soul evaporated into the vastness of the universe." Mili said as she pulled her shirt on. The saber remained hovering in the same spot.

"We were young. Best friends since two. We tried everything together. The Jedi Masters warned us, but also supported us in some ways. I thought it odd. 'Respect each other's skills and use each others talents to our collective advantage.' She was the dancer and I the songbird. Ria had impossible body control and instinct. Ai, the things she could do with her natural movement." Mili shuddered and saddend at the memory.

"I knew how to avoid fate, but I could tell no one. I was delerious with pain. I gained enough awareness to run to where she was and have her die in my arms." She turned to Dalethria, her eyes wet with tears and lower lip quivered.

"No, I've not gotten over her death. How do I depart from that?" The saber thudded softly agains the ground behind her. Milivikal stared.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 16th, 2004, 04:39:19 PM
And now her assumption was validated. Memories of the past were the cause of her fears, more then the weapon itself.

"Mili," it was the first time Dalethria had spoken her name informally, "I wish there was an easy answer to that, but there isn't. I've tried to find it myself for the better part of two years..." Ogre had been gone for close to two and a half years. In reality, it was three when he decided to board himself up within his workshop. After six months, he disappeared and only Kashalla knew where. Every conceivable emotion that a person could feel, Dalethria went through them all during those years until she became numb.

Now she wondered if there was ever a way to make up for all that lost time moping around like a weak fool.

She cupped Milivikal's face with her hand and gently ran a thumb along the length of her cheekbone. "In a way, I envy you. You know what happened to Ria. You found a way to be there when she died. I'll always have to live in doubt..." Dalethria was doing her best to not choke up, but talking about Ogre would always end up doing this to her. "All you can do is remember her, and not let the memories consume you." She chuckled lightly at her own stupidity, "Which I didn't do a good job of. Unfortunately, you will never truly be over what happened. All you can do is to continue to move on." Her eyes became fixated on Milivikal's, "Something that I can help you with."

Milivikal k'Vik
May 16th, 2004, 05:37:14 PM
Milivikal was confused. Was she speaking of Aliandra's father? Maybe he was part of the reason Sorsha was so afraid of Dalethria. She would not bear a child for a weak man. It seemed that he had dissapeared.

"I want to know about you. Aside from visiting Irentios and destroying your glassware, I know next to nothing about you, Dalethria. That was not my intent. The glassware."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 16th, 2004, 06:43:50 PM
"I know. Sorsha was trying to stop you, and I was caught in the middle." She took Milivikal's statement for what it was worth and released the Siren's face.

Dalethria ran a hand through her hair, unsure of where to begin with her request. "I'm not sure what you want to know. My life's a chaotic mess. Hell, I'm not even suppose to exist."

She was going to stop there, but Milivikal was eager for her to continue. For now, Dalethria left any mention of Navaria out of the conversation. She wasn't in the mood to mention that headache. "I might be a widow. I don't know like I said. Ogre disappeared on me two and a half years ago. Aliandra keeps asking me about him, and I'm running out of excuses." Thinking of Alia brought a smile to her face, "She going to be five you know... "

Milivikal k'Vik
May 16th, 2004, 07:53:38 PM
Milivikal said nothing for over a minute. Instead, she stood silent, chewing her lower lip.

"I..." she began to speak, and then stopped, falling silent again. Even the wind had seemed to cease its gentle wistle against the gate and cliff. The Siren had imposed silence without thinking about it, making it doubly uncomfortable.

"Oh." Milivikal was normally very careful with speech, but Dalethria managed to make her words clumsy. The subject was very awkward for both women, and it did not make things easier.

"Lack of closure is difficult." Not to mention the lack of proper attention. Ai, small wonder, with a body like that... Mili had started to rub her hands together, an unconcious habbit to make them warm. She stopped, forcing them to her sides and tried to stop thinking about Dalethria physically.

"I know not how to help. Aliandra is afraid of me and I am no man." Inwardly, the Siren cringed. She kicked herself for adding the last part.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 16th, 2004, 08:32:29 PM
Dalethria nodded absently to what Milivikal said first, agreeing somberly. She didn't respond right away since they were still caught in the previous silence trap. Her mind was too focused on her daughter, who had more questions since coming to Ch'hodos. It was a terrible mess.

