View Full Version : The Art of Parlay (Khendon Sevon)

R. S. Esalis
May 11th, 2004, 08:07:08 PM
R. S. Esalis was perhaps one of the most cruel women known to the galaxy; her anger was a chilling thing, and her vengeance bitter. She was dedicated to the sanctity of the government she served, and performed her duties to a T. The only conflicts she ever had with other officers were when she felt it in the interest of the betterment of the Empire.

And that was what fueled her actions now.

Sitting at the desk in her darkened temporary office aboard the Intimidator, the Sovereignty's High Inquisitor grinned evilly as her finger depressed the button which would transmit her communication to where she knew Khendon Sevon, Imperator of the Federacy, would recieve it.

"Come out and play with me, Imperator," she whispered to herself.

"The spider wishes parlay with the fly."

Khendon Sevon
May 12th, 2004, 01:23:08 PM
Khendon’s face tightened into intricate knots. A snarl expressed his utter enmity. The leader of the Federacy pounded his fist on the tactical display desk with a loud, dull thud. He lifted his hand revealing a deep dent in the sturdy metal surface. The lighting in the war room was livid. Bright red lights painted the chamber with a sense of urgency. Shadows were small recesses cowering in corners.

“WE SHOULD INCINERATE THEM,” Khendon spat vehemently. The eyes of the admiral in the room darted from the fuming man to that of the stranger the Imperator was addressing. “DO THEY THINK THE LIVES OF MY FAMILY ARE PAWNS TO BE BARTERED WITH!”

Kyle Raiden
May 12th, 2004, 01:42:02 PM
Kyle caughed lightly, seemingly unphased by the outburst that greeted his entrance. "Yes, sir," he said in his usual, annoyingly calm voice. "I believe they do."

The Imperator fumed, but Kyle remained professional as ever. He wasn't cold to the situation...he was just very good at keeping his emotions in check. Still, when he'd seen the message that he carried in his hands, he'd found it very hard not to draw his blaster and start shooting his computer terminal.

"We have just recieved a communique from the Sovereignty," he said calmly. "The High Inquisitor would like to speak to you." Despite himself, Kyle had to restrain a smile. Esalis had no idea what she was letting herself in for.

R. S. Esalis
May 12th, 2004, 01:50:21 PM
Canting her head and cocked a single eyebrow, R. S. Esalis leaned back, her eyes fixated on the visage of the Federacy's ruler, Khendon Sevon. Oh how angry he looked; and rightly so. She could see the murderous intent written across his face like an open book. It was positively delicious to see. Especially since it was her that had caused it.

"Why, Imperator Sevon. It is indeed a pleasure to see you finally." Her voice remained as smooth as silk, and held deliberate condescending undertones. "How are you, this fine day."

Khendon Sevon
May 12th, 2004, 02:01:43 PM
The coronas of Khendon’s eyes were made of cool steel. His teeth locked in place and his jaw set itself firmly. A door began being beaten on in the back of the Imperator’s mind. A beast yearned for its freedom. Chains wrapped around the creature as the better senses of the former Vice-Diktat took hold.

He looked the hologram from head to toe, the tension in his face subsiding slightly. A calming breath came naturally to him, control was, for the moment, restored. “Madam,” he said in a smooth, disciplined voice, “what does the Sovereignty want,” it wasn’t a question, it was a condescending statement.

Kyle Raiden
May 12th, 2004, 02:11:32 PM
Kyle stepped back, retreating to his usual position of observation. He was there to inform, describe, and explain. He was an intelectual. He assessed, and he advised. His skills made him something. They ensured that he wasn't stupid. Right now, his senses told him that, getting out of the way was the least stupid course of action.

As Kyle watched, a singular, unwelcome thought floated into his head. Do the pretty ones have to be willing to kill me? He sighed quietly.

R. S. Esalis
May 12th, 2004, 02:26:59 PM
A devious smile ticked the corners of her lips.

"Why, Imperator, we haven't even gotten through our pleasantries."

