View Full Version : Cat's Cradle: Sinful (Vamel)
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 9th, 2004, 01:29:13 AM
Normally Sasseeri Reeouurra had better things to do than interview young men wanting jobs with the Sector Rangers. But she'd had a spare moment to walk by the interview rooms, and one had caught her eye. And his eye had been caught by her executive pinstriped tiny skirt.
The CEO of the Sector Rangers paused in the doorway, the two males and the female who were conducting the interview paused as well. Usually the Rangers were always looking for bright young pilots, ones who would be totally legit, and also a few who could be brought into... let's call it the dark underbelly of the Sector Rangers. Pilots, traders, security personell, frell, they'd even hired a long nosed alien male who could sniff out illegal spice from across the room. He always made a big impression on the local police forces, but it was expensive to keep him. Others kept trying to buy him away, but Sasseeri made sure he was paid well to keep him in her employ, and not used against her by someone else.
Her mind snapped back to the present, and she stepped into the room, her eyes pulling away from the male's. The interviewers stood. "Ms. Reeouurra, this is a surprise, and an honor."
She waved off their flattery. "jI came by to see how the jinterrrvjiews werrre gojing." Her voice was throaty, the r's delightfully drawn out. It was a bastardized accent, only half-breeds had the vocal chords capable of pronouncing Basic so well. Normal Cizerack, full breeds, hissed their s's as well, and were a lot harder to understand. She was ashamed of her voice, secretly, but most non Cizerack males found it more appealing than the other accent.
"Ah, yes, well, we were just getting started." The balding male, a Mr. Haldor who looked at a lot of datapads all day, practically lived in a cubicle and always had a writing stylus in his shirt pocket, was obviously flustered. Sasseeri wondered why she employed him, he wasn't attractive at all. "Mr. Vamel has quite the impressive resume, although I'm not sure what job he's applying for yet."
"Oh? Well, jI'm just gojing to sjit jin on thjis one. Contjinue as though jI'm not herrre." The man, Mr. Vamel, had delicious brown eyes. Sasseeri found a chair and sat a bit off to the side, between the interviewers and the interviewee.
Sin Vamel
May 9th, 2004, 02:12:49 PM
So far, I had been sat with the three interviewers; two men, one woman; for some ten minutes and after an introduction they appeared quite content to waste time floundering over unimportant details and fumbling with paper piles. Although I am far from the height of efficiency, having already forgotten the names of the neatly dressed people opposite me, this sort of shoddy conduct was far from what I had expected from the Sector Rangers. So it was nice to see the three sit upright and practically quake in their boots when a woman of evident importance sauntered confidently into the room but it was not only my interviewers that would stand to attention when Ms. Meeouurra entered the room, for my interest was also piqued.
“Actually, I intend to place my good faith in the judgement of my would be employers; I’m sure that once you are in full understanding of my employment history and the skills acquired from them, you will know in which area of work my talents will be best fitted.”
Even I was impressed with my well-worded opening, speaking in public or otherwise not being a gift for which I am recognised, particularly if I am expected to keep tabs on my bad frelling language. Maybe it has something to do with my being pressed and dressed to impress here today and thus far, in my intentions, I have succeeded and now all that is left is to sell myself as a man with all the lethal qualities a killer is expected to have; that and I look great in a suit. I cast a brief glance across to the big boss lady just to let her know: I am interested.
“To begin with, I started out by being thrown head first into the world of small time business; my brother was the managing director of a humble company responsible for manufacturing some of the most highly demanded low budget, high output speeder engines on Coruscant: ‘Hi-Fire Tech and Mech Incorporated.’ By the time I was fifteen years old I was a respected sales representative and not to mention that for the three years previous I had worked, albeit illegally, as a full paid mechanic. For another two years I worked at my brother’s side until the time came for me to move on instead of being held down by the family business which was quickly burdening my career.”
At this point, I paused, deliberately and sat back a little more comfortably in my seat. If I had been anymore confident it would’ve probably been oozing out of my ears although the desire to light up and smoke a good, strong stim was growing inside but I stuck to my priorities and instead focused on the places I could go and things I could accomplish through the Sector Rangers.
