View Full Version : Resurrection

May 8th, 2004, 04:04:21 PM
A heavy sigh, laced with a great and nearly unbearable burden was all that was allowed to escape the mans tightly pressed lips. A look of melancholy played on the mans pale grief stricken face, such pain and anguish he must have endured, though through it all deep within his crimson eyes a fire burned, with an intensity unrivaled. Hatred and evil still coursed this mans veins, gaining him incredible strength and power, a desire for bloodlust.

So much had changed since those glorious times of days long passed, when the galaxy knew and feared him with its every breath, now it was all gone. His beloved Empire in which he so faithfully served had vanished; deep into the unknown regions, depriving him of any and all companionship, leaving him utterly alone. Darth Phatnom was dead, leaving in his place a much more vile and sinister creature, void of all compassion, cold and ever calculating, the deadliest of killers. He simply did not care anymore, life and death no longer held their sway over him.

The dull sound of heavy booted steps echoed in the deep of this great archaic hall of the Sith Order, which had since taken control in the absence of the Empire. A twisted and somewhat relieved grin tugged on the corners of his lips, curling them skyward. He felt another, another from his Empire, someone he knew, a dear friend ... Vega Van-Derveld. Coming to rest in the center of the monumental structure, he waited, his dark presence was known. It would not be long now, for good or ill.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 9th, 2004, 03:09:42 AM
Time changes everything. Politics and time. The constant struggle between shifting powers. Allegiance is a fickle, fickle thing. You could swear on your life that you’d never betray someone, only to – a year later – be sworn the same oath to their greatest enemy. Vega thought on this as he paced down to the hallway that would lead him to an old ally of his, whom he had suspected had become a new enemy upon Van-Dervelds admittance into the Black Hand. Entering the hall, he looked upon the figure. Old friends, new places. Phantom was what he’d known him as, though the Lupine imagined he went under a different moniker now. Vega himself had adopted many aliases since the fall of the Sith Empire – it seemed prudent that others would too.

“Well, well… what have we here…”

A smirk played on his lips.

May 9th, 2004, 07:00:21 PM
" A creature who makes grown men weep ... "

No longer able to contain the excitement he felt within a lighthearted smile was drawn upon his rose colored lips, looking almost unnatural for him, it was quite obvious he did not smile often, if at all. He nodded slightly in the deepest of respect to his long time friend. The thought of what else had changed held his mind, who else still remained here from his Empire, it was all much to bear, everything he had worked so hard to accomplish before seemed nothing less then meaningless now. No matter, he would not quit, he will never quit, things had changed and now so must he. The galaxy will once again fear my name, I will bring darkness to it once more. Another great breath was drawn into his lungs, and as he slow exhaled he released his pain and sorrow for his lost Empire, never to think upon it again; a new time had dawned, and he would claim it for his own and for the power and glory of the Sith, so they could once again rein supreme. Swiftly closing the gap between the two, he stood before his friend.

" Been a long time ... How have you been? Not getting yourself into to much trouble I trust. "

Vega Van-Derveld
May 11th, 2004, 02:13:13 AM
“Oh come on- you’d disappointed in me if I hadn’t,” Vega replied with a dark grin. “Let’s just say I have a few stories to tell,” he added, motioning vaguely at his now blind eye, as though it was some indication of some of the toil he had endured. It was one of many new scars. “So tell, o bringer of tears,” he sneered, “Why Corellia? Why are you here?”

There was nothing like getting directly to the point.

May 11th, 2004, 09:06:41 PM
" Very true, to right you are. "

He took a brief moment as he carefully studied the mans face, somewhat admiring the handy work that had befallen it. Anger quickly swelled within him, he would not let this go unpunished, he would find and kill the person who injured his dear friend. Such things would not happen any longer, he would personally see to it. Breathing in deeply he subdued the anger, looking his friend square in the eye.

" Tell me, who has done this to you? "

Slowly he clasped his hands behind his back. Once again he paused, searching for the appropriate words in which he could answer.

" I wish to be a rouge no longer, I am in need of a home ... and an ally in the destruction of the light. Corellia now houses the Sith hordes, I seek to join them, in hopes that I may carry their banner into battle. "

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2004, 12:34:25 PM
“You’d do well to subdue your anger over this one- it was a mistake, given by none other than Lady Vader herself. No, if you want someone to focus your hatred on, I suggest Sorsha Kasajian.”

