View Full Version : The Lion

Anbira Hicchoru
May 13th, 2004, 08:35:14 PM
<font size=-3>OOC: Continued from <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35071&perpage=20>here</a></font>

The beast leapt through the air, intent sharp as daggers on its eyes as it destroyed its prey. Powerful jaws rent throats asunder, staining its tawny breast crimson.

The beasts eyes did not blink. The vision did not end.

The dark shrouded warriors advanced on the animal with sword and snare, and were all put to slaughter without mercy or relent. As the tide turned, a woman in white approached.

The beast leapt, its eyes gleaming.

As it regained its feet, its disposition was instantly tame. The bloodstained mane was immaculate, marred by no man's spilled blood. The woman in white approached the killer, without fear. She leaned forward and placed her lips on the beast's forehead, and the creature lay at her feet as a cub would.

With a wave of a hand, the woman cleared the carnage of the battlefield. The ground was red no longer, and the field was no longer the resting place of fallen men. There was only the woman, the beast, and the perfect sunrise...

Anbira woke from his dream in a cold sweat. Taking a moment to steady his breathing, the Jedi Master slowly slid from his bed, and padded out of his quarters in bare feet, with only a blue robe to cover him.

Sleep would not come to him tonight.

May 14th, 2004, 09:33:39 PM
:: There was a soft knock on Anbira's door as AB waited patiently outside of his quareters. ::

Anbira Hicchoru
May 16th, 2004, 11:28:21 PM
Anbira opened his door less than a second after Rie knocked. He paused there for a moment, looking at her peculiarly.

"That was...interesting timing."

May 19th, 2004, 03:50:37 PM
:: She smiled up at him. ::

I've been known to have interesting timing... from time to time.

:: She shurgged casually. ::

I have found since marrying Morgan that my Force atunment has become quite sensetive when I sleep. I feel when the Jedi are having trouble sleeping, or have troubling matters on their minds.

I try to be there to council them if I can.

:: She lifted her hands. In one she held a small self-heating tea pot and in the other a bag of assorted teas. ::

I thought maybe you'd like to take a rest from your dreams, if only for a moment.

Anbira Hicchoru
May 19th, 2004, 10:23:50 PM
"So does that work in reverse?"

Stepping to the side, Anbira allowed Rie through the threshold into his quarters, and followed her to a small table near the window.

"Can you feel when your fellow Jedi are sleeping too deeply? That would make for quite a reliable wake up call."

With a small laugh, Anbira took a seat across from her.

May 20th, 2004, 07:07:37 PM
:: She cocked an eyebrow at him as she prepared the arming of the water. ::

It's possible it works in reverse... though I haven't tested it out.

:: She chuckled at his comment. ::

I'll let you know when I find one that DOES sleep too deeply. Seems like everyone around here is, well, I wouldn't say light at sleeping, but they aren't logs either.

:: She settled into one of the simple chairs at the small table, the water beginning to heat. She looked at Anbira as small wisps of steam began to poke through the spout. ::

So how does it feel to have your young visage again?

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 3rd, 2004, 12:11:03 AM
"Truth be told, I'm not sure yet."

Anbira made a somewhat-overwhelmed face.

"There is an endless string of questions, most of which I have to answer myself."

Snapping out of such metaphysical conjecture, he smiled slightly.

"I sleep less. Eat more. None of my clothes fit, I...well...took a few credits to purchase what would make do for now."

For instance, he leaned back in his seat to show the robe he now wore.

"I feel so far away from where I was just the other day."

Jun 7th, 2004, 04:39:31 PM
:: AB nodded. ::

Well, you have come a long way... and in such a short time too.

:: The kettle began to whistle and AB reached out and turned it off. Setting two cups down, she put tea bags in each cup, choosing a blend that would aid in relaxing. She then poured the water and handed Anbira his cup. ::

Careful... it's hot.

:: She smiled and lightly sipped her, not wanting to burn her tongue. She closed her eyes as the smile grew wider. ::

Nothing like a simple cup if tea to warm the body and soothe the mind.