“I’m sorry.” My hands were raised apologetically and I shook my head with a chuckle. “I’m getting carried away with myself when you’re supposed to be asking the questions for me to answer. Please continue.”
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 9th, 2004, 07:48:30 PM
Haldor cleared his throat, and the woman and second male made notes as he shuffled some flimsies. "Ah, yes. Well, we'd like to hear a bit more about your work as a mechanic. You worked on speeder engines, or other mechanical things as well?"
Sin Vamel opened his mouth to answer, and Sasseeri frowned. They were asking the wrong sorts of questions. She interrupted, leaning forward and putting her hands on her knees, ears twitching forward. "Neverrr mjind that. Have you everrr been convjicted of a felony, orrr djid the poljice just not catch you?"
The female and the other interviewers gaped at each other, and the CEO frowned again. "You thrrree, get out. jI can contjinue thjis jinterrrvjiew myself." Haldor opened his mouth to protest, but a blue eyed glare sent him scurrying out after his colleages. She moved her body to one of the chairs opposite Vamel, and made her self comfortable. Her pinstriped jacket came off, revealing an almost sheer white tank underneath that exposed a great deal of her cleavage and her tanned, muscled arms.
"Now, Mrrr. Vamel, you werrre answerrrjing a questjion." Her blue eyes studied his reactions as he started to talk again.
Sin Vamel
May 9th, 2004, 08:23:24 PM
The term ‘Business has just picked up’ had never been more applicable and the woman in front of me certainly meant business. She had what I would describe as the look of a hunter in her eyes; this woman knew what she wanted when she saw it and evidently, it was a very shrewd and not to mention dangerous game she liked to play. Now I know that if I want to have snowball’s chance in Hell of stepping into the ring with the big hitters, like Sasseeri in front of me, then not only would I have to join her game but also I would have to play my cards right. And I had nothing to lose.
“Alright, that’s getting to the point.” I began with a half-cocked smile, allowing myself a cleavage glance but all the while making sure that this sultry vixen doesn’t become too much of a distraction.
“My past is somewhat shady, to the extent that some of the legitimate business in which I was involved was simply a cover for dealings which were—less legitimate. I have my brother to thank for that and growing up on a planet like Coruscant, it’s easier to find yourself in a prison cell than in an office block. However, my record is clean, there have been close shaves and thankfully, I have always successfully evaded legal intervention when conducting my business. I say thankfully because had I not been so successful in laying low then I wouldn’t be sat here today and I am willing to put all that behind me to work my frelling best for you, ma’am.”
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 10th, 2004, 01:47:57 AM
She made a non-committal noise in the back of her throat. "Many people clajim to have rrreforrrmed, but jI fjind jit rrrefrrreshjing that you arrre so up frrront about yourrr past." Yes, and we'll see about gettjing you back jinto jit. And maybe out of that shjirrrt. Sass let her thoughts trail away, and looked down at the datapad in front of her. "Thjis also says that you spent qujite a bjit of tjime wjith the Jedji? Trrrajinjing? Arrre you then, Forrrce sensjitjive?"
This was a bit of a worry, because Cizerack as a species were Force blind. As a half-breed, Sasseeri was no exception. However, if he were to be in her employ, perhaps he would provide the extra edge needed to protect ..the Rangers... from the Jedi. The felinoid crossed her legs carefully.
Sin Vamel
May 10th, 2004, 11:40:10 AM
"That is true; I spent over a year in training with the Jedi Order on Coruscant and during my time with them I developed skills which have since given me an advantage in some of the more heated of business deals. Aggressive negotiations, if you will."
It wasn't long after saying this that I was more than happy to indulge myself in a laugh prior to explaining my estranged relationship with the Jedi Order; the revelation here, I was almost sure, would be more help to my future with the Sector Rangers and Sasseeri than a detriment; her body language and little twinges of emotion sensed through the Force told me I was on the right track.
"However, as noble and honorable my training with the Jedi might appear on a resume, it's not entirely what it seems; I had been payed a vast sum of money to infiltrate the Jedi Temple, join their ranks and attain a certain artifact from the catacombs on Yavin IV. The item was of particular worth to my employer and on top of the credits, I managed to obtain some useful Jedi traits during my time under a mentor."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 10th, 2004, 05:27:50 PM
Vamel did not mention if he'd been successful or not, and she decided that it didn't matter. If he had not recovered the artifact, chances were he wouldn't be sitting there talking with her, at least, all in one piece. "Verrry well. And yourrr weapons skjills look to be good. Arrre you trrrajined wjith a Jedji weapon - a ljightsaberrr?"