"I know not how to help. Aliandra is afraid of me and I am no man."

Her eyes had turned towards the ground to ease the uncomfortable silence but in one blink, they had snapped upwards, staring at the Siren. "What?" Dalethria could have sworn she had heard wrong, but that came out of Milivikal's mouth exactly, if not intended.

She tilted her head to side and narrowed her eyes, allowing herself the luxury of admiring Milivikal. To be staring at her like this, with random wicked thoughts running through her mind ... it was a situation that was never fathomed. Dalethria had been loyal to her husband in every way, but it had been over two years. Two very long years ...

There was about an arms length distance between them. Dalethria stepped forward to close what little space there was to where the two of them were almost nose to nose. "It sounded as if you had an idea on how to help, though deterred." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Milivikal k'Vik
May 16th, 2004, 09:19:32 PM
She was so close. Milivikal closed her eyes, as if it would hide her from the electric blue ones scant inches away.

"I..." Again, the words did not flow as they should have. From here, she could hear Dalethria's heart thump clearly. Each short breath being drawn was distinct. The Siren breathed in and out slowly, trying to keep steady, and keep focused. Bits of her imagination were rebelling, and wondereded what Dalethria sounded like.

"I am sorry for your loss. Part of you must of gone with him." She gave Dalethria's hand a gentle squeeze.

"You are so, so, ah, loyal.exquisitely stunning " Which were both true statements, only one was said below a whisper. She did not understand how Dalethria had allowed the presence of the blonde Sith Witch for so long.

"I cannot fathom why he might have left your company, Dalethria." Mili added, relaxing her grip on Dale's hand.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 16th, 2004, 09:56:02 PM
It was like Milivikal went deaf on her. She continued on speaking as Dalethria had said nothing. The brunette knew she was having an effect on her, though the Siren was trying her hardest to appear calm.

"Everything you said is very true," Dalethria reached out and took Milivikal's hand before it fell and began to slowly slide her fingers between those of the Siren's. "I wish I knew why he left me as well, but I don't."

She closed her hand, "I don't know what to tell Aliandra anymore, about anything. Things happen quickly." With one little tug, Milivikal easily stepped forward, pressing into Dalethria. Her other hand came around to settle on Milivikal's back. The Siren's eyes were still closed, but she could feel Dalethria's hair brush against her cheek as the Master leaned forward to whisper into her ear, "What I do know is that you avoided what I said before..."

Milivikal k'Vik
May 17th, 2004, 03:07:19 PM
"I thought," She started to say, but the words fled with Dalethria's breath on her ear, "ah, assummed." Milivikal's free hand went to Dalethria's hip, while the other gripped at Dalethria's hand twined with hers. She turned her head slightly, and found her cheek against the Sith Master's. It was warm.

"I said. That I am not a man." Milivikal's body twitched.

She took a deep breath, "However, 'haps a man's touch is not what you want. If... ah... if... you want my touch. K...kiss me."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 17th, 2004, 04:01:37 PM
Dalethria was enjoying this greatly. Every little touch made Milivikal more nervous within her arms, until she finally broke down and offered herself.

In all honesty, she really came out here to train the Siren in the use of a lightsabre. Dalethria had wanted to know the source of Milivikal's fears but for whatever reason, the conversation shifted dramatically. Her intentions had turned into wanting k'Vik to admit her desires.

Now she found herself in a quandary.

She could use this situation as a power play, furthering the fear that Milivikal held for Dalethria, and dismiss her ... move onto what they were suppose to be doing. Yet, her heart was racing at the other delightful thought. She already had her way with Sorsha, but that was punishment and to give her a personal satisfaction that her Sister knew who was in charge. There was no real physical pleasure when Dalethria had tortured her.

Slowly her hand was rising with these thoughts, trailing up Milivikal's back. Dalethria pulled away, sighing as she broke the skin to skin contact, and stared into pale blue eyes that hoped for her kiss.

Her hand was now cupping the Siren's face once more. She could sense fear and anticipation coming from Milivikal, which was steadily growing each second that passed as Dalethria said nothing, simply gazing into her eyes.

