View Full Version : Breaking The Silence: Blood (cmplt)

May 15th, 2004, 12:47:15 PM
The Coruscant Watch had been after him for years, Troy was a wanted man just like any other wanted man. The top ten list was comprised of a number of wanted and well documented criminals that roamed Coruscant in attempt tp make money to easy way, Troy was number seven in between two Black Sun employees. Number seven was not so bad, only two away from ten. No mug shot, just a name and a few lines of text.

Wanted for 202 counts of murder, 42 counts of grand theft auto, 34 counts of drug trafficing, 3 counts of conspricy towards goverment officials, 356 counts of GBH, 7 accounts of ABH....

The list went on and on, Troy even had a section of a file cabinet to himself, what a celebrity, or anti-celebrity depending on how you look at it. They had never caught his face so even when he did do these crimes, they would never know what he looked like. His finger tips had been, for as long as Troy could remeber been grafted at the end of his fingers, his finger prints cut away so all he had was smooth fingertips, no prints.

How had any of this happned, did it happen as a child, did he burn himself? he had never been told, his foster parents would avoid the question to the point of ignoring him, just like when Sean had asked about his real parents, all they would tell him was they were doctors, Biomechanic doctors to be factful.


The mechanics of Biology? the human body?


Troy slumped in through the door, his chest was covered in a thick red liquid, blood. He had been wounded badly in the upper right part of his torso and the blood continued to pour from the open would like a river of crimson. There was no stopping it, in a matter of minitues he would be dead from lack of blood, his own body would kill him.

Slamming the door behind him, Troy fell to his knees and then to all fours, plastering the exposed floorboards in bodily fluids, plasma, blood and flesh. The hit had not gone so well, he had managed to kill his target but one of the injured gaurds had got a shot off, finaly Troy thought, he was finished.

Troys mind started to sag, his vision becoming a blurry mess of red and blacks, he was losing his mind, the lack of blood slipping his concious self into that of a back stait, a stait of death, bone and that all to important crimson stuff.

His heart pounded like a bass drum.

de-dumde-dum de-dum---dedum

It was slowing, missing beats....Troy was dying...

Suddenly a shuttle landed within the hotel room, Troys blurred vision could not determin what type it was and just as quickly the offloading ramp opned horizontily, the shuttle was nothing Troy had ever seen before and the snow plastered the inside of Troys room and the outside of the ship, and how the heck did it land inside the room?, Troy was seeing things, visions of the past, present and future...he was losing his mind.

But trying to keep the vision, he watched as his mind told a story...a story of the past.

Dr. Karliami
May 15th, 2004, 01:40:41 PM
The shuttle had touched down on a remote settlement just outside Fermosha on a ice moon circleing the planet or Darvin III. It was blizzards twentyfour seven and it was nothing like i had ever felt in my entire life. The snow, eatch flake, was like a shard of glass across the face or any exposed skin, like a hail of razor blades.

I was not looking forward to this, not looking forward to this at all, the shuttle had landed off center from the bay and so for a moment or two of running into the shelter i would be pounded upon by the stones untill my cheeks bled horribly, as you can tell i had been here before.

Myself and my friend Jenny brased outself for the 100 yard sprint into the cover of the landing bay. one...two...three and we were away. The first shard hit me like a bantha in the face, i could feel the blood freezing upon my cheek, remeber, keep your eyes and mouth shut, and i did so.

We sprinted like a couple of Lupines from the fires of hell towards the cover and we eventually made it, me, i ended up quite unscathed, but Jenny. Well Jenny had five or six cuts that would beed attending to, one looked already infected.

' I see you have arrived quiete safetly Dr.Karliami, and i see you have brought...the embrio?' I snugged inwardly, safetly my butt.

' I have professor Fenthick, we call him 17, he was the only one to survive yesterday mornings shuttle disarster, but we shall bring more next month, you may work on this one while i return.' I said, quite unsatisfied at the look on the Professors face.

' Oh, no, no, no Doctor, you are to remain here with us, after all this is your creation. I will send others to get the rest of the est subjects.' I was not willing, but for the price he was paying me to produce these little bastards, i was easily persuaded.

' Lead on inside the base, Professor. Its getting rather chilly' That being the understatement of my career, i nodded towards the icicles, he nodded and we began our jounrey inside.