She waved him off before he had any chance to speak. "No matter. I'm sure that you know the reason for my call, and no doubt you wish to rectify the situation you now find yourself in.

"Am I correct?"

Khendon Sevon
May 12th, 2004, 02:32:41 PM
A sly, malevolent smile crept onto the Imperator’s face, “Maybe you should refresh my memory, as far as I know, we don’t have any business to discuss.

“Of course, if it’s for personal reasons,” a sparkle entered the devious man’s eyes as he took another very obvious looking over of the woman, “my wife satisfies all of my needs.”

R. S. Esalis
May 12th, 2004, 02:39:36 PM
A laugh escaped her lips. "Then I can imagine that you are somewhat unsatisfied right now."

She leaned forward then, her face stern and her voice acidic. "For I do not see your wife anywhere near you. Or in Federacy controlled space, either."

Khendon Sevon
May 12th, 2004, 02:44:40 PM
Khendon returned to his cool demeanor, his eyes narrowing slightly. In a firm, resonating voice he spoke, “are you implying something?”

He wished a thousand curses on the woman as he held the hologram’s gaze. The Imperator clasped his hands into fists, knuckles bulging, muscles flexing.

R. S. Esalis
May 12th, 2004, 03:14:48 PM
"Why would I imply something that you and I both know to be true? Do not mock my intelligence, Imperator Sevon. You know as well as I do that the position in which you are right now allows for no mistake on your part.

"I need you to listen very carefully, Imperator."

Esalis steepled her fingers. "Do you value the life of your wife."

Khendon Sevon
May 12th, 2004, 03:46:04 PM
“Madam,” growled the Imperator, “I believe it is you who should listen and listen well.” His voice was strong and laced with intent, his eyes spoke volumes, “Enough of this mysticism, spell it out right now,” his voice suddenly shifted in pitch and coarseness, it became raspy and full of hatred, “or I’ll find you,” suddenly he was shouting,”AND SO HELP ME, I’LL BLEED YOU DRY AND DRAG YOUR ROTTEN, FROZEN CORPS BEHIND A SQUADRON OF STAR DESTROYERS AS THEY RAVAGE YOUR LANDS UNTIL YOUR PEOPLE ARE SLAVES AND YOUR LEADERS COWAR UNDERNEATH MY BOOT PRAYING THAT I MAKE THEIR END QUICK!”

R. S. Esalis
May 12th, 2004, 04:00:09 PM
She only offered a cryptic smile, ignoring his outburst.

"Very well. Meet me on Myrkr, Imperator, on the morrow. And do come alone. You will severely regret it if you don't. A single lambda shuttle is all that you will require. No fighter support, no capital ships.

"You have my word that nothing will happen to you. Myrkr is Neutral ground for this matter, and if you violate that, I can more than assure you that I have no compunctions to hurt and possibly bury those that are closest to you.

"Do we have an understanding?"

Kyle Raiden
May 12th, 2004, 04:09:31 PM
Kyle didn't like this. He didn't like it one little bit. Myrkr. Alone. Myrkr was too far away to ensure a quick response by any kind of military force. It was too out of the way. And without any kind of back up, there was nothing to stop a Sovereignty ambush.

Kyle coughed lightly, trying to catch the Imperator's attention. "Trap," he mouthed, shaking his head. If the High Inquisitor was willing to use kidnap and backmail as weapons, then she wouldn't think twice about this sort of trap.

Kyle let his eyes slowly closed. He had to think of a plan. And he had to think of one quickly. Otherwise, the leader of the Federacy could go off and do something very stupid. He could get himself killed.

Khendon Sevon
May 12th, 2004, 08:53:53 PM
Khendon’s face returned to a placid state. His eyes pierced through the hologram and cut it to shreds like lasers. “I will be bringing my secretary, Kyle Raiden,” the Imperator grunted, “and I’ll be piloting a TIE Punisher. Your promises seem written in water to me, Madam.” His face reverberated resolve.