The Lupine smiled sharply. An angry, that told of plots and oaths of vengeance.

“And the Jedi, of course,” he added, laughing slightly.

“But of course you are welcome here, Lord… Phantom?” he hazarded.

May 12th, 2004, 06:39:21 PM
" Ah. I see, very well then. "

He had never actually met Lady Vader, but knew her by reputation alone, and so respect was given. She was a cunning warrior and a powerful Sith. An excellent ally. A slight smile was forced onto his lips, as he gave a single nod, understanding fully. As his friend had suggested he would take no action. Though all was replaced in less then a single heartbeat, once again by the deepest of anger, his pale face contorted greatly in a horrific manner, filled with the utter hatred and rage that came with that name. There is absolutely nothing, not ever the Jedi that he despises and loathes more then Sorsha Kasajian. Her name was like venom in his veins, she was truly the thorn in his side, his nemesis in the purest form. His once blood red eyes burned now a dark and sinister crimson, his fists clinched tightly. He could barely speak for he possessed so much raw hate.

" I ... Hate ... Sorsha. I want nothing more then to disembowel her. I will bathe in her blood while I feast upon her still beating heart. "

He snarled slightly as he spoke. But again his hate faded, and he regained his composure.

" Phantom is no more, dead. Consumed by the darkness and evil that bore him. Now only I remain. Lucian Belial. I am so much more then he. "

Lady Vader
May 14th, 2004, 09:51:28 PM
So much anger...

*LV stepped forth from one of the hallways, coming into the flickering light of the grand entry way. She acknowledged the new comer with a quick gaze before looking at Vega.*

And who has come in search of the Sith Order?

Vega Van-Derveld
May 16th, 2004, 04:10:17 AM
Vega motioned towards his compatriot upon the Sith Mistresses arrival, smiling thinly.

“Lady Vader – Lucian Belial. I believe you may know him, but under another name – that of Darth Phantom.”

May 16th, 2004, 02:51:11 PM
Lucians head snapped to the side as he felt the presence of the powerful Mistress, immediately his head was lowered in the deepest of respect. His head slowly rose and his cold, dark, empty eyes locked with the Mistresses, a small smile played on his lips, twisting them skyward.

" Evening M'lady. "

Lady Vader
May 16th, 2004, 05:56:33 PM
I have indeed heard of him, though only with his previous name.

*She turned to look at Lucian.*

Welcome to Corellia, Lord Belial. I hope your stay here has so far been a pleasant one?

May 18th, 2004, 09:45:23 PM
A sly grin passed over his lips as the Mistress spoke of hearng about him and his past deeds. A slight nod was given as she welcomed him.

" Thank you, M'lady. I have only just arrived on your planet today, not more then four hours ago. Though, I could not have asked for a better host. The Sith seem to be doing well for themselves. "

Vega Van-Derveld
May 19th, 2004, 10:34:37 AM
“Well, it’s hardly difficult, given the hopeless state of the Jedi Order- splintered off into sub-factions and cliques,” Vega interjected with a sneer. “Yes, a new age of unity among the Darkside appears to be approaching.”

Lady Vader
May 19th, 2004, 04:33:54 PM
And that is the direction I'd like to stay in. Nothing ever came of infighting... the jedi are the enemy, and thus they should be vanquished from existance.

*She watched the two Sith men for a moment before continuing.*

So tell me, Lord Belial... why have you come seeking the Sith Order?

May 20th, 2004, 06:02:19 PM
" We have seen the Sith fail time and time again because of such infighting and betrayal, even when we are on the brink of exterminating all that opposes us. I could not agree more. In order to destroy the light, to prevail over the Jedi and their kind, the Sith must unite. There is no other way, at least at the moment. "

He hesitated for a moment, searching deep for the words that could best explain why he had come.

" I wish to join ... "

Lady Vader
May 20th, 2004, 07:12:21 PM
*LV's lip began to rise into a small smile. She looked at Vega once Lucian had spoken.*

What do you think, Vega?

Vega Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2004, 11:53:58 AM
“I think Lucian here would be a valuable ally,” he replied plainly. “And a loyal member of the Order.”