Yes, she had grown so very tired of being alone.

It happened so fast. Dalethria was not moving, but then Milivikal felt the Master's hand move behind her head and pull her into a needful kiss.

Milivikal k'Vik
May 17th, 2004, 09:13:06 PM

For a moment, Milivikal didn't react. She let her mouth open slightly, and felt Dalethria's wet lips against hers.

Oh. Mili's free hand drifted to the small of Dalethria's back, and pulled their bodies back together.

Yessssss. The Siren had lusted for Dalethria the moment she had laid eyes on her. She kissed back, and gently nibbled Dale's lower lip.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 18th, 2004, 01:38:33 AM
Milivikal could feel Dalethria forming a smile before she covered the Siren's lips once more with her own, deepening the kiss. Their bodies were embraced as tightly as they could, causing Dalethria's desire to grow rapidly. Her body was craving more of this attention that it had missed desperately.

She broke the kiss, but it didn't take long to find herself buried in Milivikal's neck, randomly planting kisses wherever she could find skin. It felt so wonderful to let herself go, allowing her thoughts to run rampant of what they were going to do to each other.

She wanted to be loved again ...

A thought had occurred and Dalethria spoke between kisses, "I wonder. Should we continue this inside? Not quite comfortable out here..." She purred the last word and locked eyes with Milivikal with a devilish smirk, "Then I wonder ..." She nibbled at k'Vik's chin, "Would we even make it that far?"

Milivikal k'Vik
May 23rd, 2004, 05:39:24 PM
The Siren glanced back through the gate.

"If we-ahhhaahhhh run to your room, we might make it." They did, but barely. A mishap with a gravity shift tumbled the two together, and only the discomfort of the hard stone was sufficient motivation to make it to the bed.

It turned out that Dalethria was a moaner.


Milivikal was sore. She hadn't done anything like that since that adventure with Tirsa. It had been rather aerobatic and exhausting. She smiled, yawned and stretched her arms up. Mili brought her arms back down, and arched her back.

"Oh frell!" She said, and bolted upright, which bounced the bed.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 23rd, 2004, 08:25:33 PM
Dalethria was still sleeping, quite spent from her activities hours prior. Two and a half years of any intimate contact was impossible to make up in that time, but it didn't mean that Milivikal didn't try. It was quite the opposite ...

She mumbled when Mili swore and wanted her to hush. Dalethria was comfortable in bed and didn't feel like being woken up, but the bouncing bed made her roll over to see what the problem was.

"What's wrong?" Her questioned was muffled by the yawn. "I've never gotten an 'Oh frell' after sex like that."

Milivikal k'Vik
May 23rd, 2004, 09:54:41 PM
"My lightsaber. Tis outside."

Mili pulled her hand down her face, and then ran her fingers through her hair.

"I hope there were no sandstorms." Mili said, dressing herself. Dalethria looked irritated. Milivikal looked for her boots. The shoes were nowhere to be found. She left Dalethria in bed, and walked barefoot.

It turned out that her boots were in the hallway, but the socks were still amiss. She pulled on the boots with a sigh, and headed for the Gate.

The red sun painted everything. It wasn't very high over the horizon. Milivikal decided that this was one of the most boring sunrises she had ever seen. It was a simple red to almost black gradient.

Her saber hadn't moved. A thin coating of dust softened the glint. Mili floated it up to lip level, and blew most of the dust off.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 24th, 2004, 01:03:49 AM
Dalethria stared up at the ceiling as Milivikal got dress. After the Siren left, she rolled over and buried her face into a pillow. She closed her eyes and tried going back to sleep.

Several moments passed and she was staring at the wall, knowing full well she was awake. Bah...

She kicked the covers off in a grumble and got up. There was alot to do and Milivikal was still owed that sabre lesson. Now was a perfect time as any.

Dalethria was halfway dressed and looked around the room, scratching her head, "Where the frell is my shirt???" More grumbling began while she looked around for it, with no success. That was her only shirt until the first shipment from Meras arrived!

She snapped her fingers as an idea came. Arriana's room wasn't far. She could check on her daughter and borrow something all at once. It was a moot point when Dalethria left her room. Her shirt was staring right at her ...