R. S. Esalis
May 12th, 2004, 09:05:04 PM
A nod.

"Your concerns are heard, Imperator. And I know that my words mean little to you in the way of reassurances, but in time, Sevon, you will see just how trustworthy and true to my word I can be.

"I'm placing my trust in you that you will honor this meeting and comply with my wishes. I will allow you to bring your secretary, but no one else."

Kyle Raiden
May 13th, 2004, 12:50:49 AM
Uh-oh. Defence mechanisms in Kyle's mind tingled. Now it wasn't just the Imperator in danger of being killed. Kyle was in danger too.

Kyle wasn't modest. He didn't need to be. He knew exactly what he was capable of, and acted achordingly. His expression set with an icy resolve. If anyone can help keep the two of us alive, its me, he realised.

Scenarios already ran through Kyle's head. It was his business to know things. His mind was filled with snipets of information that melted together to create a coherant image. But there weren't enough fragments of knowledge about the High Inquisitor floating about between his ears. He'd torn apart every rumour, every whispered curse, every log, every report that even vaguely mentioned anything to do with her. They weren't exactly an abundant resource. Apparently, Esalis didn't get out much.

A final thought floated through his mind. The Imperator wants me specifically to come...why? He blinked. Khendon had a plan. But, hard as he tried, Kyle couldn't work out what it was.

Khendon Sevon
May 13th, 2004, 02:07:22 PM
Khendon’s brows furrowed and his eyes shot to the floor as he contemplated the wicked woman’s proposal. He spoke firmly as his gaze returned to the hologram, “Very well, I will see you then.”

R. S. Esalis
May 13th, 2004, 02:43:14 PM
Myrkr: The following day

Standing in a clearing, her hands clasped at the small of her back, R. S. Esalis waited patiently for Khendono Sevon to make his appearence. Her crimson tunic and jet black trousers fit her lean body well, and in her eyes burned a cruel streak that was visibly evident.

Grasped in one hand that still rested behind her back was a leash; and attached to that leash, sitting on its' haunches at her right, was a mottled grey vornskr. The beast remained still lest the shock collar around its' neck be once again activated.

The High Inquisitor of the Sovereignty stood tall, knowing that the transponder signal she'd set for Sevon would bring him to her.

And then the verbal battle for the life of his wife and unborn child would begin.

She smiled.

Kyle Raiden
May 13th, 2004, 03:25:28 PM
I have a bad feeling about this, the voice of Kyle's brain whispered, as he walked, blaster drawn, a few paces behind his Imperator. They followed a transponder signal to where Esalis waited. Kyle shuddered - something he wouldn't normally do. Things didn't affect him. But strangely, this did. The spider was reeling us in.

"Be careful, sir," he advised quietly, reaching forward to lift a branch out of his superior's way, and ducking to let it pass over his head.

"OK Esalis," he breathed softly to himself as they approached the clearing. "Which part of the web is it safe to stand on?"

Khendon Sevon
May 15th, 2004, 03:47:27 PM
Khendon took in a deep breath, savoring the intoxicating flavor of the fresh air. He closed his eyes and cut off the physical aspect of his existence. He could only vaguely sense the life around him. Instead, he relied on his natural senses.

The Imperator gently opened his eyes and smiled mischievously. “This way, no talking” he said, throwing aside the beacon device. He slid around trees and slipped under stretched limbs, circling the clearing.

The Imperial halted and took a knee. His silver eyes failed to pierce the green cloud of trees. The former Vice-Diktat expanded himself for a moment and ignored the hatred welling up within him. His ears perked up and he could hear the faint grumbling of a nearby animal, could barely sense its presence.

Khendon closed his flowing coat, hiding the series of weapons that he carried. He stood up and straightened his back. With a sigh he walked into the clearing, hands held visible at either side of his body.

Kyle Raiden
May 16th, 2004, 03:24:13 AM
Kyle followed Khendon through the trees, frowning at the actions of his superior. He seemed to be guided by something that Kyle could not see. The Force, he realised.