Sasseeri sat back, draping her arms on the backs of the chairs next to her. He did look good in a suit. So did Sanis, but Sanis was always unwilling. A flash of anger added a bit more color to her cheeks. Sanis would pay!
Sin Vamel
May 10th, 2004, 07:36:25 PM
Now, what is that? There's a hint of red in her cheeks; it looked like the confident looking businesswoman appeared to be embarrassed about something; perhaps she found me a little intimidating, especially when discussing my skills with the Force. I could feel myself growing out, filling my seat with confidence while sat upright and allowing my shoulders to ease out comfortably, making myself look more formidable than I would normally look. A self-assured grin crept across my lips.
"During my time with the Order I trained in the art of lightsaber combat and was growing quite efficient with the Jedi weapon however by the time I had to bring my affiliation with the Jedi Order to an end, I had not been instructed in how to develop a lightsaber of my own."
There's nothing wrong in mixing a little white lie with the truth every now and then; learning to use a lightsaber under Master Evanar's tutilage was one of the most unpleasant of my experiences because not only did I not take to the combat form very easily but I actually resented the neccessity to use the weapon since I knew there would be no place for it in my future. As time went on and I became more attuned to the Force, my skill with the lightsaber improved but it was too late and I had to leave. My real skill, as I was determined to point out, was with a blaster.
"Having said that," I added dutifully. "It is important for me to point out that my greatest weapons skill lies in marksmanship, particularly with a blaster pistol; in the time since my Jedi training I am yet to come across the man, or woman, who can outmatch me with a blaster. My senses, now attuned to the Force, grant me unrivalled speed and accuracy with these beauties."
Proudly, I pull my jacket aside and reveal at my hips a pair of dull, gunmetal grey blaster pistols. Catching Sasseeri's eye, I pat my weapons teasingly and I smile.
"I'd be happy to demonstrate my skills to you, ma'am. That is if you're interested."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 10th, 2004, 11:55:01 PM
He pulled his jacket aside, and her eyes were drawn immediately to the two guns strapped to his hips. He oozed confidence, which reminded her of Prent. Damn you, Sanjis! But, that was part of what had attracted her to Prent, that, and the fact that she couldn't have him. She'd shown him wrong, Sasseeri Reeouurra had whatever she wanted.
"A demonstrrratjion would not be out of orrrderrr." Her pink tongue barely licked the inside of her lips. "Afterrr that, jI thjink jI'll have a job to offerrr you. How do you feel about bejing a bodyguarrrd? A personal bodyguarrrd, forrr, say, the CEO of the company?" His smile was making her warm. Sass bared her straight teeth in a smile of her own, quirking one eyebrow slightly upwards as though to indicate hers was a body worth guarding.
Sin Vamel
May 13th, 2004, 02:42:10 PM
"Well that is certainly a responsibility of some prestige."
Jackpot, this was it and I'd had a feeling this was where Sasseeri had been going with her interview; I had been only too willing to follow and, watching those long legs crossed before me, I can only wonder how far little miss CEO would be willing to let me follow her. Perhaps one day, those inviting legs would lead yours truly to a more cozy place; the bedroom, the bedroom floor, an office desk. But for now, focus, this is your big break.
"And I would be more than willing to accept such an offer. It's rare that a job comes with immediate bonuses but this one is an exception, at least I hope; if the CEO in question happens to be yourself, for example, I will have the pleasure of your company and under your-- ahem, under your guidance I'm sure you could help me flourish in the position."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 13th, 2004, 07:13:28 PM
He was starting to get a bit hot under the collar himself, and yet kept himself admirably under control. Sasseeri stood up, taking a moment to pull her skirt down from where it had edged up to. "Then, let's go to the shootjing rrrange." You'll flourjish jin all posjitjions by the tjime jI am done wjith you. She waited for Sin to get to his feet, and then motioned him out the door, following closely behind him.
