View Full Version : Trying to touch the Unifying Force(open)

Shade Magus
May 11th, 2004, 01:50:52 AM
Shade sat meditating in his chamers. His eyes were closed and his forehead was beaded with sweat. He was trying to reach into the Force and that into what some called the Unifying Force. He had become aware of thispart of the Force when he had trained shortly with Jedi Master Sage Hazzard, but had never completely understood it. He could gain access to it from time to time, but never for any real amount of time. He could see a blur of visions and that was it. He was so used to having the Force tell him how to react and what path to choose that trying to bring visions on their own was harder than anything he though possible. If only there was someone how could help and teach him.

Shade Magus
May 18th, 2004, 06:32:35 PM
Shade's brow furrowed in frustration. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't keep it. Sage had tried teaching him before, but something came up and he wasn't able to finish his lesson. Now the most he could do was catch glimpses of what the Unifying Force could show him and it was becoming annoying because ever since he first met Jacali Danner he would have visions, and now after seening his brother alive and well, they were becoming more spontaneous and erratic, but he coudn't control them.