View Full Version : Ignoring Dark Taunts (Open too 1 sith. Not a fight.)

Aarron Mathinna
May 9th, 2004, 07:34:00 PM
Aarron walks calmly through Courscant, a slight smile on her face that was hidden under the hood of her trench coat. She had just been accepted into the greater jedi order the day before and was already finding it better than when she had been training under her dark jedi trained parents.

The dark side still owns an aura around her and it does outdo the light side aura but it is not as big as it had been in previous days. But she still felt a pull. Even though it was small, she still felt as though the darkside called out to her. She tried to ignore it but she knew it would be there and would probobly always be there

Aarron's eyes suddenly rose up from the ground that she had been watching. Her mind had been wandering when she suddenly relised she sensed a dark sider around. She should have noticed it before but had been distracted. Her smile fades as she moves into a dark ally way and looks around the streets for the sorce of this disturbance. Her hand dropped slowly within her long coat.

(One sith/dark jedi. This is an RP not a battle. Send me a PM if you have any questions.)

imported_Grev Drasen
May 9th, 2004, 09:09:45 PM
“Excuse me,”

A deep, yet amicable voice called behind her.

“Got the time?”

Aarron Mathinna
May 9th, 2004, 09:24:14 PM
A yelp escapes Aarron's mouth. She spins around, her hood falling off of her head and with a dagger in her hand, holding it positioned towards the man's neck. She breathes a sigh of relief when she relises what just happened and her face turns a bit red. She quickly lowers the dagger and slips it back at her thigh.

"Sorry about that. I... I thought you were someone else."

She quickly checks her watch and looks a bit suprised. It is later than she thought it was. Her eyes drift back up to the man, her face still a bit red.

"It is about 10:15. Sorry about the dagger agian."

She turns and walks to the mouth of the ally. She looks about in the croud, still senseing the dark sider somewhere nearby. Now it was bothering her that she could not find the person.

imported_Grev Drasen
May 10th, 2004, 03:45:36 PM
“Maybe I should start carrying a watch.”

He remarked snidely as she withdrew the dagger. Despite her jumpy, high-strung nature, Grev had seemed all too collective during the entire ordeal. Then again, this probably wasn’t the first time it had happened to him.

“Ten o’clock, huh? What’s a girl like you doing out this late?”

Aarron Mathinna
May 10th, 2004, 07:50:06 PM
She turns to look at the man again. She could still sense the darksider somewhere around. Well, no one ever said she was the best a senseing where a force user was. All she could tell is that it was near. Not that it was standing right infront of her.

"I can take care of myself, if that is what you are wondering. As for what I am doing? Just wandering around. Why do you ask?"

She glances out at the croud once again then back at him. She sizes him up with her eyes.

"And what are you doing out here at this time of night?"

She asks him in a mocking voice.

imported_Grev Drasen
May 15th, 2004, 08:18:32 PM
“Just making conversation.”

He cackled at her defensive attitude. Taking a stim from his pocket he quickly lit it and returned his attention to the girl. She was searching hard, maybe a bit too hard.

“Maybe I like to wander too?”

Aarron Mathinna
May 15th, 2004, 09:34:26 PM
She shrugs and turns her attention to him again, leaning against one of the nearby walls. She figured that she probobly would not be getting rid of this guy any time soon so she might as well make the best of it.

"My name is Aarron. And you are?"

She crosses her arms across her chest, causing her trench coat to fall open slightly. Her light saber hangs at her hip along with a blaster at her right thigh and dagger at the left. The saber is made of black metal along with the dagger. Her deep blue eyes watch him intently. She studies him for a moment with her eyes, observing as much as she can about him.

'He's cute.... creepy but cute.' she thinks to herself.

imported_Grev Drasen
May 16th, 2004, 09:00:17 PM
“Grev,” he finally replied; the smoke creeping from his lungs.

For an idle moment Grev returned her blank stare, a bit intrigued by her extrinsic innocence. He probably made her a bit uncomfortable, but oddly enough, that suited him. Taking a prolonged drag from his stim, he allowed a quick glance at her hip, soaking in the contents of her visible weapons; and one in particular. She was an adept, the saber told all, but he had figured that much long before approaching her.

“So… you got an appetite?”

Aarron Mathinna
May 19th, 2004, 10:42:46 PM
She pauses before answering but then smiles and nods. She had not eaten sense before she came to the order. That was a day ago. But she didnt eat much often. One of the bit of training her parents had sent her through.

"Of course. But... I cant be out too late. I need to get back to the order eventualy."

It would seem a bit odd to a sith that someone with such a dark aura around her, even though it is traced with the silver light of the light side, would talk of the order unless it was the Sith Order.

imported_Grev Drasen
May 20th, 2004, 05:01:34 PM
“Order, huh?” he scoffed; be it Jedi or Sith, he despised both.

“Do you enjoy being a sheep?”

Aarron Mathinna
May 20th, 2004, 10:33:13 PM
A flash of suprise ran across her face.

"A sheep? I am afraid I fail to see what you mean."

This guy, Grev, had suddenly become unappealing. Her eyes slightly narrow at the man. One of her hands slightly clenches into a fist, her anger with him rising a bit. A second later, her voice has changed to a bit of a sarcastic voice.

"And if I am just a sheep, then what, might I ask, would you be? The big bad wolf?"

imported_Grev Drasen
May 23rd, 2004, 07:07:04 PM
“Only if you want me to be.”

Despite his jeering reply, his expression remain barren. He’d struck a nerve with her, and he couldn’t help but revel in his accomplishment. Finishing the last of the stim, he absently flicked the butt into the alley and gestured towards the street, a blithe grin finally revealing itself.

“Now, how about that food?”

Aarron Mathinna
May 23rd, 2004, 07:34:26 PM
She could help but let a small smile creep across her lips. His attitude seemed to change constantly. She was not sure if the sheep comment had been a joke or if he had actualy been insulting her. Eather way it seemed to have past now. She shruged and started to walk towards the mouth of the ally.

"I supose so. But only on one condition. You stop calling me a sheep. Just because I am in the order does not mean I am like them. Call me a black sheep if anything."

She smirks slightly.

"So where are we going, Wolf."

imported_Grev Drasen
May 25th, 2004, 10:48:13 PM
“Who knows?”

He sneered wantonly, burrowing his fists into his pockets. He wasn’t one to give to definite answers.

“You’re not a sheep… lead the way.”

Aarron Mathinna
May 26th, 2004, 11:34:29 PM
"Ah, see there lies the problem. I am new to Corscant. Thus I do not know my way around very well. And I also don't know any where to eat other than at the Temple where I have heard that they do not have the best of food."

She shrugs a bit and glances out at the people walking. She then looks back at him.

"So do you know your way around? or should we wander until we think we found something?"

imported_Grev Drasen
May 29th, 2004, 07:52:57 PM
“The Jedi bar is always entertaining.”

He smirked, a certain beguilement in his voice.

Aarron Mathinna
May 31st, 2004, 03:01:09 PM
She shrugs slightly.

"I supose so. I have yet to go there. I was actualy going to go there later on tonight but ran into you."