He looked around with his own senses. The forest seemed closed; constrictive. He saw places to run, and places to run from. He saw hiding points. He saw ambush points. He saw landmarks that would guide him "home". But Khendon aparently saw something different.

Dropping into a crouch beside the Imperator, Kyle frowned, and cocked his head to one side. He remained there, silent, watching the invisible effect of the Dark Jedi.

R. S. Esalis
May 16th, 2004, 01:10:21 PM
She watched him appear out of the jungle, his tall, proud form seemingly dominating the clearing that they now shared. He truly looked every bit the Imperator of the Federacy, and Esalis afforded herself a generous look over his body - regardless of the fact that he was shrouded in flowing cloak.

She sensed the vornskr shift, its' eyes going to Sevon's approaching form.

"So glad to see that you found everything safely, Imperator."

Khendon Sevon
May 16th, 2004, 01:24:19 PM
Khendon’s face was fixed and solid. His cool, silver eyes gazed intently at the woman in front of him. He once might have found someone of her assets attractive and exotic; however, he now only felt an empty hatred. The Imperator continued to walk forward; his garb flowed fluidly around him, caught in a slight breeze.

He looked down at the four-legged creature and snarled, his eyes shooting laser beams at it. Nimbly Khendon undid the first few buttons of his coat, the sides shooting open as he neared the Inquisitor.

“Sure,” his right hand adeptly and quickly flew into his cloak and grasped the hilt of his katana. In an equally skilled motion he brought the long blade to bare neatly two inches away from the female’s throat, “why shouldn’t I slit you from jugular to breast right now?” He said in a low, harsh, yet restrained, voice.

R. S. Esalis
May 16th, 2004, 01:31:37 PM
"Because if something happens to me," she started icily, her eyes unfliching as he held the blade at her neck, "Then it happens to your wife, and unborn child as well."

Khendon Sevon
May 16th, 2004, 02:01:20 PM
Rage filled Khendon’s silvery eyes as he returned the woman’s cold glare. He twisted his sword so that the tip faced the upward portion of her neck. His shoulder muscles flexed as the blade edged closer and closer to the woman’s flesh.

The Imperator shook his head and grunted. In a fluid motion he brought the tip of the blade to rest on the lady’s throat and snapped it away. A small dab of blood trickled free. He sheathed the weapon in his shoulder scabbard, his bright eyes never leaving the woman’s own dark pools.

"What do you want."

R. S. Esalis
May 16th, 2004, 02:59:15 PM
She let the thin rivlet of blood trickle down her neck; her expression unchanged.

"I will allow that to slide, Imperator." Her hand went up then, and she wiped at the blood with a single, slender finger. "I will spare your wife the slight transgression which you inflicted upon my own person."

Her eyes never left his though, and Esalis inhaled deeply, letting the atmosphere of the planet fill her lungs before answering him.

"What do I want? It's very simple, really. I wish for you to stop any and all hostilities agaisnt the Sovereignty; be them large or seemingly unnoticable. I can and will employ any means necessary that I see fit to enforce these edicts, and if that means using your own wife as a way in which to do that, I will.

"You will leave the Sluis Sector completely; all of your ships are to withdraw without engagement.

"Failure to do so will bring terrible consequenses to the ones that you love. The first offense will result in the removal of one limb from the child while still in the mother's womb. The second offense will result in its' permanent genetic mutation into something rather unpleasant. The third violation will result in the disembowlment of your wife. And the fourth and final violation will result in her termination."

Her eyes gleamed malevolently.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Khendon Sevon
May 16th, 2004, 03:09:46 PM
Khendon’s eyes had narrowed by then. His expression was cold, harsh, and unforgiving. He didn’t look angry; rather, he was grim. She dares make stipulations to me! ME!. “I’ve got a better idea,” his eyes shot down to the creature on the woman’s leash and then returned to the stone-like gaze of the woman.