"The Sectorrr Rrrangerrrs rrrecrrrujit for all sorrrts of posjitjions, and when the Rrrangerrrs who patrrrol the trrrade lanes have to come jin to rrreporrrt orrr be rrre-assjigned they ljike to keep up on thejirrr shootjing skjills." She was walking as she was talking, her slim legs carrying her more quickly than her height seemed to allow. They reached a turbolift, and Sass pushed the button to call it to their floor, still talking. "We don't ljike to take up space jin the rrranges that Corrruscant has prrrovjided forrr otherrr law enforrrcement agencjies, so we have ourrr own perrrsonal shootjing rrrange."
The 'lift door pinged open, and she waited for Sin to enter before following. She pressed the lowest available floor choice. "To adherrre to senatorjial saftey rrregulatjions, ourrr rrrange jis farrr below strrreet level, in the lowest regjion of ourrr bujildjing."
The lift whirred into action, swiftly descending the twenty floors needed. She turned to Sin, and smiled up at him. "And jI'll have to warrrn you, a sjilverrr tongue such as you djisplay wjill only get you so farrr wjith me. jI ljike to see rrresults and actjions."
Sin Vamel
May 15th, 2004, 05:53:49 PM
"Then I'll be sure not to dissapoint you, ma'am."
A laugh had escaped me when Sasseeri had spoke of my 'Silver Tongue' for it had been something my brother had accused me of being in posession of many years ago; Lor had advised against such smooth talk claiming it to only lead to trouble. Three months later I'd taken his best friends girl and ended up in hospital for a week; my brother was right and now here I am standing in a turbolife opposite a tasty-looking femme-fatale CEO of a multi-billion credit organisation and she's interested in shooting skills; I guess I'm a slow learner.
"What sort of target practice can I expect down there? Stationary or moving targets? Any simulations or remote training?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 16th, 2004, 11:28:07 PM
To his questions, Sass simply answered, "Yes." She opened her mouth, intending to add something else, but the lift stopped smoothly, and the doors swished open. "Ah, we'rrre herrre. Come wjith me."
She stepped out, and Sin followed, into a sterile looking passage that opened up into a hallway that went the length of the shooting range. Large, transparisteel windows separated the range from the people who might be watching. The hallway was deadly quiet, only the ring of her heels on the floor made any noise.
Sasseeri gestured to a door, and Sin opened it for her, the sound of blaster fire filling their ears. She stepped inside, and motioned to a booth where a burly Barabel handed her a pair of headphones. Sasseeri pulled her platinum locks into a ponytail, and hung the noise dampening 'phones around her slim neck. "Come on, lets get gojing." She had to talk louder over the noises coming from the range. Two men were firing weapons on the far side of the range.
"You alrrready have yourrr own blasterrrs, although jif you managed to rrretajin yourrr powerrr packs, then my securrrjity does an even worrrse job than jI suspect." Sasseeri pointed at the Barabel, and then to Sin. "Gjive hjim a powerrr cell, whateverrr kjind he needs."
The reptillian alien nodded it's thick neck. "This one would be honored, Miss Reeouurra." The Barabel motioned Sin Vamel into it's booth, where an array of blasters rifles and energy pistols took up the entirety of one wall. The alien pulled open a drawer that was as wide as the counter, revealing carefully sorted power packs.
Sin Vamel
May 17th, 2004, 08:29:01 PM
"Alright Green, what I need is a power pack for the upgraded Merr-Sonn 434 'Death Hammer', not the official upgrade; it's a smaller pack and much lighter."
The Barabel was an ugly bastard; there were few aliens I could actually tolerate and barabels did not fall into that very narrow bracket, in fact the only aliens I like are the kind with great sex appeal, much like Miss Reeouurra. My eyes remained fixed on the beast, burning with contempt, while I reeled off my power pack requirements. Nevertheless, in spite of my hatred of the barabel, I wore an amused grin.
"By the look on that ugly mush of yours it seems that you're having trouble finding what I need and no wonder, my pistols are a unique model." I glance at Sasseeri and pull my weapons from their holsters. "Designed by my old employer on Coruscant in thanks for my mission with the Jedi Order. They require customised power packs."