May 15th, 2004, 02:16:06 PM
Seans mind suddenly snapped open like a book. The hotel room had suddenly vanished and the crisp white snow began to flow over him like a viel of white sheets and covers. He could not feel the cold however, the warmth of the hotel room was still present, nor could he feel the snow underfoot or the fresh air of the surrounding mountains.

He was floating in the vision, flaoting towards the running pair of woman as they ran from the shuttle towards the shelter, the entrance to some sort of underground building. he felt like a insect listning in on the convosations between the small party, like a spy.

' I see you have arrived quiete safetly Dr.Karliami, and i see you have brought...the embrio?'

' I have professor Fenthick, we call him 17, he was the only one to survive yesterday mornings shuttle disarster, but we shall bring more next month, you may work on this one while i return.'

' Oh, no, no, no Doctor, you are to remain here with us, after all this is your creation. I will send others to get the rest of the est subjects.'

' Lead on inside the base, Professor. Its getting rather chilly'

One woman, this Karliami was very beautiful and talented it seemed while the long bearded Fenthick looked stern and menacing. But what on earth was '17'? Troy had heard this same number pop up frequently within his life, but why? what relevence did it have upon him.

What was 17 all about?

The vision floated behind the small party of scientists as they entered the warmth of the place the vision wanted to show Troy more, it forced him to see more, a prisoner within your own mind.

May 15th, 2004, 03:12:37 PM
' Aarrrh-ahhy' Troys vision suddenly split, a seering pain swept across the torso of the assassin and a splattering sound ecoed within the dream, warm blood had washed from the pressure of the hitmans hand and washed over his fingers to splatter a number of drops across the wood of the boards, time was ticking and ticking quickly.

White walls and blue tiled floors suddenly erupted within the mind and vision of Troy, somthing that oddly made Sean nearly wretch in sight of, a terrible sickning feeling spread across his bowels, a unseen memory perhaps? he could feel pain like no other, he could hear ecoes of screams, desperation, incarseration, he could feel others desperation to escape.

However strange it was, Troy vision was quickly sweeping him down to many corridors to count, it looked more like a hospital than any sort of military base. Surgeons walked the halls while nurses and staff moved equiptment from one ward to the other, a jolt, a leap and the vision swept quickly through a wall and into a operating theatre, a little boy was across the operating table while god knows how many doctors and staff surrounded him, probing him with metal pieaces.

It seemed they were operation within the boys chest cavity.

A machine to the left seemed to be taking massive amounts of blood from the childs body, washing it through a machine in a sicking, ecoeing sound and then pumping it strait back into the boy, what was that machine possibly doing?

The boy was bald, the number 17 tattoed across his left bisep, eerily, Troy felt a connection through the vision toward the boy, a love, a friendship, compasion like he had never felt.

Troy was now observing the operation of a child, number 17.

What was going on?

May 15th, 2004, 08:34:38 PM
Silvo staggered down the hallways, following a small trail of blood from his target. He removed his disguise; a security guard, and tied it around his waist, putting pressure on the wound which had ripped through the side of his hip. He finally followed the trail far enough and found a body lying in a room, bleeding fairly badly. He walked over, straightening his posture and sweating, and looked down on the man.

"You son of a-"

Silvo did not care to finish his sentence as he brough his powerful leg foward to collide with his stomache.

May 15th, 2004, 08:46:22 PM
17 17 17!

WRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Whsipers haunted the viewing of the little boy on the operating table, whispers of pain and anger, Troys whispers, his own voice shouting for mercy, he had once been this little boy, long ago, he had to find out more, who was he? what was he and even why was he?

Murderer, theif, bastard! you frelling bastard! he wanted more, he wanted more now...

But not today and not now...

A gut ripping pain pulled him back from the white walls of the hospital into the dark room of the hotel room. It hurt, it so hurt and Troy had never felt so much pain in his life as a Hitman, even in his dangerous perfession only one man had ever caused so much pain, the man kicking him now, kicking a man down.

Silvos boot connected hard into the stomerch of Troy, only inches away from the open wound. Sean scrunched up his face in agoney, he wanted it to stop, if Silvo would just point his weapon at Troys head and blow him away, it would be peace, peace at last.

It did not matter who it was, he wanted out, he wanted out now.
' Aarrrah!'

May 15th, 2004, 08:50:12 PM
Silvo, however, would not have it that way.

His job was ruined. His employer was dead. He would not be payed. He had wasted 1 week too many protecting a man for free.