“You will release my wife to me, unborn child and all. They will be unharmed. And if you don’t…” a classic, sly Khendon grin gently appeared on his visage. The Imperator took a step closer. He leaned slightly so that she would be able to feel his breath on her face. His eyes softened and muscles relaxed, “Madam, do you like being warm?”

R. S. Esalis
May 16th, 2004, 03:15:23 PM
What I like is irrelevent. What my government needs is the only thing that matters." Her stony expression remained the same even as she felt his breath on her face.

"You will stop any and all hostilities, and leave the Sluis Sector. If you do this, your wife and child will be safe. If not, then I'm afraid there is nothing you can do but watch transmitted recording of the repercussions to your actions metted out upon her and the child."

She squared her shoulders.

"Do we have an accord?"

Khendon Sevon
May 16th, 2004, 03:24:00 PM
Khendon shook his head, a wicked smile taking root on his face. “You don’t understand, do you,” he said in a distinctly darker tone. “You’re pathetic,” he spat. His hands melded into one behind his back and he turned dramatically away. The Imperator began to pace around the woman, eyes filled with fire and passion.

“I was once like you. Naïve. Stubborn. Stupid. That all changed.” A snarl rolled across his face and disappeared like an ephemeral tide. “You think that because you have my wife I will relent and give into what you demand. You believe you have a bartering chip.

“You’re lacking a few things. One, you’re not providing me a means to retrieve my family. That’s a no, no,” for emphasis he waved his right index finger at her. “The second important factor you’re ignoring is that I have a temper issue,” his eyes shot to his aid. Khendon stopped behind the woman, moved closer to her and spoke gently into her ear, “Finally, you’re forgetting that I am a true IMPERIAL!” His voice rose towards the end of his oratory and his jaw snapped shut with a click.

Kyle Raiden
May 16th, 2004, 03:29:36 PM
Kyle frowned. It was strange, knowing that the women before him, small though she was, represented the largest, and most legitimate faction of the former Empire. And here she was, as the representative of the Sovereignty, forced to take such desperate and un-Imperial actions, just to hold off its smaller cousin. Had the situation been different, Kyle would have let himself chuckle. However, he didn't really want to incur Khendon's wrath. So he didn't.

What puzzled him most was that the Sovereignty was willing to bargin at all. It just wasn't Imperial. The Imperials didn't need to make accords. Power was everything. If they were willing to put their pride aside, it could mean only one thing...the Federacy's attacks were hurting them. That meant that now was the worst possible time to stop the attacks...but he knew they would stop. The Imperator would not saccrifice those he loved, not even for the Federacy. Kyle would be loyal to his decision.

In his mind, he smiled a secret smile. Stop any and all hostilities...large or seemingly unnoticable? Very well, Esalis...that doesn't rule out the unseen. And that, unfortunately for you, happens to be what I'm good at.

R. S. Esalis
May 16th, 2004, 07:55:23 PM
She turned on the balls of her feet, the expression on her face clearly unimpressed.

"I am offering you a very simple way to keep your wife alive. If you care for her at all, I suggest you do as I wish. By all rights I could just have her killed. As it stands, if you kill me, she dies too.

"That you think me naive means nothing. I am merely taking advantage of a situation that has presented itself.

"Whether you think me less than Imperial for doing this, I do not care. The simple reason that I do not yet offer you a chance to recover your wife is because it is not expedient to do so.

"I have yet to recieve your word regarding your acquiescence, and therefore it is not in my interests to provide you any reassurances as to the status of your fledgling family."

Khendon Sevon
May 16th, 2004, 08:50:48 PM
Khendon grunted. His own face was merely inches away from that of his enemy’s. “In that case,” he said with a smile that quickly faded into a snarl, “you may watch your precious Empire burn!

“I give you my word that for every day that my family is not returned to me I shall raze a Sovereignty planet. For every infraction I require being redressed, I shall kill a billion of your people.