... When Dalethria finally made it outside, she spied Mili in the very same spot as yesterday, looking over her sabre. She walked passed the gateway and stood in front of the Siren, examining the weapon with a critical eye. Nothing seemed to be wrong with it but it required a good cleaning to be safe. "I presume Sorsha showed you how to clean a sabre? I'd make certain that the inside is clear of sand and dust too." She raised a brow in concern, "We don't want any accidents. Right?"

Milivikal k'Vik
May 24th, 2004, 09:37:24 PM
There was a muffled thump. A puff of dust blew out of the tip of the saber, followed by a click, and then a low hum. The red blade flashed out, almost instantly.

"Aye." Milivikal's saber had taken months to assemble, and was finished with the upmost care. While that in itself was not unusual, it was unusual for someone of her skill to perform what she did. It was her second saber. As such, it was better than most.

The red glinted off of her eyes, which seemed to glow purple.

"There will be no... accidents." The determination was concrete.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 25th, 2004, 10:19:02 AM
"Good. We're in agreement." Her eyes traced down the length of the blade,"You can put that away now. I meant what I said yesterday. You won't be needing that."

Dalethria unclipped one of the sabres on her belt. There were many variations of hilts for sabres but even this one looked off. The length was roughly the same, as were the common controls. It was the tip of the sabre where the blade came out that looked nothing like a typical sabre. "We're going to be using these instead."

Milivikal k'Vik
May 25th, 2004, 06:23:39 PM
Mili raised an eyebrow, and her face took on a look of confusion.

"They look strange. What differences are there?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 25th, 2004, 08:03:19 PM
Instead of explaining it, Dalethria decided to show her. She hit the switch and ignited the blade. The sound it emitted upon activation was quieter and lower then the familiar snap-hiss. The blade itself was light blue and off-white down the center. The blade hummed like normal.

"Sorsha and I have different training techniques." She chuckled, "Not surprising of course. Where as she likes to beat the fear outta you ..." Dalethria brought the blade up and tapped Milivikal's head before she could avoid the contact or block it.

Nothing happened.

She felt the weight of the blade press against her head. "... I like to teach appreciation for the weapon. These won't harm you. Well, no ... it will sting like hell if you get hit, and if you beat on someone long enough, in the same spot, you'll break skin." Dalethria disengaged the weapon, causing Mili's hair to poof up momentarily, "The sabre is one of my specialities. I've created these long ago so the settings would be extremely low. Perfect for training."

Milivikal k'Vik
May 26th, 2004, 09:14:11 PM
"This is, ah, different." Mili looked at the pseudo-weapon with curiousity and wide eyes. She glanced at Dalethria's belt, looking for another weapon with a similar shape.

The Siren yanked the weapon off of Dalethria, and activated it. She poked the Sith Master in the stomach with the training saber and then began to giggle.

"I scarcely believe these are the same thing."

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 26th, 2004, 10:38:21 PM
Dalethria hated being ticklish. She prevented the giggling as much as she could and took a step back. "I did everything I could to make them like the real thing. You'll notice that the blade is weightless. Just the settings have been played with. The idea is you will grow more comfortable with a sabre, once you know how to wield one properly."

She rubbed at her stomach, "Which seems to be working..."

Milivikal k'Vik
May 28th, 2004, 11:06:19 AM
k'Vik narrowed her eyes.
"But these are not sabers. They are a child's toy." She attacked Dalethria with a flurry of expert placed blows, most of which were blocked. She lept back, holding the psuedo-saber high, and then turning it off.

"They behave the same but they are not. I have nothing to fear from these. Methods may be more gentle than Sorsha's, but these will not help." She tossed it back at Dalethria.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 28th, 2004, 08:42:41 PM
Dalethria didn't go to grab for the sabre. Instead, she side stepped to allow the weapon to fall to the ground, along with the one that she held. She shrugged, not bothered by Milivikal's words. "Suit yourself."