In one smooth motion, I extend my arms and flick my wrists so that the barrels of my blasters are pointing at the floor while the handle base dipped into my jacket sleeves. There was a snap and a click then I righted my blasters and lifted them up to show that there were power packs now loaded into each weapon.
"Just like these ones." My smile seems to be surgically implanted into my face. "My appologies for the deception, ma'am, but you seem like a woman who expects nothing but the best and I didn't want to let you down now, did I?"
Dan the Man
May 17th, 2004, 10:09:50 PM
Also practicing in the firing range, Dan paused from his exercises, tucking the long silver barrels of his own blasters into his belt holsters. He kept a keen eye on Sasseeri and her new pet as they conversed.
When Vamel reloaded his blasters from wrist-holdouts, Dan cocked an eyebrow in interest. He was mildly curious just how far the employee would carry out his demonstration. Seeing Sasseeri assassinated wouldn't cause him any sadness, even if he didn't actively seek it out.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 19th, 2004, 07:02:32 PM
Her ears laid back a bit at his little demonstration. "Yes, nothjing but the best." Sass nodded at the range, "Pjick a tarrrget, Mjisterrr Vamel, and do yourrr best."
The Barabel handed her a slim blaster pistol, and she snatched it away from the large alien as she flicked her commlink on. "Get me Meorrrrrrrrreji." Pause. "Saa? jI want everrry bejing on the securrrjity detajil actjive rrrjight now fjirrred. Yes, now. jI neverrr jimagjined that such jincompetance could be hjirrred jinto my company." Pause. "Do not arrrgue wjith me, Saarrrrrrrrreeaa!" Sasseeri fumed, flicked the commlink off and dropped it into her pocket.
She grabbed a paper target, clipped it onto the mechanism, and pressed the button that sent it flying back into position. Sasseeri dropped the sound muffling 'phones on her ears, and squeezed off a few shots of her own as Sin peppered his target.
Two in the head, one in the crotch, and three in the chest. And three shots that blew holes in the white paper surrounding the black figure target. Sasseeri used the few minutes of shooting to calm herself down.
Sin Vamel
Aug 5th, 2004, 06:46:44 PM
Aware that I had fueled Sasseeri's ire, I leaned casually against my booth and with a pleased grin, watched her shoot. One of my weapons was now holstered at my hip whilst the other rested idly in my hand, facing the general direction of the paper target. The facility down here looked like it could house a shooting range far more testing than some pieces of paper; I was unimpressed. Sasseeri's skill with a pistol took me by suprise; it was clear she was an intelligent woman and independent enough to learn how to handle herself in a firefight but not with such talent. She had a knack for shooting.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Can I have a word?" I cried out, once she had decimated her target. Her attention caught and her protective sound dampeners lowered, I gave her a knowing grin.
"Well, actually not a word but moreso a good few words. You see, what you didn't know was that I'm not only a skilled marksman but also a talented poet. Here."
Still leaning casually against my booth, I cleared my throat and took a quick glance at the target. A quick glance was all I needed so I just enjoyed staring at Sasseeri.
"There once was a man
Who lived in Korriban.
A dirty, great Sith;
As ugly as a Bith.
But then came a day
When laughing, did he say:
"What's the point in being evil
If you can't get your end away?"
During the ricital, I began firing rapidly at the target, all the while looking at Sasseeri with my trademark grin. Then once it was over I unfolded my arms and took a look down the range. Into the target's head I had fired several holes to make a smiley face and in the chest, signed my handy work with a dotted S.V.
"Well Miss Sasseeri, what do you think?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 6th, 2004, 09:12:07 PM
His poetry was horrible, but his shooting was magnificent. Sasseeri's ears perked forward a bit, but she hmphed non-committedly. "Not too bad. And, call me Mjiss Rrreeouurrrrrra."
She leaned over and pressed a button in his booth, reaching past his paper target and brushing his side as she did so. "How do you farrre wjith hologrrraphjic tarrrgets?"
In the range, holograms materialized, all vicious looking things, and hyuu-mans with blaster rifles, and things of that nature. The holograms would not disappear until you had pegged them squarely in their most vunerable spots. For some that was the head, for other aliens their targets were elsewhere.
Sasseeri leaned back against the wall and watched Sin in front of her.
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