Silvo knelt down and grabbed the man's shirt, saying,

"I guess I'll beat my payment out of you."

Driving his head foward, he gave a blunt headbutt, whipping the man's head back.

May 15th, 2004, 09:00:23 PM
As their heads connected darkness cracked into light for a split second and for that flick of a moment the hospital corridors swept back into motion, Troy flowed down it gently but it was wishfull thinking, the hotel room came back into reality and the corridors were gone once again.

Troy' head lulled, he could not take much more beating, Silvo would only have to hit in the right place a few times and number seven on the most wanted in Coruscant list would be out of action, perminantly.

On the floor, something solid had come into Seans hand while he rolled around in pain, whatever it was it would so atleast a bit of damage, it was solid, and hard. A hit to the right place would possibly give Troy a chance to turn the tables, but while Sean had a chest wound and Silvo have a pelvis shot, Silvo would always have the upper hand.

The object thankfully enough was a silenced baller-pisol Troy had fallen down with on his way into the room but in Troys stait he did not know what it was, only it was hard and good for bludgeoning with, if he had known it was a gun he could have ended it with Silvos death right there and then.

The butt of the Hitmans baller and into a swinging motion smashed hard into the underside of Silvos kneecap which cracked under the weight of the hit, something snapped and it was ether the gun or the mans knee, ether way, something had broken, Troy was not quite sure what it had been.

' Y-Your trying my patience y-young one

May 15th, 2004, 09:05:47 PM
Silvo recovered from the headbutt which had hit his head not quite right and did not move in time as the man picked up his pistol and brought it to his knee, cracking the handle of the gun, as well as Silvo's knee. The man may have looked near death, but Silvo gave him credit; he didn't give up easily.

He cursed through his teeth and became even more enraged. Straddling the man, he grabbed his arm which held the gun and gave an open palm jab at his forearm. If he did it right, he would break the man's arm at his elbow.

May 15th, 2004, 09:10:13 PM
Troy had twisted in the mans arms has the palm came down and Silvos hand had hit Seans forearm rather than his elbow, if he had hit, Troy would have been incaptacitated, the pain would have taken him out.

While Troy had his right arm caught up in all kinds of trouble, the Hitmans left hand was free and in a last desperate attempt he swung his fist, middinle knuckle slightly extended, to smash hard enough into the temple of his attacker.

If it had been hard enough it would have possibly killed Silvo.

Lucky enough with Troy' strengh there was noway of that happerning.

May 16th, 2004, 04:42:07 PM
Silvo was about to send a punch into the man's face when suddenly he caught a fist in the corner of his eye. Turning slightly, the fist met the side of his forehead and stunned him for a moment. The strength of the man was dwindling; he could feel it in the retaliation. Pushing the man's arm down which had hit him, he send a powerful punch at the man's face.

May 16th, 2004, 05:59:49 PM
Crack; Troys head getting punched square in the face.

Crack; Troys head hitting the wooden floor.

Darkness took over Troys mind, no hospital, no shuttles and no little boy. just darkness. Ether 17 was dead or he was unconcious, ether way that was the end of the fight for Sean, he was at the mercy of his adversary. Whatever happned now, it was in Silvos hands.

Troy was in dreamland.

May 16th, 2004, 06:02:10 PM
Silvo's hard punch knocked the man out, but this did not satisfy him. Picking him up by the collar, he held him by his neck against the wall. Suddenly lunging foward, he began to knee the man in the stomache violently on his wound.

After about 2 knees to the wound, the man's body drooped over. Silvo carelessly let go of his neck, allowing the man's body to hit the ground hard. Pulling out a note, he scribbled something on it and walked out the door, wiping a bead of blood from his face.

May 18th, 2004, 05:41:25 PM
It was like falling from a building, a high rise, into a pit of blackness and numbness. Let the darkness wash over you or be consumed by everything worse right? Troy could not think what could be worse than darkness, the inability to see what was behind its veil but it was hardly stopible.

Troy slipped into whatever it was that was gripping him and he was out, no dreams flickered, no thoughts sounded, just a endless hated silence that left the room and entered the Hitmans mind.

This was the worst torture a man could get.

Whatever the note read, Troy would not read it for another 27 hours, Troy was found just about then, he was dead, his body lay motionless, a resuss team called, but it was unlikely that they would revive him.

If they did, well lets see.