She unclipped the real sabre on her belt and ignited it at the same time she lunged the weapon forward at the Siren.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jun 1st, 2004, 01:04:07 PM
"Ai!" Milivikal darted aside. Dalethria brought the blade back in a wide arc. Mili threw herself to the ground, and bounced back up after the blade passed over, saber in hand, blocking the next blow. The Sith master pressed on the attack. Her moves were clean, and there was very little to no window of opportunity for the Siren to counter.

Dodging and lightly batting aside blows could only be done for so long. If last night was any indication, Dalethria could keep this up at least as long as Milivikal could dance.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 1st, 2004, 05:44:55 PM
"Oh come on." Dalethria did not relent. Every time the Siren dodge, another attack came. Every parry was a weak attempt to save her skin.

"You can do better then this." Dalethria swung the blade over her head and brought it crashing down towards Milivikal. k'Vik barely managed to block the attack.

The Mistress stared at her through the red and violet blades that had crossed together, "You are better then this. Proven to me with the training sabre." With a burst of strength, Dalethria stepped forward and shoved Milivikal away with the weapon. "So if you don't start trying, I'm going to end up hurting you. Possibly even killing you. Would be a shame ..." She jumped into the air, the blade ready for the kill, "... it's your choice though!"

Milivikal k'Vik
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:10:07 PM
Milivikal was off balance as Dalethria's attack landed. She looked wide-eyed as the purple saber was scarcely deflected. Some dust parted with a soft thump, swirling up and around. Mili threw her legs over her head, and rotated back onto her feet as the saber past the space they had occupied a moment before.

Dalethria is as quick as I. This troubled Mili. Her superiour footwork was granting no advantage over Dale, who was more practiced with the saber. This Sith Master was loosing her patience. Not with the fight, but with Mili, who was too hestitant to really use the blade still.

I am still afraid. She flipped away from Dalethia, landing on a wind worn rock. More delay tactics.

In a flash, Dalethria was back upon Mili, pressing the attack. Her anger was fueling her, and the Siren's defence began to collapse as the blows fell harder with each stroke.

The purple blade bit into Miliivkal's forearm as her saber was twisted aside. Her jaw opened, but no sound came out. Dalethria's eyes were cold and hard. After all, she had warned Mili. Mili was not mentally present... her saber had just failed. Her body, shocked, fell simultaneously. Events of the past began to speed up. The pain, the dream, the kilometer of pure agony as she pushed her body to see her friend die.

Its happening again, only this time, it is you who will die.

Milivikal's wimper turned to a growl, batting Dalethria's saber away. She lunged, and immediately knew something was wrong as the sandstone collapsed under her forward foot. Mili's ankle twisted painfully. Her artful attack became clumsy and ill balanced.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 3rd, 2004, 10:06:15 AM
Dalethria jumped backwards to easily avoid Milivikal's awkward attack. She landed cleanly on the ground while k'Vik continued to stumble forward off balanced.

"Least you're trying now ..." Her voice was flat, merely stating fact. Dalethria was neither laughing nor angry at the mishap. The Siren's survival instincts were starting to kick in, overriding her fear briefly. As frustrated as she was with k'Vik, Dalethria was still trying to think of a way to mold that fear into something else.

She was still within striking distance of Milivikal, but behind the Siren. That left her back exposed to Dalethria, who's eyes had locked upon the scarred area Milivikal showed her yesterday. Perfect. If she had to use psychological head games to get the Siren to move, then so be it. If k'Vik did nothing, she would be cut in half, a victim or her own fear. Dalethria was hoping for a different reaction, one in which she would have to go on the defensive, or possibly avoiding a similar fate depending on how angry Milivikal became.

It was risk worth taking.

The blade circled around counterclockwise and sliced down at a perfect angle towards the intended target.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jun 5th, 2004, 04:52:39 PM
Milivikal twisted, trying desperately to block. The blades clashed, spitting and hissing. She sniffled, her left leg was twitching visibly under the strain. k'Vik stared at Dalethria, defiant through moist eyes. The weapon pressed closer.

With a grunt, she shoved the purple saber away. Her injured leg buckled, putting Mili on her knees with a yelp. In a awkward leap, she pressed an attack against the Sith, dagger in one hand, saber in the other.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 5th, 2004, 11:08:19 PM
She growled softly at the sight of the dagger and her shoulder unconsciously twitched. The wound Dalethria had suffered from Milivikal's blade had healed but it happened not that long ago. The Siren's sound manipulation in conjunction with a dagger were a deadly combination.

k'Vik was straining under her attack due to her injuries and a relentless Dalethria. At least she wasn't giving up and was finally trying to go offensive.

