View Full Version : A Different Battlefield

Roman Teeg
May 10th, 2004, 09:18:35 AM
Roman Teeg was a soldier, not a diplomat. He was a zero-g mobile infantry commander, not someone who negotiated. Why he'd been sent was beyond even him, but Roman trusted Hyde's judgement and questioned it not. And so, here he was on Thyferra - sent by Gabriel Hyde as a last effort to peacefully remove the Sovereign presence from Yag'Dhul.

If they refused, then he knew it would mean war. They might not know it yet, but soon enough the Sovereignty would realize what had begun.

Bereft of his normal fatigues, he wore a simple black business suit - much like Mr. Hyde himself was often seen wearing.

God help me if I ever turn into a paper pusher...

Roman waited patiently, his eyes fixed on the wall opposite of him.

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 03:13:14 AM
Deputy Secretary Bremer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs looked up as his secretary walked in.

"Excuse me, m'am," said the young man, "Your ten o'clock is waiting."

"I know," said Bremer turning her attention back to the datawork in front of her,

"It's just that is 10.15, and I think he may be getting impatient."

"Good," said Bremer, drawing the word out. She could not see her secretary's face but knew that he had just made some expression, probably of confusion. She decided to explain, "When you are dealing with people like Terriz 'voss you have to keep them waiting. It puts them in their place."

"Which is?" asked the secretary, forgetting, temporarliy, the man sitting outside.

"Beneath the Imperial heel," said Bremer. She looked at the wall chrono 10.20. "Send him in."

Roman Teeg
May 11th, 2004, 01:44:28 PM
He hated waiting. It made him nervous, jittery, and aggravated. And when that happened, Roman was likely to start throwing punches. He was a man of actions, not words. And again he had to wonder why Hyde had sent him. Of all the people more suited for this arena; even Captain Moroketh would have been a better choice than Roman. He let out a tired sigh. What's done was done, and there was no going back now.

Of course it was all the more troublesome seeing as how he was standing on the capital planet of the Sovereignty. That certainly helped matters not. The last time he'd been in the presence of the Sovereignty, he'd been fighting against them.

And now he was here trying one last negotiation before outright war was started. And honestly, he wouldn't mind so much if that happened. Like many others, he'd lost friends and relatives when the Imperials first came to Yag'Dhul and leveled one of the more populated cities. It'd been terrible, and something that drove him even further in his desire to see the Imperials leave.

Standing as the secretary appeared once more, Roman kept his hands in his pockets. At the other man's nod, he stepped forward and strode through the door into the Deputy Secretary's office. Jawline straight, eyes level, and suit wrinkle-free, Roman Teeg offered the woman a simple nod as he stopped halfway to her desk.

He wanted to make this as short as possible, and the fact that he'd just had to wait twenty minutes after his original time wasn't helping matters at all.

"Deputy Secretary," he spoke curtly.

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 02:57:29 PM
Bremer rose and extended a thin, bejewelled hand, indicating that he should sit. Once he had done so, she Launched into the pre-scripted part of the meeting.

"Before we begin, I must clarify the situation here. I am not a minister, I am an offical appointed by the minister. I have no direct power in this matter, so please do not expect me to decide Yag 'dul's future here and now. My task is to meet with you, semi-informally, and garner as much information as I can on this matter. I will then brief the minister who will make his decision or, if needs be, he will make a recommendation to the Chancellor. I hope this is clear."

Roman Teeg
May 11th, 2004, 03:17:14 PM
Roman narrowed his eyes at her as she spoke. This was not what he had expected, and his expression clearly showed his distate already for the woman who sat before him.

"With all due respect," he managed to say as politely as possible, "The situation regarding Yag'Dhul and Terrisz'Voss proper aren't in the best of conditions.

"Simply put, we want the Sovereignty out. We were made a protectorate under duress, and so you can imagine what sort of a wound can fester in that environment."

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 03:26:21 PM
"Suscintly put, sir," Bremer said smoothly, "Might I ask the extent of this feeling? Is it the general consensus or just the feeling of the rulers?"

Roman Teeg
May 11th, 2004, 03:31:01 PM
"The planet as a whole." Hands gripped the armrests of his chair in a tight grip. "Your presence is unwanted, unneeded, and most definately against the will of the people all across Yag'Dhul. We were functioning much better without you."

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 03:34:57 PM
"Yet there is much potential benefit from our presence," said Bremer.

Roman Teeg
May 11th, 2004, 03:43:33 PM
"We don't like things that are forced upon us. And we will do anything and everything in our power to rid ourselves of such things."

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 03:46:31 PM
"The feeling runs that deep?" Bremer was genuinely surprised byb this. She had always assumed that it was idle talk on the part of a few malcontents, but now it seemd to be otherwise.

Roman Teeg
May 11th, 2004, 03:53:10 PM
Now was his chance. Roman hated the Sovereignty, and he let every ounce of it show in his eyes.

"Oh it runs deeper," his voice was deadly still, "Much deeper."

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 03:56:54 PM
"It seems that we had misjudged this," said Bremer, "Our information was that this feeling did not extend beyond a small miniority."

Roman Teeg
May 11th, 2004, 04:08:39 PM
"Your information was wrong then."

Roman took in a deep breath, calming himself just a little.

"You should pay more attention to what your unwilling subjects want."

Tiberius Anar
May 12th, 2004, 04:02:08 AM
"That is the purpose of this meeting," replied Bremer, "If we were not prepared to listen you have not beyond the lobby today. As it is you are here and I am listening. You have said what you want, which is freedom form our rule, how will you get it?"