View Full Version : Little Criminals (open)

May 9th, 2004, 03:21:31 PM
A little girl, no less than eleven years old, sauntered through the streets of coruscant. Her eyes picked through the surrounding crowds, and deft hands which had picked through pockets were now stuffed in her own; wads of stolen credit notes and a few chits clutched in small fists. She hadn't seen Todd for the last hour, and hoped that his own 'day's catch' had yielded as promising results as hers had.

And now it's time for lunch.

The girl continued on her way, headed to a place that wasn't too upscale, or too dingy. She needed a place that was middle ground, and casting her eyes upward, caught sight of the sign for Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. Seemed fine. Not too shoddy, and not too ritzy. Perfect.

Getting past the door gaurds was easy - she was eleven for crying out loud. What sort of damage could she do?

Making her way to the far end of the place, the girl scurried up into a booth and took a menu in hand, opening it up and starting to read.

It didn't matter what she wanted, because today she could more than afford it thanks to more than a few kind, albeit very unknowing good samaritans.

Vista Alor
May 10th, 2004, 10:50:31 AM
Vista was having lunch out today. She'd met up with one of her Mommy's friends a short while ago while out with Rognan and he had given his permission for her to have lunch with a friend of her Mommy. But only as long as it was here at the B&G where she'd be safe. Today she's having a cheeseburger and pop for lunch.

Mommy's friend was busy talking with other ppl, ignoring her completely right now so as she sees a girl enter and head to a booth, she picks up her plate and walks over there. She looks to be more interesting then Mommy's friend right now.

"Can I sit and eat here?"

May 10th, 2004, 01:25:25 PM
With a quick glance over the top of her menu, the girl set her eyes upon this newcomer - she looked to be the same age, and she certainly wasn't a Watch officer (those nerf-for-brains goody-two-shoes always tried to mess with her).

Flashing the other girl a grin, she set the menu down, bringing her legs up so she could sit on her knees and get a better view over the table.

"Sure. Go ahead."

The sight of the cheeseburger was enough to make her mouth water, and in less than an instant she knew what she wanted.

"Wow, that thing's almost as big as you," her eyes didn't leave the food, "I think I'll order one of those."

May 10th, 2004, 06:40:14 PM
Todd wasn't having such a good day as Joe. In fact, his day sucked. Sucked! He'd tried to pickpocket a Watch officer in plainclothes, and had nearly gotten caught. He'd tried to boost a speeder, and had nearly gotten caught.

Nearly. Two close calls in one day were too close! Todd had his first success just before lunch, a wallet that yielded a hundred credits and a plastic ID card for the Senate building. He pocketed the ID card and the credits, and dumped the wallet in an ashtray a few blocks over.

He entered the Bar and Grill a few minutes after Joe, having seen her from across the pedwalk and followed her there. The guards gave him no trouble, and he pushed his 12 year old frame into the booth with Joe, ignoring the rich kid. Todd hadn't had his growth spurt yet, and was still fairly small for his age. "Hey, lemme see that menu." He winked at his partner.

Vista Alor
May 11th, 2004, 10:14:50 AM
Vista nods in agreement with Joe.

"These are good."

Vista tilts her head slightly when Todd shows up before realising that she's being rude.

"I'm Vista, and you?"

She questions both Joe and Todd, believing that it's only polite to include all in the conversation.

May 11th, 2004, 12:49:27 PM
She scootched a little, making room for Todd. Sliding the menu she'd been looking at over to him, Joe returned his wink with an impish smile of her own; seemed he'd done ok for himself so far today, and he was still here too, which was good. It wouldn't do for her to have to try and bust him out of juvy again. Of course he'd had to do it for her before too, so she supposed at this point the two were even. Which was why they made such great partners. If something ever happened to one of them, the other would always come running.

She couldn't imagine doing what she did without Todd's help. And if it wasn't for him, she would have been placed in an adoption shelter long ago.

At the other girl's question, she leaned back, making herself comfortable in the spacious booth seat.

"I'm Joe."

May 12th, 2004, 01:13:40 AM
"Todd. Hey, cheeseburgers!" Todd grinned, "I want one 'a those. And a cherry fizzyglug." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down a few times to emphasize his choices.

He looked up at the alien girl, and rubbed a hand over his cheek, smearing a bit of dirt nearly into his hair. "Ah, your name's Vista? Y' have family, dontcha? Where are they?" Maybe they have fat wallets. Todd's eyes scanned the room for a likely looking couple.

Vista Alor
May 12th, 2004, 09:30:49 AM
"Nope. No family. Mommy's dead and never seen Daddy. One of Mommy's friends bring me here today. I live with person who look like Daddy, but not."

Vista says without a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Mommy's friend to busy to pay tention to me."

Vista points off to her Mommy's friend who's busy flirting with a few males. Ever since getting here, she's been left to entertain herself so she's feeling a bit sore about her Mommy's friend.

"She say she wants spend time with me, but all she does is talk with boys. I think she not notice if I leave here."

May 12th, 2004, 07:39:10 PM
Joe let her eyebrows raise up, fidgeting in her seat just a tad to lean forward and lean on the table. Her voice was a hushed whisper.

"No parents? Me either. That's why Todd n' me are together. We look out for eachother cause no one else will. We used to have a gang, but everyone but me n' him got caught and taken to the orphan homes."

She craned her neck to look at the server droid that'd trundled over.

"Two cheeseburgers and a cherry fizzyglug, please," she said sweetly.

Vista Alor
May 13th, 2004, 10:16:13 AM
"What's a gang?"

Vista asks curiously, not worrying that she's actually living with the Jedi right now as one of them.

"And why would you friends be put in orphan homes?"