As much as the Siren's attack was awkward for her, Dalethria was too close to the dagger and blade too get out of her way easily. She dove to the side, hearing the deadly hum of the sabre passing over her head. Dalethria got to her feet in a hurry and readied herself for a counter ... but she stopped herself.

First she smelled a familiar acrid scent, then a touch of pain registered. The brunette looked down at her left side and saw the wisps of smoke from where her acidic blood was eating away at her shirt. She laughed and touched the wound with a hand, bringing it up to her face so she could see the blood, "Took you long enough to hit me."

Milivikal k'Vik
Jun 7th, 2004, 07:39:45 PM
The wound was superficial, dipping in only a cenitmeter at the deepest point. Mili used Dalethria's momentary distraction to adjust her stance. Her ankle protested with every shift, but it wasn't like she had a choice in the matter.

Dalethria was snapped back to attention by a red blade closing quickly with her neck. She blocked, but Milivikal kicked Dale's legs out from under her. Mili stumbled a bit, unable to attack while she regained her balance.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 8th, 2004, 04:19:22 PM
She landed hard on her back, but Dalethria was smiling wide. The Siren was finally getting into the fight.

Milivikal was still having problems with that ankle of her's. That move had put too much strain on it. Dalethria rolled closer towards her and grabbed the wounded leg between both of her own. She yanked hard, forcing Mili to one knee. It had to be quite painful. Dalethria released her hold long enough to kick Mili in the chest, pushing her far enough away, so she could roll backwards and get to her feet.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jun 8th, 2004, 06:01:11 PM
k'Vik's mouth fell open with pain. She tried to return to her feet, but only ended up in the dust. Her body writhed in agony.

"I cannot stand." Her voice was distressed, but still pure. Mili tried to sit up, and then screamed as weight shifted onto the broken limb.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 8th, 2004, 07:45:10 PM
No one could fake pain like that. Dalethria disengaged her sabre quickly, swearing under her breath. Things were starting to progress nicely but because she misjudged how badly Milivikal's injury was, the duel had to stop.

She kicked herself mentally for that and went down to Mili's side. "Where?" Gently Dalethria examined Mili's lower leg to the best of her ability since she was wearing boots. It was indicated by k'Vik that the ankle was broken.

"Damnit." She looked up at Mili. The Siren could tell Dalethria was angry, but not at her. Dalethria was mad at herself. "I didn't mean for this to end so soon. Or like this." She was also bad at apologizing.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jun 14th, 2004, 12:52:06 PM
Milivikal stared into the red sky.

"Help me to my room." k'Vik panted. She had decided the best way to get the boot off was to not be able to feel it. Alchohol was the answer.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 14th, 2004, 02:01:49 PM
Helping Mili limp all the way to her room would take too long and would probably cause uneeded strain on the injured ankle as well.

"Stay still." Dalethria lifted Milivikal up into her arms as carefully as possible. Mili winced but being moved around was going to cause pain.

She carried k'Vik all the way to her room, which was not an easy chore. It was hard enough to walk around the Keep in the first place, carrying Milivikal on top of it was tedious. Therefore it took longer then expected, but it had to be more comfortable then limping around wounded with the gravity shifts instead.

The door opened with a thought and Dalethria entered, making sure dangling limbs would not bump into things.

Dalethria gently laid Milivikal down on the bed and once the Siren was situated, she pulled out one of her daggers in preparation to cut the boot off. "This is going to suck, but you already know that.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jun 24th, 2004, 01:47:03 AM
"Wait." Mili said weakly.

"Bring me the bottle in back corner of the sink cabinet. Please." Inside, an unlabled bottle of smooth, minty alchohol. It was 150 proof--incredibly toxic and sneaky. If Dalethria could wait thirty minutes while the stuff took effect, having the boot removed would be much less painful.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jun 25th, 2004, 11:05:20 AM
She glanced towards the sink and back to Milivikal. The dagger was put away and Dalethria went to retrieve the bottle, knowing full well what was inside it without being told. For brief periods of time, Dalethria could dull her own pain. There was no way for her to make Milivikal comfortable in such a manner. It wasn't in her power to do so for Kashalla granted no reprieve from pain. So, alcohol it was.