“I will make you and your Empire suffer beyond suffering. Aldeeran,” Khendon sneered, “will be but a faint memory when I am done with you, My Dear.”

R. S. Esalis
May 17th, 2004, 01:40:56 PM
"If that is how you feel, then I am sorry for your sake and that of your wife and child's. I had hoped that you would have their best interests at heart; Apparently I was wrong.

"If you attack the Sovereignty, I can tell you this with the utmost certainty : for every infraction and battle you start, your wife will be mutilated; genetic as well as otherwise."

The High Inquisitor remained motionless as she went on. "However, if you do as I ask, she and the child will not be harmed, and you have my word that once I am convinced that you have receded back into your own borders, I will return your wife. I promise you that."

Eyes on his, Esalis drew in a deep breath. "I never wanted to see the Empire divided, and I never wanted to have to fight against a former fellow Imperial. But, it seems as though things have unvariably come to just that. I do this not out of spite, but because I do not want to see two Imperial factions fighting against one another. And if that means doing what I am now doing, then so be it. I will do it.

"I am merely a servant who performs her duties. If I was a part of the Federacy I would be doing the same for you. But, as it stands, I am not a part of your government, and now because of that I find myself in this situation with you.

"I'm offering you a very simple solution. Leave the Sluis sector and stop your squabbling with the Sovereignty, and your wife will be returned unharmed to you."

Kyle Raiden
May 17th, 2004, 02:08:25 PM
Kyle didn't need to be any kind of Jedi to sense the anger and dispair that Khendon felt. He knew how hard it must be for him...well actually, he didn't. He knew that it was far beyond his comprehension...and Kyle could comprehend a whole lot of stuff.

He stepped forward, and gently rested his hand on Khendon's shoulder. "Sir..." he said softly into the Imperator's ear. "For their sakes, withdraw. We will get your family back...we will find a way. Please...don't throw away that chance."

Khendon Sevon
May 17th, 2004, 05:23:11 PM
Khendon’s eyes narrowed deviously, “Madam,” he said slowly in his deep, rich voice, “I believe you’ll have to do better than that.

“I’m giving you one more chance.” his face suddenly became serious. He shrugged off Office Raiden’s hand and set his jaw. The lines of his visage tightened and smoothed as muscles tensed.

He opened his mouth, no smile gracing his face, and cast blaster bolts at the woman with his silver eyes. When he spoke, it was slow, articulated, and very, very willful, “You will return my family to me and I will forget this incident ever occurred. Trust me, the results of not cooperating will be far, far worse.”

R. S. Esalis
May 19th, 2004, 04:01:41 PM
"When you remove the Federacy presence from the Sluis Sector and halt aggressions against the Sovereignty, your wife will be returned. Not before."

Esalis matched his gaze without backing away, the muscles in her jaw clenching.

"So I will ask you once more. Is the continued engagement of your forces against ours worth the lives of the ones you love?"

Khendon Sevon
May 19th, 2004, 06:36:06 PM
Clouds slowly formed, they soaked up the tension in Khendon’s bones and absorbed the hatred pulsing through his veins. A mild wind began to pick up and the sea of hatred began to toss as the first signs of a gale developed. Darkness fell over the Imperator’s usually radiant eyes. The silver pools turned ugly, hazy, black.

His upper lip quivered for a moment then slowly subsided. A sensation grew in his nasal passages, his visage relaxed substantially. His brow unfurrowed and lightened, the intricate folds unknotting. A thick, smooth, lumbering tear jerked from his eye and rolled down his cheek, leaving a fresh, salty trail in its wake. Khendon’s heart suddenly dropped into his stomach. The Imperator cumbersomely swept at his face with the back of his hand.

The former Vice Diktat sniffed lightly and cast his eyes down at the thick, rich, glowingly green grass. He swallowed hard then broke into a faint, sad smile. His eyes were large, shadowed, it was as if doom had suddenly crept up on him and touched something inside the Imperial. A thin, fine cord had snapped and broken him. When he spoke it was lulled and crackling with pent up emotion, “very,” he mouthed without words, “very well,” he cleared his throat.