Dalethria rummaged through the cabinet and found the only unmarked bottle in the back. She returned to the side of the bed, making sure to not stir Milivikal too much as she sat down, and offered the bottle. "Please don't drink too much that you pass out. I need you awake."

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 3rd, 2004, 04:27:44 AM
Mili looked at Dalethria, and took the bottle from her slowly. She could not fathom why her master would want her awake. k'Vik pressed the bottle to her lips, took two gulps, and winced as the liquor slammed into her stomach. It would take a few minutes for the alchohol to work. She handed the bottle back to Dalethria, wondering what was going on behind the blue eyes. She crossed her arms and stared at the "ceiling".

"Dalethria, how did you and Sorsha meet?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 5th, 2004, 06:00:12 PM
She was tempted to try a bit of the wicked brew herself but declined and corked the bottle. A clear head was required, as much as an awake Milivikal, for Dalethria to perform the spell to help the Siren heal faster.

The silence didn't bother her but a question was raised to break it. When Milivikal was curious yesterday about who she was, Dalethria really hadn't answered with information that k'Vik didn't already know. Wasn't all too surprising that Milivikal was still curious about her.

It was a little surprising to Dalethria that she ended up answering the question. She was normally one to keep such matters private but with how sour her relationship had become with Sorsha, it was nice to reminisce.

"I knew I was Force sensitive, but I didn't do anything about it. The affairs of the Sith and Jedi didn't concern me. I chose to be part of a small smuggling operation. Their resident slicer. We were tight crew, practically family, even though I was disappearing a lot on them for some alone time.

Was during one of our downtimes between runs when we stopped on Sacorria. Chance meeting with Sorsha, who was going by Kat at the time. Fight broke out in the market between me and three Kerestians. Sorsha stepped in and helped. After the mess, she bolted and I followed, wanting to thank her. She was her usual cryptic self when I caught up with her. I got fed up with her dren that I headed back to the ship, but Sorsha wouldn't leave me alone. She and her frelling head games." Dalethria's voice grew distant and quite sad as she remembered what happened next. "Ended up killing Ellis by accident because of it ... I guess after that, the rest is history I suppose." She leaned over and placed the bottle on the night stand since the urge to drink was becoming hard to fend off.

Milivikal k'Vik
Jul 13th, 2004, 04:50:16 AM
"Oh." As Dalethria told her the tale, it became harder to concentrate. k'Vik began to sink a little deeper into the pillows. The leg seemed to stop throbbing constantly.

"So Sorsha's been cryptic always. Often interesting, occasionally infuriating." Milivikal's speech had become imprecise compared to her normally perfectly anunciated words.

"Like my ankle." She started to sit up, but it was an uncoordinated effort and she slipped back into the pillows.
"mrrrhph." Mili raised her leg, and pulled her knee to her chest. It hurt some, but she wanted to get the boot off.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 13th, 2004, 10:45:47 PM
She took the hint and sighed, "That was unnecessary."

Moving into a better position closer to Milivikal, Dalethria pulled out the dagger once more and took the leg within her left hand by the shin. It would be easier to cut along the seam of the boot and more then likely expedite this as quickly as possible.

The blade pressed against the top of the boot with immense precision. One slip of the hand, or lack of concentration, Milivikal was going to have more then a broken ankle to worry about. None of that occurred however, Dalethria was more then adept in handling a blade and sliced down the center of the boot with little difficulty. Upon reaching the heel, she placed the knife on the bed stand, sighing as it hit the floor due to the gravity shifts.

She shifted her left hand to the heel while her right peeled back the flap of the boot. The ankle would have swollen up pretty badly by now and to prolong the inevitable and go slowly would be stupid, but ripping it off fast would be just as ludicrous ...

"Okay," she looked over at Mili, "Here's how this is going to work." There was no explanation. Dalethria pulled the rest of the boot off by the heel and tossed it aside.