Khendon took a step away from the strong woman. He suddenly felt mildly dizzy, the Imperator had a premonition of the lady’s shadow jumping up and encompassing his body, gagging him and choking him. Another jittery, shaken step brought him two meters away from the Sovereignty Official.

R. S. Esalis
May 19th, 2004, 07:48:43 PM
Harsh eyes watched the Imperator's reaction, and she pursed her lips. She trusted no one; one of the charming qualities about her that had aided in her ascension through the ranks of the Inquisitoriate. R. S. Esalis trusted no one. Not even Grand Admiral Telan Desaria.

Sevon's slight physical retreat from where she stood surprised her minimally though, and she raised a single eyebrow in reaction, her body suddenly taught in anticipation as if she thought he would allow their meeting to descend to physical brutality.

"Do I have your word then."

Kyle Raiden
May 22nd, 2004, 01:02:50 PM
Kyle had never seen the Imperator like this. He was usually a proud, strong man. The anger was normal...somewhat pointless in this situation, but normal. Kyle was almost ready to believe that it was an act...an attempt to gain sympathy from the High Inquisitor. Kyle was almost ready to believe that. Had they been trying to save the life of anyone else, then he would have believed it in an instant. But this was Khendon's family.

He can battle and war every day of his life, but he'll always need a reason to go home and be human again each night. If the Imperator lost his grasp on who Khendon Sevon was, then Khendon Sevon could well cease to exist. All that would remain would be the Imperator; a man who required no other name. It could make him invulnerable to these tactics, yes, but it would also turn him into little more than an echo of the Emperor. The Federacy was not the Empire. It was better. It lacked many of the Empire's mistakes. The Federacy didn't need an Emperor to lead it...one who could instil fear in even the bravest of men. It needed someone who could still remember what it was like to live a 'normal' life. Khendon Sevon needed his family to remain as he was. The Imperial Federacy needed Khendon Sevon to remain as it was. Therefore, the Imperial Federacy needed his family.

It is our duty to act in the best interests of the Federacy. We will get them back, sir. No matter what it takes, we will get them back. The words of his silent pledge echoed in his mind. His hands clenched into fists. The Imperator was doing the right thing. Kyle had to do the same.

Khendon Sevon
May 25th, 2004, 01:50:12 PM
A dull, uneasy grin came to Khendon’s face, his eyes unfocused slightly as a thin veil clouded his mind. When he spoke, his words were soft and delicate, “That old coot Telan doesn’t know about this, does he?

“I was surprised to hear that Imperials were following him as a leader. However, now, after our encounter, I understand the truth of it. People like you turn that weak man any way you desire.

“He’s foolish and will lead you to disaster, why do you think he never advanced beyond Rear Admiral while within the Galactic Empire? Weakness, it’s a flavor I’ve never known…

“That is, until now. I accept your terms,” Khendon bowed at his hips, a wink flirting from his hazy eyes, “I’m leaving.” The Imperator turned on his heel and, without a second thought, began trotting off.

Kyle Raiden
May 25th, 2004, 02:05:22 PM
Kyle mimicked his superiors grin, although somewhat more restrained. It ended up seeming more like a look of general smugness. It was an expression he'd spent a long time practicing, and was very proud of what he'd created.

He turned slowly, his smugness remaining as he fell into step behind the Imperator. "No wonder the Sovereignty are suffering such losses against us," he said, feigning ignorance. He knew full well about the Sovereignty 'Grand Admiral' and his career history...but he often found that conversations went much simpler if he pretended to know less than he did.

"I assume you have a plan to get your family back, sir?" Whether or not the Imperator did or not, Kyle certainly had one. It would take some work, and some resources, but it was achievable. And it would work. He smiled secretly to himself. Don't reveal all of your cards at once. Save your ace, Kyle. Don't use it until the moment is right.